4 i&olih H ill G P U ) HILL, JACKSON COUNTY, OREGON, SATURDAY, JU N E IG TAFT SAYS TRUSTS ÜPPOSE RECIPROCITY : AUGUSTUS 0. STANLEY • • • In Speech at Chicago President Says Principal Opposition is Not From Farmers, k r ■V r r Chicago. — President Taft, In a speech before the Western Economic Society here Saturday night, de­ clared that the principal opposition to the Canadian reciprocity agreement tame, nut fruni th« farmer, but from the lumber trust and from American manufacturers of print paper. The president's attack on the turn her and print paper trusts for the op position to the ratification to the treaty, waa scathing The chief opposition, he declared, come« from two classc: of business Interests of the country, tho«e who own and control the lumber supply ->t the United State« and those who are engaged In tha manufacture of print paper and of whom the largest manu facturera own much of the spruce • l i l l . by A m erican P resa A sso cia ti« * . wood supply of the United States Elbert H. Cary, heao o f the United from which print paper la made. States Steel corporation, who told the “It Is perfectly evident from the congressional Investigating com m ittee statistics, that our general lumber that his company would welcome gov­ •upply and our eupply of spruce wood ernm ent control of corporations. for paper making, are being rapidly exhausted, and that the effect of the diminution of supply and the Increase RUSHLIGHT IS ELECTED of demand, Is to put too high a price Hie Plurality Over Mayor Simon on rough lumber and wood pulp." May Be 3000. Tho president discussed the effect Portland—Mayor Joseph Simon, of reciprocity on the farmer, declaring that the only grains exported from who ran aa an Independent, was de­ Canada to the United States In any feated for re-election by A. G. Rush­ quantity will be wheat, barley, rye light, Republican, by a plurality of and oats. The price on these, he de­ about 3,000. Returns Indicate the defeat of the clared, were fixed In the world mar­ following Initiative measures: Fire­ ket without regard to the tariff. men's pension fund, policemen's pen­ sion fund, atreetcloanlng pension fund, Tacom« Cleanup Begins. no«eat no-fare measure, and munici­ Tacoma—A bombshell was dropped pal paving plant. Bond Issues have Into the ranks of the saloonkeepers been voted for a new city Jail, a mu­ by the new police administration of nicipal garbage collection system, and Tacoma when warrants were Issued a public auditorium. The antl-blll- for the arre«t of 11 liquor dealers and board ordinance has also bewu ip bartenders, charged with the violation proved by the voters, and the Initia­ of tbe antl-treatlng ordinance. tive measures proposing a tax on the gross receipts for the sale of gas and TUPPER GIVES EVIDENCE electricity both carried. NO. 6 HOUSE COMMITTEE REPORT FAVORAELE Democrats Endorse Underwood Wool Tariff Bill, Making 50 Per Cent Reduction. Congressman Stanley of K entucky, who le chairm an of the congressional oom mlttee which is endeavoring to show th a t the United States Steel corporation Is a com bination in re­ straint of trade. BRIEF NEWS OF THE WEEK Washington.—By > strict party vota the house ways and means comm tteo adopted a favorable report on the Underwood wool tariff bill as en­ dorsed by the Democratic caucus. The bill was reported to the house Tues­ day and called up by Chairman Un­ derwood Wednesday. Advocates of free raw wool, backed by William J. Bryan, offered amend­ ments in the caucus, putting raw wool on the free list or proposing a grad­ ual reduction that would abolish the entire duty within five years. Un­ derwood and others who spoke in fa­ vor of the 20 per cent duty, repl.ed to the free wool Democrats by point­ ing out the absolute necessity of a small duty on raw wool In order to help provide revenue for the gov­ ernment. Through a resolution which leaves the Democratic party open in the fu­ ture to renew its advocacy of free trade in raw wool, but which commits sll Democrats to the support of the present bill as a revenue measure, the divergent interests were brought to­ gether in the caucus. The bill pro­ poses a duty of 20 per cent on raw wool, a reduction of more than 50 per cent from the Payne-Aldrich law now In force. The woman suffrage bill passed by the last Wisconsin legislator«, was signed by Governor McGovern. Opponents of statewide prohibition In Texas held a great rally to Fort Worth, Monday, to mark the formal opening of their state campaign. A bill prohibiting drinking liquor on all trains in IU.nois except in the Steel Trust Head Testifies. Copyright by Am erican P rese A ssociation regular diner or buffet cars has been Elbert H. Gary, chairman of the signed by Governor Deneen and gone United States Steel Corporation, told into effect. the Stanley steel trust investigating MAYOR OF NEW YORK READING HIS MORNING M AIL Nine hundred tins of opium, aggre­ committee that his corporation stood gating $27,000 in value, were seized behind J. p. Morgan in averting a by United States customs officials on disastrous financial upheaval In 1907. ERB be ta, the only almon pure pedestrian mayor on the conti­ the Japanese liner America Maru, at nent. Walk right up and take a look at him. His name la He insisted, challenging the state­ William J. Gaynor, and he Inhabits during business hours the San Francisco. ments of John W. Gates before the elty ball of New York. He llvee In Brooklyn, which before tbe German Jewish organizations have committee, that the purchase by the consolidation into the greater city waa called the bedroom of New York. undertaken a campaign against the steel corporation of the Tennessee .Mayor Gaynor has an automobile, but he'd rather walk than auto. Ev­ unwritten military law. prohibiting Coal Si Iron Company at that time ery morning be walks from hia home to the city hall, across the Brook­ Jews from becoming officers in the was made at a price more than It was lyn bridge, about four and a half miles, and every evening he walks Prussian army. home. Nowadays, since the erank Gallagher let a bullet go at him last worth for the express purpose of pre­ summer, be la accompanied on these walks by two city detectives, The Northwestern union station in venting the crash of the New York who aay they enjoy tbe walk. Chicago was opened to the people banking firm of Moore & Schley. Sunday. It cost $23,000.000, and is Bays Hs W as Told to Lis to G raft Mr. Gary denounced the Sherman CORPORATION TAX LARGER the finest In the United States. It anti-trust law as archaic and declared ASSOCIATION IS STRONG Com m ittee. STATE BOOKS DELAYED was begun in December, 1006. Seattle—The most sensational evi­ that governmental control of corpora­ Governm ent W ill Collect More In O re­ Thresherm en Represent N e a rly Six Usual Distribution Postponed as tf The second division of the United tions eventually would come. dence In the trial of Charles W Wap gon Thle Y e a r Than L a s t M illio n Dollars Invested Capital. Printer It Rushed. States Atlantic fleet, composed of the penstein, former chief of police, He asserted that the steel corpora­ Washington.—The Federal Govern­ Portland.— “The threshermen of 8aJem.—Secretary Olcott has a: battleships Kansas. Louisiana, New- tion would welcome such a change, charged with accepting a $1000 bribe ment expects to collect larger corpora­ Oregon have a stronger organization nounced that the laws on fish an Hampshire and South Carolina, ar­ and would be glad if the government from C. K Gerald and Gideon Tupper tion tax In Oregon this year than last than any other association In the game, mining and roads, as compile rived at Stockholm for a week’s visit would go so far as to dictate the for permitting disorderly houses to year, Its assessments to May 1 aggre­ United States They represent nearly In pamphlet form, will not be read run, waa given by Tuppar, who stated Pumps are in readiness preparatory prices of steel products. gating $160.204, ga against $153,909 of $6,000,000 of invested capital. They for distribution until June 25. Whll to beginn.ng the work of drawing out on redirect examination that Alden J. last year. Investigate T a f t ’s Act. have a membership of more than the copy was ready by April 10. the Blethen, publisher of tbe Times, ad- the water In the cofferdam around There will be a falling off In cor­ 1200. They have Immense power In have been held up for more impor President Taft’s refusal to permit the wreck of the United States battle­ viaod him to deny before the council the submission to Congress of State poration tax In Washington, where the development of this state and ant matter In the hands of the printe ship Maine in Havana harbor. When Department recorda con«.rame tea Investigating committee that he paid assessments to May 1 amounted to they are using It. I am proud of the The new directory, or “Blue Book the hulk Is exposed It is hoped the disposition of $1600, unaccounted for Wappensteln money. $245,243, as against $279,021 lost year. Oregon State Threshermcn's Associa­ of the state will be ready probably I exact cause of the explosion which In connection with the expenditure of The wltneas said on the stand that Idaho end Montane are In one collec­ tion,” said Philip S. Bates, secretary a few weeks. It Is now In the hand wrecked the warship will be deter­ $850 for the painting of a portrait of Bletben and Wappensteln sent for tion district, their aggregate assess­ of the organization, last speaker at of the printer. While this has bee mined. him to engage In a conference while ex-Secretary of State Hay, will be ment to May 1 being $202.799, as the annual banquet In the Commer­ ready for several weeks, It was di the council committee was Inveatl- presented to the House of Represen­ against $203,444 last year. cial Club. layed on request of Governor West, s gatltig graft last fall and the ronsen tatives for action. NEWS OF NOTED PERSONS With the end of the banquet the that the names of the new appointed aua of opinion of the conference was Representative Hamlin, of Missouri, Idaho Selle Big Bonds. threshermen adjourned to meet again made after the new laws went int Oliver C. Riches, of Portland, a chairman of the committee on State that the committee had no power to Boise.— Approximately $1,000,000 In Salem, December 7-8. They voted effect, might be included. poatofllce inspector for the last 10 Department expenditures, is of the administer oaths and that the wit­ will be placed in circulation among this year's meeting one of the most nesses would not open themselves to the Idaho stale banks as the result successful they have ever held. Votes Brow nsville Scene of Big Meeting. years, died at Spokane of tubercular opinion that while the State Depart meningitis. perjury charges by testifying falsoly. of the salp of state bonds In Chi­ ment may have a secret fund for use of appreciation for hospitality were Brownsville.— The convention of Mike Donlin, slugging outflelder of in diplomatic exigencies. It is Irregu­ cago. where O. V. Allen, state treas also unanimous. The association went fruitgrowers of this section and other New Postal Banka. urer, Is closing the deal. The bonds on record as Indorsing the good roads sections of Linn county, held here, the New York Giants, who left the lar for money appropriated for that diamond for the vaudeville stage, has nuroose to ba 'used Washington.—Fifty additional post cover bridges, state roads and perma­ movement as reorganized In Oregon, was most enthusiastic. The assembly been reinstated by the national base­ Taft Denounces Race Prejudice. offices have been designated as de­ nent Improvements of the state, and made plans for materially asslst- was the outgrowth of a suggestion ball commission. President Taft rebuked Colonel Jos­ positories, making a total to date of Ing the movement to got satisfactory made at a recent meeting of the Senator William Lorimer has re­ eph Garrard, commanding the cavalry 460. They will he ready to receive EVANS WILL TELL ALL highway legislation. Brownsville Commercial Club, whlcn quested permission to testify in hia post at Fort Meyer, for disapproving deposits July 1 and Include Idaho has taken deep Interest In better and Falls. Idaho; Corvallis and Roseburg, Ohio L aw m a ke r W ill M ake Clean own behalf before the Senate investi­ Private Frank Bloom’s effort for pro­ T H E MARKETS. more fruitgrowing. Breast of Knowledge. gating committee when It begins the motion because of Blcom's Jewish Ore., and Centralia and Ritzville, Wn. Columbus, O.— What Prosecuting parentage Colonel Garrard’s indorse­ second investigation. Portland. Oregon C ity Saloons Prepare. Attorney Turner anil Attorney Gen­ ment characterized Jews as uot “ de­ President Taft and many other not- ; TO PROBE LUMBER TRUST eral Hogan have been hop ng for hap- Wheat—Track price: Club, 86c; Oregon C ity—The new ordlnanci ables assembled in Baltimore Tues- j sirable soc'al associates” and the bluestem, 96c; red Russian, 84c. which provides that the saloons sha day for the Jubilee celebration in i President immediately directed the Investigation Said to Be Forerunner P ni d when a moinhi r of the legisla­ Barley—Feed, $28 per ton. have glass fronts, became effeettv ture confessed In open court thut ne h no: of the fiftieth anniversary of Secretary of War to Investigate the of Campaign Against Combines. Oats—No. 1 White, $29 per ton. Saturday. As a result owners of s; had accepted a bribe and declared his Cardinal Gibbons' ordination to the matter. The President stamped the Hay— Timothy, Eastern Oregon, Chicago.—Government Investigation loons were bury n v the >'d front willingness to go before the grand $22.50; mixed, $20; alfalfa, $13. priesthood and the twenty fifth anni­ expression as that of narrow race was officially turned on the so-called i-:ki n i nt. A h e a v fine s provide jury and make a clean breast of all versary of his elevation to the car- prejudice. The War Department point­ Butter—Creamery, $24c. lumber trust of the Central W cb I anil for v elation of the o d nance. his knowledge concerning legislative ed out that there have been many dinalate. Eggs—Ranch, 2'c. West st io o’clock Monday morning, corruption. Jews among the army officers. Because in articles on “Journal­ Hip lilnl crop 22-; 1S09, 15c; when Judge K. M. Land s Instructed Sum m er Hotel Burns. The legislator is Owen J. Evans E ig ht Chosen to T ry Lorim er. titracts, 25c. ism" written by Will Irwin and ap­ the Investigation body to probe Into Hood River.- Due to the explosion representative from Stark ('minty, and Senators Dillingham, Oamble, Jones Woo!—Eustcrn Oregon, 9 i i 15 Vi c ; of a bucket of tar, the Country Club pearing in Collier's Weekly, It is al­ the alleged combination and ascertain a mornhe - ol l . iicus calendar cum W illam ette alley, ltif lB c . ii ged that theatrical advertisements and Kenyon, Republicans, and Flet­ whether or not an Illegal restralnl of 'nii and an adjoining house for serv­ ri la c which was the object of much followed editorials and drawings in cher, Johnston, Kern and Lea, Demo- Mohnlr—Coulee, 37Hc. trade has been carried on. ants were destroyed by fire entailing crlt clsai inimi-iil.it ly preceding the Hearst's New York newspapers, Wil­ fa ta , will constitute the sub-commit­ The institution of the Investigat'd! a loss of $8000. bribery dI: c nsiil'cs. liam R. Hearst has brought suit for tee to conduct the new investigation Seattle. and the paring of tin w y lor cr m Burned T im b e r Bill Up. Wheat—Bluestem, 95c; Club, 87c; i $500,000 damages against Robert J. Into the bribery charges aga'nst Sen­ Inal prosecutions of the members nl O vation or Rebel Conqueror. The House public lands committee Collier. red Russian, 85c. ator Lorimer. They were named for tuc “lumber trust," Is In line w'tli Mexico City.—No c'tizeti of Mexico favorably reported a bill authoriz’ng Barley $27 per ton. this duty by the committee on priv­ the Attorney General's announc it pol was ever g ven a more ent'iusla-! e homestead settlers whose lands were Marshfield.—The local division of ileges and elections. Of the eight Oatr $29 per ton. Icy of making war on all combination!' t'ceptlon than that which greeted burned over by forest fires last sum the Oregon N.tval Militia has been no­ members, Dillingham and Gamble, Re­ Hay—Timothy, $24 per ton; alfalfa, which operate to restrain ult mate •'runcisco 1. Madero, when he onlerei: mer to sell all the timber seriously tified to report with two officers and publicans, and Fletcher and Johnston, consumers from buying direct from he capital Wednesday. Soldiers o: $17 per ton. Injured or killed by fires and pocket 20 men for service on the cruiser Bos­ Democrats, voted for Lorimer In the Butter—Washington creamery, 25c the producers. the army which he has been fighting the receipts. The bill also authorizes ton. They are to reach Bremerton previous investigation. Jones, Repub­ Eggs Selected, local, 26c. S trike Voted Down. since November 20, 1910, lined the the Secretary of the Interior to sell June 15. Lieutenants Straw and lican, voted against him, Kenyon, Vancouver, B. C.—The Street Rail­ ireetg. In his honor mllliary bands Seventeen saloon licenses were burned timber on public lands. Grimes probably will be In command Republican, and Kern and Lea, Dem­ way and Electric Light A Power Com­ I'ayed and the police, whose duty It granted In Baker under the new ordi­ An effort will ba made to pass the of the division and will pick 20 of ocrats. were not then members of the pany employes votetf not to Join the nee was to arrast those who cried nance, which raises the license fee bill this session to as to afford re­ the bast men in the two local divi­ Senate. They are known to be op­ g- neral strike called for Monday. “v va Madero," Joined In the ovation. from $400 to $1000 a year. lief to settler«. sions. posed to Lorimer. H