Gold Hill news. (Gold Hill, Jackson County, Or.) 1897-19??, May 06, 1911, Page 3, Image 3

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    T II K
beat medico e -Imw that ev.r a rock
Gobi H ill."
Johouy Williams went to Gran a Psa»
Thursday on busineas
Mra. J. E. Hughes arrived rout Kg-
g ne the II>»t of the w.-ek,
( I. W . latnce. Jr . waa one of the O -I.l
H ill crowd In Medford I'uesdav.
Local News Notes
Firemen’* danen F rlil« y «Venin».
A II. I,m itlnuton ami wil« were . Iren
»««nr« at Medford Tuesday.
>. It Kendall wa« at C e irra l Pol t
Thor day Io have Minis denial work
Janie« Avert 1» home from Ashland,
where ha ha» I een wo king lor a<-veral
1 Ito M. E. churrh clioli will give an-
otli r entertainment a, the iqiera huase
Ttlewlav evening M«y lflth.
lira.'.-H u n ter I ta of Grand .In c-
tlon, Colorado, haa taken an apprent'. e
po»l foil In The Naw «office.
Horae Pelton, the prominent S»m»
J Q. Jarvla and Hr« L*m pm «ii and Valley ram her, was a bitslne«- visitor
lu Med(< rd and Jacksonville Tuesday,
wivra N|>«iii Sunday at Grant* Pa»».
J. A. H ailer «a» at Urania Pane on
husiuesa Wednesday, going by auto.
E. 1C. Wnlter«, of Modfori', waa lit the
cltr of destiny nil huaiue«» Thursday.
Ifotnar W yatt waa among tlioae who
t» It In Ilia oiroua at Medford Tueaday.
Frank Uuruett and J. N. Fountain
»era at Grant» I ’aasou buaino»« iliu r*«
J. H. Simona waa in fr in. Funt« creek,
Where lie ba» a promising quart« rlalm ,
0 . H. Sllnabrlng, foreman of the
Hughes lime kiln, wa» at Medford on
buaiueaa Munday.
K. 1.. Darling and S. T. Hodge« ware
at Medford Tuesday. I t waa eirtuta day,
but they went no bualnene.
L. S. Noe, H II. H ar-la, C. A. Priee
and J A. B e lte r were at Medford un
buaim »« Wednesday evening.
Mra. Huliudi Maateraou. uf Oram»
Paaa, visited old friend» In (fold H ill
a veral day« the t1r«l of Hie week.
Ml-» Edith Hogoe. of (fold lld l, and
Mr. Harry Edward Perry were married
at .Midford la«t week, lie». Hi I Ida per­
forming the neremoiiy.
Frl a Humiiier»ty lutenda to laaun the
fir-l number of Ida Woodville Argo«
next Friday, which will be the paper'«
regular puhlicali >n day,
J. E Kade», wlioee running rnara,
"S ylvia," »e« in« tu p.iaae«a the good
opinion of many G l«l H ill lioraeinen,
wa« in town ou bn«ine-a Churrday.
Attorney Jimepli I.. Hamineraly and
J. Frank Hugl.ea, prominent rltixena of
Gold lllll, were transacting buaine-a in
till« city laal Friday.— Ashland Ilmsird.
H. 0 . Hae.lel will conn open a (Med
and billiard room In the front part of
the Hauiun r»ly block, occupied by the
Oregon - Ontario Mining A Smelling
company a« an office.
Alex Fllixunond«, repyaeenling the
J I. Caae Thresher company, waa in
town Tliuraday, and placet) the agency
for that concern’» good» with W. G.
Myera. He druVe out to (lie Meadow»
tu Interview a proepectlve buyer ul a
threshing outfit.
Owing tn the non-arrival of it« "patet t
Inside»," which are printed In Portland,
The New» in forced to appear thi« week
a« a foor-pige paper, or one-half it«
usual nixe. The reader« w ill no iloubl
mi«« «nm,< of tlie old familiar patent
medicine ml«, a« well a« the three and
a half page« of inteienting reading mat­
ter which the "patent«" contain.
It T Van De Car, the j.ivlal Medford
jeweler, went to Grant» I’»»» Sunday
with Court H all’a hall team and p ar'id-
pa'ed in the sweet revet ge ol a »core of
6 to 3 in M.-dfurd's favor.
^Stylish R e a d y m a d e tSuits
We have a nice line of ready-made clothing that
will compare favorably w ith the products of the
best tailors. In fact, the best tailors make the
men’s and boy’s suits which we sell. Prices are so
reasonable and the goods of such high quality that
it would he a mistake for anyone to purchase a
suit before seeing our line
M erritt Q. C o m p a n y
were consummated
Wednesday evening by the creditor» ol
the Gold H ill Kailrnad A Lumber Co.
whereby the property 1» in shape to sell,
and J. A. Baxter, president of the com­
pany, went tn Portland to submit a
pro|»>sition for sale to the Portland
Cement company, nf which Amr«n Moore
ir president. If the property ia taken
over by the Portland concern ia will
probably mean tlie completion of tlie
railroad up Kanes creek, and tlie opera­
tion of the sawmill, with the Hughes
lime kiln, on wiiiclt Mr. Moore lias had
an option.
Enrrgetk Medicine Ce. ta Remain
The series of entertainments given by
the Energetic Medicine company thia
week have been well attended. The
performance consist«of high-cla«« vaud­
eville, anil ia clean and neat, the dis­
play of vulgarity which characterize»
the usual nomadic vaudeville program
being totally lacking. The company
rill continue to phase tlie people of
Gold H 'll the coming week.
Dr. Thompson wa« here flv« year«
ago aihertiaing the Oriental medicines,
and those who purchased hi» prepara­
tions highly recommended them
Oriental medicines are chosen to assist
nature kindly, and by their use the
functions are adjusted naturally to their
normal action, tliti» placing one at hia
Anyone desiring any of (he prepara­
tion» can obtain them by calling at tho
opera house in (he afternoon from one
to five o’clock.
If you itre sick and weary, don’t miss
tliia opportunity.
The Gold H ill Are department will
give its annual hall in the opera house
Friday evening, May 12. and prepara­
tions are being made for a big crowd
anil a lilg time. Music will he furnished
liy tlie well-known Demaree orchestra,
ol Grants Pass. Every ntemlier ol the
lire company promi«ea to assist all who
attend in having a good lime. Tlie pro­
ceeds of the dance will he used in pur­
F ob S als — A two-seated hack, nearly
chasing some much-needed new equip­ new; price $50; inquire of G. L. II iff.
ment. Tickets are Belling at one dollar,
Quench your thirat at Turner’s soda
which is their par value, hut tlie ad­
vance demand tor them is so strong that fountain.
they will probably be Bt a premium
The Energetic Medicine company haa
before Friday evening.
drawn good hotties at the opera house
The Hrst annual May Day picnic ol
all week—ao good, in fact, that It »eeni»
Ever judge of men by their
to be mutnnlly satisfactory that they the socialists of Jackson county wil' lie
profesalous, for, though the
bright moment, of promising la
remain another week, dlapenaing vials held at Phoenix tomorrow. An ex­
hut a moment and cannot be
and v a u d e v i l l e . The genial Doctor cursion rate of one and a third fare for
prolonged, yet If sincere In lta
Thompson, with his famous remedies, tlie round trip haa been granted liy tlie
moment's extravagant gooduees,
the virtues of which he eloquently ex- Soutiiern 1’acific, and a number of the
why, trust It and know tho man
pouda, is ably assisted In making the disciples of Karl Marx will go from Gold
It, I say, not by his perform­
entertainments worth while by Harold H ill. There will be baseball, games
ance, which Is half the world's
Fields, the olever young contortion iat and races, with an old-fashioned picnic
work, Interfere as the world
and comedian, John Thomas, black-face dinner, at which toasts will be proposed
needs mu«t with lta accidenta
comedian and dancer of ability, Nil»enH, and responded to. An address will he '
and circuiu-iuucua. The profu­
elocutionist, vocalist and character im­ delivered by E. I - Cannon, a prominent
sion wns purely the man’s owa.
personator, and Miss Ida Berg, who Roseburg socialist, and F. M. Sweat,
I judge p.-opie by what thap
gracefully presides at the piano through­ county organizer, will deliver the illus­
might be, not are nor will
Robert Browning.
out the performance. The Energetic trated lecture which he gave in Gold
H lil I" i , elr.
company la popularly pronounced “ ('
T. J. Hazletnn, who wa« for «oi.ietime
in charge of the ,M. E. churclie» here
and at Central Point, will anon remove
with hi« family to Portland, where he
ha« entered the work of the Portland
Common» Prison League a» secretary.
lle v.W . G. MaeLaren, the earnest little
Scotch prear her who conducted a series
ol meetings in Gold H ill la«t summer,
is superintendent of the league, and in
M r Hazleton he will have nil able and
hard-working ally in the work of giving
the hoys who have "done tim e" a
chance at rehabilitation In society.
H I I, L
An unknown man of middle age w ■
killed by the mn-ninn paaaenger train
near Woodville yesterday Coron. r K el­
The Rrbckeh»' May Day Party
County Scat Official News
logg brought the remain» to Gold H i',,
May |)«y haa t<iur been a lim a for
and no dl«|>oaltion hn» yetib. en made of
merriment »ml ■«•»«dry, ami tlia ancient
»•w C m m .
them. I t 1« «aid that the n an waa In­
F r e d L». H e a th va. K N . B o * * n and
English fortivel »a« celi-U axlawl in Gold
toxicated and »ittlng on II e track,
lu ll, in a style befitting certain of lta B J. C re ig h to n , a c tio n f o r e je c tm e n t.
E G. Perham has (men awarded the In-al tradition«, by Amnhyat Kenekah W . J. M a ra h . tru s te e , v». L a M o tn e
L u m b e r A T r a d in g c o m p a n y , s u it to
contract for hull ling the Rogue Kiv«r lodge, w Hi a p ail) in their reception
q u ie t title .
Electric company*» power line from room in tlie I. O. 0 F hl.«k. fable*
their new plant at Prospect to the Gold «. re » t 'or card», hut by f .r thegrenter
E s ta te J am e s C a rr. F in a l a c c o u n t a nd
Kay dam. The work is to be finished i
number of H im gne»ts p referred two-a>ep» re p o rt file d and o r d e r m ad e fo r f in a l
by November let. Mr. Perham already . and wait». ■ €«• pedro and pim-chle. Mr. I d is tr ib u tio n .
E a ta te R o b e rt E n n la . In v e n to ry and
lias one crew of men in the Held clearing and Mra. W. II. Kearle provided the a p p ra is e m e n t file d a h o w ln g e s ta te v a l­
niu»ic, and lor several hour» due hnmsge i ued a t 91200.
M a r r ia g e Zdcenses.
H ill Parker and family left for Horn­ waa paid Io T» rpeicliore A dainty eol- f
Joseph E H rn lth a n d A d d le W itn a r.
brook Thursday morning, where Mr. lation, conaialitig '•! ice cream in cone»
J o h n A. C ook an d E l l r a J. M oore.
Parker lias purchased a ha lier »hop. and cake— n o l Hltv-»eveii varieties, hut
Z e ra L a h a c k and M a r y M c N e il.
HI» place in the Crystal shop haa not e veral, and »P on til ambr»-el I order
A. A. F ly n n an d T h e re s a O. M e rr e ll.
R o b e rt O. D u n c a n a n d
N in a
M ae
yet txjen filled, although Proprietor — was nerved at midnlgh'. Til» re wa»
Huff will »hortlv have another g< o ' more danrl* g afterward. Every,»n- had K ir k -
M a r r ie d .
man. Mr Parker is a good l.arl-er and a good t me ev n the babies who - noox- ! C o o k - M o o r e - - In J a c k s o n v ille on A p r il
hi» many Mentis h re trust that he wil ed in the I d. e-room 03 the Noble | 2 t. 1911. b y R ev. C H . J o h n s to n . J ohn
A. C ook a n d Ell& a J. M o o re 's o f G o l d
prosper in hi» new loration.
Grand’* presiding platform.
H ill.
Mr. and .Mrs. A. N. ilu llie rt left Tues­
l e w Oases.
Sardine Creek
day morning lor their new farm home
A. Y . C ro y a nd R ose C ro y vs. U r a n ia
near Auburn, California, cotiai«’ ing of a
C h e ls m a n . s u it In e q u ity .
G ra c e H u m p h r e y vs. A be H u m p h r e y ,
quarter section nf hlgh-rlar» farm a- d with a lame knee
s u it f o r d ivo rc e .
fruit laud, for which Mr. Hulbert p«ld
Mr«. Ptarl Fr.»et went to G lendale
E. M S a v a g e vs. J. C. O o d lo v s a n d
$10,000 Many of their friends here are Wedneeday on a hnslneee trip.
T h o m a s M c A n d re w , s u it to res c in d c on­
predicting that a year or two will see
c t.
Mi«» Minnie Ring has returned home,
G la d y s R ose vs. Jo h n N e w c o m b , s u it
the Hulbert« bark in southern Oregon af'er being in town for the p»et two
to q u ie t tit le .
aud nut any great distance from Gol 1
G ra c e V . R u e f ly vs. Jo h n N ew co m b ,
H ill, the city of destiny.
C. F. Young, of Medfoid, waa up look­ s u it to q u ie t tit le .
W ith the installation of complete new ing after hi« iolereata id thia section one j A. L . V r o m a n vs. A lb e r t a L y o n . S u it
to fo re c lo s e lien . N e f f A M e a le y a t t o r ­
equipment, which ia proceeding apace
day thia week.
neys f o r p l a i n t if f .
at the Gold H ill Hotel Ibis w -ek, the
C. Steiger«, of Grants Paae, ia moving J
place is beginning to avail me something
E s ta te H L. P egg. o r d e r c o n fir m in g
upon hi» eew ranch thia week, lately
of the np-tn-date appearanre that the
sale o f re a l e sta te .
purollased ol the Gold H ill Lumber Co.
E s ta te o f R o b e rt E n n is , o rd e r a d ­
new proprietor, Captain Uala, is de­
L. C. Applegate and J. 0 . Pankey are m it t in g w i l l to p ro b a te a n d a p p o in tin g
termined to have. He and Mra Gale
E t t a M . E n n is e x e c u tr ix a n d C. C. B e e k -
are hotel tnanagera of long exi>erience, getting the new donkey engine on the j
m an. J o h n F . M il le r a n d E m il B r i t t a p ­
estwtcially in handling tourist anil out­
p ra is e rs .
ing trade, nod they expect to help bring aunimer'a run of «awlogs for the Gold
E s ta te o f E s th e r M . M c E rla n e . a m in o r
o rd e r v a c a tin g sale.
Gobi H ilt to the front as one of the H ill Lumber company's mill.
J. N. Fountain he» made a fimt-cla*»
«tore building of Ina property on the
aouth aide, the labat Improvement
being big diaplay window«. Frank Bur­
nett ha» occupied the building with Id»
atock of furniture, which »bow« tn much pleasure places of southern Oregon, for
which Ila natural a t t r a c t i o n s have
better advantage in the new quarter».
Dr. 0 . II Smith arrived from (fold abundantly fitted it.
H ill Tueaday evening, bringing a patient,
Mi«» Williauia, from Medford, who waa
placed in the South Pacific hoapitnl
Miaa William« 1« afflicted with appen­
dicitis and il ia thought »he may under­
go an operation.—Grant» Pass Courier
I I . A. Meara, the ve'eran mining man
and on» of the owner« ol 'lie It venue,
on K»ne« creek, was a M 'ford visitor
The Mdlea' Aid will give another ol
their good »upper- Thursday evenP g,
May 18, at their hanqiiel-room in the
old »chuulbouse.
(1 O M l
Excursion Fares East
During the months of May,
June, July, August and
September on dates
shown below, the
Southern Pacific
wili sell round trip tickets from
Gold Hill, via Portland
Ch •• tg<»
Coti et I Bluff I
I intuii «
Kun s* t ‘i
I .......................• • •
St J ei h
>t P .iii
~t Fani, vi-i C. unt il Bluffs
M i nil.-,ip ti-, ilir w
Mini v«p ij , via • (min il Khiff
X-w Y -rk
\\ M«liin.tnn, I* ( ' ......................
f t . I. ui
* 81.96
69 45
73 36
117 96
116 96
Sale Dates
May 16, 17,18, 19, 22,23, 24, 25,
27, 28, and 29.
June 5, 7, 9, 10, 12, 16, 17, 21,
22, 28, 29, and 30.
Julv 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 19, 20, 26,
27, and 30.
August 3, 4, 5, 14, 15, 16, 17, 21
22, 23, 28, 29, and 30.
September 1, 2, 4. 6, 5, and 7.
8top-ov r» w thin 'im ita in i-ither direc­
tion; Hi al iftiiin lim it October Slat.
For fares one way through California in­
quire o f any S. P. agent, or writ« to
E s ta te o f J. C. E m e r ic k , o rd e r to e x ­
ecu te w a r r a n ty deed to p r o p e r ty on
R iv e r s id e a v e n u e . M e d fo rd .
wm .
M c M urray
General Paesonger Agent
Eat at Turner’« lunch counter.
Low Round Trip
— Fares—
to the
Strawberry Festival
and Rose Carnival
a better motto for
summer is
To be held at
May 11-12-13
For this occasion the
discouraging dope
for bugs and
Southern Pacific
will sell round trip tickets at
From all stations, Eugene to
Ashland inclusive, May 11, 12
and 13, with final return limit
May 15th
An elaborate program has been
prepared by the Carnival Com­
mittee and will consist of Strw-
berry and Rose exhibits, Par­
ades of the Elks and other Frat­
ernal Lodges, Strawberry eat-|
ing content, Aeroplane.Automo-
bile and Motor Cycle race. Tug
of War, athletic sports, Grand
Carnival Ball, Mardi Gras Car­
nival, etc., etc.
For further particulars call on
any Southern Pacific Agent or
write to
w m . M c M urray
Goneral Passenger Agent *
Jarvis the Druggist
I ^ iiiiiï
, " i
and cool drinks of all kinds
-■’ - ^ m j R N B r s a r “