TM M > i'Ki4aao;ii| . .a t r i O — —— _ — _i ict ^ i u s e n dr a 4 5 6 7 8 10 11 12 1314151017 181920212223 22 24 29 30 aaaKBaBEam ] Local News Notes I*. K. ('aril well visitor Tu«'ilay. > Mrs. W. M. Cheshire, of Grants Paa«, visited relatives in Gold lllll Wednesday. Hupt. W. I, Van Houten, of the Grey Eagle mine,went to Portland Wednesday on business connected with the mine S ty lis h R e a d y m a d e tSuits A. J. Olsen returned Wednesday from ortlnnd, where he saw the opening days of the insgiilflcent (estival of roses. We have a nice line of ready-made clothing that will compare favorably w ith the products of the best- bailors. In fact, the best tailors make the men’s and boy’s suits which we sell. Prices are so reasonable and the goods o f such high quality that it would be a mistake for anyone to purchase a suit before seeing our line J. C Altken.of Woodville, has reoaiv. ed a patent on a ll«li-»cr«en for Irrign lion ditches that ia said to be one of the treat ever d"Vlsed. six-days in the week, waa in Gold H ili Bowman was an Ashland on business Wednesday. visitor »VHdimmlHy, I.. A. Carter ia hack from Castella. J. H. Hinmna lad We.tnesduy (nr Port­ California, where be has been for several land on a b u sn ess mission months, and will do the a-sessuient work J. F. Morrill leaves next Toaxday un on his Sardine creek mining claims. a business trip to Chicago. Mrs G. W. Champlin, and her friend F. 0 . Gilmore, ol Wolf Creek, spent Mie. II. Long, of Sail Pedro,arrivet* this Hu inlay with relatives In thia idly week and are enj iving life at theChamp Or, Kelsey waa at Medford and Jack­ lin country home or Foots creek. sonville on business Wednesday. K. M. Savage is at Glendale at present, Or, O .H Smith waa at Medford Tuna- doing emergency duly as saw-Alar at the box factory, a position he held forsever- day and Wednesday on business, Thu Pumice hill section ol the Crater «1 years before coming to Gold HUI. M erritt Q. C o m p a n y Edgar Hulbert lelt Tuesday for Au­ 0 . It Miller waa at Medford yesterday burn, California, where his father Is Mra. M . M. Avery la s p ellin g roue carnival week with frlenda at P rtland , now the ownsr of a fine farm. He stop- pc<| off at Ashland for the rose festival. Isaac Householder, tbe pioneer lime J. B. Hammersly and C. (>. Carter niaunfucturer of Kanes creek, was in town Thursday arranging lor the pub­ were rarnlval visitors at Aahland I'ues- lication of hia timber (and notice in The day. New«. Capt. I . W. Gale, ol the Gold Hill Ice cream and cake will be served by lintel, waa at Medlord on bualne-a Mon­ Hie Epworth League at the old school day. Dr. Chlaholm, ol Woodville, waa in grounds this evening, seven to ten o'clock. A club swinging drill will be town on professional bnaineae Wed­ given at 8:30. nesday. The Progn as club met at the council Hon. J. 1-, llauiiner-ly will deliver the Fourth ol July oration lor the W oodtiile rooms Wednesday afternoon, and dlscn*- sed the matter of providing park places celebration. lor Gold H ill. The clnb will meet again Ike W right, the well-known Woodville next Wedneaday. liveryman, waa in Gold H ill on buaineaa John Pankey had a shoulder thrown Wednesday. out of joint while unhitching a fractious K H. Moore, J K Davidson and W, horse at the Gold H ill I-umber com E Thompson were vialtora at Jackson- pany’s mill on Sardine creek last week ville Wednesday. Dr. Smith attended to the injury, and Mra. John Lucaa left Monday lor Mr Pankey, with his arm In a cling, Seattle, alter a viait with her lather, hoping for an early recovery. Judge G all, and other relativea. B. E. Reaupre, a Grants Paas mining A. O. Ulackington, ol New York city, man, was here yesterday and made ia the gueat ol h it eon O. K. on the trip ont to the Nutt brothers* tin mine iatter’a G all* creek orchard-ranch at the head of Galls creek. Ore from Clyde Jooea, ol Grante Paas, la viait- this mine, Mr Beaupre says, has a-sayed mg hia friend, John McDonald, at the rich in tin, and with development he ! Revenue mine on Kai -a creek. expects it to make a great mine. Win. Ilooten, owner ol the big ranch One of Jack M orrill's autos waa badly known aa the Olaen place, in the Mead- damaged late Tuesday night when it owa, waa In Gold H ill on buaineaa Wed. left the road abom half-way from town o eeday. to the Riverside orchard. Theoccupants» Grants Paas will have a mining con­ Sprague Riegel and Fred Dodge, escaped gress on July 18th, at which Gold without injury, probably due to the fact H ill should be represented by a numsr that they were driving slowly, as the night was dark oue and active delation. 15he HONESTY. There are men who do not di­ vide actlona merely Into those that are honest and those that are not, but create a third subdi­ vision that of law honesty, of that kind of honesty which con- sista In keeping clear of tbe pen­ itentiary. • • • The distinction upon which we must Insist Is the vital, deep lying, unchangeable distinction between the honest man and the dishonest uiuu. • • • There are men who use the phrase “practical polities” aa merely a euphemism for dirty politics, and It la auch men who have brought tbe word "politi­ cian" Into discredit. There are other men who use the noxious phrase “business Is business" at an excuse for every kind of mean nnd crooked work, and these men make honest Am eri­ cana hang their heads beenuse of aomo of the things they do. * * * The scoundrel who falls can never by any possibility be aa dangerous aa the sebundrel who succeeds, and of all men In the country the worst ettlxens, those who should excite In our minds the most contemptuous abhorrence, are the men who have achieved great wealth or any other form of success In any save a clean aud stralghtforwar 1 manner. -Theodore Roosevelt. Gold H ill was defeated at baseball by The Ladles Aid la planning an Ire cream aoclal and eonveraaxione, to take Tolo last Hunoay, the score being 7 to 6. plane soon. A eonveraaxione ia sup­ The Gold H ill team was a pick up bunch Brevities that had bad no practice, and the boys posed to be aomething prettv «well. If Congress adjourns In time Sec­ Gold H ill’« patriotic lervor will be were delighted that they held the speedy retary of Interior Fisher expects to Ferguson apllt at leaat three waye on the Fourth, Toloites to so close a score, make an extended tour of the west aa Medlord. Woodville and Grante I’a-a and Norris were the battery for Gold this summer and also to visit Alaska. H U I; Davis and Cleveland for Tolo. will all have big celebrations. The pope Issued an edict forbidding The Home Telephone company,which , ” D. Haight waa at Woodville on bual- the faithful to attend the sessions of ncaa Tuesday. He reporta Frltr. Ham- haa contracts for an exchange of twenty the Camorrlsts’ trial at Viterbo un­ merely aa being very buay with work phones in Gold H ill, has rented the der the penalty of excommunication Heeman building, next to the Gold HUI in the Woodville Argue office. Beaten many times, but always Cafe on Main street, and will shortly Mr. and Mra. H. D. Reed were pas hopeful, Albert T. Patrick, who is establish a central office therein. The aeugera on Sixteen Monday evening, the building is lieing thoroughly renovated serving a 1^- term In Sing Sing for former to Salem on buaineea and the by G. W. Wood. Mayor Beeman will the murder of W illiam Marsh Rice, latter to Portland lor the rose leatival has begun another move to obtain a have an office in the bnilding. Mra. Rex I I . Lampman and baby pardon. Two crews are at work on the new daughter left Monday ev ning for Rice Tbe event of the week In the so­ cement walks, which when completed Lake, Wisconsin, where they will spend will give both north and south Main ciety world will be tbe wedding of the summer with her parent», M r. and streets modern walks clear through. C. Jay Gould, second son of Mr. and Mrs Mrs. M. T. Howard. K. Norcott is in charge of the work on George Jay Gould, and Miss Annie Prof. Paul F. Klein was here yesterday tue -oath side, while Albert Handera is DouglaA Graham, the only daughter making arrangements forth» appearance constructing engineer on a piece of of Mra. Hubert Voa. at the opera house on the evening o much-needed walk on north Main street. A. P. Chapman, Jr., who has been Friday, June 23d, of hia famoua twenty- with the passenger department of the At a meeting of t he county court in Jack­ piece hand and orchestra. sonville Wednesday the commissioners Chicago, Milwaukee & St. Paul rall- Inex Duggan, three-year-old daughter decided to build a new steel bridge across ro id for 20 years, has been appointed of Mr. and Mrs. D. Duggan, of Sams Hogue river on the present site at Gold general manager of the passenger de­ Valley, died on Tuesday after a brief H ill, and Engineer Harmon has been part m -nt of the Puget Sound road, illness of diphtheria. Interm ent was instructed to draw up speciAcations and with headquarters at 8eatt!e. made at Jacksonville Wednesday. The Rev. C. M. Gordon, of Wlnnl plans at once. The bridge will cost in Mrs. c . B. Rowe, who has been visit­ the neighborhood of $7006 or $8000 ami peg. Manitoba, better known at ing her lather, Judge E. E. Gall, her will he of the must modem construct ion It.ilph Connor, the author, haa been sister, Mrs. 8. T. Hodge-, and other re­ in every way. chosen ohairman of the boird of latives and friends hero, left Wednesday i ¿ o il with Misses Kathryn Pankey and Hattie conciliation appointed for her homo at Vallejo, California. and British Hodges entertained the members of he coal «Il lie In Alfcc Milo P. Ward, the well-known pro­ Epworth League Monday evening nt the Columbia, where '" 0 e • n are Idle, motor of various enterprises In the Gold home of Miss Pankey, Refreshments D eclaring tC i: ih gea brought H ill district, arrived from Portland were servi d. Those p e-ent were Misses n gaiit-• in. e; lie. hcr h usbuud, Henry Sunday, and will remain for forne tlm B'“-sie and Nora Newion, Macil Leach, »' Burris. m ■ ’em: em ber r of the wealthy visiting old filn d s and looking afte r Maude Sntton, Pearl Collins, Lilly Burris Ian .> of Sunoiua. C o., are ah- local interest«. Starnes, Ruse Lewis, Blossom Beeman; -olul ly I.: e, Mrs. J;cc Duffy Bur Mr. and Mrs S. V. MoFarron and Messrs. Roy Avery,Bruce Hunter, Claire rls slates t ■ will tl ;dt to the very Misses Gordie and Annielle Higgins Jarvis, William Kelsey, Ernest, Bom-het, end to prevent the anulinent of her were a pi, rty who enjoyed the rose fes­ Joe Pankey. marriage. Burrl« says he was forced tival at Ashland Tuesday. They were The county comt on Wednesday at the muzzle of a revolver to go delighted with the parade, which was a awarded to the Clark A Henry Construc­ through with the ceremony. floral spec acle never eo.nalled in south­ tion company a contract to lay Ave miles ern Oregon. of asphalt inacHilam oil (he county road Quench vonr thirst at Turner’s soda John Hammersly has resigned as city between Medford and Central Point. fountain. marshal, a position that he has filled The contract price was $12,600 a mile. A 60-pound sack of stock food for $3.70 very efficiently f >r something over a The toad will be sixteen feet wide and at Jarvis the Drngvist’«. year. A. J. Olsen has been appointed the asphalt macadam is to lie four inches This is the Arst county rond to to All the vacancy hy Mayor Bee­ thick. Satisfaction guaranteed on all kinds he no improved in the state. Tlie com­ man. Mr. Hammersly he.« taken a posi­ pany is at present engaged in pav­ ol cleaning and pressing, at the Pantor- tion as watchman at the Sylvanite mine. ing several miles of streets In Medford. iuio ; agency at the Crystal barber shop. J I W■ W ■ Claire Jarvis, of Hllvsrton, Is visiting hia brother, J. Q Jarvis, and family, Rev J. E. Day, of Woodville, who ex­ loot Inn alter business matters. R IL L C. F. Vuurig waa here from Wednesday. was a (¡ra n t- Pass pounds th« gospel of goisl nursery aleck Lake road haa liei-n completed GOLD W H IT E Excursion Fares East IS KING During the months of May, June, July, August and September on dates shown below, the Southern Pacific wili sell round trip tickets from Gold Hill, via Portland Chicago ......................................... ................... $ 81.96 Councial Bluffs > Omaha Kan-ag City ) ......................... 09.45 St. Joseph - St. Pant I Ht. Paul, via Council Bluffs........ 73.36 Minneapolis, direct ................. 69 46 Minneapolis, via Council Bluffs. 73.36 8t. L ou is.. ..................... 79 46 New York ................... 117 96 Boston « A .......................... 11» <5 Washington, D. C.......................... 116 y6 The BEST all-round Family Sewing machine that can be produced. Made in both ROTARY and VIBRATOR styles. The rotary makes both Lock and Chain stitch. The latest up to the minute steel attachments with each machine. Sold on easy pay­ ments. Send name and address for our beautiful H. T. cat- ologue free. Sale Date* May 16, 17,18, 19, 22,23, 24, 25, 27, 28, and 29. June 5, 7, 9, 10, 12, 16, 17, 21, 22, 28, 29, and 30. July 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 19, 20, 26, 27, and 30. ’ August 3, 4, 5, 14, 15, 16, 17, 21 22, 23, 28, 29, and 30. September 1, 2, 4, 6, 5, and 7. 8top-overs within limits in either direc­ tion ; Anal return lim it October Slat. WHITE SEWING MACHINE CO. San Francisco For feres oas way throagh California in­ quire of any S. P. agent, er write Io N O TIC E FOR P U B LIC A TIO N . Department of the Interior, U. 8. Land Office at Roseburg, Ore., June 6th 1911. Notice is hereby given that Isaac Honsehonlder, whose poet-office addrss is Central Point, Oregon, did, on the 6i dav of February 1911, Ale in thia office Sworn Statement and Apnlication, No. 06959, to purchase tbe N E 1« N E 1-«, Sec- tion 2, Township 37 8. Range 3 west Willamette Meridian, and tbe timber thereon, under tbe provision of the act of June 3, 1878, and acts amendatory, known as the “ Timber and Stone Law,’’ at such value as might be Axed by ap­ praisement, and that, pursuant to such application, the land snd timber there­ on have been appraised,$140, the timber estimated 80,000 board feet at $1.60 per M, and the land $20; that said applicant will offer Anal proof in snpport of his application and sworn statment on the 21 ! day of August, 1011, before W. 11. Canon : I'nited State Commissioner Medford, Oregon, nt Medford Oregon. Any person is at liberty to protest this j purchase liefore entry, or initiate a con- i t»st at any lime b fore patent issues, by Alina a corroborste affidavit in k wm . M c M u r r a y General Pacssnger Agent PORTLAND !!!Shoo Fly!!! a better motto for summer is ENTOMOCIDE discouraging dope for bugs and buzzers ibis Jarvis the Druggist office, alleging facts which would defeat th e entry. B E N JA M IN F JONES. Register Everything in cleaning and dyeing The Pantorinm, Medford, Oregon. Leave you« orders at the Crystal barber shop. Í1IIIII ICE CREAM D epositors In postal savings hanks may convert their deposits into United States bonds, bearing two and a half per cent interest, on July 1. The bonds are being prepared in de­ nominations of $20, $100 and $500. These bonds will be Issued only to depositor«, but they may be sold and assigned at any time by the holders. They are to be exempt from taxation by either federal, state or local au­ thority. and cool drinks of all kinds liniu ^TURNER’S,