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About Gold Hill news. (Gold Hill, Jackson County, Or.) 1897-19?? | View Entire Issue (May 20, 1911)
SIjC U til GOLD H IM . JACKSON COUNTY. •STANDARD OIL MUST OISSOLVF, IS ORDER FRANK B. KELLOGG ~ I ■ - A «ton r ~ m n i.r o . In , ltlh. Tb a . ? 8h ' r“ an “ *• ’ L nr^ r ,OD Ot ,h * " ”*>b<"->oo w a.,ordered to t . k . plac. w lu„ ......... The defendant. 011 .......... ».«dtary ,-or J ° ',n ” • «'-«••“•feller. M "rat ” ,7 ” •■ult »a« begun. ,n d . . Ä U n it « h a ir p in < » o ld be pi k<«> • HENRY L STIMSON F rank B Kellogg, who aa Spaolal Pcorecutor auccaaafully conducted the Standard n il Caee fo r th . Government. d,"d ••»<* 'he The I let wus m ade In th* WoJdorf Astoria, w h ere Scotty and ,>'e:<b w en aw entblod w ith n fe w friends. •Thia camp la get i lug so dead they’re playing liaaeliall In the street." said Weldy Young. “The only ground I | th e K u lc k e r b o la » r . u u J th j enow Indictm ents the a / 0*'W‘’* 1<,• n, “"d eecretary of Ute American Federation of Labor, re Suetalned Judge. by Federal Chicago.— A dec alon, one of the moat sweeping and Important ruling« o i" n ,h# ’ Upr* m* Cour< ever returned In a Unlttd Statu» court, was made by Jadg • Gt urge A. Carpentar, of the United States dia- of Imprisonment for tempt growing out of the || k l( „ trtet court, when he overruled a de murrer to the Indictment« . ga nst J. *«<w ..n the Buck Store A Range Ogden Arnmur and other Chicago ®f Ht. Louis, and the Federation meat packers and declared that the defendant« muat go to trial on the . *h" b'", h ’B ~ charge made by a federal grand Jury •Ithln the terms of the safety np. —that tliny were guilty ot unlaw a c . of Congrea. , , M and IKU are under , n abaolut. duty to fully conspiring to control the price« a * P in automatic coupler« ,„ d of freah meat In violation of the « » e r appliance, pre.crlbed hy 1 « , Sherman antl-truat law. •»d not merely , o exercise Oletx Found Guilty. diligence In repairing 8 ueh w a. the Hayward, W la._John F. Diet« United States. 8u p r,m * Court <* the fender of Cameron dam,” was guilty by a Jury of the charge murdered Deputy Sheriff ^ ' n g t o n . - T h e 8upreme Court having Oscar Harp, who was kt'tyt during * the United S ta te, ha, approred the rece.t sentence for contempt Impo.ed an attack on the Diet« cabin, where £ ? N#W Y° rk COurU Christo Diet« waa realstlng eviction after a gh«r t Wilson, president of the Unit •lx yea n f battle with a lumber com l>any. W Wlr*"',M Telegraph Company be Diet«’ wife and their eon, Leatle, *«■»« of the refusal to permit an ax who were Included In the charge, were ami nation of the hooka acquitted Vn ,'^"aO' Oregon A th le te . W in Experta See Prospecta of Bumper FARMERS PROTESTING AG/.INSTBEC.PR:C!TT U n ’t . going to bother me e ith e r" ”!•'*» that go at gfiOt) per block?" HMkcil ’.V«»kly “Ullfhio!” cAane the uiMw«r. Evc.-ybody had u drink, and the two prosiie-uira. a fter u uew f i l l of i lalni iiegau the Journey to the Unit kerlm . «•r. Weldy waa about to demand th drat g.Wi when the first pin \.av found at the . orner of Thirty-fourth eir-a: and Sixth avenue. And Weldy Instead dug (Jeep and |»eeled flee glftt bills or a voluminous roll For eotne reason unaccounted fin the next pin waa late In appearing but appear It did. aud with It ano.h i view of Weldy1« luink roll. The follow Ing block wa« as productive, though more rapidly an. After that pins were produced from Hie sidewalk with as PACKERS MUST STAND TRIAL * * " ’|n«t..o Samuel Oompera. John Mitchell Frank MorrUon pr#<t ; National Grange Opposes Bill in Hearing Before Senafe Finance Committee. ooo. 1 NO. 3 •••••••e e e e e ee e e e e e e e e ee e . ___ _ ■Ooc I I I* O L 'V l'f l ' l Inti i at * a u.oug it up ou il every the trail front the W tidorf to the Kilt kcrboi'ker hotel WO., Unde i.ud Won lu New York re eiil.v by W .ilfe:' Scott, whom the wot.d kuov.-s aa "h otty of Death valley,,' who baa uncovered another fori up » IVe.dy Young, who ran the firm until into the Klondike. ■)< eotnpllahiug u dpM !...,» louruey With a sled UIII -1 s hmm. took the loving end o f the wager. Il waa the dlr» l result of the deadly In lin e.. of existed •> In New York city. were declared by «„. 8 „. r , . „ . c o « « or , h„ S(m( io ” a eow plraey and combination io f*«(ralnt ot trad«. J ‘ * * ' ° lh ’ r* 1" h*ld <° be monop- William Rockefeller, Henry M Flag. U r J o h n D. Archbold. Oliver £ - - - - - a // WAdKH of flJJOu h> the elf®* I I bulrphi ,,u every bio U From here to t” a,,d“rd •’<» «n<I Ida 1» «ubeldlarv w .n .o<>. DEATH H U L T SCOTT! IS WINNER Of! HAIRPIN TRAIT Supreme Court Upholds Gov ernment In Oil Case; Ol.'ior Decisions Made. * N •Ooo ORÌ^KSÀTURDA y T m m ^ H enry L. Stimeon, defeated candl- la te fo r Governor of New York, who waa appointed Secretary of W a r to tucc'ed Jacob M. Disk,neon. Waahlrgton — A big uprls'ng of far- n- s 'nainrt the Canadian reciprocity Mreement marked tbe past week'« hear.ugs before the Senate finance •om m itte. D elegate, from Dreg««. sblngton, Colorado, Minnesota, Michigan. Mlaururi. Pennsylvania. eat Virginia, Kentucky, .Massachus etts, Connecticut, New Hampshire and M ane protaated against passage or the measure. The Nat.onal Orange, with former Governor Bachelder of New Hamp- •hire, as its principal worker, was in the forefront of the opposition to the treaty. In a canvass of t> . attitude of aen- f 7 r\ regard ng the reciprocity bill, friend, of the measure c'a m a ma jority of five In tbe Senate for it. It 'a predicted the majority vote will b« U Republican, and 3« Democrats, aud that of the minority 39 Republi can« and three Democrats. '« •h o BRIEF NEWS OF THE WEEK Senator, d, ^ ? * °f Again.« ° regOn bM R . ciprocit y. Pya« c a ll, u T im aea nst ,ae rec'proe tty bill. Chamberlain, on the • -r A |x)ll of Democratic editors of I Mlasotiri show« that 50 of the 100 . dl- to n “, ,s expected to one up with t h . ton who replied favor Clump Clark, other Democrats znd vote for the b.U. 'peak r, as the presidential nominee. will e ., VV“ ''bln< ton senators ptobably Hl di’.tde, though both ultimately Because of the notoriety given re cent dlvorc. cases In Reno. Ney., an ma> vote for reclproctfiy. j cne8 „ order has hem Issued by the d strict understood to favor the measure, and “le x te r 3ay„ he can see some good » 'to m e , that in the future all divorce n It, though he would like to have It a - ' - r . win be pl. ced on the gecret J X V * r a v w,nd up b’ — Defying the United S tate, govern- K a T u . °°a. determ‘"ed C‘“ - « 0.1 7 , ' ,or tbe »'D ow u d Idaho 1, th, on|y northwegtern state where both senators are avow- edly opposed to reciprocity. Both coal J™ ! C” BerlDg R ! W ,O mln® orah and Heyburn will 8peaM and and ship to Cordova and Ka- ▼ote against the bill. New Statehood B .ll. Introduced a,il T rdinM 8ta,i' UC’ »»Mb A revised bill for «be admission of mobiles were registered In the cap! a l. o the various states May 1. New A rison, and New Mexico „ sta te, i ork leads, with California and Penn «as p.esented to th . House b f Con- ^ . m a n F.ood of the committee on ,or territories. T he new hill nrzie^xt-- a v The wageg o{ the trainmen In the tnat N ew Mexico shall be , furlted S t.te s and Canada has been atetv admitted Imraedl- been Increased >37 000.000 in a year 00 C0»d*Don that the p eop l. t-ccordmg th . madp ' shall vote on an amendment to their uternatlonal convention of the cons, tutk>u, makins Brotherhood of R ,ilroad Trainmen easier of amendment in the future th a n ? regU ,t ° f " '° rk o t U tO e “ »«re 1,keWiae’ ” than ,w„ years by earnest women vote on Pr° 08 the Peopl* 8h»» F r a n c e ? ’ hCe'ebra,<,d Sunday from vote on . proposition to .trik e out o f F -n e e to the FIJI ls;anda "Mothers' the constitution the recall of Judge«. In both Instanoes. however the Day. devoted to tributes to the worth d work of the mothers of the world voters o f the territories are given the After <4 year, the trustees of the « o J 'r e ? h°f "nanZ decidin< «>e fiuea- tlon for themselves. Peabody Educational Fund Assocla tlou are about to distribute >2.300.000 Will Reorganize Army. - w V " ”' ° r- W,lh ">« I'nlveralty W heat Output. -* Idaho practically . „„„„ Xiw York — Reporta of bumper m y In th . oonteat. aa tar . . po or winning w a. concerned, the Unlv, ralty wheat crops almost everywhere In the of Oregon w o . the annual trlutafe I’nlted S ta te s and In Northwestern l anada are being received by those track meet from her old rival. Wash , h ere who make It (heir business to lagton Unlveralty The final ecore »■« Oregon 72, Waahlngton r>l, i keep in touch with the grain situation I There are big y ield , , n prospect In Maho 17 the Far Southwest, Texas and Okia horna, Kansas will have a big crop. WAL1KK SCOTT. FAMOUS MINER A M , SPENDER. WHO HAS WON haat year1« crop has ceaaed to be a ANOTHER FREAKISH WAGER. " market factor It I. probable that re- According to plans of the war dw vised acreage figures will add further have seen that I ,ould stake was In tnulshlug profusion until the bUx-k be th* trusteeship The fu„d origlna, ed tWQ yegrg af(er to the estimated output next harvest. Central park, and the town marshal tween Thlrty-nlntIt nod Fortieth streets P »rt»ent. S t U u i . U to become U . The Censúa Ilureau before long will warned me off. • n s reached. At this time a good the cloee of «he Civil War. when chief military center of the United “If you can’t pmapect what 1« there many people were following the bet ahnrReh A' Peabody' a ’Massachusetts b r o !7 ' have the figures for the actual acre P“ n be'ng * p ,rt ot • Jugrea. Me«.— The eupreme test, left? You meet a man around here ters and gazing lu wide eyed aston Philanthropist, gave >3.500,000 "to ad broad schem e of reorganization. n r. the clash between th . military and age of the crops, and If history re about once every two weeks. The rest ishment at the wad of yellow hack» vsnee education." dlv.sions. tt I. said, wlU be created. political authorltlea, w a. egperl.nced peats Itself there will be a revision of the male population couldn't pack will, h Weldy held out every time that o i « . ? “ ? 1, 7 ° the ca" ° f e ,L : x " b< “ *• d,ria,on o' D'- upward In the figures for the areas u suit case on their backs for half a S ottv pi ked a woman's hslrpln from Glasscock the West Virginia Legis'a- by the provisional government of planted. east. headquarter« at New T mile without dying the death o f a the pavement. Mexico and Provisional President ture met In special session Tuesday - s t e r n division, headquarter. .« Saa Cousin Jack. s Otty acarrfeed the barren sidewalk Francisco I. Madero I. complete taaa- I am sick of slouching around. I asalduoualy. n e had about reached to enact . statewide primary law, Francisco; central division headquar- 'Ountiea Join in Improving Roads. am going to pull my stakes and beat fer of the altuatlon. and to amend the corrupt practices 'era at St. Louia; the dlvlaion of Ha- Marshfield.—Comm'saloners of (’oos It for the thick bush. Every time I the end o f it and Into his money ¡xx’ket After* many exciting Incident«, dur- when a woman brushed against him Ct, so aa to prohibit bribery and « a ii and Panama and the division of '«« which the lives of Madero and his C'only a:e crnferr ng with the county pay thia recorder In the bar I feel as Startled out of hia preoccupation, he fraud at primaries, conventions and Th, rtl.fa w. re d<n<#r Q( If I had sworn In a bum discovery. commlaaloners of Doug*«« county turned at the sam e time that a hairpin Pollt cal m eeting, of all k nds as well tral dtvl.lon will embrace the pr.aent Orozco, m « moment of paa.lon. or- with a view nr deciding upen one road Yon can't make a bet on a wheel w ith fell with a very light, almost Inaudible »s at elections." departments of the Missouri. " . the arrest of the little rebel *rom Roseburg to Coos Hay. wh ch la out rubbing up against a lot of fancy tinkle to the pavement. Weldv again vest <hecha,os, and the drinks are lake«, the Colorado and Texas. let the hungry see real money. leader and demanding the realgna to be Improved There are three too thin to put life Into a malamute.** NEWS OF NOTED PERSONS The next block was almost littered National c a p ita l B r e v lt l.. Hen of the provlalonal cabinet, the roads from Douglas county to thia I am with you ou the drinks, hom- with hairpins The Inst pin w as found Government crop „ g ure. th w •aplfal of the provlalonal government place, and It Is Impossible to Improve bre, but Tex Rlcksrd told ine once that In front of the hotel that marked the Attorney-General Wloker.ham will the oondltlon of winter wk#at b them all. The plan Is to settle upon you could find a ladling proposition end of tbs journey. •a quiet. to the commencement day orater at 7 era" fOF “ *• ** y*»™ General Navarro, the defeated fed one which will be the regular high, wherever you wanted It. and that goes Weldy Young wns out >4,000, and he graduation exercises of the Yala T h 7 * r Lucky Scotty, as the mining men call Caw School, June 19. sr«a of winter wheat to be har- •ral commander, whose life waa way for travel and concentrate the here,” replied Scotty calmly. u desert rat. but I'll prospect hltn. wns the possessor of an extra Ore' 011 U 530'000 »ore. Ibreatened by angry niobg of Inaurg efforts of both counties on the one with am Nowhere In the country I, the law td s . you and iwt that I can dig up n >1,500 and o f a collection of hairpins Idaho 377.000. Washington 726,000 highway. •ale, was spirited away by Madero »gainst 8unday liquor sailing being eu- "> 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 Announcement that the In ters,¿t. 3 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 klmaelf to the American aide of the orced so thoroughly as In New York Mrs. Taft Taken III. Commerce Cou.rais.ion will undertake Slo Grande Madras Greet« Line. »ccordlng to Mayor Gaynor. U m atilla Entars Protest. New York — Mrs Taft was taken 111 Madero. at the conclusion of the Madras.—The opening of the Dcs- Chris Evans, the noted California a sweeping Investigation of tne ex- Pen,II, irn.— Umatilla county wool- lore at a banquet she attended with Conference with Judge Carbajal, the aautes ra'lroad to Madia-; was cele bandit who 1« out on parole from a 7 « » ? * *,tUatloB raay b- I-oked for Crowers plan to enter as Intervenora I e Pre.ldent. Her Illness was de- ‘ CCordfn* to report, .m a Federal pence envoy, announced that brated Friday, with between 3500 and In the suit brought hy Idaho growers life sentence after serving 22 year,, « u n i , tcilbed as a nervous attnek similar oating from various eouroea «'ere was a strong probability that 1000 people In attendance. The prin Saa joined his family In Portland. bef, re the Interstate Commerce Com- to that which she had two years ago, Postmaster General Hitchcock an peace would be restored In Mexico In hut In lens severe form. cipal feature was the performance« missb-n, contending the rate of >2J9 Despite strenuous denials of both * short tlm«. given hy the first circus ever to visit per 100 pounds of wool from Idaho to parties, « report persists that Lillian nounced the designation of 47 addt- Honal postal saving, depoaitortea. Crook County, the circus train com- Boston rhould be reduced on the Russell is engaged ta marry Alexan Reopen Liquor Fight In Kansas, “ »Un» a total of 176 alnoe January Pacific M ining Congress Meets. '■'g in over (he Deschutes line. Prac ground that the rate of >1.63 from 4er p. Moore, editor of the Pittsburg Among the new office, «re Dillon lopekn, Kan.—A slate wide cam- tically every automobile In the county F ortland.-T ha Pacific Northwest Pendleton points Is preferential. Leader. Mont.; Pendleton and Medford. Or. • a gn for the siibmlaalon of the liquor »fining Congress opened In this city Lady Deoies. who, Before her mar was brought Into service Idaho flockmasters base their suit on Wenatchee, Wash., and Evanston, uesilon In K ansis has been started parties to this city, some coming front Tuesday for a three days' session. A the shorter haul, while Umatilla riage to Lord Declea. waa Mia. Halen w yo. hy an organlxatlon whose agents say points SO miles away. Hundreds of county growers contend a close Vivian Gould, underwent an operation ■utkher of prominent persons, m ley will sp< nd »5,(too,OOO if ueam- children who had never Been a circus d elin g some of the governors of the proximity to the Columbia River occa or appendicitis from which she la p e n Mis. John Hays Hammond •try to carry the election. reported to be recovering. before attended. *1'"'' represented attended and the sions a lower rate. •alls the latter part of this month for James L. Applegate, chief counsel tongma« was one of the most Inter- England with Mr. Hammond, special Mrs. Matthew T. Scott, of Illinois, •stint ever held. (<instruction of the new 1X00,000 The Oregon Short U n a la Installing or the defense in the Motyer, Petti- imbassador from the United States te wag declared re elected pres'dent-gen 4>ower plant at Proapect, which Is be a coaling station In Ontario so that Jone a id Haywood trial, will arrive in eral of the Daughters of the American he coronation of King Georgs V, she ing Installed by Colonel Frank H. Ray freight trains naadlng coal can ccal Los Angelas to take Up the defense Refer t Ite The News. / Fill carry the most heavily Insured Revolution for the next two years. of New York, la progressing rapidly ap qulokly. ff the McNamara brothers within the wardrobe ever taken out of thia •ext tan days. :ry. DISSENSION BETWEEN REBEL AUTHORITIES