THAT GOOD OLD JOKE COWBOY GOES “ LOCO" 40 YEARS A BANDITI PREHISTORIC MAN IS FOUND WESTS GREAT DAM la of Great Use to tha Plantara of Fsaall Remains of a Briton 170,000 Jamaica for Making Years Ago Oloeovorsd In the Fences. ABOUT ONE'S ANCESTORS COM I NO COM M ITS W H O LESA LE MURDER Themee Valley. Old Bill Miner, Stage Coach and OVER ON TH E M AYFLO W ER. A FTER K IL L IN G BRIDE. Kingston. Jamaica.—Tha “Dlldo," a Shoshone Structure In Wyoming Train Robber. Ixmdon.— Back In a time that no cactus native to Jamaica, and attain man knows, 170.000 years ago, there Is World's Highest. ing a height of 25 feet, la ahown In the accompanying Illustration. It baa Iconoclast Points Out a Faw Facta Ropas and Drags to Death Hla Wife, lived In England a race of mvu, whose H m Left a Criminal Trail Ovar the an Important economic value and la stature and physical characteristics That Seam to Hava Baan Over Kiila Brother, Stepson and a 81a- illd not differ materially from those of Erected In an Effort to Reclaim the West— Now Faces Long Term looked. But They Ara Extreme- of great use to the planters for ma teNn-Law , Than Com the Englishman of today- a raoe that In Prison fa r Georgia Arid Valleys In the Region king fences to keep out small stock ly Parti nant. mits Suicide. had shed all traces of simian traits In Thereabout»—W ill W ater Hold-up. and thieves from praying on thalr face, feature and body, and whose flelds. Thlrety Crope. _ , . , , Whenever I see a fellow throwing R lllln fi, Mont.— Driven temporarily brain cavity was larger than Is often Thia P,an‘ plant contains a pithy sub- out his chest like a pouter pigeon and Gainesville, Ga.— Far hack In the Thla •80s drivers of stage coaches making »’ »no* *h lch is used by the natives as bragging because he thinks hla ances- lnaane by marital troubles aud suffer found In highly Intelligent people of Sheridan, Wyo.—Gnce a wilderness Thia has recently so unpromising that It evoked deri trips back and forth across the state a tonic for the hair. The heart of old tora came over on the Mayflower It Ing from an Injury, due to a fall with our modern age been proven by the discovery of the hla horse early In the winter. Cliff sion In the halls of congress, the west of California began to come In from Pilots la used for certain kinds of always causes me to break forth In a Roots, a cowboy and freighter, resld 1 has become today the land of fortune thalr lone-mountain Journeys with | (loud, vulgar chortle of m irth—“haw ing about forty miles north of here, { and opportunity. In this land of cash boxes rifled of their contents, haw-haw!"—Just Ilka that. That May ran amuck with a rope and six-shoot sometimes a horse shot, and In every boundless distances tbe altitude Is flower Joke nearly tickles me to er. After killing bis young bride of a stimulating, the air Is a tonic, giving case with tha same story. A lonely death, and whenever I have chapped few weeks, her brother. Andy Rehder.' health to tbe Infirm and courage to spot on the road, sometimes In the hands or a cold sore anywhere near his own stepson. James Bridges, and thoee who have failed elsewhere. Its daytime, sometimes at night, a single my mouth and hear that boast. I aim his wife's sister, Mrs. W. 8. T h o u ip ; highwayman and the magic words. constant sunshine encourages optim ly laugh and laugh until my face son. he committed suicide. “Hands up!” The tale never varied. ism and cheerfulness. Ths glories of pains me. I Mounting bis horse. Roots threw a For want of a better name the lone Its opal-tinted dawns, the Indescrib Do you know, "M r. Mayflower." rope around bis wife's neck and highwayman came to be known, far able beauty of Ila sunsets and tbe there was a time In my freckled ca dragged her at a gallop over hla ranch and wide, as "California Billy." nameless witchery of Its twilight soft reer when I labored under the same until the back of her head had been The exploits of "California Billy" ly melting Into night are the work delusion that now seems to have pos crushed by striking against the continued for several years. All ef of r. divine painter. session of your goat? Once upon a stones. He dragged her body back to I forts at his capture were In vain. Its canyons, sculptured during un time my grandfather. In an unguarded the ranch house and le f it In the Many posses hunted the lone outlaw, told centuries by wind and wave, are moment. Imparted to me the priceless stable, where It was found by officers tempted by offers of generous re unrivaled In tbelr wonderful and Information that my ancestors came j The Immediate cauae of the act will wards. But he seemed to bear a varied coloring and In their awe-ln- over on the Mayflower. That made a never be known. charmed life. spiring depths. Ita deserts, In vast terrific hit with me and boosted me up Rehder wss playing carda with a It was not until 1869 that he w » s ! ness of area. In potential wealth of at one boost about 75 per cent. In friend when Roots rode up and flred caught The driver of a stage that soli and climate, and In rivers o fc o n my own estimation. I Immediately three shots through the door, killing ' ran In from the hills back of Sacra stant supply, are sleeping empires cot the Idea, as you have, that I was Rehder Instantly and tearing off one I mento jumped from his seat in front awaiting exploitation and develop J'J made of a little bit finer clay than of the ears of his companion. of the office early one morning in the ment Here nature offers to every those with whom I came In dally ' Roots then went to the ranch ol spring of that year and breathlessly man his birthright—a wide sky. the contact. Why. after I found out that Janies Bridges, son of his first wife.! told how he had been held up but a sunshine, the wind and a sure reward I had the Mayflower strain of blood In and without warning shot him to few hours before. The strong box of for Intelligent effort It Is our own my veins. I would hardly speak to my death. From there he rode to thej the stage bad been heavy with gold The Ancient Briton. land of mystery and enchantment, of neighbors. When I made new ac ranch of Mrs. W. 8. Thompson, wld j dust sent In by miners. Never before quaintances I always asked them owed sister of his first wife, and shot ' bones of a prehistoric man burled 170 crumbling rulna and of lost races had “California Bill" dared to attack which have utterly vanished. whether or not their ancestors came her dead. Returning to his owu ranch. deep under a terrace, which Is re- a coach so close to a town. The 1st« Governor John A. Johnson over on the Mayflower, and If they j Roots went Into a field and blew out garded, and with good reason, as the In 20 minutes from the time the j of Minnesota well said the west sym didn't, I never spoke to them again, i his brains. ancient bed of the Thames river. driver told his story a heavily armed i A 25-Foot Cactue. bolises "homes for the homeless, food Why. Just at the height of my glory A note found by ofllcers. addressed There Is no reason to believe that posse was riding hard back over the an Inquisitive chump, who believed to his former wife and written pre the elevation or depression of the for the huugry. work for tbe unem cabinet work. There are between 500 tra il, i t was not difficult to pick up that I was made of mud and water, I ployed, land for tbe landless, gold traces of the bandit. Before nightfall and 600 different species of the cac Just like other ordinary folks, took J sumably after he had killed wife No. i land. which leads to the rise and fall For (he penniless, freedom for the en the level of the river, has not been his hunters were close upon him and tus family and the actual number the trouble to pry the lid off my an- 2. stated that as she had taken his i boy from him he would take her boys j uniform. The past must be Judged slaved, adventure for tbe restless. probably greatly exceeds this. They I ar the sun sank behind the hills they cestry. He went about In a painsta away from her. When the first wife from what we know of the present are without exception natives of Amer surrounded him. The posse expected ica and their extraordinary forms con king way to find out Just where I was granted a divorce she was given and on this basis the land movement ‘ he custody of their eight-year old son ! which formed the terrace, and which stitute a remarkable feature In the came from. vegetation of the warmer regions. All ' , n .t .c?.r* a t . ,.hl8 ,lm e ,0 dwe11 ■ and he had been trying ever since to has scarcely changed since the Roman of them have fleshy stems, often very on the details of bis Investigation. I have the boy returned to him. A n -' period, has been deposited at the rate soft and Juicy, and In numerous In- ! will merely admit that when he got other son by the first wife, living In a ! of uu» foot In 1.000 years, this stances suitable for good. Most of back two or ,hree cen,ur1«8 al° “8 ‘ be remote section of the Bull Mountains. signing a period of at least 170,000 them are leafless, only a few species ance8try tra11 he discovered, to my In- has not been heard from and It Is j years since the high-level terrace was h a v ln r true leaves. Instead of leaves tenae anlai®mt‘n‘ aad disgust, that thought that Roots had murdered hint. ' laid down at Galley H ill, and the an most of the cacti have clusters of hairs ?ne of my forefathers had been It la aleo feared that Ralph Bridges, clent Briton was entombed In the or thorn. | hanSed In Germany for stealing a his wife and baby have been killed, river bed. The whole organization of the eac- b?rae' and ,bat ano,h®r ° ld K® **'r Roots covered at least fifty miles, us- i This ancient Briton was five feet tus adapts It to withstand long who belong,‘d “ » m7 ‘ » " “ 7 bad been Ing two horses, while perpetrating hla one Inch In height. The neck was j enormously thick and the cheat was droughts. They vegetate vigorously tarred and f«a‘ b®r®d and ridden ° n a wholesale murders. nilt of C Vi . • S ‘ .x ° ax ’vw for d*"®r ------- during a part of thè year when mola- ral1 out a X Prench wn — . . . ------- narrow and protruding. ture Is available and then rest for a ,,on from ,he army Not on,y thl8' long time. Some of the cacti fam ily but ,h,a chap who waa ®I” ‘a«ed the ONLY ONE AGNES FOR PETER FINDS SECRET OF EGYPTIANS grow on high mountains reaching ,a’ k of look,ng UP W ance8‘ r7 went nearly to the lim it of the snow while careful,7 over ,b ® Pa«»enger list of He Promises Judge He W ill Marry z . - t i l ’* - - J T * r t St Hardening Copper Is Rediscov Mise Eudelka, but Pet Name J others thrive only In torrid districts ! tb° 8® who 8alled 0,1 ‘ be Mayflower, ered by Railroad Fireman of “WedeJkle” Gets on License. The plants of this botanical order are and he found ” ° m®mb* r ot » 7 family Kansas. a great boon to the natives of the dis-1 waa on deck when tb® boat le,t tb® Chicago.— I t took the newly created trlcts ln which they grow, generally I do£k . ___ _ _ Newton. Kan.—The process of hard- regions destitute of water. The stems • IMd you eTer pauae ,n your anc«8‘or court of domestic relations four days of investigation and three sessions to ®n‘n< copper to the temper of ateel, of many of the varieties contain a four flu8h,nK “ > compare the capacity wholesome Juice of which both men of the Ma7<1ower wl(b ,b® number of find out whether Peter Norbutoe, 629 an ar‘ known only to the Egyptians West Fourteenth street, set sail on the hundreds of years ago, has been redis- The Great Shoshone Dam, and livestock avail themselves, and ‘>pople wbo h®881 ‘ hat thelr ancestors matrimonial sea with the right girl. I c°v®red by a Kansas descendant of a some species produce a pleasant fru it ' came over on hoard her? The May- dangers for the brave, an unknown For four days the annoying rumor long *,n® ° r metal workers. It le de- Old Bill Miner. The fcultlvatlon of edible cactus Is flo* er< 7 °u know- waB no‘ a very bl« that Peter had "put one over on the j c‘a r®d- John Htlpp. a Hanta Fe Are world to conquer and room for all.” ■ vessel, and if as many people came a fig h t To their surprise the outlaw • “ II ln ‘ be experimental stage. In the swift march of national | across aboard her as we must Infer court" by marrying the wrong girl j man ° f ‘ hla city, la said to hold the offered no resistance, but surrendered and openly boasting of It floated about ,8cr81 ?or which scientista of many events during tbe past decade, the from the boasts of thqse we m eet a t their command. His trial was development of tbe west has focused have sought for many ages. dav. you can bet your sweet life Judge Goodnow'a chambers, always c°untrlea speedy and less than a week after bis TO REGULATE HUMAN GROWTH In a tiny laboratory of a neat, well- the attention of the world. It fur just beyond reach of the Irritated Jur ------------- j she was crowded some. AU the flrst- capture he began serving a term In kept cottage near the railroad shops, nishes one of the most Inspiring pages Englleh Scientist Says Gland Located c,aas cabins were filled, they slept lay- 1st. Ban Quentin prison. In the annals of our commonwealth. A warrant was Issued for Norbutos. In the SkuH Controls Our er on layer In the steerage, and they When Miner was released he left It Is a story of progress and human He told Judge Goodnow that he Stature and W e ig h t. piled '«m six deep on deck. T he rig California as rapidly as possible. The achievement—a battle with nature In wished to marry the complainant, ------ glng waa full of hangers-on, while w ilder country of Colorado offered her sternest and most forbidding as Chicago.— Anyone who wishes to countless others were hanging on by Agnes Eudelka. The case was contin greater attractions. In this new field pect. ued with this understanding. of operation bis methods were the regulate bis natural altitude above sea ‘b®,r eyebrows from the vessel's rail, Hut Irrigation has wrought Its m ir Peter appeared before Judge Good- level needs only to have his pituitary j Tbe members of the crew could hard- same as In the old. acle. and the wealth of that portion now May 4, smiling and contented. gland attended to. A t least that is '7 Set about the boat In their duties Miner and two others on November of the country which great statesmen At the same time a letter from Mu 7, 1881, reappeared in California after what Prof. Arthur Keith of London without stepping on a Mayflower an- nicipal Judge Scully was received by In Webster's day were wont to de an absence of twelve years, held up cays, and his statements have been cestor, and they must have cussed Goodnow stating that he had married 1 clare worthless Is greater now than the stage that ran from Sonora, Tuo corroborated by a number of Chlca- something fierce. Some of those on that of the entire nation In 1860. Of Peter to Agnes Wedejkls on May 1. lumne county, to Milton and secured go's foremost physicians. The pltul- board were stowaways, and hid them- especial Interest is the project located As the name of Peter's complainant tary gland Is the first ln Importance selves In the bold among the cargo, >32,000 In cash and gold dust In northern Wyoming. was Agnes Eudelka. Judge Goodnow'a Two of the gang were quickly of the principal ductless glands of the while others. In tbelr ambition to be eholer arose and he angrily asked As the springtime showers and come Mayflower ancestors, worked caught Miner managed to elude the sunshine fall upon the snowy peaks their passage across by holystoning Peter why he had married another ofllcers for several weeks, but of tbe lofty mountains on tbe eastern the deck, patching sails, balling out girl after making all arrangements to finally run to earth. The trial was rim of Yellowstone park, a thousand marry Miss Eudelka. bilge water and doing other menial brief and Justice severe. The three streams rush downward to fill to I t took the combined efforts of services unbecoming to a May lo w e r robbers were sent to San Quentin pris brimming the swift-flowing Shoshone three Interpreters to untangle the ancestor. on for 25 years. river. An Important physical change complications. Then It developed that J H Tb® W0Dd®r ’• ,ba‘ ‘ h® old It was 1901, 20 years later, before will occur at such a time. The flood Mayflower waa not swamped In mid- there was no "other girl,” but that “Old Bill" Miner could again breathe that once, unchecked and uncon there was only one Agnes and Peter ocean. Do you know, sir, that If all the air a free man. By good behavior trolled, ewept madly through the rock- those wbo It Is claimed came over In htd married the right one. The name he cut bis sentence five years and the walled gorge, will beat Itself to still Wedejkls was a "pet" name often used the Mayflower were launched togeth acthcrltles believed that when he by the girl and was used when tbe ness against a massive wall of con er, they could not begin to get on walked out of San Quentin his day«, ceremony waa performed. crete with which man has blocked board the Lusitania?— Newton New as an outlaw were ended. But they the canyon. A beautiful lake. 100 feet kirk, ln Boston Post were mistaken. deep and covering 10 square miles, Farmer Sues Aviator. Toward the close of 1903 the author will appear. Paris.— M. Huerteblse, a farmer at ities of Oregon were startled by the John Stipp. Ouyancourt, sued M. Esnault-Pelterle. In this wonderful gash In Ihe moun Dartmouth H at a New Idea. hold-up of an express train on the the aviator, because the pilots of his tains, with perpendicular walls a thou Dartmouth college la undertaking looking for all the world like other cot Oregon Railway and Navigation com an Interesting social experiment In aeroplanes landed on his property and tages of the average laboring man, the sand feet high, the government has pany's line at Milepost No. 21, near Location of the Gland. erected the highest dam In the world. New Hampshire. A team of five or caused damage to his flelds. Corbett, Oregon. A year later the Ca On March 6, notably. Mr. Marie fell lost art was recovered. John Stlpp's It Is a wedge of concrete 328 feet six representative students are sent father, grandfather, great grandfather nadian Pacific's transcontlnnetal ex body, which Include the typhoid and Its height can around through the rural commun In a rye field and the aeroplane could and how much further back he does from base to top. press was stopped at Mission Junc adrenolin glands and a portion of the not be gotten out without doing aerl- not know and does not care, were only be appreciated when compared tion, British Columbia, by a lone ban pancreas. The Juices secreted by this ' I ties within a reasonable radius of the oua damages to the crop. with that well known structure. New Their mission Is not evan dit, who with cold and deliberate gland, according to Chicago physl-1 college M. Quesnel, the Justice of the pease, metal workers. For eight years he York s famous Flatiron building would ? e p™n’otlon ° f 8°- haa unceasingly experimented In his neive compelled the express messen clans, largely control the growth o f sentenced M. Esnault-Pelterle to pay reach within 47 feet of the top of tbe ger to open the safe, which contained the bones of the body. When the se (•lability. The team Includes a man a fine of >2 damages, the aum claimed laboratory for the secret burled with tha ancient Egyptians. Recently hts dam, and the tip-top of the dome close to >10,000. cretion Is plentiful the bones grow to who is able to “supply" the pulpit of by M. Heurteblse. years of discouraging failure culmina of the United States capitol would Less than two years later, on May an abnormal slse, but when It Is com the village church and deliver a sim ple and earnest sermon. Other mem ted ln success, and he holds a process fall 21 feet short of the parapet. 10, 1906, at eleven o'clock In the night, paratively small In quantity the W sll Paptr Poisons Family. In the summer, when the crops are for tempering copper until It defies tha M iner and two pals robbed the trans growth of the bone« Is retarded. When bers of the little embassy can sing Fayette, Mo.—A peculiar case of thirsty, the big gates w ill be opened continental express of the Canadian the secretion Is caused to flow freely, or play some Instrument, enhancing poisoning occurred near this city In hardest flies, ha says. and tha pent-up floods w ill be released Pacific railway near Durrer, B. C. say physicians, a rapid development of the attractiveness of the Sunday serv the case of Thelma, daughter of Romle Into the river below. Another dam. ices and contributing to bucolic gaiety the bones la the result. Thus, when a House of Lords. F or this crime he was sent for life Ijeach, and Christine, daughter of a low structure of conorete, w ill di on week-day evenings. London.— T he house of lords la oom- to the penitentiary at New Westmin boy or girl Is 111 for tome time with Ernest Dougherty. The children were vert tbe water« through a tunnel Concerts, plays, debates, minstrel ster and at once began planning an a fever, the diseased condition of the posed of lords spiritual and tha lords three ad a quarter miles long Into shows, field days and carnivals of all sleeping In rooms freshly covered escape. W ith two companions, who body causes the pituitary gland to be temporal. All the peers were not orig sorts are organised—anything that with green and purple wall paper. The inally entitled to a seat as a matter a eanal which for 40 miles paaaee come unusually active, with the reault were confined In the brickyard of the along tha upper edge of a broad and will bring the members of Isolated moisture caused a deadly poison to of right, but only those who ware ex fertile valley containing 1S0.000 acres. prison, be tunneled to freedom BDd that the alck person “grows like a mountain communities Into contact fill the rooms. Thé odor was per weed.” nothing more was heard of him until pressly summoned by tha king. Every Two years ago It wee a desolate with the legitimate recreative Influ ceptlble, but tbe parents believed It last February, when one night a train peerage of the United Kingdom which waste. Today It contains more than harmless. ences that are enjoyed by those who Is conferred now gives the right to a on the Sbuthern railroad was held up Green for French Boldlera. 800 farm houses and three thriving live In larger places. This Instruc and the Pinkertons at once concluded seat In tha house of lords. The num towns. Last year 10.000 acres pro Paris.— It la announced that the tion brings a whole neighborhood to Can Dying Tribes Talk? from the nature of the Job that Old minister for war has decided to make Ran Francisco.— Prof. A. L. Kroeber ber la Indefinite, and may be Increased duced crops on this project. T h e bea gether and sociability and true neigh E lll M iner was at work again. They an experiment with a new uniform of the department of anthropology of at the pleasure of the orown which, con of hope shines brightly In the borliness are promoted. were not mistaken and a few days at the September maneuvers. A spe the University of California has con however, cannot deprive a peer of the west. I t beckons the landless w « to The upper the manless land. later M iner and two companions, bis cial committee has chosen a uniform cluded a labor of nine years, ln which dignity once bestowed. pals In the hold-up, were taken pris of a greyish-green color as being less he recorded by means of phonographs house at present comprises about 680 The Difference. oners. Miner, now stxty-nlne years conspicuous against a French land "W hy Is the bridegroom more ex« many of the nearly extinct dialects of members. By the act of union with 80,000 Seals Captured by One Beat. old. will be elghty-nlne when his terra scape than the red trousers and blue penalve than the bride?” the native Indian tribes of northern Scotland, 16 representatives of tha London.— Eleven steamship« of the o f service expires, and it Is probable coat now In service. The new uni The records w ill be Scottish peerage are elected by the Newfoundland sealing fleet have had "Because the bride Is always given California. that the end has been reached In his form w ill be served out to a t least a away, while tha bridegroom la usually placed In museums of tha various parta Scottish nobility for the duration of fair catchas, tha Bonaventura, the flrst each parliament, and 28 are elected J® L ^ urn 5 ° 8 t John’s, bringing back stormy and picturesque career. of the state. , regiment for the experiment sold."— Judge. tor life by the peers of Ireland. 80/100 seals. A J Í z 'ft- A A