W HEN r o u UO T il PORTLAND. «TOP AT TUK GOOD IDEA OF PHENOMENON Workingman explains In Charaetarle tie Way Hie Definition of an Ba Iraordlnary Oeeurrence. ■ Z L r-D E P K X C IA T O B T MAM. Few I k a a r r a I w m r l a M ir e , I ’ a r l a H ir a m T a ils H is N a g b e w . Cleaning Bagdad Ruga. It le vary difficult to wash a Bagdad »ouch eovar or rug suocesafully. The colors are almost sura ta rim when treated in tba ordinary way. Before beginning operations separata tba •trips. Then wash each one In a sep arata water. Us# white aoap and lukewarm water to which a little salt has been added after a suds haa bean raised by brisk stirring. Do not rub the strips on a washboard, but merely lip them Into the water aud stir them briskly, then quickly rinse them and hang them over a clothes horse In tba kitchen away from the eunllght Be :areful when drying that the strips Io not overlap When almost dry press out the wrinkles with a hot Iron. If the middle strips have become slightly worn exchange them with those on the jutslde. when sewing the cover togeth- ■r again. "Henry," said Uncle Hiram to bis hopeful young nephew, according to the Lew York Hun, "f would not ad A workman, endeavoring to eiplalL visa anybody to go around continually Thud and Daria Sired», Near Depot Io one of hla matea what a phenome non was, made the following attempt blowing hla own born. We tire of "H ’ff like thia, tfuppoae you were to men who do that, and we are apt to 200 itooms with hot ami cold run go out Into the country ami see a fluid think of them that tbal'a all they can ning water and telephone. Free do, blow. of th litlea growing." Hatha. H u n m SOc p t r ¡luy up. S p t- ■'On the other hand. Henry, never "Yea," assented hla friend. ria l ru lti lor N ovm and H iu n l Free "W ell, that would not ba a phe belittle yourself; never he self-depre Auto Hui m eeti every train or iioat. ciatory. Iion't have a poor oplnloo of nomenout" "No, that'a quite clear," agrued the yourself, but If you do have such an opinion don't express It. The man old man. "Hut suppose you were to aae a lark who blowa hla own horn may seldom Bungalow Csndlsstleka. be taken at hla own valuation, but the Noveltlea In the caadleatlck line are singing away up In the iky.** “Yea.” self depre< latory man almost invaria always making their appearance, and “Well, that would not be a phe bly la. Juat now the Japanese floor lantern la the lateat thin« Theis stand from nomt-uon !’* “Ho never run yourself down or "No, that alio teems clear.“ three to i l l feet high, or even higher, speak douhtfuly of your own ability. "Hut Imagine there Is a bull In the If the boss Is thinking of advancing and are both picturesque and practi T H E T R U T H A B O U T B L U IN G . cal The candle Is enclosed in a Held." Jon and he should any to you some "Yes." hla friend could Imagine that day, 'Henry, we are thinking of trying Tala No. 6. beautiful deep «lobe Io keep the "Even that would not be a pUu yoig on this thing. Do you think you breessi from the flame, and as the Avoid liquid bluing. In every city globe la arranged to hold a large non»* nun." could handle the Job?” you don't want there is an accumulation o f junk bot “No." candle It will burn a long time. to say, 'W ell, I haven't had much ex tles which are gathered up and filled "Hut now, Hill, look here. Rupposs perience yet In that way. and I really with h weak solution called bluing. you saw that bull sitting on them AND KODAK don’t know whether I could do that Don't buy water for bluing. thistles whistling like a lark—' S U P P L IE S Huy R E D CROSS B A L L B L U E ; a or not.' W rit« for <wtakwu«a and llteratur*. D*roU»t>ing that would be a phenomenon!" “You don't want Io say anything like 6-cent package equals 20 cents’ worth a»wl piin tina Mall urdar» «Ivan prompt ai tali tiun I o r t la n d rh o C o Supply Co that, for If you do they'll he likely to of liquid blue. Makes clothes whiter ><» Third » i m i »•OKTL a ND. ORE. A T A L L GOOD GRO OBJECTIONABLE IN E IT H E R CASE think It over some more and end up than snow. ___ CERS. by trylug somebody else, taking • blower, maybe, who can't really do th« Uranotatnar at Thirty-five. Skylights Tunks Gutters V. H. Bryson of Spencer. It la be work half as well as you could, hut D own Spouts Steel Ceiling who's got self-tonfldence enough to lieved. holds the record as the young- say he can. cat grandfather In the state, hla age A C. B A YE R He was “You don't know what you can dc being only thirty live years ~<'4 M atkri Portland. Orrgon married when fourteen years of age. till you try. Hon.e men try and fall, R E N I) FOR C A TA LO U U E. but an astonishing number rise to oc hla wife being only thirteen. Hla old raalons, developing strength or ability est son waa married at the age of that others might never have thought seventeen and at the age of eighteen presented to the elder Bryson a grand- them to possets." •oo. W atkins Chronicle. New Hotel Foster KODAKS HOTEL NETHERLANDS PORTLAND, OREGON S. E. Cor. 13th and Washington Sts. CENTRAL, MODERN. Q UIET. R A T E S 75c PE R DAY p u F/gii-Y DOCTOR UPJ ■ Il FREE TO YOU. A umpl« of (')or«r l« « f Catarrh R m m 4 p , th« lirnl rvtrtedy rv«r ofTerwd fur th« Irvatm rnt end r*lk»f uf catarrh ami cold in the. he««. I A»k >our ilniggist fur a iree urtipl« ami If He ha* hot It «and to ua with th« riant« uf Four dru««t»t and w« will mum I It fraa s«4d by all dru««t»t«; i»rlca M) rent«. Pre* pa rad by CJov«r Leaf Phamuuy <. luvardala. Cal. 02«w / » - < - » Tvare Why did she break ttie en gagementf M yrtle— He told her that she waa the only girl he had ever kissed. Grace— W hat of It? Myrtle— Why, she naturally rea soned that he waa either untruthful or absurdly foolish, and he was hardly worth having In either case. Moth-rs w ill find Mfs. Winslow's gonthtn« use lot their i -iklreu e v u p ta r b- et rumedv to tu rin * the u-ethiu* period. Shakespeare 1 heories. There have betn men crazy enouth to try to prove, with ciphers and all msiiDtr of mysterious signs and tokens, that GThakecpsare was Bacon, that Shakespeare was the eon of Eliza beth, that Shakespeare, ilka Homer, waa aereral people. Nobody haa ever been craay enough to try to prove that Shakespeare waa eraxy. I f the blood is poor and Ailed with tba poieooe from diseased kidneys or ineetiva liver, tha heart is not only starved but poisoned es well. There ere many con ditions due to impure blood—such as dropsy, fainting spells, nervous debility or the many scrofulous conditions, uleers. " fever-sores,” white swellings, etc A ll can be overcome and cured by MEARJ Dr. Pierce’s Golden Aledical Discovery This supplies pure blood—by aiding digestion, increasing assimilation and ini- parting tone to the whole circulatory system. Its a heart tonic and e great deal more, having an alterative action on the liver end kidneys, it helps to eliminate the poisons from the blood. To enrich the blood and increase the red blood corpuscles, thereby feeding i e nervc* on /ic h red blood and doing away with nervous irritability, taka D r. Fierce’s Golden Medical Discovery end do not permit a dishonest dealer to insult your intelligence with the " just es good kind.” The " Discovery ” has 10 yean 0/ rarer behind it end contains no alcohol t r narcotics. Ingredi* cats plainly printed on wrapper. Dr. Fierce's Common Sense Medical Adviser is sent f r t t on receipt of stamps to pay expense of wrapping and loading es/y. Send J1 ooe-cent stamps for the French eloin.bound book. Addre 11 Dr. R ~ .V . — Fierce, Buffalo, N . Y . CO M PO UND dandelion P l IASI“ Sam Sloan ” ere the safest end moat reliable cbthaitic and a yrlrm ciranaer. The be.t remedy for Torpiti Live r, Biliousness and Sick Headache. A t D r u x c t .t .' or by M a ll, 2S Cents H O H C rli-M ItA i. Co. i ' O K I x > . ou coow A G o o d C ig a r « c- ’ y Z . v SAUERKRAUT LONGEVITY AID Rev. Flynn of California Makes 8cme Peppery Remarks on Diet and Fat— Two Meals Enough. ' • ' >. ■ ‘ J ; . r C o sts Y ou 5c W o r th M o re •' A L L E N & L E W IS D is t r ib u t e r s ,, P o r tla n d , O r . Cincinnati.—"Any man who la so fat that he cannot see hla feet while walking, ought to be arrested," said the Rev. Earl Flynn of Berkeley. Cal.. to a Y. M. C. A. audience the other day. "Two meals a day are enough for the average person to eat and remain In a healthy condition. The person who eats three meala a day needs 12 hours sleep to refresh him self." Mr. Flynn, who Is 75 years old. con tinued: " T ie food which collects the long evity germ Is sauerkraut. The man or woman who keeps on a diet of this kind, ought to live a century or more Sauerkraut Is very nutritious and should be on the table of everybody." Continuing his health talk. Mr. Flynn wound up with saying: "To be bealthy every minister must sweat twice a week. A good many mtnla te n only sweat once a month, when they draw their salariea.' Second Only to tne Bible. Shelton’s translation of "Don Qui xote" appeared In 160«. Besides thio, alx others, more or less complete, w-ere published in England before the end of the eighteenth century. T h e Bible only has been more widely d if fused. . FÜC TWC , OraunoN » < . c 10*^ Shock Is the term employed In sut Constipation cames and seriously -g- gery to designate the state of phya * wax asi ffravates msnv diseases. I t is thor O c r o W N m B .P io f u o n D d P e iiR r ' s ir iíR -n leal and mental depresalon which fol oughly cured by Dr. Pierce's Pellets. ÜRE lows a severe Injury or some disturb Tiny sugar-cuated granules. ing emotion of the mind. so* ¿ In w u u M r fra o k J>ng Q . 1 Mankind Analyzed. The condition consists essentially A T o o k , A lterative sad KreelvraL Tbs brat m n r d y f - t K i.lerya, IJ v r r aud Ifcmrto. The man who lives quite up to tba In a want of equilibrium In the circu H radu alra llm p le a K tuM iu naan d Dtaordrrs lation. the arteries losing their tone, beet standards of hla age, of hla peo of Iba abin. Pu ritira the HI cmm I sud gives She Declared. Tone, oticuglb sud Vigur tu the ruLuv »/atcia. a consequence of which the great ple. of hie neighbors. Is not a bad man. M ix My lea- When she arrived from A C A D E M Y A.W1I C O L L E G E The one who lives on a teals consider Europe Miss Fussanfeather failed to mass of the blood accumulates In the For Girla. CoAductrd b* I_____ ably above that of hla age ta a good RAMES OF JESUS ANO MARY. C»««k r f f t a r «U declare some of the new clothes she veins, especially the large blood-vea- CeZ/er»««» C*rgH. M jgir. An. Fkxnijoa and Coamcr* sets of the abdomen. The brain and man, no matter how much ha may fall brought over with her. d«l Depu. A* ritisi Mä D»f A rifted Moral tad below the higher standard of aa age l«frtlrc tia ftj T rw a ir.« . W n tr f o r A« boi »< em eat Add rew other vital organs are deprived of the Mrs. Style*— And did the custom* OPIUM— TOBACCO L IK E C UT tin r n turrit rot. more refined, enlightened and clyll- Inspectors discover anything? S .1 ÏÏ-C Â Â 7 ÎL & K : neceaaary blood supply, and are there Ized. «tilata la û m o a . W rit« "Oh. yes." by rendered Incapable of performing g»» tí1****»*4** 1 F r e e to O u r R e n d e rs "And what did she say*" their Important functions properly. W rits H o rin e g y « K e a r d y Co.. C hlrs <o , tot “She merely said. ‘Oh. I declare! Shock may exist In any degree, and te pass lllu s ir s trd I j , Book fr e e . W rits nil —Yonkera Statesman. the symptoms w ill vary accordingly, »bou t Y o u r Eye T ro u b le and they w ill advlas B A R trO O T SANOALS. LtOSCO S O IS . to lb s Proper A p p lic atio n o f th e M a ria s Stores t o » ..............39c Store 8 to 1 1 ............ » . from the pallor and slight faintness as Kye Remedies la Y o u r K peclal Case Y o u r Sure & tog tec Sure 11 to 2 ............ SM which one may feel momentarily In D ru c s le t w ill te ll you th a t M u rin e Relieves Order by mag now; odd Sc for poetas» The Silver Lining. making a mlastep, or when startled. Wore Kye«, S lre n rth e u e W eak K yre Doeim t K m art, Hoolhre Kye P a in , and a rils fo r »0c ROYAL SHOE CO. "Oh, John!" eiclalm ed Mrs. Short- as by a loud clap of thunder, or the, | Try n in Year Evmand in Bahr's E t m tui .. .. I A^.al v Vwmll.t.. .... . r .......... * cash, who was reading a letter, "our receipt of twd news, all 229 Mffris«« Si., bd. Rm a«d Srrwd. Pwtkad. Or. the way up to knaly E y e lid , aud U ra n u la U n n , son haa been expelled from college. sudden stoppage of the heart, and C O F F E E l? Osm« Cock Trounced the Hawk. Isn’t It awful?" death. tea spices ; 'Oh, I don't know," answered Paul E. Gerard went to his farm one DAISY FLY KILLER t f M t i m « k iiia all In shock of average Intensity, such recant Bunday afternoon, and while BAHINO POWDER N eat, clean, Shortcaah. "Perhaps I can pull orn am eatat coavea- -» EXTRACTS as follows a severe Injury, the face Is walking over his place he saw a chlck- le«t.cheap. LaatnaJI through without making an assign e»aa«ft. Caa tgptUoe -¿ M i a , pallid, the pulse ht weak and rapid, »n hawk fly to the ground and catch tip over, w ill no« anti ment now.'* or Injure aayth in g . the akin la cool and often covered a chicken. One of Mr. Gerard's fine Guaranteed rfle tt- CltOSSETaDEVEUl •> - (»«all d ealer, r Ith a clammy perspiration, the m u * game rooslers saw Its companion In SOSllSMD. Cat. j l 409 Ce-umonweslth Bldg., Portland, O r. »ent prepaid lo r ZOc. MA KO L b SOHKKJI cular system Is relaxed, the sufferer trouble, and ran to Its . . . t . * . n «« In Olden Days. IW ba ««lb Avw. Prrepretive in d e n ts w rite for Information. nauseated and sometimes vomits, fighting the hawk, which later let go Brwotlya, «. T. Xerxes waa In merry mood. Open and private Clinic. moniinK. afternoon and •venin«. Invalid* and others desirin« «kilted aU "You have an extraordinary name.” and the mental faculties and sensibili the chicken and saved Its life.— Bowl tendance should write for rooms to the Colie«« or remarked the friend, "but what la In a ties are benumbed ao that no pain Is ing Green Meaaenger. F r u it G ra ftin g . name, anyway?” felt, even though bones may be broken “By Jove," chortled the Alleged Hu "W ell." laughed tha ancient man and flesh torn. Not only Is the surface . T « f t d * i l l e C o lo ra d o . p r i e w : <iol<£ morist. as he gazed at a check for ten tUniM M. SRCIMtR. D. t , Ssp»nfit«:«esl. Neur»»|««y in th« chronic BufTcrer’i «ur- "there are a couple of X'a In my name cool or cold, but the actual tempera K ilY e f, Lxtftd. »1. UuJd, ¿ llh v r. 78o; G o ld , fiOc- Z n« o r CV>ppa»r, I l M ftilift< e a r * |o p M « id f a i l p ric e li«| dollars received from a confiding ed M t way to permanent health. ParalyaU, 7 7 5 | Wiff ams Avenue. Portland. Oregon and they come In handy these days.' ture of the body, as measured by the Rheumatbm. Stomach, Bowel, Liver and cStoi • itor in exchange for a Joke a thousand And then Xerxes went out and thermometer. Is lowered, sometimes -T ra in e d nurare, skilled operatora and tha beat Kidney T rouble« ami all chronic, nervous years old, “who says now that plums Chiropractic advice in conauitatwn in every ere» bought himself an overcoat. ami eye dUeaeea yield readily to thia Twen to the extent of two or three degrees. Solder. do not grow on chestnut trees?” And tieth Century method. No dru««. opera When shock depends upon a violent Solder will not adhere to any metal he hied him forth Into the night and tions or fad«. Treatment at office or my P N U No. 24- ’l l mental emotion, such as fear or the until that la about as hot aa the melt- blew himself to a thistle cocktail private aanitarlum. Send for new booklet. Caution. Neurology, the Way to Health, and «et receipt of sudden bad news, or upon ad solder. In order to solder on to «ny made of grape Juice.— Harper’s J w H K N w r i t i n g to a u iv a r M s w T s p la a s a l well. "W hat makes you keep slnglna m e n t io n t h in p a p e r . 1 a severe Injury, as that received In a thick, heavy article either that must Weekly. when you go Into the woods?" said railroad accident or when shot, the he heated or a copper heavy enough to DR. H. W. FREEZE one hunter. "Don't you know It will symptoms appear suddenly; but when rarry and hold much heat must he frighten the deer?" Merchante* Truat Bldg., Portland, Or used. "Perhaps." replied the other. "But It follows a surgical operation. Its ap It will also help to prevent my be pearance may be delayed several Goose Old Good Work. Thanks to a goose, a poultry yard ing mistaken for one.”— Washington hours. Its degree depends not only upon the severity of the Injury, but Star. Ihlaf was traced at Guterablum, Ger likewise upon the seat of It. A blow many. the other day. The goose Hou«ewlvea have used a cloth to protect their on the abdomen w ill cause more se tackled persistently In front of a hair while «weepin«, but nothin« to protect Autos and Mules High. vere shock than a much worse Injury House where her companions had been their lun««. caunin« irritation and inflamma tion. I>u«t U both danireroua and annoy in«. C hurch-Increase In the number ol to an extrem ity, or even to the head. hidden, and thia led to the thief's a». You would refuse water that was not clean, for COLDS AND HEADACHES. INDIGESTION AND S O t i automobiles In New York Is not bring Treatment of shock calls for the but continue to breathe polluted atmosphere STOMACH. GAS AND FERMENTATION. CONSTIPATION AND and never complain. Ing down the prlco of horses. The services of a physician, for It con Can You Beat It? ‘ BILIOUSNESS. WITH MOST SATISFACTORY RESULTS. NO-r>UHT S W E E P IN G C O M PO U N D la avernge price for a horse Is |119 and stats In the administration of powerful Customer— Look here! The Aral chemically prepared, absorb« the diint and dla- mules cost $14 more. eaue «erm«, save« doctor«' bill«. Make your remedies to restore the tone In the time I used thia umbrella I bought o', premiNca * dust clean" by unin« Swoepin« Oothnm The more things balk the relaxed blood-vessels, and often the In Compound; burn the aweepin««. you the black dye soaked out anil higher they coma.—-Yonkers States jection of salt solution; hut something N O -D U ST No. I, for household use, In 5 and dripped all over me. Dealer— M eli 10-lb. cans, 86c and 00c., «rocera, 76-Ib metal man. can be done while awaiting tne physl frlent, dot was one of our new sell drum«. »2.60, IN THE CIRCLE clan. detactlf umprellas. If any one steali N O -D U ST No. 2. for business place«, 76-1 h. ON E V E R Y PACKAGE OFTHE GENUINE drum«. »2.26; 160-lb. barrel«. »4- 00; 2UO-lb. liar, The sufferer should not be moved; dot umprella, you would know him pj Working Backward. rela, »6.00; f. o. b. Portland. Order by mail or •---------- ♦ throu«h your «rocar or druggist. Sund for "Political campaign calculatlona," he should lie flat; he should have air, hla clothes. circulars. THE WONDERFUL POPULARITY OF THE GENUINE SYRUP remnrked Professor Tallbrow, "are and the usual crowd of the curloua Platol Toting. C R E S C E N T C H E M IC A L CO. should be dispersed. The eyes should OF FIGS AND ELIXIR OF SENNA HAS LED UNSCRUPULOUS a distinct branch of mathematics." A man who lacks self-control should 82« W ashington S t, Portland, Ore. be shielded from the lig h t Hot cloths never trust himself to carry a gun. A MANUFACTURERS to offer imitations , in order to ''How so?" was asked, make a larger profit at the expense of their "You begin with the answer, then should be applied to the extremities man who can control himself rarely CUSTOMERS. IF A DEALER ASKS WHICH SIZE YOU WISH, work backward for the purpose of and over the heart, and If he can swal needa ona.— Houston Post. OR WHAT MAKE YOU WISH WHEN YOU ASK FOR evolving n problem to demonstrate low, he should be allowed to sip a SYRUP OF FIGS AND ELIXIR OF SENNA, HE IS PREPAR- lltle hot water. Stimulants should b« It,” explained the professor. Homely Illustration, INC TO DECEIVE YOU.. TELL HIM THAT YOU WISH THE given, If at all, In very moderate quan ■ CENT. OF ALCOHOL "Sometimes a virtue can be exag GENUINE MANUFACTURED BY THE CALIFORNIA FIG tities. The Chinese Doctor gerated until It becomes a vice," said SYRUP CO. ALL RELIABLE DRUGGISTS KNOW THAT He Knew Her. T o W h o m H o n o r la D u e . tha earnest adviser. "I see exactly Thlw wondeful man haa THERE IS BUT ONE GENUINE AND THAT IT IS MANU "Better give up that yonug man made « life study of the Aa a pendant to the story of th« what you're cornin' at," replied Taran 7«nv*t cons nemo«, FACTURED BY THE CALIFORNIA FIG SYRUP CO ONLY D roper ties o f Roota, .laughter. You aren't really Interested professor who, upon being questioned tula Tim. "Whereas four sees la a Herbs and Hark«, and In him." 1« «Ivin« the world the on the witness-stand, declared that h« blessln' and greatly to be admired, NO TE THE NAM E Jrc.1 benefit of hla service«. "But, papa, I have decided to marry was "the greatest living scientist," five of 'em kin create untold dls- Him." No Mercury, Poison« aasslon." (HOSWC? "Yes; but you haven't changed youi saying apologetically afterward that or Drugs Used. No PRINTED STRAIGHT ACROSS.NEAR THE BOTTOM, AND IN 1 he "waa on oath,” comes the following mind two or three times." Operations or Cutting When Women Rule. THE CIRCLE.NEAR THE TOP OF EVERT PACKAGE.OF THE I anecdote from one of the New En G u s r .n l« « to cura O»t«rrh, A .lh m s, Lung. "That lady Judge has decided GENUINE ONE SIZE ONLY. FOR SALE BY ALL LEADING ' gland colleges: Mtomach and Kidney trouble«, and all Private miniatust w m ia i against ua.” "That'a all right," said Dlaeaites of M n and Women. ORUGCISTS REGULAR PRICE SOr PER BOTTLE. OF PACKAGE Striking an Average. Dr. H. had been unfolding to hli the feminine attorney. "I know her. A SURE CANCER CURE "Ella Wheeler Wilcox says there la class In physics a new and startling By tomorrow she'll change her mind.” Juat rac«lv«d from Pekin, C h in n - .afo, sura and reliable. IJ..falling In Ila w ork.. too much talking In the world.” SYRUP OF FIGS AND ELIXIR OF SENNA IS ESPECIALLY ADAPTED TO THE NEEDS OP Idea, and at the end of the explana —Kansas City Journal. i f you cannot rail, w rite foraymptom blank LADIES AND CHILDREN. AS IT IS MILD AND PLEASANT GENTLE AND EFFECTIVE, AND "W ell, If talking was an Indictable tion one of his students said, deferen- and circular. Inclose 4 cents In stamp«, ABSOLUTELY FREE FROM OBJECTIONABLE INGREDIENTS IT IS EQUALLY BENEFICIAL offense Ella w atld have a hard time tlally, "Is that your own theory* pro CONSULTATION TRCC Unfortunately, Vaa. FOR WOMEN AND FOR MEN. YOUNC AND OLD FOR SALE BY ALL LEADING DRUGGISTS, proving on alibi.” feasor?” The trouble with the «tory which ALWAYS BUY THE GENUINE. The G. Gee Wo Medicine Co. "But look at tha talking that M r “No," the professor replied. “But," you tell Is that It Is almost sure to J 6 2 W Nrst 8t.. car. Morrison, Portland, Ov^ Ella Wheeler doesn’t do." he added, reassuringly, "U'g g good remind somebody of another which la Juat as old. ODft” Ah •B elle ' ST. M AR Y’ S K ç e je y (P re A LC O H O L 3 9 c PAIR P ortland . oregon . .G o ld e n W est PACIFIC COLLEGE O F C H IR O P R A C T IC NEUROLOGY FOR Y E A R S Greiner’s Chiropractic Health Homs MILLIONS ¿TFAMIUESar» u®*"áSYfiUP ELIXIRsf SENNA NO TETHE N A M E CALIFORNIA FIG SYRUP CO C, Gee Wo CALIFORNIA FIG SYRUP CO C alifornia F ig S yrup C q