Every Saturday at Gold Mill Jackson to u o n , Oregon IT is perhaps safe to say that Oregon’s system of direct legisla- ■ tion, involving the initiative, referendum and recall, is the biggest single piece of favorable advertising that this or any Kn terrei at «he Gold Hill pel Monte Preaervee Suioked Itouelex» H e rrin g Beechnut lia m ii lu glaae .................. per jar 30c per Jwr SIX; , ar 30c • per jar the l.rcniirt a Paria MualirtMinia Pellia Poi> E x ir a F lu e Pena Canton Pre-erv«i (linger Bureau 36« p e l can 36c L a n c e &. C o m p a n y 44' ‘The Big Store’ A N O T IC E OF C O N TEST Department of the In te rio r, United States Laud Office Medford, Oregon, May 17, 1911. SU N SET M A G A Z IN E = for lime----- T T l g > l r i T - | ____________ JA I A a re a d d e d to m y m a m m o th stock o f H a r d w a r e a n d Q ueen sw are co Í - -t er Jug 7Ac S w eet Spuds J 5 cents p er can V. L. Coltraan, rear-admiral at the testees: Bremerton Navy Yard, has notified DON’ T DISTURB THE ESTABLISHED ORDER You are hereby notified that Maurice Governor West that the cruiser Bos M. Jenks wbogivea Sams Valley, Oregon ton. for the Oregon naval m ilitia, will as his postofflee address, did on March be la readiness to be manned by Ort ^E N O U N C IN G the direct election of senators as wrong, former 14th, 1911 file in tb it office bis duly cor •o n officers on June IS. Justice Shiras of the United States supreme court made the roborated application to contest end Whether the methods of making secure the rancelation of yonr Home atock shipments on the O.-W. R. A N. following statem ent to the press in Chicago the other day: stead Entry No. 06404, for Wtg SE'a “The direct vote on United States senators is entirely and C l* 8 W X Section30.Township 338, Unas are reasonable and adequate will be the subject of a bearing called by wrong. One reason why I oppose it is because it changes the Range 2W , W illamette Meridian, and the Railroad Commission to be held established order of things.” as grounds for h it contest be alleges at the Union Stockyards at Portland It would be interesting to know how and why Mr. Shiras that tbe said Nicholas Graber died on or June 29. was ever allowed to escape from the supreme bench, where he eboot April 13th* 1910 That since that It has been announced that date neither the heirs of Nicholas Gra­ will be run regularly ever the Mount was doubtless as stanch a servitor of “the established order of ber or any other person has reaided upon Hood road as far as Oresham In about things” as the men President T aft has been appointing to that or cultivated said land ; that said land six weeks. The fra t service will be body. has been abandoned for one year last given by two lecoaaotives sad a gaso­ The supreme court is the last bulwark of privilege, and passed. line motor, making hourly trips from You are, therefore, (ifrther notified when congress refuses to protect the “vested interests” it may that Portland. the said allegations will be taken by The Commercial Club ef Baker oom- be depended upon to either declare unconstitutional any law which this office sa having been confessed by plained to the Interstate Commerce may be passed inimical to those interests or to read an interpre­ yon, and your said entry will be cancel­ Commission that the Oregon-Washing­ tation into the law which alters or even reverses its original in­ ed thereunder without your further right to be heard therein, either before ton Railway * Navigation Company, te n t „ thia office or an appeal, if you fail to file the Oregon Short Line and the Pacific Perhaps the other reasons which Justice Shiras intimate s in this office agitbin twenty days after A Idaho Northern Railroad were dis­ that he has against the popular election of senators are all con­ the FO U R TH publication of this notice, criminating against Baker In joint shown below, yonr answer, under rates to points In Idaho and Oregon. tained in the reason which he gives, th at it destroys the establish­ oatji, specifically meeting and respond­ State Tax Commissioner Eaton has ed order of things. ing to thsse allegations of contest, or if left for Eastern Oregon, where lie yon fail within that time to file in this will investigate the complaint made office due proof tiiat you have served a SUNDAY DINNER IN HOT WEATHER to the tax commission by the legisla­ copy of your answer on the said contest­ tive committee of the Baker-Union either in person or by registered Woolgro .vera' Association. In this T H E following timely suggestion from the Condon Times is ant mail complaint it was declared that sheep If this service is made by the delivery ■ particularly applicable to Gold Hill inasmuch as the town is were being assessed out of propor­ of a copy of your answer to the contes­ tion to their market value and that fortunate in having both a hotel and a cafe whose cuisines would tant in person, proof ot such service the sheepmen of Baker have been do credit to a much larger place, and both of which make a must be the copy, showing the date of paying more than their proport on o special effort to please the inner man with their Sunday dinners: its receipt, or affidavit of the person by taxes on the county and state. “Remember, Mr. Man, that the hot weather will tax the whom the delivery was made stating The eighteenth annual assembly of and w here tbe copy.was delivered ; strength of your wife. Take her away from the hot stove on if when the Chautauqua at Gladstone will con made by registered mail, proof of such Sunday and try a hotel dinner. We are not pulling altogether services must consist of the affidavit of vene July 4 for a two-week session. About 100,000 bushels, or less than for the hotels, but we like to see some women that work from the person by whom the copy was mail­ ed stating when and the portnffire to 3 per cent of last year’s wheat crop week’s end to week’s end get a day off on the Sabbath. The which it was m ail-«1, and this affidavit in Umatilla county, is yet held by the horses and the hired man get a rest sometimes, but woman’s must he accompanied by the postmaster's growers. work is never done, and the only plan we see just now is to let receipt for tbe letter. You should -tate in yjur answer the Out of 80 applicants for admission the fire go out on Sunday and get the meals somewhere else or n a m e« I. the post office to which you de­ to the bar who took the examination go without. The m atter rests largely with the women. Why sire future notices to be went to you. before the supreme court, 73 passed not go on strike and let the old man do the cooking Sunday?” Date of first publication May 27, 1911; successfully. date of second publication June 3, 1911 ; date oi third publication June 10, 1911 ; Prison-made brick will be used in *O date of fourth publication June 17, 1911. the construction of new buildings for I THE END OF TUBERCULOSIS Benjam in F. Jones, the state Institutions, announces Gov­ Register THE HALL OF FAME, ernor West. S ta r t In th e 8ch oola. ■ More than 1,000,000 pounds of wool : ELI WHITNEY Inventor of has been sold at Ontario In the last ■ the cotton gin. Born Westbor­ By GEORGE F. C ANFIELD. ’•n days and as fast as cars ca 1 be ough, Jdass., obtained it is shipped. Tbe school is probably tbe most Dee. 8, 1 7 « ; hopeful field for our labors against Definite plans have been made for died New tuberculosis For Immediate prac­ the construction of the water pipe H a v e n , tical results In lowering tbe death Conn., Jan. Tne from Cline Falls to Redmond. The rate the hospitals, dispensaries 8 . 1 82 5 , work will cost about >25,000. IN APPLE LAND and visiting nurses are perhaps U r n limited The fourth annual convention of the By Walter V. Woehlke more important, but for tbe • f r o m Yale Oregon Association of Title Men met achievement of final victory the Beautifully illustrated in four and went to In the governors' room of the Com­ school offers the best opportunity Georgia as a colors There we can apply ourselves to mercial Club at Portland last week. t e u c h e r , THE BIGGEST JOB IN THE forming right habits Instead of Appointment o f 12 supervising fire where h e trying to change bad ones. There WORLD found a gen­ wardens in the state has been made we have the best chance to ar­ erous patron In the widow of By Frank Savile by State Foreeter Elliott. Between rest the germ before It starts on Oeoeral Nathanael Greene. While 20 and SB wardens will be appointed The present status of the Its deadly work There through here he was asked to devise a On Monday morning the Pendleton the education of the children we Panama Canal means to separate cotton from postal savings bank opened for bust | can most thoroughly and effec- the seed and set to work, mak­ THE SPELL aeas. bat the postm aster does not an I lively educate the whole com ing his own tools. His gin rev olntlonlzed the cotton Industry By the Williamsons tiolpate much business for Ute pres- I munlty - .. |>ar Mr g ,,, per ar 26c Cherries, Apricots, Pineapples and S traw berries Snider’s & P re fe rre d Stock Catsup, Chili Sauce, O yster Cocktail. To Nicholas Graber or his heirs L>— - - • A s k y o u r n e w s d e a le r The Celebrated Free Sewing Machine Call in and see these machines before making your purchase, and you will never regret having selected a Free Sewing Machine. I have in my stock of Harvesting <>oods, which is as complete a stock as there is in southern Oregon. Hayfork», Pulley», Rope, Pitchfork», Scythe» and Snath» R EM EM B ER T H E P LA C E D. H. Miller Gold H ill 71 Alphabet o f Thrift G ET something ahead. Remember it’s the dollar you do not spend that does it. The Gold Hill Bank MORALE PtLION President IYNN W. SMITH («shier A Pleasant Place to Stop The Gold HiU_ Hotel Meet Your Friends Here The house ha» been thoroughly renovated and newly furniahed throughout. R a te » $ 2 . 0 0 p er d ay . S p e c ia l ra te s by the week. J- W. Gale, Proprietor Uhe G o ld H ill C afe M r« . W . W . T rx a * P r o p r ie to r ALWAYS HOMRTHINO u n n n MM.1?«1** ih a ili «SrkW «'lb«U nll»l food, and the flneat horna made delicada« BETTER. TAKE THE NEWS