PA GE SIX T H It ( I O L II H I I. I. NEW S So fa r aa hia ever l«qng o f any us* I in the world, a sm all l«.y m ight as wall ORCHARD HEATING. Ha h forty pound rock to hla neck nod The question of heating orchard» NEWS OF NOTED PERSONS Jm.ip Into (he n earest i«>nd as to let j during froaly nights to prevent a de S tanley Roti «un, ow uer of thè s t f i e cig arette habit get Its clutches on »(ruction of the bloom haa |MHMl>d be hlu,> _______ ! youd the experim ental atage, and tbla Louis N atloual l.eague baseball club, In a recent in stitu te which th e w riter 'e a r every level headed orebardlst who la dead dNb — 4 atten d ed the queatlon w as raised by Uae« In a latitude th at la likely to be Ad W 'olgast't broken left arm la aa one farm er prwMnt w hether if th e Bab- 'TMlttnl K' • »prtim froat when the tn^et good as ever, aeeonbng to a report cock teat and w eighing o f the tullk “ » ,’Uk" “ *l,ould ,uak'‘* Prapurutlon« tnade a fte r a thorough exam lnallon yield o f cow s w are generally Intro- ttt ouc* safeg u ard him self against , tlnccd there would uot ba an overpro- f™*' dam age W here It can be pro : * ra > >• 1 ' 11 *PP e . ductlon of b u tter. T here aeeins to be ‘‘“ rval at a price of from -I to tl ceuta I'rem ler Stolypln, of Ituaala. who very little likelihood of It. for If the I * 1’ K»Uou crude iwtruleum w ill serve *ent In hla resignation, haa agreed to test were universally applied close to a *he pnri«oae as well or bolter than any rem ain In office. The cabinet crisis, ¡CENTRAL POINT th ird of all th e cowa In th e country °*her m aterial and ha* the udvaniage therefore, Is at an end. ROGUE RIVER would be put out o f com m ission th e th at. l>elng In a covered pot. It Is not VALLEY R eports that David Lloyd George s ta r boarders th a t are m aking ISO rendered useless by a rain, as Is quite C fi EG CM pounds of b a tte r o r less an d are kept “ ft’’” *be case w ith wood or litter <>l will be forced w ithin a few days to CCRRE5PONOE1 a t a loss. several kinds. T here a re several good resign a s chancellor of the exchequer SCUCITE - — ■■ oil h uruers on th e m arket, and those because of ill health a re In clrculu It is a fact conceded by all who have m ade w ithout soklcrcd Joints are pref lion In Eagliah political circles. (T h t* m a tte r m ust not be re p rln :e d w ith ­ ever looked Into th e Interior o f a dirty erable. Experience ba» show n S tate S enator John B roderick was o u t special penntaelon. ] and foul sm elling cream se|tu ro to r th a t about fifty b urners should be used per while It Is a labor sav in g device Its acre aud so set th a t the wind wI I found not guilty of bribing Holtzlaw use b.v any farm er or dairym an who blow ihe sm oke and heat from them to » ate for S enator lairiiner. THE LIM E-SULPHUR SPRAY. l t isn ’t a question alone of w hether you will uot take th e tim e aud pains to into the limbs of the trees. In a ma A lthough tim id about m aking his W ith Isith landscape gard en ers aud keep It clean should be strongly dis- jorlty of cases the critical coldest w ant a lietter sal«ry— it’s a h a rd condition candidacy known. It 1« generally un horticulturists the lim e-sulphur spray couraged. If uot kept so. it is one of tim e during a night In which frost oc of life th a t you m ust ini'« to p ro tect your­ la being used w ith Increasing satisfac­ the foulest things Im aginable aud a curs Is betw een 3 and 0 a. tu .. and the deratood that form er S peaker Cannon self an d those de|ietulent upon you. tion as a su b stitu te for the bordeaux cuusc of germ ladeu cream and low b urners should lie held In readinc - Is a candidate tor the leadership ol Y om c o n f ilund still—if you d o n 't w ant th e R epublican m inority In the House m ixture for shrubs and fru it trees q u ality b utter. uutil the tim e m entioned. Frequently to go backw ard, you m ust go forw ard— while In a dorm ant condition. S o t only ■ conditions prevailing In the early even th u t is, yon't* gof k> ru ro nueru we|| rem em ber th at both poorly paid positions now earn high salaries as a trlbuted over th e country. If applied alarm s w hich a re operated autom ati- tu r,. (( _ Just before th e buds burst In th e spring _ __ v*aBy by therm om eters which set them a pp|t, a u j jieacb blossoms In full bloom . result of letting the I ntkrnational C ossaseoN O - the spray will also destroy many eggs going wheu th e m ercury reaches the w m 8tand from four to th e degrees of KNCR S chools show them how to accom plish the of the several varieties of aphides. If d an g er line. Any one who has hiked f rus, w ithout serious dam age; hence If change. D uring last year ulxnit 4,000 stu d en ts vol­ one Is In a section w here m uch spray- out lu “ shiver on a frosty n ig h t every otdy tw o o r three degrees of frost • u n tarily re|H>rted increases in salary am ounting to tag Is done m uch trouble can lie saved h a ,f hour betw een 10 p. m. and 3 a. in th reaten It will uot be net-essary to ' over two million dollarsl E very m onth an average of 300 men voluntarily by buying the ready m ade lim esul- j to consult th a t old th erm om eter would more than a sm udge on the vasi , re|s>rt to us advancem ent in position anil earnings. W hy not m ake »unu, p h u r spray, which should be diluted in quite likely not have to be argued Rldp o f th e orcbard Juat TOUR s ta rt this m onth? n!1 to p„ , vwit „ too ropld , hllw ug about tw elve tim es its volum e of luto g etting one of these new fangled w ater. If tills cannot be obtained th e alarm s. They save sleep and nerve Qf , b(, ^I osboius . Stum ps, conlvvo a! • • isirrsdilmi Csrrts^otMrscr stkMli spray m aterial can be m ade according force. brush and other litter have also been R o r R am , Scnntnn, I’ m . • • « p i a l a , w M fe M H l u h - l wi l ' f a l lo » <•« M y to the following fo rm u la: F orty pounds used w ith good results, few er tires be- Sim ply m ark on the coupon 4 p s i t I., w I < q u a i l l f lo « I b a p- » n a . I i a - l a , o« T here is probably no o th er single fea­ unslaked lime, tw enty pounds sulphur, I tag required w ith m aterials mi’kiug a i d r « i l - a I*«»*»»» w h l< b I k « v « i « k * 4 X the position you wish to secure, tu re connected w ith th e care o f the »«»•g Ï k.l»*»«l»'«l i Unna« fifteen .----------------- pounds salt ------- and -------, six ty - gallons Atiioamlal« NaiiMki -------- -------- . , . . . . . . larger blaxe and giving m ore beat. In th en tear o u t and m ail th e coupon » itmiiig I I > l»««»l« al » w ater. T ake ten pounds of lime and cow, und f" r f° ' , Ome of the orange grow ing se tlons litaliatn«« I < baH >v«l l>» to the International Correspond- I >!•• t«»Ml* al L a «Miss*»« api»•« tw enty pounds of sulphur and boll In low ing th e tim e when she brings forth of Cal>foro|» o n .hardq ,,r froI1, „ fty to I »loph«»» Kk • M«« A 4\ it t f M « m ence Schools. T his p u ts you her calf th a t will d o so much to keep a h u ,ldrpd „(.reM huvt. Multa****«« I ta) a < « i U rlìi«» tajK«««* ten gallons of w ater from one and a I » alti* W lo tlo ta I iiu u n lt ig under no obligation w hatever b u t tier udder in a norm al and healthy con- I I l» |l ^ n *« « h a lf to tw o hours. until the su lp h u r Is by driving through them In the early Cr-nifM-nar allows our experts to a d a p t a com pletely dissolved, which will be in- dl,ion « • to see ,o lt ,h at she alw aTs m ____ orning hours low w agons hearing \ h k l l « . <'M I *t*«n ah Course to your individual needs d ila te d by th e liquid tu rn in g a clear has a d ry. wadi bedded place on which flrp- a<> fpd S!t |(J m ake dense smudges, I ” Il I l * >«s » n I u t g H.nSì«« 1 ¡¿M M .» M io « I « •» •*« ••« am ber color. Slake the balance oi th e lle al night ° r ta re s t tim es du rin g . \ y balever m ethod lie followed In pro- and circum stances. M in * *u p « tliiir n « l» n l c o » S»è -tr» t !■»»«« th e day. Investigation Into the su b ­ F ou’ve go.' to r a m m o rr m on ey. Ume and to it add the salt. When this tectiug the orchard from frost, preiai- ject by v eterin arian s show s th a t a ma- I h e I. 5 . *111 h elp you . is dissolved add lt to th e lime and sul­ rutions for heating or sm udging should rltv o f cases _ of milk fever a re __ due . ... „ H ill yo u la k e th e m a rt today Î p h u r solution and boll from th irty to • jo __ ; ______ be to made well , 111 advance so that one î M .* .V» carelessness on th is one point, through forty-five m inutes longer. Add enough will not be taken unaw ares. Instances . 5 hot w ater to m ake the sixty gallons allow ing the new milk cow to lie are num erous w here the money spent and apply to trees o r sh ru b s while dow n in cold and dam p stab les or out in orchard heating has been returned GENERAL W. H. CARTER. K. H. B u I km L, Representative, 7 , 9 I ay lor slret’t, i Box S21 I Medford hot. To get best resu lts th e spraying door places. m anifold In the crop retu rn of a single Who is In comm and of the troops should be thoroughly done, so th a t all season. W estern fru it grow ers are much in ­ mobilized by Uncle Sam along the p a rts of th e trees will be reached. This terested in a recent decision of th e In­ Mexican frontier. spray is quite caustic to th e hum an te rsta te comm erce comm ission, which TEACHING T H E CALF TO DRINK Disposing of an e sta te valued at skin, and th is effect may lie In a meas- .o « - ..c It Is am using som etim es to see the is th at w estern shippers shall .„ receive • nd ,ln,er'" f ‘' ,l l'-' p -,s ', n -' T,1e f.n e thp refrig erato r cars w henever som ew hat lengthy d issertatio n s on upw ards of *25,000,000, the will of the an d hands before beginning th e spray asked w lthou, ad d ltlo n a| coat_ tt ^ ( n g teaching th e calf how to drink, as If tl late David Halliday Moffat, D enver’! Wu ' ki 8° - u0“« ° f ' neBar' ,.In, the opinion of the com m issioners th a t w ere a m atter of considerable dlfflrnl- m ulti-m illionaire "em pire builder,* T H A T M E A N S ---- C E T A N n ls Wl 0 URt , K!t U° 1 the charges made by the railroads for ty. T h ere are a few sim ple p was filed for probate. hep - i*h f 1 ■ r' it h ft1«™»*' 8 I PVWtooUng facilities were unreason- tlons th at m ake th e m a tte r relatively Following Admiral Dewey’s decllna sh lte he face. It should be remem- | g b |e aud unj Ogt ThIs wln un900 a week and ex- i th ree or fo u r y ears th e w rite r o f these plan referred to is simply th e p u ttin g when lt has got a good grip on them penses. T he extra session forced him notes has m ade mention of th e bene o f a layer of corn on top o f th e bed- gently low er the head Into the pall, ” A S q u a re M e a l a n d a S q u a re D e a l’ fits to be got from tiling low and wet ding In th e cars In which the hogs are keeping th e fingers far enough a p a rt so to cancel his agreem ent. W ithout » ver p e rm ltt’ng his oppo­ land. F o r those who know from their sent to m arket. In loading th e cars th a t th e milk will pull betw een them, own or o th ers’ experiences th e benefit enough room Is left so th at th e hogs Keep th e little b ru te’s nostrils above nent to as-nm e the offensive for a o f m aking such im provem ent fu rth er can root around and get th e com . th e milk line and when it Is getting m om ent. F lan k Qotch defeated Tom evidence would hardly seem neces­ T he advantages o f this m ethod of a good d ra ft of milk w ithdraw the Jenkins, ex-champlon. In two straig h t sary. We give the following concrete shipm ent have been found to be th at fingers, lt will shortly w ant som ething fails at the A uditorium 'n Denver. S teve Jone», P roprietor case of th e ad v an tag e o f tilin g for the tb e bogs do not bunch up and sm oth- to suck liesldes Its tongue, nnd th e fin benefit of those who are still some­ er. a re q uieter and when they reach gers will have to tie returned to the A|_ p A Lp A R O O T S A DELICACY, w hat skeptical about th e m atter. The m ark et are ready for a fill of w ater. m outh, but gone nt In this way It will E le c t r ic L ig h t in E v e r y 1 h e\B e» t th e M a r k e t farm er in question owned a little less .u o r ueu a u v u e A nother thing w orth consideration is not be long before th e calf will drink a Fap E. rlv A. oar. au. Found Room A tlftrd a SeCLi0D «• one th lrd of the fact th a t th e corn which th e hogs In an entirely satisfacto ry way. «, ™ ' by Woman r which, or about ninety-five acres, was eut en route cogtg rent), or w h af. p Farm - — er. Alfalfa roots, w hite Mud tender, will X ° L d ° w X a n Bah^ n ? Uttbe8ZmT,l — th e prevailing price m a5 at tbe COTTONSEED MEAL FOR FEED take the place of early asparagus If g rass and weeds. B arring th e small o f ablpm ent. and not «1 per • ount of .. pasturage a ,,*,,«,./.,. n which .l.iz . L A L, ; „ ING STEER S. Louise F W elnland. au Irrigation am th is fu r­ bushel, th e price usually charged a t all T he p ast w in ter saw the first sack rancher In tbe Spokane valley. Waah- nished and th e m eager cu ttin g of wild central m arkets G O L D H ILL« hay got from the edges, th ere had , tr, ^ and an / ah,p J er can demonst’ra te ° f meal Hhl»” ’« 1 ln,° the Ingtou, Is sue..w sful w ith her plans for section In which th e w riter lives. It m arketing the new est table vegetable been no revenue from It for years. At ; ,ta w orth fl„ ’t hand costs laid down $34.50 per ton, which In tli • w estern country. The discovery la st the ow ner got Interested in tbe | ____ Is about a dollar less than the price of that alfalfa root Is as nourishing to I su b ject o f tiling and u n d er a compe­ N orthern read ers will be Interested linseed oil meal, and this notw lth stan d man as lt ls to live stock w as made And ( 'oniinlRxinnx w ill tx* paid to a bright te n t engineer laid out a d rain ag e sys m an o r woman llvlnx In thia locality, who tern w hich cost him In the neighbor ' n t *>e ^0,,0T/' nK rec,Pe i ° r m aking hoe- jn(, lbe (bat chemical analysis |,y Miss W einlund several m ouths ago, can aur<*«*aiiiIIjr rtevot«? a ll or part of the hood of $2,000 I.ast spring he sowed ''’’''e ’ - contrib u ted recently to u K ansas »hows th a t the form er feed contain« but the projier m ethod of preparing It tiinnga a wpoelal Krpreacntativ* of Imwl area aud when * Pa Per b.v a read er who has made nearly 10 fier cent more protein than was not ascertained until recently. to flax th e reclaim ed area, aud when m any o f them : T ak e tw o cupfuls of the latter. This m akes a cheap and when tbe young woman, nftpr imrlng the crop w as sold he found th a t this first crop paid for the im provem ent, sifted cornm eal, place in a pan and excellent source of protein, while nil for hours In n huge toine on cookery. I w hich am ounted to $20.10 per acre for m a k e s shallow hollow In th e cen ter of merons experim ents which have been 'decided to try recipes for cooking aa- | th e land drained, and left him, besides, th e m eal heap and In th is place a m ade show that, given in a proper ra- paragus. AND The first dish was sam pled by a $15 per acre, o r $1,425, w hich would rounding tablespoonful of lard and on tlon w ith corn, about one to ten. feed tag an im als do exceptionally well on It neighbor's hired man. who. Ignorant have been a fair revenue If he h adn’t ,h ls ,w o P‘n'-hes of salt. P our a cup- paid out anything for tiling a t all. of bqjllng w ater on the lard, stir T h e feeder u’ho Is trying 'h is cotton of w hat he w as eating, called for a T here a re literally millions of acres quickly an a dash on some cold w ater seed meal for th e first tim e Is aiso second dish. O ther neighbors ute of D a r iln g H odges of th e richest kind of land th a t can 8nd sfIr thoroughly. The h a tte r should feelin g w ith It equal p arts of alfalfa the root and pronounced It satisfying which Is a prepared feed mnde of to the p alate as well as highly Hour- an d should be redeemed In th is sam e •* alm ost thin enough to run. H eat a P R O P R IE T O R * w ay and which wdU be reclaim ed griddle, sprinkle dry meal over It rath ground alfalfa leaves ami stem s am, Ishing. They nay the flavor Is sim ilar m olasses. T his contains a trifle less Io asparagus. w hen the ow ners w ake u p to th e bene- " f freely and when the meal begins to Thin will prove to hr » fine paying poaltlon ------------------------ fits of tiling. brow n pour th e b a tte r out and spread than 20 per cent of protein and cost- j for eouieone. Address with references: Ito thickness of about a q u arter of an about $5 per ton laid down Notwlth I ntucky Family’s Longevity Record. | The w o r d ’s 1910 w heat crop aggre- 1 ,n rh WbPn tf]p p;|k(. ,s brownpd „„ stan d in g the high price a, which the; ' T here ls a fam ily In H opkins county, HUI.I'MATE'S DKPARTMKNT g a te d a,Hl t h e lo w e r s id e n n d c o o k e d s o m e w h a t are sold, this use of these protein con K.v.. th at probably holds the record for Drawer 2n harvested from 254 0 « ,.OW acres. Th, ■ morp fhfln ,f bo ccn trates makes possible a more eco longevity. T he head of the fam ily, B utterirk Building Jam es Madison, w as 192 years of age was ^ a v e r a g e yield of 13.2 bushels and fhp otbpr R)(,e brow nM nominal ration th an If corn should b< Com er Opposite D ep ot New York o.i Jan . 20. Ills w ife will be ninety- tlsed cvcb,«lvc|r ' ________ T h e hoeeake should cook quickly and two tills spring. Mrs. IJIllo S a tte r­ G O L D H I L L . - O R E G O N T he o th er day tb e w riter ran across field, a sister of Mr. Madl«mi, Is In Many an unprofitable hen m ight be j Is b est served hot w ith butter. Induced to tu rn over a new leaf were , T h e dairy business of the country th e very unusual case of an attem pt her one hundred and fo u rth year, and she given a ration containing less corn ; will be put on n much more profitably to set th e broken leg of a horse. The Mr. Madison’s m other died m any years and more protein ami made to < rut h a s well as a fairer basis wheu the patient, a faith fu l old fam ily nag, had ago i l l the advanced age of 100. For i icn for all the grain fed. Before puttlip. , price paid for cream is determ ined no: been kicked by a livelier stable m ate w ith tb e above result. H ating to kill SHOE WhoCare these Idlers into a iiotple lt m ight be only b.v b u tter fat content, but free PROUD MAN. tb e faith fu l anim al, the ow uer called well to give them sueh a test. dotn from odors, filth, etc., which mean B ut m an, proud mnn, Inevitably a poor b u tte r quality .lust In a skilled v eterin arian , who put the N o . 216 S . A buain«*** m an’s K antaelahoa D rcst In a little brief authority, T he only Ingredients th a t m ake pre so long as a d irty patron gets so mu< b broken leg in a p laster c a st and stra p o f aenuinta A u s tra lia n Irsnanron lo r th e r — -slway • aiosNjr nn«l in fin ite ly m o rn c o m fo r­ Most Ignorant of w hut he's m ost pared stock foods worth a continental p er Inch for his crearn on Ihe b asis of ped It up In such a way th a t It was t s ’?,« »h.*n p a te n t leath er. S h o rt fo re p a rt assured, a re bran, linseed o r cottonseed meal th e Babcock tests, no m a tte r bow loud lifted from the floor. The Inst re­ w ith am p le ton room , y s t a ra c e fu l in a v e r / lin e . A “ Senmto*' shoo w ith old Ills glassy essence, like an a n ­ an d alfalfa meal and like foods which and filthy lt Is. a d istin ct in ju stice will ports w ere th a t th e broken bone w as fashioned h nrk ta n n ed soles. gry ape, they contain. T his being th e ease, i: continue to lie done th e clean an d care healing rapidly. The reason w hy this N o . 2 1 « ft P lays such fan tastic trick* be­ Is b etter to buy tin c luj M ients in ful patron, while th ere will continue to is not m ore often done Is th a t ouch A u atrn lian an anim al cannot bo k ept quiet and fore high heaven K a n g aro o th e ir n atu ral te and not v be lacking in the case o f th e filthy pa Its leg In a condition of relaxation A* m ake the angels weep. th re e p r ic e s fo r a fa n c y n e u n and A « to r-ra t trou a compelling m otive to be any for u long enough tim e fo r th e hona to m ulticolored p a d j e. cleaner or do any b etter. k n it [fA & F H O R W GAMÙO1I EETRIGG HOW TO DO IT DO Iron in Comfort E le c tr ic I r o n ROGUE RIVER ELECTRIC CO The Gold Hill Hotel LIVERY STABLE A Salary The D e lin e a to r E verybody’s M a g a z in e First C lass Turnouts Lance & Co.