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About Gold Hill news. (Gold Hill, Jackson County, Or.) 1897-19?? | View Entire Issue (June 24, 1911)
olí) Bill Xetvo > VQL 14 OUNTY, OREGON, SATURDAY, JUNE 24 GOLD SILVER WEDDING AT THE WHITE HOUSE WESTMINSTER ABBEY NO 8 [IDAHO OUTLAW IS IMITATOR OF TRACY ■ ■ w i f e 1 Dead, 1 Dying, 4 Shot, Is List So Far of Victims of Hugh Whitney. 'f w- W ashington--President and Mra Taft's silver wedding anniversary wss - tha greatest social event ever known St the W hile House W ith perfect weather, under a «tarry canopy, 7000 guest« participated. A garden party at the White House was a leading feature of the festivities. Much to the regret of her friends. Mr« Taft did not wear her wedding gown Hhe wore a gown of white silk brocaded with silver flowers and a bertha of roaepolnt. the gown being with a square neck and court train. Around her neck was a collar of diamonds, and In her hair a diamond bandeau k/ All the members of the cabinet were In the receiving line They were ac cornpanled by their wives, with the exception of ftecretary Fisher, Mrs Fisher not being In Washington. Only once before has a sliver wed 4lng been celebrated In the W hite Westminster Abbey, the hletorlc H o u se That was on D e c e m b e r 30. church where England’s sovereigns U77, when President and Mrs Hayes are crownsd. «elebrated the twenty fifth annlvsr oary of their wedding M R » IÄ |. yii a’l Mormon Leader Summoned. Joseph F. Smith, of Sslt Lake City, head of the Mormon church, must come to Wsahlngton to testify* be ?| KING GEORGE V. President end Mrs. Taft Cele brate 25th Anniversary of The! * Marriage. LaPeliette a Presidential Candidate. Senator LaFollette. Wisconsin In surgent. Is a candidate for the Repub Dean nomination for president of the United States This statement Is made with his knowledge and con sent. He w ill defer making any for mal statement until the campaign de velops and the voters are giving more serlo«« attention to candidates. Tiias Tar Senator Poindexter of Washington Is the only northwestern Insurgent to declare for LaFollette. Poindexter Is not the oaly North western man In Congress who will climb Into the L a Follette Vandwgfon Senator Bourne of úrSgón I t “ M? cud dling up fd La Follette, as he cuddled up to Roosevelt three years ago, and »« standing ready to contribute liber ally to the La Follette campaign fund Rep re« eats fives Warburton and La Follette. of Washington, have not yet committed themselves, but their talk all Indicates strongly that they favor La FnHette as against T a f t Representative Lafferty of Oregon Is In a like mood He, like Represents ttve French, leans strongly toward La Follette at this time, though they ul ttmately may swing to Taft The probabilities are, however, that both Will Join the La Follette movement. There are others from fhe North west, however, who w ill remain loyal to Taft. They are Representatives Hawley of Oregon. Senator Jones and Representative Humphrey of Washing ton. and Senators Borah and Hey burn of Idaho. 1 CORONATION IS CYNOSURE A Suecesslon of Brilliant Ceremonies and Pageante Held. London—The attention of the world w ill be centered on Westminster Ab bey thia week, where King Oeorge and Queen Mary w ill be crowned with all the elaborate and splendid cere monies that have attended similar events for ages Aside from the coro nation there w ill be a eucceeslon of brilliant ceremonies and pageants that w ill combine to make the week In Ixmdon one ever to be remembered Mgtldajr wpegseed the errlyyj j j most of the I’CTkl guests and other spFClai klgitore from abroad John Hays Hsromohdi »psrtal ambassador of the United State*, mad« htg offi olal entry Into the city ul goon The coronation Is «Ignallxed by free banded distribution of honors. The bestowal of a baronetcy upon Dr. W ll Ilam Osler, regtus professor of med I cine at Oxford and formerly profesaor of at Jobna Hopkins Univer sity, at Baltimore, and McOIII U niver sity, at Montreal, Is the most Interest- Ing Item In the honor list to Ameri cans and Canadians. INDIANA GRAND JURY INDICTS W. J. BURNS - • V tóftí l r •*> ì ' Á \ 1 / c / ■ - * '• BRIEF NEWS OF THE WEEK S HELEN MILLER GOULD, PATRIOT AND PHILANTHROPIST. E L E N G OU LD , as she la known best, Is beset and besieged by cranks of all sorts because the cranks know that she ts a daughter of tbs late Jay Gould and that she has money to give away. She gives away a let of It, too, but only where U w ill do the moat good. Recently a beggar who had demanded money at Mias Gould's door and was tim e d away by tha butler picked up a brick weighing eight pounds and hurled It through a window, narrowly miss ing Mias Gould, but striking a guest. Professional beggars are not on the Helen Gould Hat. She baa given money to build a library for the University of the City of New T o r t and has donated considerable sums to furthering the work of the naval I . M. C. A. and the Women’s Na tional W ar Relief aaaodatlou When our fever stricken soldiers re turned from Cuba in 18M she gave »60.000 for needed supplies at Camp W lkoff, Montauk Point, and cared for sick and convalescent troops per sonally a» a uuree; also that year she gave Uncle Saw *100,000 for w ar purposes. That Mlaa Gould loves the old flag la not to be denied. Wool Debate Ends. General debate on the Underwood J THE Pocatello, Ida.—Rivaling the bload thirsty career of H arry Tracey, the no torious Oregon outlaw. Hugh Whitney, ***> V after killing one man and shooting three others, one of whom may die, la v ’*wved to hav- added his com panion to his list of bloodshed. Since the outlaw’s attempt to hold up a saloon at Menida Fr'day night the victims are: «r W . R Kidd, of Pocatello, Ida., con ductor on Oregon 8ho Lie- killed. Deputy Sheriff Sam Mellon, of Spen cer. Ida., shot twice, two b ile t a ex tracted. may live. Edgar M GIU, ran cher near Hamer, protaty' mortally wounded. Reltben Scott, watchman at Menan Falla, ’ -on ded by fugitive. Outlaw’s companion, whom posse be lieves was killed by highwayman. Some prompted by revenge, other* lured by the reward offered for the capture o’ the outlaw, many following their duties as deputy sheriffs, are on the trail of the murderer. King Georg« V., of England, whose In company with a tall companion coronation caramonies w ill attract Friday night h* entered the saloon at wide attention during the •-reek. Mon Ida on the Idaho-Montana state line and held up the place, obtaining *200. It was while attempting to arrest Sixty per cent of the adult workers the tw o men on board an Oregon of Great Britain receive less than Short Line train just out of Spencer, *7.50 weekly wages, according to es Idaho, that Deputy 8heriff Milton and timates quoted in the house of com Conductor Kidd were shot. Kidd died In Pocatello hospital the following day. mons. Governor Hawley has placed a price The second tria l growing out at Ohio’s legislative bribery scandal In of *500 on the heads of Whitney and which 13 senators and ona senate h it companion, dead or alive. Vice- employe are under Indictment, was President Barcroft, of the Oregon T ru n k Line, has offered *1000 for thg called Monday. The Kansas supreme court handed capture of thg desperadoes down a decision In the state's salt against three subsidiary companies of Shasta Limited Mail Car Looted. the parent Standard Oil Company, _____ _ Drain, Ore.— As the Southern Pa- prohibiting them from combining to d flc ’a crack passenger train, the stifle compt Hoa. Shasta Lin 'ed, left Drain south Chief r i i .¿»J of Chicago soya bound 1 4 - auet^ b o th about 28 years it is not s e fd fo r women alone on the old, entered th t m ail car, held up the streets at night and aaya police es clerks, looted the ear and stopped the corts w ill be furnlahed women who train at Yoncalla, and made their es are called out a t night necessarily. cape. Just phone, he says. Oregon lumbermen w ill probably feel keener competition from Wash ington mills is tha California market by a reduction on lumber from points on the O.-W. R. A N. in Washington, W ln lo o i north- t0 Points on tha M ARKETS. ------- -- bill revising the wool tariff achadule Portland. ol the Payne-Aldrich law closed Sat- W heat—Track price: Club. *7c; urday In the House after three days Wueetem, 87c; red Russian, 86c. of discussion. Thd hill was called up Barley— F e e d , *27 per ton. Oats— No, 1 W hite, *28 per ton. under the flve-mlnute rule on Tues Indianapolis.— Detective W illiam J. day, and wll) be placed upon its pass Hay— Timothy, Eastern Oregon, Burns was Indicted on * charge of age There la littla doubt that It will *21; mixed. *19; alfalfa, *13. Butter—Creamery, 24c. kidnaping In connection with the re pass the House on a straight party Eggs— Ranch, 21c. moval of John J. McNamara to Loa vote. Hops— 1910 crop, 23c; 1909, 15c; Angeles for alleged complicity In the The House has pretty nearly fin dynamiting of fhe 1,0s Angeles Times. ished the program agreed upon at the eontracta, 25c. lO tfK c , Wool— Eastern Oregon, McNamara wa« Indicted In connec beginning of the session, and now pro- tlon with alleged dynamiting«. poses to make a new legislative pro- W illam ette Valley, 14®16c. Mohair— Choice, 37Hc. In all, the grind Jury returned eight gram whleh wlH still further upset ---------- indictments in connection with the the tariff apple cart. Just how far McNamara and Burns cases. the Democrats w ill go la beyond Seattle, W heat— Blueatem, 98c; Club, 86c; The charge against McNamara 'a guessing yet. but In view of the soil- conspiracy to blow up the Industrial* darlty shown In deal ng with the re<l Russian. 85c. Barley— *27 per ton. Iron Works at Peoria. 111., and con schedule they are likely to go far. Oats—*28.50 per ton. spiracy In connection with a dyna Senate W ill Pass Reciprocity Bill. Hay— Timothy, »24 per ton; alfalfa. miting that occurred In the yards of The determination of the Senate fl- the Pekin Union Railway In Peoria. aance committee to push through the *17 per ton. Butter— Washington creamery, 25c It la reported thnt the eight Indict Fanadlsn reciprocity bill and the con Eggs—Selected, local, 26c. ments returned Include one aga'nst fldence of Senate leaders of a clear 2 AVIATORS KILLED ’ AT START OF RACE Southern Pacific la Calltofaik, Ne P w la .— F ifty aeroplanlsts started vada, Utah, Arlaona and Naw Mex from the aviation field at VincennM ico. on (he first stage of the European c ir cuit it&Si 'Wbtbk call* tor a flight to Loadon aad rdttlHi with stop* at va rious place* going and («turning. Al Evelyn A rthur See, founder of the most lmmedlateb' after the *t* M two "absolute Ilfs '’ cult, la now on trial of the aviator* mat tragic deaths, ahfr In Chicago, charged with abduction. at least one was gravely h u rt The "It's a ghost dancs,” said James J. dead: Captain Princtau, whose motor H ill, railway magnate, In speaking of exploded in midair, flooding him with the opposition to Canadian recipro gasoline and burning him to death. city. M. LeM artln, who dashed against s John H. Seymour, San Francisco tree, the motor of his aeroplane crush police chief, resigned office after all ing his head. ¡lending charges against him had The Injured; ’ M. Gaubert, ex-Ueu- been dismissed. tenant in the army. H e wax found Cardinal Gibbons scored woman lying senseless near bis machine. Hie suffrage in an address at the com injuries are serious. M. Bilie, whose mencement exercises of St. Joseph’s aeroplane struck the earth w ithin a College, Baltimore. mile of the start. H e le not seriously "Not guilty,” was the verdict re Injured. turned by the Jury at Cincinnati try Three othej- aviators fell. Mr. Lor- ing the case of Edgar I . Cooke, who dlan near Charlevllle; Oscar Morison, wae charged with having embexxled close to Gagny, and M. Morin at Che »24,000 from the Big Four Railroad. vron. within 22 miles of Liege, which Yamhill County Protective Associa 'Charles M. Schwab confirmed the is the end of the first stage of the tion Elects Officers. story of the meeting between J. P. race. None of these men were badly McMinnville.— The organir-rt' ,n ot Morgan and Andrew Carnegie that hurt. Of the 50 aviators who started. the Taxpayers’ Pron-ctive A soclntlon resulted in the formation of the steel 38 were civilians and 12, officers as v Y-. - bin county was effected nere trust, as related by John W. Gates be signed for m ilitary duty. Hung up bv the adop.ii n of a constitution and fore the Stanley committee In Wash for th * competitors are prizes amount the elect on of officers. The object cf ington. ing to *94.000. the arsoc'atlon 's to safeguard the General Carl Ap. Rhys Pryce, a taxpayers’ Interests In demand'ng Roads O v e rp a id Is C harg e. British soldier ot' fortune, who was thnt the county court exact from con Washington.—-Uncle Sam has been one of the commanders cf the Insurg tractors and others a dollar's worth ents In southern California, was ar paying the railroads a little matter of value for every dollar expended, rested In San Francisco by United ef *9,000,000 a year more (ban the and to protect the members of the as States Marshal Elliott for violation i f service for carrying the mails la sociation from unequal assessment worth. This Is Postmaster-General the neutrality laws. and unjust taxation. Hitchcock’s latest announcement with fore the House committee Investigat ing the eocalled sugar trust, regard Ing his connection with the Utah Idaho Sugar Company. Replying to a message from Mr. Smith, saying that an attack of rheumatism and business obligations would prevent hie appear ance Imre, Chairman Hardwick, of the committee, sent this ultimatum: "Committee haa determined to have your testimony; the jn ly question left Is will you come on the 22d w ith out subpena, or shall we Rend nn offl Deputy Sheriff llosslck of I xjs Ange majority In favor of the bill without cer to serve youT Please answer at les. amendment was made plain when Chairman Penrose, of the committee, Boston Arrives In Portland. forced the bill Into its second reading Foreign Corporations Operating in Portland.—W ith Lieutenant Coni mander Jacob Speler on the bridge, and predicted Its early passage. State Under Ban. Salem.—Declaring that the state or her naval m ilitia flag fluttering In the Police Call Hourly. Oregon Is losing approximately from breeze, all hands in perfect health and Tacoma.— Hourly Inspect on of ev *10,000 to *25,000 annually because ul having met with not ns much as a ery saloon has begun by the Tacoma foreign corporation« entering thia minor accident, the United State« pro ' ’ ’ci', under instruct ons from Chief atate to transact business without tected cruiser Boston glided tl:.->u of Police Frjtsor. Each police officer complying with Oregon I bwh requiring the plndd wntera of the V/iliai,iette I.-, -ecu! p i to go through every saloon the tiling of certain papers and the River - i ’ ,1 „pi, rt Anchor In the ■ . • -j St irk S» dock at 5 o'clock • t h's brat each hour, day and nig payment of declaration and annual alter a ‘o u -d a ja ’ trip iron. cense fees, Secretar ci St P Oh t I'ui’.iic Senators Blood Snvss HIs Wife. Is sending out lette >, io u l d irtr.-t 1 remerton navy ysr.'. Wash'ngton.—-United Slates Senator attnm yg In I e state r e tiu e a t’ng t.h,,:n Lulto Lea, of Tennessee, to save the to advise h in of all sucll corpnriHons Policeman Faces Ghargo. life of his w.fe, heroically sacrificed a In Ills dlRtrlet thnt the liner, anil li ARtoria The exumlnnt on of Po unrt o’ bicod at Georgetown' Unlvor- Schools May Combine. cense may be recovered by action* at lice Officer Rudolph Biseon, c' arg -d S ty Ho p.tai and Mrs. Lea's recovery, Marshfield.—Those Interested in the law. with grafting, was commenced In th e which had almost been abandoned, schools of Marshfield and North Bend Secretary Olcott alsto ceiled atten police court Friday, but ccnt'nued un ireniB practically assured. are seriously considering the plan of tion 1o the fact th n In addition to the til Tuesday, when more testimony merging the two school districts. It fine of *100 provided by section 0707, was taken. The officer Is accused Sunday School Convention Meets. is said that *6000 a year, If not more, section 6708 also provide« thnt no cor with oxtnrtlng money for police pro San Francisco.— Fully 1600 dele could be saved by having one school poration that has not complied with tect'on from two women, whom ne gates to and friends of the Interna- district for the two cities and there the Oregon laws shall have standing afterwards arrested oft charges of va tlonal Sunday School oonventloa are I would be other advantages la giving In the courts of the state. grancy. in San rranoleo*. - better facilities NEWS OF NOTED PERSONS FORM TAXPAYERS' LEAGUE To Force Protection of Trout. Klamath F a lls — State Fish and Game Commissioner Stone has taken steps to force the reclamation service fo place screens over the Intakes of their Irrigation ditches here to pro tect the trout fry from getting Into Miese and being distributed out on the alfalfa and wheat fields of the county. espect to Inside affairs pertaining to ‘he postal service. Portland.—George W ycliffe McBride. 57 years old, ex-U. S. Senator from Oregon, to which ofllce he was ele vated from that of Secretary ot State, and for more than 20 years prominent In official and political life In this state, died at 8 c'olock Sunday morn big in this city.