Image provided by: Central Point School District #6; Central Point, OR
About Gold Hill news. (Gold Hill, Jackson County, Or.) 1897-19?? | View Entire Issue (June 3, 1911)
( ft TUM 11 l-oca* News Notes Onrnnar Kellogg • • • ■* official biialoM« Monday. Medford on J. J. Houck wa* one of III* Gold Medford Monday. Hill delegation In Or. 0 . II Hrnltli wa« at Granta Paa on prnfsssimial bnriiiaaa Tneaday. GOLD H IL L M B IT * Mrs. J, 11. Beeman and daughter Blossom were Woodville visitors Wed nesday. Dr. K. C. Kelsey waa at Jacksonville Wednesday transacting business at the court house. M r and Mrs. F. K Church,of Grants Pass, were In Gobi lll l l last Bunday visiting friends. (Stylish R e a d y m a d e (Suits Bart Carter ie back (rom Castalia, Mra. Minnie Kowa la vlaltlng frlenda at Medford and In the Big Utkliy neigh California, where he list been for sev era) months. borhood. We have a nice line o f ready-made clothing that will compare favorably w ith the products o f th e b e st tailors. In fact, the b e st tailors make the • men’s and boy’s suits which we sell. Prices are so reasonable and the goods o f such high quality that it would be a mistake for anyone to purchase a suit before seeing our line A nine pound buy was horn to Mr. H W. Dlltotnan r«(uro«d Thursday from a hlk« through Oooa o >unty which and Mrs. II C. Raedel yesterday morn ing, Dr. Brnith officiating, took him a« far aa the ocean. I I. D. Item] was at Medford on basi .1. F. Hughe«, tha Gold lllll time ns»» Wednesday, going with Jack Mor magnate, haa lw. n apointed atala Hah and gain« com'nlaalonar by Governor rill in the latter’s “ green demon.” Mrs. Muy llatcheller and Miss Helen G , J. Parker arrived from Heal tie the Hsmmnrsly visited the lamlly ol Dr. first of the w< ek.aud la the gueal of hie Chisholm at Woodville the first of the week. daughter, Mra. M, G. Womack, and Prof. T. Cheuey, superintendent of fa mily. schools ol Douglas county, was here yes ’ Mr. and Mia J, N. Fountain left terday (or a brief visit with his old friend, Tuesday morning for Taooma, w het- J. M. Hutson. they will apeml aeveral week* viaiting W. U . Meyer* report« a brisk business a married daughter. m mower« and hay rake». Gold H ill is H. II Nya, owner of the Riverdale fa rm at Itock Point, one of the pretlleat now getliug her sliaru ol the Implement place« in aoutheru Oregon, wag In Med trade, all ol which for this district lia» hemi going to otlier towns until this year. ford oo hualip aa la«t Haturday. Frank Caldwell, who»» slaughter Mlaaea Gordie and Annlelia Hlcgitn- arrived Wmlueaday from Kauaaa City, lumse waa deatrovad by fire last week, Missouri, and will spend the aummer is looking lor a less conspicuous location on which to build a new one—probably with their aunt, Mra. T. W. Kay. aome distant-« buck from the Kanea creek M r and Mra. L. I I . Willett, of Med- road. fo rt, were In Gold H ill Mundav on a Mr«. Cliaa Farmer, Mrs. T. J. West, little algid aeeing tour which Included Mrs. Fred Riedel, Mrs. J. Q. Jarvis and Gold H ill, Kock Point mid Woodville. Mis« Edna Hayes were a com mi tie« ol • B. W. McClendon, who can prove to Rebekahs who entertained their sisters anyone that Gold H ill la the coming of I tie local lodge with a «upper at the melrupnlia ol southern Oregon, waa a lodge banquet room Wednesday evening, bti-lne«« visitor ut the present Metropo Peter Keary writes from Beaulieu, lis Monday. Wimbledon Park, Burry, England to be- K«v. T . J. Hazleton, formerly pastor oome a subscriber to The News. Thue ol the local M. K church, went to Port the g o pel of tile greater Gold H ill is laud TliU'aday to uaanme Ida new dutiea ationt to be spread in the land where a* aectretary ol the Portland Common«, I- ey make more ( hr * about acoronati >B a mlaaionary and reacue »oclaty. than, at this distance, the event seem« . T o B e H e l d A t ............ Miea Nina Carter returned laat week to deserve. from a vlait with Irienda at Crescent City One of Darling & Hodges’ teams pull and Marahfleid. The trip (rum Creacent ed oil a lively runaway yesterday after City to Marshfield waa made by team noon. They charged several blocks through a country of magnificent scenery. Will be a most brilliant Floral Fiesta and Civic down south Main street, and ended Mr. and Mis. E. C. Roeniach arrived their mad career by slipping and falling • Jubiec --------------- ----------- from Minneapolis laat week, and have on the cement diiveway in front of the taken up their residence for tha aummer livery barn. W. E. Darling, who was Portland, "The Rose City,” will be a scene of splendor at Turtle Hock ranch, which haa be< n In ou the wagon, decided to give up the charge of thair ton Harold tha past ship early In the game, and received a and the center of world-wide interest for one week winter. number of scratches and bruises whan J. H . Beeman went to Ida mill at tha he jumped overboard. One and One Third Fare to Portland from Bart mine Tuesday to ran through aome Mrs. W L. Collins and daughter ore from tha mine owned by George all Points on the Briggs and Tom Kay, but owing to aome Pearl entertained a number ol Medford friends Bunday at their home overlook damage done to the machinery by froet ing Rogue river on the west slope of waa unable to make the run. Gold h 11. The visitors from the metropo The first new potatoes of the season lis were Meeitamea L. F. Wallace and are reported as having been served^on To keep perfectly posted on all important matters A. J. Wilson,Misses Elsie W’allace, Josie the table of E. Htumbo on Foote creek Talent, Mabie Collins, Grace Bratney relating to this great event, call on local agents for laat Bunday. Mra. C. B. Nowlea was and Gladys Hinman, and Messrs. Percy the gueatof her daughter, Mra. Htumbo, circulars and printed matter, or write to Talent, Laursn Hinm an, L. C. Wash- eevaral days tha first of the week. bum and D. Wallace. W. It. G iley'a class ol the M. E. The milling and amalgamation plant Bunday school enjoyed a plclnic at tha Sylvanite mine yesterday. Lunch, at the Sylvanite mine waa put in opera General Passenger Agent, PORTLAND, ORE. which waa taken In baskets, waa served tion Monday, and everything worked at the mine, and the young people were without • hitch. Ore has been fed into the giant crushers all week, and the per shown over the property, formance of the machinery lias been verv Capt. J. W. Gale, of the Gold H ill gratifying. Three hundred pounds of Hotel, states that numbers ol eastern depot was only deprived of first honor* quicksilver are used, and it ia thought people have made hie house headquart In 1908 by a fraction of a point. that it will take about a month’s run to ers the past week while looking over T. A. Feather, who ha» a ranch in the fill it with the precious metal ready for the country around Gold H ill with a the clean-up. The plant wa» made and Meadow* district and whose postofiice is view ol investment. Installed by the United Iron Works, of Beagle, wag in Gold H ill Wi dneeday Otla M. Perrine, who waa employed Ban Francisco, and the installation was transacting business. He went to Med on The News a boot a year ago, and who In charge of Supt. Swart, of that ford on the afternoon train to mingle haa many Irieuda in Gold H ill, left concern. in the metropolitan whirl for a few Tuesday evening for Arkansas to visit hour». The Meadow»,* fertile basin ly The Pacific Telephone company ha» ing north of Sam» Valley, lias always hisfolks. lie had been working on the M*dford Mail Tribune for several made a material reduction in its long been one of the most productive farm distance rates, the new schedule going ing districts of southern Oregon, and month«. I t now costs a thia year, owing to the numerous late L. W . Smith, J. A . Baxter and B If. into effect Thursday. Harris were at Medford Monday on buai- dollar for three minutes' talk to Port rams, lias better prospect» for a bumper nesa connect witli the properly of the land, twenty-five cents less than the old crop than for many season« past. You may talk three minutes to Gold H ill Railroad A Lumber company, rate. Frank and Otto Kotouc, who recently whose holding» here have been purchas Central Point lor ten cents, to Medford sold a thriving general nierantile busi ed by the Portland cement company, of for fifteen cents, »am« to Jack»onville, ness in Fliiinbolt, Nebraska, were in mid twenty cent» to Grant» Pass, with which Aman Moore is president, town Saturday ami Bunday visiting G. a i barge of five c« nts for each additional E. Pierce was at Grant» Pa»» on bn»i- R. Turner and faintly and others of tlie For points in the valley be ne-g Tuesday. He report» toe Josephine minute» local Nebraska colony. They were on a yond Medford,the Mi dfortl rate applies, county mining district a» rapidly tilling sight-seeing trip through the west, and up will» prospector» and milling men— ami lor points between hero and Grant» were delighted witli tlie Rogue river I'»»» thn Grant» Pas» rate applies. A advance agent» of thn milling boom that valley. They marvelled that at the high 1» confidently expected for » utliern new w itebboard, capable of handling an prices which farm produce commands The BEST all-round Family Oregon thl» summer as n re till of tin exchange ol (ivo hundred phones, was hero, and with a ready market, that Sewing machine that can be iiiHtallcd in the locil central at the Gold recent, rich »trikes near Kerby. more people are not engaged in ponl'rv produced. Made in both lllll Hotel Thursday. Quite a number will go to Medford and truck farming. They could readily and VIBRATOR Patrons of the Gold H ill depot are see that thl» section i» admirably adapt ROTARY today to see Eugene Ely, the famous aviator, do hi» aerial stunts in aC urtU s well acquainted with the fact that, sel ed for gardening and t it t » climate I» styles. The rotary makes hi-plnne. Ely w«a at Medford about a dom, if ever, is a railroad atation kept ideal for the raising of poultry. In N, -| h Lock and Chain stitch. year ago and tried to lly, tint failed. in such a neat, clean condition, Inside liraskfi farmers m ke mom y w tli eggs ' The latest up to the minute Since then ha has mad'' a great repot i- and .1 But perhap» there are tome at a shilling and butti i fifteen cents tion a» a bird-man, mid it i < c x p i. io l «h o ur« not -w -io that this npple-pfe pound. A present c m-lltng liete steel attachments with each that he will it. i t s a i t extra elf irt to give »Into of affair» in properly recognir. ti at twenty -five cents, farm *wtttt-r machine, ^old on easy pay by tho corporation in which llm G o ld nt the sume price a good exhibition, ments. Send name and address George Joseph, Amo» Liimeden and Hill depot and it» business are only a NATIONAL EDUCATIONAL ASSOCIATION tor our beautiful H. T. cat- »mall cog. Mr» M. It Rice has leceiv- J. it. iVolfe were a party ol Portland iilllll San Francisco July 8 -1 4 ologue free. men who inspected tlie plant and work ed gold-medal recognition three different For parties desiring to attend the ing» at the Grey Engle mine on Sardine years for having tin- most perfectly-kept WHiTE SEWING MACHINE CO. creek Wednesday, Mr. Joseph, who 1» station on tho line- in Oregon of the alwive meeting a special round trip rnte Tim medal, which ol one »ml one-third fare has been made one of Portland’» leading attorney» ami Southern Pa dlr. San Francisco who represents Multnomah county in war first given in 1907, is of solid gold, by the Southern Pacific company, from all points on it» lines in Oregon. the state senate, was a schoolmate of J. bearing thn B. I’, emblem on the oh Sunday Chicken Dinner L. Hammersly's in Lake county. Mr. verse and the words, “ Most Perfect Sta Tioksta on sale June 1, 10, 29, 30, July The Gold H ill Hotel will «ervechicken 2nd to 8th inclusive, witli going lim it tion" on the roverne It is »impended Hamntersly accompanied the party on from three bars on which are engraved July 10th mid final return lim it Sep dinner Sunday, June 4th, 12 :00 to 1 :30 till» trip to the Grey Eagle. Stop-overs allowed p. m .; fifty cents. "11)07," and "1910," indicating tember 15, B ill. Weak. M erritt Q. C o m p a n y PORTLAND Excursion Fares Fast . R O SE F E S T 1 V A L Southern Pacific PORTLAND, OREGON, June 5-10 wili sell round trip tickets from Gold Mill, via Portland Chicago ..........................................| 81.96 Councial Bluffs I Omaha j Kan-as City i ............................. 69.45 St. Joseph • B l Paul 1 8t. Paul, via Council Bluffs.......... 73.35 Minneapolis, d ire c t....................... 69.45 Minneapolis, via Conncil Bluffs.. 73.38 8t. Lonis............................................ 79 45 New Y o r k ........................................ 117 95 Boston .............................................. 11945 Washington, D. C............................ 116.96 Southern Pacific Lines in Oregon wm . During the months of May, June, July, August and September on dates snpwn below, the Sale Dates May 16, 17,18, 19, 22,23, 24, 25, 27, 28, and 29. June 5, 7, 9, 10, 12, 16, 17, 21, 22, 28, 29, and 30. July 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 19, 20, 26, 27, and 30. August 3, 4, 5, 14, 15, 16,17, 21 22, 23, 28, 29, and 30. September 1, 2, 4, 6, 5, and 7. M c M u r r a y Stop-overs within limits in either direc tion ; final return lim it October 31st. For feres one way through California in quire o f any S. P. agent, or write to wm . mcmurray W H IT E General Passenger Agent PORTLAND IS KING Sunday Chicken Dinner For more d> tailed In the yuarn in which Me». Rice lias given within lim it. Quench your thirst at Turner’s toda Thn Gold H ill Hotel k ill serve chicken llm people of this community the ples- formation, fares, » tc ., consult Airs. M. fountain. dinner Bunday, June Jh, 12:00 to 1:30 snro of Iran-nct'ug lumlnes» in the be»t- R, Rice, local.ngent A 50-iiound sack of stock food for ,J.70 p. m .; fifty cents. kopt suition ill Oregon Gold Llili Eat nt litr u e r’s lunch counter. at Järviä tlie Druggist’*. !!!Shoo Fly!!! a better motto for summer is ENTOMOCIDE discouraging dope for bugs and buzzers Jarvis the Druggist uinti IC E C R E A M and cool drinks of all kinds " ^TU R N E R ’S : lllllfr