TBS Professional Cards A. E. KELLOGG EMBALMEK AND FUNERAL DIRECTOR Complete ho»* «»( burial rob««, casket«, itc . , S. W. Section 2, Township 36 S., Range 3 W. Willamette Meridian, lias filed notice ol intention to make Final Commutation Proof, to establish rlalm to the land a- bove deecribed. before Register, R< ceiv- er United States Land Office, at Rose­ burg,Ore., on the 16th dry of June, 1911 Claimant names as witnesses: George Lyman of Gold Hi’l, Ore., H. A. Hoot- «11, ot Gold Hill, Oregon, ‘.V, H. Harvey ct Gold Hill Oregon, Silas Flemming, ot Gold Hill Oregon. BENJAMIM F. JONES. Register. Want Ordinance Amended. Oresham.—An endeavor will be made by the dairymen of eastern .Multnomah county to have the uiMk ordinances of the city of Portland amended, so that, as one member ex pressed himself, "the mtlk dialers A. E. KELLOGG will be law-abiding citixens." It was NOTARY PUBLIC NOTICE FOR 1'1'Bl.ICATION asserted that the milk taws are t o Department ot the Interior, U. 8. Phone 8j Main drastic, and that to enforce them lit GOLD HILL. OREGON erally would entail a hardship which Land Office st Roseburg, Oregon, April could not be undergone. Ttieir en 14. 1911. NOTICE is hereby given that Harley DR. ARTE MAS W. D EANE forcement would cut otf Portland a C. Hutchinson, whosepoat-oflice address DENTIST milk supply, ft was said. is Tolo, Jackson county, Oregon, did, on OAS ADMIXISrKRRD the 23 day ol June, 1910, tile in this off- Mines Ordered Removed. RIALTO BUILDING, MEDFORD ee .■'»urn Stat- menl end Application, Astoria.— In accordance with order No. 05904. to purchase tiie N.W >4, See. DR. R. C. KELSEY issued by Lieutenant-Colonel Foote, 21. loAiiship 36 S., Range S weal, Will­ amette Meridian, and the limber there- OTFICK IN the quartermaster’s department oh , under the provision of the act nt June G O LD H IL L H O S P IT A L steamer Major Samuel Ringgold le.t 3, 1818, and acts amendatory, known aa COR. THIRD A C STS. to remove the mines that half been the "Timber and Stone Law,” at auch GOLD HILL. OREGON planted in the river between Fort value aa might be fixed hv appraisement, and that, pursuant to such application, Columbia and Desdemona lighthouse tiie laud and timber thereon have been JOHN H .CARK IN GLENN O. TAYL3P and which hail proven a menace te appraised, |oS0 00 the timber eal Ousted 980.000 board ft at 50 rents per M, and gill netters drifting In that district. CARKIN & TAYLOR the land >40.00; tiiat said applicant will LAWYERS offer final proof in suppoit of bis appli­ BOCKS 17-19 OTSR JACKSON COUNTY BA N » cation and sworn staiement on the 30 dav PRE-COOLING DEPOT SOON MEDFORD, OREGON of June, 1911, before W. H. Canon. U. 8 . Commissioner, at Medford. Oregon Fruitmen to Welcome Station of Im­ Any person is at liberty to protest this J. L. HAM M ERSLY portance at Salem. purchase bet* re entry, or Init.ate a con­ ATTORNEY AND COUNSELLOR Salem.—The second pre-cooling eta test at any time before patent issue«,'bv tlon of any importance in the I'n tail filing a corroborate»! affidavit in this off­ OmCR IN BANE BUILDING ice, alleging farts which would defeat States will be established in this city the entry. GOLD HILL, OREGON during the n e lt two months by the BENJAMIN F. JONES. Register. federhl government. A. W. Dennis C. F. BOWMAN and his wife have arrived here to take ADMINITRATRIX'S SALE OF REAL C a rpenter and J oiner PROPERTY up the work. He is connected with P ap erh an g er In the Co.:"«*- Court of the State of Ore the Department of Agriculture. The GOLD HILL. OREGON gon for Jack,on County. object of the station -s to give in In the matter of the estate of l . F . Gard­ struction in the science of pre-c»o'ins ner, deceased. Jlllllt fruit by doing away with the old sy s­ Notice is hereby given that the under­ tem of refrigeration. signed, as administratrix of the estate of Fruit pre-cooled is said to with­ ! L. F. Gardner, deceased, pursuant to tiie stand the hardships of a long Journey order of the above entitled court, dulv to Eastern markets much better than made and entered on the 4th day of May. when handled under the old process. 1911, » ill proceed to sell at private sale, Wide experlmenta! on has been car from and after tiie 3rd day of June,1911, ried on successfully along these lines at the («ostoffice, at Sains Valley, Orevou, in California and experts believe it all the right, title and interest i.eld nr will be equally successful. If not more possessed by L. F. Gardner at the time so. in Oregon. of hip death, or since acquired by «aide- Southern O regon Nursery Co. High grade stock at reasonable prices JU No piece roo! grafting Mo substitutes No fakes iU I make the buyer's interests myjown M J. E. Day Manager Woodville, Oregon Everything good to e a t in th e line of bak­ ery p roducts— bread : ROLLS CAKE : PASTRY HOME-MADE PIES The Gold Hill Bakery At the present time there are 28 government Irrigation projects In va rleui stages of construction. The to­ tal acreage involved In these projects Is 8,200,000, and the total area now voder water ia 1,000,000 acres, on whfoh have been established ap­ proxim ately 14,000 families and an 26,000. « IK I HAYING TIME I«S H E R E A G A I N M c C o r m ic k M o w e r s and R akes C h a m p io n M o w e r s T h e s e m a c h in e s a r e th e b e st. F o r s p e e d a n d e f f ic ie n c y t h e y c a n 't b e b e a t. « S ta n d a r d a n d M a n i l a B in d in g T w in e M a c h i n e O il W . G. M Y ERS Cold Hill, O regon NOTICE OF PUBLICATION. ■ Department of the Interior, J L. S. Land Office st Roaaburg, Ore., May 18, 1911. Notice is hereby given that Marion Adair of Drew Oregon, who, October 9th, 1910, made Homestead entrv ser'al T H A T M E A N S ----G E T A N No. 054X6, for the S % N E l « , s l i d N * l 2o SEI<, of Section 15, Town­ ship 32 8, Runge 2 W. W. Meridian, hna died notice ol Int. ntion to make Final Five year Proof, to establish 1 Isim »0 ihe land n la iv -d e. scribed lieforetlie Rcgi-trrand Receiver We will send you an iron on 30 DAYS F R E E TR IA L U. S. Land office at Rosetiurg Oregon, on the 26th day ol June, 1911. Claimant imine-an witne-i.es: John stale, in and to tiie following described John B. Madvchu,, Slid William real property situated in Jackson County, Roth, FT. McQueen all of Drew, Oregon and M A IN O F F IC E -M E D F O R D , O R Oregon, to-wit; Edward D. Brisco of Trail, Oregon. BENJAMIN F. JONES. Register. Beginning at the southeast corner nf section 30, in township 35 south of range Blakesley Found Qullty. 2 west, running thence west 60 rod«; 8t Helens.—J. K. Blakesley 1 lienee north HO rods ¡thence east 601 o d s; thence south along the east line ol said t**Toots") was found guilty by a Jury section 30 to the place of beginning, ex­ of an attempt to extort money from cepting therefrom those certain tract- County Treasurer Quick here In IMS and parcels of land which were convey- veyed to parties other than Wadhams a Company, piior to April 6th, 1HW6. Also, the following described tract or parcel ot land, to-wit: HO feet in width- and 177 feet in length being and lying In “ The Little Tailor” the northeast corner nf the one acre lot 77>e C r y tta l B a rb e r Shop in block 1, as marked on the town plat of Sams Valley, and being in section 30, atturedly! Tp. 35, south of range 2 west, W. M. Also the following described tract or parcel of land, to-w it: HO feet square, be­ ing HO leet each way, in tiie southeast r - — 7 corner of the one acre lot in block 1 as marked on the town plat of Sams Valley, in section 30, Tp. .35 8. K. 2 West, W. M. Also, the following described tract or Berry B rother’» Furniture D rafting parcel of land, to-wit: Beginning at the northeast corner of lot numbered 4 in is cheaper and b e tte r than liquid veneer. block numbered 2 of Sams Valley; said It takes o ff all th e w hite spots and m akes beginning corner hears west 990 feet,anil 610 feet north of corner common to sec­ y our fu rn itu re look like new. • tions 29, 30, 31 and 32 in Tp. 35 south of Phone 38 R. 2 west of W.M. thence west 330 fe e t; FRANK BURNETT thence south 759 fe e t; thence east 120 J M t » » in n M a n * * feet, thence north 49 feet, thence east 210 feet to the place of beginning; also, lots 3 and 4 in block 2 and lots 1 and 8 in block 3 in the town survey of Hams Valley, or Moonville; all being in the P R A C T IC A L southeast quarter of the southeast quar­ S H O E M A K IN G ter of section 30, Tp. 35 south of range 2 west, W. M. Boots and Shops Made to Order Also the following described tract or R E P A IR IN G parcel of land, to-wit: The SW quarter Done in First-Class Shape of the NE quarter, the east half of the O ur m odern draw - kiln northwest quarter anil the southwest H A R N E S S R E P A IR E D quarter of the NW quarter of Sec. 26, In plant is now in operation, SATISFACTION GlIARANTttD Township 36 south of range 3 west, and we a re tu rn in g out W. M. R e e d 's Also, the following described tract or LIM E th a t by chem ical J . E . M A R T I N G parcel of land, to-wit: Lots 2, 5 and 6 in te s t and p u rity of co n ten t Next to Barber Shop in block 1, town of Sams Valley, being is superior to any lim e in section 30, Tp. .'¡5, South of range 2 west, W. MJ m anufactured on this coast Said property will be sold subject to confirmation by said Connty Court, sub­ Especially adapted for ject to such incumbrances as may b HORSESHOEING spraying purposes against said property at the time of said and sale, if any. Terms of sale, part cash and balance If you w an t your GENERAL W O O D Write for prices of purchase price to be secured by mort­ t o o l s p u t i n g o o d gage on property, subject only to such and CALCITE W H ITE LIME CO. sh a p e b e su re incumbrance, if any, against said pro­ Kiln and Office IRON WORK perty at the time of sale. to s e e Gold Hill, Oregon First publication of this notice, May 6th, 1911 ; last publication to be June 3d, 1911. M art E. G akdrbb , Blacksmith Administratrix ol the estate of F ob S alb — -A two-seated hack, nai L. F. Gardner, deceased. B la c k s m it h naw; price >50; Inquire of G. L. B DO Iron in Comfort E le c t r ic I r o n ROGUE RIVER ELECTRIC CO A. J. Messner Cleaning Pressing and Repairing For a a a a a TRY clean shave neat haircut thorough shampoo comfortable massage good shine------- A BOTTLE Done on Short Notice IC E CREAM L IM E B on T on M IN E R S CHARLES KELL C. E. Carter