Image provided by: Central Point School District #6; Central Point, OR
About Gold Hill news. (Gold Hill, Jackson County, Or.) 1897-19?? | View Entire Issue (June 24, 1911)
<♦. H . l.andit was an Ashland visitor Muiaay. > G. U llsff was at Grants Pass bilsine-e Wednesday. II D. Reed and Chas K»ll transacted huaiiie«« a t Grants Pa«« Wednesday. Mr» J, F. Detrlch and children were vl III, g Jsckaonvllle friends this week H If. Harris left Wednesday for a irti, Into nortl ern California, where he <« Interested in large timber holdings, Mr and Mr . l.nke Jennings left Wed- -la y (or l-elianon, their former home, eh re they will visit for a few we ks. Local News Notes Ml«« Blossom H> > i i i ii visited Ashland friend» Tu«-tl«y, Mi Oeo. M iller and daughter Wln- ui , of l.lhcoln, Nebrarka, ane visiting Mr«. M iller’s brother, Fred Rlodel, anil fam ly A C Holcomb, manager of the Peer- Mr«, 0. F, B'i»uian wa« at Grant» h »- ('Io Idng company, of Grants Para, Paia Wednesday ) Frail W ilt wa« nt Grant» >iil«ini<«a Watlnaml ty. Ve»ns Blue, of visiting hl« lath' r pa«« on l-ld an d , ha« Insti tb«i past «rest, 0 . 0 Wilson «ml wife,of Ham* Valley, ware Monday visitor» in (fold l llil, T J. Weal ni >.le a trln to Ashland by ten in Tuesday, returning Wednesday wsv m Gold H ill Wednesday In the In terest« of hi» firm, Mr» John Baird,of Debole, Nebraska. 1« a «neat «t the home of G. B. Turner She was called here by the I Hues« of her •t ter, Mrs. Turner. W .rrt B Stev, i i | and family arrived from Portlnnd last F'lday and will make ’ lielr home at the Grey Eag’e mine, of wh'cli Mr. Steven« 1« manager. Sp len did Sh oe S h o w in g Call and see our display of Shoes and Oxfords. We will treat you courteously and and will willing ly fit on as many styles as you may care t o try. We carry the great values and variety of hand some styles in the Selz Royal Blue; and in other lines for men, women, hoys and girls a t all prices and all leathers. Memlame« M. M. Avery and R. 0 . Mrs. Helen Hoskins and little grand K«l»ey were at Medford on builnear daughter, also Helen, returned to Med Tneeday. ford Monday after a visit with Mr. and A eon wa« b u r o Mr. and Mre. Mr«. C. E. M iller in Ham« Valley. Runtien Cain at ihelr borne In Medford C. N. Htiaver, who this week pur on Friday of la«t week chased the Crystal barb r «hop nt <». I,. Mr«, I.ynn f’nnlln a< tl Infant «on, of Half, has remed A. J. Olsen’a house, Aah'and. are v is itin g her parent», Mr. sod will occupy it In a few day« with and Mr«. W alla Dun ay. hl« family, who will remove from from Mr. and Mrs. IJ. G. Gilmore, of T H R EE THO USAN D YEARS AGO. W A S a shepherd o f T e m p « : D. Haight, lata of Duhola, Nebra-ka. Ashland, Seattle, have taken up tbeir residence Tou w sr« a m aid o f T y ra . Its« Imught Ja» R ihbln* residence J Q Järvi« and family, Mi«e Dora here for the summer, at the home of W h a t ship could It be b ro u g h t overeee opposite the David«ou property. Tou and y o u r .y e s o f A re ’ M r. Gilmore I* a Caine and Fluid Eddinge were a party Mr«. Blackburn. Tou and y o u r blu« and purple. J M. A Inuit wa« here Munday to re who enjoyed a picnic with R. E. Smith musician of much more than ordinary T o u r h a ir In a tw le te d spire. He was for some rears T o u r «oft little fo rm so lig h t a nd w o rm . move Ida elgar-meliing equipment to and fam ily, of the Riverside orchard, attainment. T h e he e v 'n o f m y h e a rt's desire. Ashland. where h> will open a fartoiy. Sunday, on Rogue river about two mile« instructor of music at Racine college, I Wisconsin, and was Io: some time prin I c arrie d you off to Tem pe. L. H Noe left Tneeday lor Klamath below the Gold Ray dam. O u t o f th e w h ite sea tow n. Falla, where he haa a inerry-go-round G. B. Clark, who recently removed cipal of the department of music at F o r stro ng w as I o f a rm an d th ig h . A w re s tle r o f ren o w n ; which he will operate through the sum from Grand Junction, Colorado, and T rinity college, Toronto. He served as T o u and y o u r du sk y tresses. mer. located In Hama Valley, was in the cltv organist and choir-master in Ht. Paui’e Tou and y o u r brow s o f b row n. cathedral, Buffalo, and was for twenty- i T o m y sheepskin te n t, the w a y w o w ent. Miaa Fannie Hmith went to Jackson Tneeday. He expressed himself as well A nd th e re I set you down. two years musical and diainatic critic ville Tneeday to take the teacher'« pleared with his new location, and con for the I>etroit Free Press. M r. G il And love woo th e lord o f Tem po. examination« In progre«« there thia siders southern Oregon the best pert ol L o ve lik e a noonday glow . more has consented to take uharge of the weat. week. the mnsic at the M. E chnrh at to W h e n m I ill held you and kissed In th e p u rp le Master Floyd and Miae Gladya Dar Wm R. Hammerelv and wife left for morrow’s services, and will sing a solo I t w as a ll th a t a m an need know A n d th e sm oke o f ou r h e a rth stole u p their home at fatkeview the fir«» of the ling entertained I number of their play at each service, morning and evening. w ard week, after a vlait with relative« here mate« at the home nftheirgrandparen's, A nd the bells o f o u r flock r a n g low T h a t the lemons old Gold hill, from Mr. and Mrs W. E. Parting, on Friday and at Woodvlle. Aa I clasped you tig h t In th o s m o ldering which tbiscity derives its name from and lig h t Refreshment« were J. H . Beeman and G. W. I.anoe Jr of last week T h re e thousand years ago. which a pocket said to have contained have Iwen appointed atih-coinmitteemen vedou the lawn, consisting ol sandwiches from a quarter to a half a million dol- ' - P a l l M a ll G a a e tta to assist In gathering an exhibit lor the and strawberries, cake and Ice tea. lars were taken in the late fifties, is far S rtd rfflw l Notice Ml«««« I.eda and Opal Harvey had Grant« Pass mining congreea, which from being in the alao-ran cla-s as a . . . . 1 Haviog sold my barber business to partv Tuesday aft-m oon at their home nireix July 18th. gold producer was evidenced T h .ro d .y M r. c N sh. T„ , „ d h„ , „„ O. N. Nelson, of Jacksonville, an in on Sunny Slope ranch on Rogue river, a when J . A. Perry brought in »2.900 to | |n U r M t t U |W n , nd w, , h(ng * to rance entlcitor of the don't-glve-op mile north ol Gold II II. The event wa* tbe Gold H ill Bank and deposit' d it lor up all sccnnnta standing on my books, I the-ahip variety, and withal a very In honor of Leda's brlthday, and the shipment to tbe Selby smelter. Mr. use thi» method of reque-ting all who 'ittle folks who attended had all kinds pleaaant gentleman, has been In our Perry has bean working on Geld hill for of fun. They feasted on strawberries the past eight months under a lease have aay account with G. L. Haff for midst th r paat few days. barber work or laundry to call and set and cream, and bad Iota of other good from Col. F . H. and Dr. C R. Ray, the Miaee* Ruth and lx>is B ritt returned tle the same as soon as possible. things t«sides. present owners o f the hill, and last fall thia week from a throe-months atav at G. L. H ast . W illiam Pauloy, who was arrested in took over »700 from a "bunch"or pocket. K'am eth Falla with their nude. E. 8. March for carrying concealed weapons The »2,000 whlsh he brought in Thurs Notice Copper, Mlae Andrey Britt went Io Dr. M. C Findley of Grants Pass will Klam ath Falla la»t week and returned and fined »78 and given sixty day«, was day was recovered from the rock by arrested in Woodville Saturday on tbe means of a band mortar and pestle, be absent from bis office from June 22, w ith them. charge of beating bis wife. He wa« which sbowa that the Gold bill ore is 1011, to July 5, 1911, during which lime Work le progressing rapid 1} on 0 . A sentenced to a term of two months In rich enough to attract attention in auy he will be in Loa Angeles attending a Peterson's new eight-room bongalow, jail. The sixty days sentence In the country, and would prob>bly start a joint meeting of tbe American Medical which la being bxailt by Contractor D. former conviction was suspended on boom If discovered in any country but association and fhe Pacific Association of P Blue. When completed thePetereon promise of good behavior. He must southern Oregon, which persistently re Railway 8urgeons. Those Interested bungalow will be one of the codeet serve it now. fuses to have a mining excitement, no will please note the date of hia absence. home« in the city. According to the latteet bulletin of matter what happens. T. A. Filar, of the Jackson County T wmMure to Trade the government geological survey, the W . G. Myers wsi elected a memoer Rank, was In the city Tuesday with I,. Frist-class furniture to trade for cow height above sea level at a point in front of the school board to serve three vears, E. Hoover, the Quaker nursery man, of the Gold H ill depot 1« 1084.1 feet at the annual school m eting held at or horee and wagon. Call up Main 4082, who wa« touring tbla end ol the county Central Point 1273; Medford 1643.7; the new high school building Monday. Medford, or inquire at The News office. looking for thoee who will need yonng Ashland 1WW.8; Jacksonville 1508.5 J. L. Hammersly, the retiring member, fruit trcee this eeaeon. For Sot« Woodville 994.1; Grants Pass 984. The was not a candidate for reelection owing Second-hand rigs in good condition Ride have luen asked by the connty water level of Crater Lake is given as to business affairs which demand much which we wish to replace with new. court for the erection of a new steel 6177.3, and the lowest p on t on the rim of his time outside of Gold H ill. Mrs. Also a few horses. bridge across Rogue river at Gold H ill. of the lake 7943 A, showing that It ia al Kila Patrick, who has served aa clerk Darling & Hodges. Plana and specification« have b an pre most a thousand feet from the rim of for the past year, was honored by a pared by connty road engineer W. W the crater ts the water's edge. For Sale unanimous reelection. Dr. Kelsey, Harmon. I t is planned to start the At a bargain, second-hand drop-head Those who attend the strawberry speaking lot the «ebo I board, of which work soon and rush It through to com W . G. Myers. banquet and conversaxione which the he is a member, read a statement of the Singer sewing machine. pletion. I .»dies Aid will give this evening will past year’s expendtures, showing that Quench your thirst at Turner’s soda M r. Robert Jackeon, of Corvallis, and lie expected to come prepared to talk on Gold H ill’s splendid new high school fountain. Miss Mattel Houck, formerly of Gold one or all of the following subjects: building was completed and equipped The Peerless Clothing company pays H ill and a daughter of J. J. Houck, now ' Agriculture," “ The A rt of Entertain for something le«« than »20,900, which of thia city, were married last Saturday ing," "M inin g," "Style«,’’ "Best included the purchase price of the your carfare. evening at Corvallis. The bride's father Method of Raising Church M oney,” grounds. J. H. Beeman presented a A 60-pound sock of stock food for »3.70 attended the ceremony. Many old ■Domeatsc Science,” “ Poultry," "M y resolution, which wa» adopted by the at Jarvis the Druggist’s. friends of the Houck family here will Favorite Book," “ Gold H ill’« Possibili meeting, that in view of the extraordi- join in congratulations. ties," "Roses " There’« a diversity for ry expenditure of tho paat year, the I’iano votes with every purchase at the A. J. Olsen removed from his resi you—take your choice and come pre board be instructed to lim it the expen Peerless Clothing company, Grants dence in Gold Ffill to the cottage former pared to speak out in meeting. ditures in the coming year onlv to that Pass. ly owned by W. I McClure, recently T. A. Baxter and family arrived from whiHi should be deemed absolutely Satisfaction guaranteed on all kinds purchased by M r Olsen,south of I he Ore W.illa W alla Thursday, and will pack necessary. The meeting was well at- , , . , , , , of cleaning and pressing, at the Pautor- gon Water and Power company’s plant their household gools here for removal tended, and many of the school patrons jum . agency th e c lmrber gh I A /l tl,« » I,a ,a ll I la • I . 1 a - . - — on Rogue river. The place comprises to that place. M r. Baxter brought the inspected the new high school building three acres, and ia almost an ideal resi news that the di al whereby the Port’ for the first time. Everything in cleaning and dyeing dence site, commanding a splendid view land Cement company was to take over The Pantorinm, Medford, Oregon. Leave Soil Fertility Rogue river. yous orders at the Crystal barber shop. the holdings of the Gold H ill Railroad In w ay of provine th a t It Is the wny G. L. I faff this week sold the Crystal A I,nmber company and the Hughe« N O T IC E F O It P C U L IC A T IO N . h irber shop, one of the most completely lime kiln and property lias fallen the soil Is haudlcd rather than the Department of the In te rio r, length of time It I. is beeu cropped that equipped and up-to-date three-c.hsir through, owing io the inability to tea h United States Land Office. ehlelly d e te rm in e s Its fertility It may shops in southern Oregon, to { N terms satisfactory to the Pori land Cement be mention d that, while the average Roeeburg, Oregon, June 21 1911 Shaver, of Ashland. Mr. Huff will con company, of w him Aman Moore is yield of pot toes lor the Culled States Notice ia hereby given that W illiam tinue to make Ids homo in Go'd H ill, president. ns a whole l < I,ut about eighty or nine 11. Harvey, of Gold H ill, Oregon, who, Hill and will do some development work on A Han Frunciaco dispatch dated June ty bushels per acre yearly, the English on January 6th 1910, made Homestead mining claims that he haa in the Forest 29th declares that a raili a<i is to he peasant who maltes a business of rais entry Serial No 06781, for 81 8W 1 Sec ing tubers frequently secures a yield creek district. built from Crescent City loGrante Pass, of Hist bushels per acre, while In Bel tion 10 Township 30 8. Rango 3 West Tlio Home Telephone company is in to be part of a new route from Frisco to gium. where the must Intensive kind W illam ette Merdian, has filed notice of stalling a switchboard in the Keeman Portland, which will soon lie completed of soil tillage Is followed, the acre int ntlon to make finul Commutation building on Main street, preparatory to as far a« Eureka. The dispatch state« yield sometimes runs ns high ns 1,909 Proof, to establish claim to the land putting a central eschange in operation. that the new lice will follow the Cali bushels. The difference between the above described, before W . H . Canon, The equipment will be of the latest fornia coast front Eureka to Crescent American and the Belgian farmer United States Commissioner at Medfoid, make. At present Woodville and Med City, and that in building from there to seems to lie chiefly In the fact that the Oregon, on the 4th day of August, 1911. ford are tho only towns having local Grants Pass the Siskiyou« will lie tun latter views the fertility of the soil Claimant names as witnesses: os the prluelpnl he has Invested and exchanges, lint the home people promise neled and much eoatly engineering in that It la bis prime duty to keep It un J. W . Hays, G. L. McClellan, Andrew to cover southern Oregon as soon as the volved. The route to Portland will be impaired through renewal of fertiliser Hooten, and Ed Struble all of Gold H ill, work of erecting lines and Installing ex completed from Grant« Pa«« over the elementa, so that Its productiva ca Oregon. changes can he done. present line of the Southern Pacific. parity w ill not be lessened. B E N J A M IN F. JONES, Register im B F Merritt I C om pan y £ Excursion Fares East During the months of May, June, July, August and September on dates shown below, the Southern Pacific wili sell round trip tickets from Gold H il, yw Portland C h ic a g o . . . . .» 81.96 Councial Bluffs Î Ornaba Kan-as City «9.46 St J>»-epli 8L Paul St. Paul, vio Council Bluffs.. 73.36 Minneapolis, d ire c t....................... 69 46 Minneapolis, via Council Bluffs.. 73.36 Bt. Louis............................................ 79 46 Detroit, M ich................................... »1.96 New Y o r k ........................................ 117 96 Atlantic Citv, N. J ........................ 111.86 Boeton .............................................. 119 46 Washington, D. C.......................... 116.96 Sal« Date* June 21,22,23,24,28,29,and 30. July 1, 2, 3, 4,5, 6, 19, 20, 26, 27, and 30. August 3, 4, 5, 14, 15, 16,17, 21 22, 23, 28, 29, and 30. September 1, 2, 4, 6, 5, and 7. Stop-overs within lim ita in either direc tion ; final retnrn lim it October S lit. For fares one way through CMMersdn in quire of any S. P. agent, or write to wm . M c M urray General Paescnger Agent PORTLAND E d is o n P honographs and R ecord s L a te st N e w Y orK s o n g s a n d m u s ic a l h its r e c e iv e d m o n th ly Jarvis the Druggist min A COLD SODA OR A HOT COFFEE * i Substantial Lunches, Cigars, Candies, Canned Goods, Nuts, F ru it ali strictly fresh and first class Turner’s Lunch Room