T H « G O M» H itt N R WH P tG E T H B E R A ,\( 'il U lti A la In un« wuy lit« cru T » k *^'*. * ¿M 1er of Hi« world’s liitsraat al pr e lit. V F Illa la lie CIIUH« of Ui« ter rilli« b n h o n I e |l!lla lle . wlileli la W • r m » n II III n (lie ' ’ c o u n tr y laki W a » t e noi HO luuli) ) uar» n k « by Hu* iiriiileH of Komin mid Japan Everything up pen re to h u ll* ( ollHpIrell ilgulliHl III« staying of Hie drenti (|t»«n»e. for li appeared in the (lend of ivluter. ulien malt) iiieillenl aid» were rendered pow «riern li) Hie IliteUHC tool | ’or III alom e. in Huillín, where luu deutba « tl.it have I h - i - ii rcgl»lerell « lili alurtllllg regularity. Hie llierinomeler »bowed III degree» below Kero, wlileli paralyzed the piiyHii lana' dlalufw Una appurata» \ o | only I h I lie plnauu laying low the orientai». Imi tin* Euro|ienu and American rcMlilenta of the provine« are belli« airleken In large no in ber* In i , I,MH II tl. .b e* n ier Ike wn i* Muine In llir hul " ’ - iu . i . » here lb« apleielni liutilenlilp wua de stroyed lit un empiii (m. h iv e been held for llie lu»l lime mi the miniver flaiid «ni broldery la inklug thè piai a aury of the tragedy liefere another of lace Nini limen Ion lo a «real «I year rolla around Hie wreck will he leni. Durlug tbe pimi moni of tbs sui lifted from the mud III which II ha» broldery Ini» becn done In wldle, bui reponed for thirteen yeaya. Ibe very neweal wabos a n d drease» At the thirteenth auhlveraary many are done la dlffereui alindes of the Aiiiciicun» In (lavami vlallvd The plalied »traw« in cuntraailng the wreck, u huge Doral wreutb wua ahadea are evldeutly golng lo he «ps- pill i li on the l wlnied Iron und steel by clally popular (or motor heudwear. rcpreneiittithe* of the Cuban army, and liiere were appropriale memorial eterei»!** The work o f preparing to mine the Muine Ima pro* eeded uh rapidly uh wan exi»*cled The cofferdam Hint la h. lie eoiiHlrueteil armimi tin* hulk I h about half fliiMbed In iloina the work pilen are being »unk to form cylinders fifty fini aeroHH ho that they will form an oblong Hiirrounilliig Hie wreck and touching each other. These cylinder» are fon ned of Hied piling« ncventy-Dve L'GII.IH.M Ju*t now 1» hl I ere» I lag society men. aud a numlwr of aspiring amateur» are going lulu training with a view to becoming champion» of some clans or The mem lib color» are among tb« iiiohi delightful of all for spring and other. Au unusual Impetus was given »uminei Inn» cup|*er color, (he lironxe» to the sport by the vlsii of ihe lion. In all llielr glory of green. bronze and Heatou Hubert Kerenford. who came to reddish Hui» and mrulHlied »liver-alt Hila country to attend the weddiug of being ew|m billy effective In Ihe new his brother. I>»rd Iieeies. and Vivian glazed Hiruw* and Hie elbercal looking Gould Beresford was at one time the ama bruldn. and ihey will lie in*«d In strong teur champion of England. That was rivalry io Hie while and cream lint» Evening gloves ir» many of itlern som e years ago. and h« tins not been eiutiroldeied al Ibe lop in gold oi «ii using Ihe gloves a great deal recently. However, he still thinks he knows something about boxing, and a( a din The Latest Decrees of Dame Fashion P C E I c RE A M R e e d ’s B on V o n A. J. Messner “The Little Tailor” Cleaning Pressing and Repairing ver or bare a cord Jusi ai ibe lop of one of these two. The embroidery nr aud one seen la a dome »bailed bat In cord baa a uarrow elastic whlcb keeps two tones of green and red Al one the glove In place, anil they are pretty aide are a couple of straw cabocbons and practical as well. aud two red quills. Another model of Double rucblng. lo some cases frtng folded lagel straw In mandarin blue ed on both sides, it a new trimming euggeata both a toque and a bonnet. feature Au envelope corner of ibe straw edged Parts decrees black velvet slippers with velvet Is folded over the front, for eveoiug toilet«. and the wide strings start from under Bags of ibe gayesl colors and of two big rosettes of ribbon, whlcb form every fabric Imaginable are carried by Ibe sole (rimming the Parhdennes. We all know ibai wide silk braid The plain seven gored sk in la al hua ls*en worn a great deal during Ibe ways needtui II la becoming to botn past winter, hut nevertheless It ap the stout and ibto womau pears again Hila sensou on moat o f Ibe JUDIG CHULI.BT. smart spring suits l l u i why should T h is M a v Xtam on p a tte rn Is cut In six»» we lay aside such a practical. not to say beautiful, trimming as silk braid fro m Jt to St s a la t m easure Send 10 cent» to this office, g iving num ber, */(-.* and tt «Imply bcciinse II ba» been worn dnr w ill be p ro m p tly fo rw a rd e d to you by t ig Ihe pr«- i*dlng seasonT m all I f In nnste send an a d d itio n a l tw o The mnsli- roll parnmil Is the latest cent s tam p for le tte r coinage, whlcb In device for ibe traveler As Ils uamc cures m orv prom pt d e liv e ry Indicates. Il looks like a small roll of pigskin when c l o s e d , widen might con IN FASHION'S REALM. eeul n m u s i c score lull which lusiead held« a parasol. Hie parasol can be Planning the Spring Wardrobe—Grace preM Sed o l d b y m e n u s o f n s p r i n g to Be Fashionable. The fan* y wat-u that gives a point Embroideries and eyelet work In all i *-d effect 1» a very new one. This over deslgu» are used in quantities to model will Is* ftmnd n gi»«l one for develop summer gtugbams. linens and i ihe combination of material* that are lawn frock*, and ibe effect 1» very so much In vogue r ic h a n d a t t r a c t i v e JCJIHC ITHM.I.ET Foulard silks are being wild In great quantities and will be Ib e all round Done on Short Notice mamcv w a is i ta il, by A m e ric a n Brass A M -z la n o n •n a n a s oim n nooiou « i n i SOAKKU UKbMXr I u d o V o m U answer to uu appeal for aid vart*>u- E u rop ean pow ers are » e lid in g t a llie d help Ughi the terrible luvud«r Chimi I» feellug Ihe plugue lu uiuuy quarters, et eu the capital. Peking tv porting many eases The Chinea« gov •riinieal unable io obtain »erum. or dermi Idb.tKai do»**» of plague antitoxin from Vienila England and oilier got •rumenta have scut spis'lallsls to Man churls to study Ibe pingue and devise means o f slopping 111 Jpreed Bui liiere Is another and «tpiall) menacing danger, as If Hie "Muck dent II" wim mil enough II Is famine Fully g.MNi.tsai persona are «tnrvi ng In nmiern ventral China, and ibe plague la gradually reu* hing southward lo ward this districi. Several year» musi elapse ts-fure Ihe suffering Chi aese eau recover from Ihe famine, und their isiwer tu resisi Ihe plugue Is di mlnlsbed by lack of food. Tile s|ie* 1er» of hunger and disease sre not more than M*i miles apart The preseui outbreak o f the buboul* alague aplica red in Hongkong In IWH n id i lo rboMxb wuxath ci . xi sd oh wane*, fuel long, which reach through the thirty or forty feel of soft uiud ou Ihe bottom of the hurlsir and peoc trale umuy feel Into Ihe Hr in d a y be low These cylinders will than be filled with clay, which as It Is dropped In will fort e the water om Ares o f pll lug will then be constructed connect ing the outer sides of Ihe cylinders and the Hpuces lieiween the arcs, and the cylinders will be filled with d ay Thia will make llie cofferdam water proof, and the water Inside will be pumped out. leaving Hie wreck exactly In Ihe |Hisltlon tlnil It has held since it went |o the bottom on the ll l g l l t of Eel* I.",. I.sps It will t h u s be easy lo examine the wreck with a view of determining. If isisslble. exactly what destroyed Un* eesscl It Is uol thought by experts that anything deflnlie will lie learned The official decision, made after divers had exumlned the wreck and after uiauy w ltnesses und survivors o f the d isas ter had testlOed. was that the ship was destroyed by a mine or torpedo from T h ia M a y M a n io n p a tte rn la cu t In else» the outside Spain has denied this aud lo r c h ild ren of elx m onths, one. tw o end fou r years o l o i Send 10 cents to this has Insist'd that Ibe warship wus d e g iv in g nu m b er, OSM and It w ill be atroyi*d by the explosion of her own office. p ro m p tly fo rw a rd e d lo you by m a ll. I f In magaxlues t o u t send an a d d itio n a l tw o cent s tam p W itnesses testified that there were fo r le tte r postage, w hich Insures m ore two explosions, and It la likely that prom pt d e live ry the boat’s magazines, or at least one of them, exploded Thia second explo FASHION’S riULlNGS. sion probably did mors damage than the flrst. though that wus doubtless N o t t s on V a r io u s M s t t s r * W h eh Gs aufflcleut to have sunk the vessel. to M s d s m s '» A d o r n m e n t It la |Misalblc that fragments of a 8|>eeln| attention Is given Hits season j torfiedo or bomb will lie found under lo |*nru»ol handle» shown lu handsome WINN]» King» now comply with ihe "unity lu color" Idea If you wear sapphire« j wear »npphlres only; If etnernlds. eni ernlds only Munufiieliirer» are nim ln gou t patent leutuer pumps daintily lined with scar ® Hit. by A m e ric a n Angel Food Press Association. ANTBOMT X. DUXXKL. XB. AMD THB HOBBKT UKKE8VOHD HOM. □er Just before bis brother's wedding something was said about bla skill and atamtna. , Anthony J. Drexel. Jr., of Philadel phis, the huslutnd of Marjorie Gould, elder sister of Vivien, thought he was something of n scrapper himself, and as a result of tbe good uu lured Midi nage a match was arranged between the two. They met a few duya later at the home of George J. Gould at Lakewood. N J. The meeting was described by those who siiw It as a lively affair, though neither of the men was really tn train Ing. Drexel was tbe aggressor at the start, und he rushed the fighting, but Juat before the round ended be wns knocked down by a smashing book to the Jaw. He was on the floor when the gong sounded and ended the round. At the start o f the third round Drex el again rushed In, but was met with ' a heavy body punch, whlcb staggered him somewhat. Beresford now drop- ped bis "take easy" methods and got busy In real earnest. He very soon 1 had Drexel guessing and with a ter rifle left sw ing sent his opponent sprawling. Drexel waa quickly on his feet again, but the end was ob viously near. With a left and right to tbe Jaw Beresford bad hit man completely at bis mercy, standing dazed In tbe middle o f tbe ring, with hl» arms hanging listlessly by his side Drexel's seconds admitted a knockout. Though scheduled to go six rounds, the bout hud ended In the third. The defeated man la a cousin of Anthony J Drexel Biddle, a young HORSESHOEING and GENERAL WOOD and IRON WORK C. F. Carter Blacksmith P R A C T IC A L S H O E M A K IN G Boots and Shoes Made to Ovs»e R E P A IR IN G Done in First-Class Shaee H ARNESS R E P A IR E D SATISFACTION uUARANTEfO J. E . M A R T I N G Nexl to Berber SI m o M IN E R S OH INK» a OOIIKH IN PI.AIIUB DIHTHIOT. It remained restricted to native Chi uesc until IMOti, when It passed to Bombay, whlcb la now Infected. It devastated India during the three 'following years. From 1807 to 1800 the disease spread to Egypt, Astatic Turkey. Madagascar, Portugal. Hus alu mid Austria und reached the Amer lean continent, oppcurlug In Brazil, Argentina and Paraguay. Honolulu Blso became Inflected. In 1000 the plague broke out In Han Francisco, coming probably from Hongkong or Honolulu, and cost forty-otic lives. It Is necessary that tbe physlcluns at work In tbe plague districts protect themsnlvea thoroughly. The Chinese |ovcrnineiit has (lone Ils iilmost for the personal comfort of ihe physicians, aeeordliig to the letters of the Inttcr A doctor garbed for duty Is certainly awe Inspiring, clad ns lie Is In Iodo form helmet, rubber musk, boots, over alls nnd long coat. A Frencli do’tor named Mesny, who wn» not Inocti Inted. becn me Infected through n pa tient coughing In Ills face while hl» tnntk wn« removed - ....... . .............t' The rec»lpt of the official census t TURKU BUTTON OTITAWAT OOAT. CllOWI) x r MKMCIKIALHKIIVK RH AND WIIUTTI 1NU OPMRATlONa. the Maine and In such u condition us to prove conclusively that there wns an explosion outside the veaael. It Ir also possible Hint the wires that were used to explode the mine will be found to tell their silent story. But even If these nre not found It will not prove that such inntcrtals were not lin e d In sending the Malm* to the bottom. Divers who acitrcbed the wreck of the Maine brought out 188 bodies, and sixty-three men w**re officially report ed ns missing Their bones will prob ably be found now a id will be In terred at the Arlington National came tery at Washington. ont has been stc fo rt for i ndleton giving n popul tlon of 4460 and «tiowing a g un i .H Ihr , ; tev-n t •«.aqua o r «xa.etly 1 per «eat In 10 b nta year» h s i aiwuneil a a , . m «1 ptuteat the 1- •a d dlxfust in that oil/. G ltII,D ’8 BISHOP DIIKHH, let morocco, with heels about three quarters of nu inch In height Mnuy houses are showing designs lu beads or lu a headed effect secured by French knotH. These latter are very new and nre worked In silk or heavy cotton and In contrasting colors. Flat tittle pump bows of Irish lace against till) wings of plaited hem atltcbed linen are uniong the small bits of neckwear, und small bows of black velvet ol black «atin aliil head JatiotM d by Bishop diesHC» tor tbe little folks n r e both practical and pretty. This model practical dress for street, shopping and ordinary wear during the coming spring months. Sleeves are worn to salt Individual taste and com fort The three-quarter length la generally seen. There are a number of points It ts well to keep tn mind when planning the spring and summer wardrobe, so that one may have a safe foundation on which to build. Gray shades will prove very fashionable, and materials showing stripes will be all the rage later lu tbe spring. Many skirt« show a plaited effect, and this style develops well In linen or the heavy cotton materials appro prtate for summer wear. Skirts may average two and a half to three yards tn width Most of the new models are comfortnbly wide about the hem. Tbe very narrow skirt is ridiculous In summer millennia Short Jackets still occupy a promt nent place In the fashion world Like the one slinw n In the above plct'jre they are tm «t attractive when the cot lar and cuff« differ from the taeket it* seif lu color. Jb D lC CUOLLBT. P ho to by A m e ric a n Presa A ssociation. A. X If you w ant you r t o o l s p u t i n g o o ck sh a p e b e su re to s e e DKKXKI, BIDD I.K AND fACKT M P A B - LAMD Philadelphian who lias fur years been Interested in pugilism anti has "put on the gloves" with professionals aud amateur». He decided that be must conic to tile defense of tbe honor of lie* family mid the glory of the United States But he decided that he had letter learn If he Is tit before issuing a ( In* I *nge Mi D r e s i l B i d d l e t c - i c d h i s ability to "come tno g' by « go with Pncky M* Farlaud. the crock Cbh-ngo l i g h t | weight Tbe bout took place at a club i In Philadelphia, and the amateur made a good showing He boxed four fast rounds without losing hts wind, aud he il«*' Idcd that It would be ssfe to tai kle tbe former British amateur cham D i o n ____________________ CHARLES K E LL B la c K s m ith G O LD H IL L CITY LOTS Tw o fine business or residence lots on west Main street, Gold H ill, (lots 16 and 17, bltx’k 17 fo r sale at a bargain figure. The final provisional census returns give the total population of India as I S1I.W.000, this being as Isicrc »■•<■ S- . sooimu » as so nr pared with th e ISO i L A M P M A N & H A M M K R S L Y T T MBSUX.