T II K GOLD H IL L .M W h sen d , lots 5 a n d 6, block 3. Axe Au eg* F o r AJutAstmg Fruita NOTK'E FOR PUBLICATION H ig h lan d P a rk ad d itio n to (C'Oilionetl Iron» (>«.«• mn ' D epartm ent of th e In te rio r, 8 Land O ffice at R oseburg, O re,, M edford ........................................ 145 Ileal (-.»tale T m n ater» . fifteen ( l à ) dava p rev io u s notice In M atch >3 191 J u lia M. Scale to I. 'J . S tacey, writing. • N lic e I- I .-IV In gl V II III I S.I.I II I O A C K K Co lo Zach Camerún lo t 8, block 1. F a irm o u n t a d ­ T his g rad e co n sists of perfect w ell **•»"• •'* Aslwwt's. Oregon. »lm , mi 40 a e re a in Sec 33 T ow nship d itio n to M edford .................... 400 formet! ap p les only, free from all In- ' i,,l',‘">l»-r 8 lutai mad II u o -te sil Plenty of Time to Buy a Spring Suit 39 3 W est ................................... $133 F red B enedict to Anna M ans- sect pests, w orm -holes, stin g s, scale, ''" , r * 14158 Serial, No. tlnifitt (,» Xl-D4 . E ftie L T aylor to W T York j field, |„„d in township 38 I »cab, su n -scald , d ry ro t, w ater-co re. -’**• Township 34 S., Range 2 property in B eattys Add i h d - ran g e 4 west ........................... Forget it. Be there with-the or o th e r defects, lim b ru b . akin punc- W ib an iett Mnridtao, has III. fo rd ........................................ 390 Anna M ansfield to Alice R u tler. goods; the right and proper ‘lire or evidence of rough h an d lin g n,,ftce id in te n ti.m to iu«k>- Finsi H v C. W. Snyder to E B Pick«.. land In to w n sh ip 3S, ra n g e 4 gotkls; the kind you like. s ’ all be considered d efects » » v ,*r to «-t ihliah c l.lu . i . it Pr. ,w rty in S um m it A dd Med- J ( iro „ „ ra w l, fo r Mu|.vll All Wait and you w ill go through apples heavily coated w ith d irt o r laud al- V de»'n i .1 I. lor.. Vf, II lor<1 ............................................... 5000 1011. Term of Circuit Court. Canon, I n itrd State» C-noniis-iut er, st the setuon in a second, third or sp ray m u st be cleaned. Ja m e s C a rr to A rth u r lle a th 4 1» „ , . _ _ , „ , ..... i oa Medford, Oregon, on lb« 5 || day of May fourth choice suit, or w ait until a c re s in t T o w nship J i i - i 1 iv W est . i 1.93 ,, R alph Dean. . . , C , e n , tra , l P o in t; W. M _ All v arieties of ap p les a d m itte d to 1911. . ii .. . iv in I • H evener, A sh lan d ; J . J. M urphy. Ash- tlx* lust minute and purchase th ia g rad e sh all be well m atured and land J. E. H a rt. E ag le P o in t; David O oniani nam •» as a iliie e - i- John W iunel 4*2 a c re s in T ow nship a hand-nte-down i n which of n a tu ra l color c h a ra c te ristic of th e D orn. W atk in s; F red F rlileg ar, Mvd- W alker, Jack W alke out .1 II B elch 37 1 West ................................. 1.90 varlaty; Spltaeuberg, Wlttesaps, Joua- of Aahe-tn», Gregoii and Sluiunou O liver case the odda urv in my favor f.ird; K. I.. H a ck ett, A sh lan d ; A. 8. W ilhelm ina W'inkel to A rth u r th an . .A rk an sas B lack. Sam o, Law- that you go beyond even a B arn es, A sh lan d ; L. W ate rm an , Tai oi Trail Oregon. H eath lVa a c re s in T ow uship vor. an d o th e r red v arieties, muat fourth cho ce, not only in e n t; W. B. Beebe, A sh lan d ; J . 11 Ite iijiin lo F Jonee i 37 1 West ................................. 1,90 have 75 p er cent of good red color. pattern and but in lit aa C arlto n , M edford: L, Neeley, Ash Register A rth u r H eath to Ju d s o n D. R ick ­ Hen Davis. Rome B eauty. B aldw in. well. Particular dressers buy lau d ; L. B. B row n, M edford; A. S. e rt I L , a c re iu T ow nship 37 F u rry . P h o en ix : M ark W elec, Med- W agonor, an d o th e r v arieties of gltnl- WINNING A NAME. early what they want. 1 W e s t ............................................ l.iiO o rd ; W. T H ouston. C en tral P o in t;! a r co,or rau” be 50 l,,>r c*nl r**d C. W P alm to J W D iam ond The .ecidoiit That Crownrd Mr Kelly E m m ett M Beeson, T a le n t; J . B. H am - Red < h *'ek PIl'Pl««' and W inter Ban lo ts 21 22 an d 23 Block 2 at “Honeet Jahn.** rick. C en tral P o in t: F red K lelnhum - ,n ‘18 "“ ,st show * r*d che*'k P alm 's Second A d d ................... 19 :uer, Runcorn: E. L. Palcom , Med T here b a le been i my atoriee abc ik 'P P lc s of th ia g rad e m ust be free M ary A A lbert to Elvin H ayes ford; D. II B a rn e b n rg . A ahland; I .. I frn n ' " !l lnse*'' t’«*8«« worn •’‘»les. the m anner In wbl. h ll'Uie»i John ' Kelly, the ex-umnirv. ilr»t got It.» uh k lot 5 Block 24 Mouth Bluff N elderm yor. Ja c k so n v ille ; H. G. Mat *ca1*' s " n -8«’a ,‘L dry rot. w ater-core uaii.e. Mr. Kelly him self, a . . ..riling »nd Butte Falls .. 250 o r o th e r d efects; skin p u n c tu re or le w s . Asl 'a n d ; T. J. P erry , Sam s Va! to u New York letter, h u 'ib that It II $ to H enry P ennington 109 O rder Im m ediately A n d H ave Your N ew Ciothee ley; W. C. G reen. M edford; W. \V evidence of rough h an d lin g sh all be nii. e to l.ttu uttlinally, fur e ie n u» a a cres in T ow nship 35 1 E east S lig h t lim b rub a.;*. .1 toy the purity of hot soul ehotte id iu g to n . Sam s V alley; A. C. H ub­ Considered d efects F jr E aster Sum .ay P a t..................................................... tb >‘.i: It it!» f.e e. a rd M edford; A A ndrew s. Medf rd ; or on« sm all slin g healed over will **l t b'k the llrat tim e I wa» ever Ashland Steam Laundry to 11 .! G eorge Beera. W oodville: G eorge be p e rm itte d , p roviding not over 10 Van Eassen property in Block per cent o f th e ap p les In any bo* fulled Hor.est Ji hti was when I wa» .nice, J r .. Gold H ill; H. P. And«, 17 A s h l a n d ......................... 2650.50 sh all be so m arked. All v arieties qi! le a youugster.” »aid Kelly. “ A s. ii, M edford. tu in en raged a» an am bulatory »ale» C E S tile s to Ja m e s G nulev L and of apples ad m itte d to th is g rad e sh all in a of tin * ireo!>»crveij th e Iip ouuoue The R o ya l Taiiors Lon.m & C o ’s X -w In c o rp o ratio n s. in D 11 C 64 to w u sh ,. 38 1 be well m a tu re d an d of n u tu ra l color. tutm lenaiH e 1 pre»ouie,| to the wor.d {Much auiithtfd Hihubh ) W est .............................................. 17 5 1 7! ? follow ing a rtic le s of Incorpora- Red v a rie tie s m ust show som e red. a. d lu lled me. ‘You look bnne«i, ttou have Peen filed w ith th e co u n ty I«’.. T hrasher Io Andrew S Bayer Ixir.' »¡'bi be ‘W hat might your c le r k : natne lie* 1 acre in Section 15 Township •••John.* »aid I. .pi alm p'y J. Ini' C ollege Hill A dditi n; for th e p u r- GOT OUT CF HIS LIN E C O L D HILL 36 4 W est ................................. 900 —l i f t like that. ‘Then ho’il my bar» • .»’se >f b uying and selling C ollege 0 F Lindley Io Eb-d-t E H a lla ­ ____ H ill a d d itio n to .V edford; cap ital And H» F elt That th j Pun.ahman: while I go In the aaloon ami get a d a y lot 4 block 2 G ra y ’s A dd dr!' »nlil be And so I held hl» ■’ • it c j « t r n.a ttb e k . $ 3 8,830; place of b u sin e ss., M d fn rd . . . .... Y ► Irvin S Ciihh. fli«> humor horse while be went In th e saloon and df. rd. In c o rp o ra to rs: Jo sep h C. John A T aylor t . Ja m e s T ay lo r OU' ¡• h i . wuN a cDii»w, ..iiticiii ft»r got a drink. 3 a rn s, W ilia m C .Murphy an d E . I \ » Ì .Ils • M»t o f l o u t i 269 acres in Township 39 2 “But tills w as on low er Ninth ave A h lir IP A C ripps. E a s t ................................................. ¡II I* uin. nh. K \. \.»i II greai nue. In a dav when the avenue’s b a F irst C hurch of C h rist. S cien tist. -, n or» went to th e man who could eleati Win R T aylor to John A T av- up the uio»l eop» In a given time. If O bject, to acq u ire an d dispose of real ro * h ui.uiuhi« turt»d nt |'a lo r 269 a c re s in Township 39 About 23 acres, 2 miles from ('old H ill, fine orchard, good and by the gang cnuie along and be j t, and p erso n al p ro p e rty fo r b en efit of As M r. Cohh nr«ilctl the m on­ 2 E a s t .......................................... Per acre, held th a t w agon full of tin w are Tb • house and burn, all tillable land. relig io n , c h a rity an d public w arsh ip . ey Un ie wn« a period durhitf u hl<*h W T Y ork T ru s to E ffie I, T a y ­ peddler w as detained w ithin by a sore li np.tt*.. tl I Imi l*ittlucitli limi l.e<*o(u» Stock Is e stim ated at 39000. Incor- lor lo ts 14 a n d 15 M idway thirst, anil they took the tinw are, mid » o rato rs: H elen M. B row n. W. F Ille news «eurer of the m ilitile «vent. then they entile bark and took tb ■ tr a c t B fo r I) ............................4l)0< Isaacs, W illiam 8. C row ell, E C. R ow . ,x '" " u»iuund- eueliloiia off the wagon. Eventually 40 acres o f unimprovt d hind,pood fo r fru it or berries. 40 acres Lew i- M isliler to W esley A H om Ing story was not prbii.sl under a I'u- becoming during, they ur.lilt. bed tin ell an d C. F. Rowell. gfxxi placer m ining ground, equipped w ith giant and 1,000 feet lot 5 Bloek 3 C A 1) Suhdtvi d um b date. “ W e stood for them .’* of giant Dipe. Good cottage, plenty of water, 0 miles from Gold 4 0 1 H a rris T im b er Co. F o r th e pur- said the form er telegraph editor of u wagon and took It aw ay. sion H am iltoq A dd M edford “T ru e to my tru st, I «tom! there ' pose o f d ealin g in lan d s. P lace of St Louis paper, 'bei ause they were so holding the horse H unhert X Ryon to Milt S h a ff And bv and by Hill, good road. • b u sin ess is M edford. C ap ital stocq. good, even though we knew they w ere the [»»Idler cam e out of the sebsiti n e r lot 3 B lock 1 P ag e Add M edford ..................... .•............. 1«) 35000. In c o rp o ra to rs: Ja m e s C am p­ fake». But one day the boss called in« and sized up th e situation ‘Well,' b ell, W. R B atim baeh an d P o rte r J. lu. ‘Who Is this man Cobb at I’adu M id he w arm ly, ‘you're H onest John Woods Lumber Co to Ben J 40 acres, 4 miles from Gold H ill, 1 4 mile o f school, good eah?‘ he asked. all right. You saved the horse.*” I Neff. Trowbridge Lot 16 and part lot road. 32, acres improved to fru it, berries and alfulfn. much out Jo sep h in e In v e stm e n t Co. P u rp o se . " !w‘n 1 bad satisfied bis thirst for 17 Block 47 Medford 1 range. 20 acres placer claim adjoining above farm, good pay to buy a n d sell real p ro p erty , etc. kn' ” rl"*, ‘‘’’; « « " * *>• Are Cold,. A New _____ B r.n d . S’ A Carlton to F T Lewis land 1 I know nil the stories he has w ritten A group o f norm mil al school girl» from gravel, abundant water supply fo r mining. 300 cords of wo^d Place of bu sin ess. M edford. C ap ital are fak„ . ^ , |(1 Ht-ud lntM.Ior Npw in Township 36 1 E ast agree­ York tow n w ere to 'on placer claim. Can be farmed when cleared. ment ............................................. stock, 110,000. In c o rp o ra to rs: B ert for f|)nt (>Me aent iir renterda.v. I fa th e r a t a fashionable restn u rau t I i A nderson, W. C. G reen an d W. 1. ' like some sanity even In a fake story. Albany, bent upon a lark, whii-h lb “ Je sse C Gibson to Ellen M Fa.t- ISO: 5’*wte r. It must sound as though II might |>os- agreisl could l>eat be atta in e d by or lev land in Township 38-120. Y oung M en's C h ristia n A ssociation '! slhly under certain conditions lie partly dering som e real drinks, like the men ' W T Youlder to G F Lindley Small ranch comprising 42 acres, 30 acres in small fru it, T he w aiter, on being directed to bring of C en tral P o in t. P u rp o s e is to fu r- ,ru e - Lot 4 Block 2 G rays Add Me l - orchard and alfalfa; good 5 room dwelling, all necessary out “some drin k s" all around, asked. 7000 ntel1 place w h ere boys a n d m en c a n ; snld 'A** ex-telegraph editor f o r d .......................................... 1-4 miles from “W hat kind?” The leader replied with buildings; 4 miles from Gold H ill, good roads. be tra in e d relig io u sly , m en tally , m o r­ “I fired Cobb. I thought he would gel firmness, “Coektalla." M ary J M eCollister to John jic - school; good water supply, abundant out range, ideal opportuni­ angry over this, but be didn't. He ally an d physically. S to ck Is 36808 Donaugh land in Townshio 39 “Yea, m iss,” said the w aller, "wluil ties fo r stock raising. seemed chastened In spirit, though 2 E ast 10 In c o rp o ra to rs: W illiam A. Cowley, He wrote me s letter in which hi­ kind o f co ck tails?' This threw the girls Into confusion p re s id e n t; H en ry .yV arner, A. W. malle no iirotesi or com plaint almut Jesse Houck to Ida ShermerLom ! Beebe, T. M. Jo n es. L. H atfield . 1. R. getting fired. 'It served me right for until one of them saved th e situation land in Bloek 56 M edford . 10 H am ilto n , H. F a rn u m , D. W. McKel getting out of my line.' said he. 'T hat by suddenly exclaim ing, “Oh. lager!" W ilbur J H artzell to Zola H ar­ lop, J. O. Isaacson, tru ste e s . was the only story I ever sent you Going or Coming. vey Caughey Lot 3 Block 1 th at was wholly true.*" - C incinnati A train was reported forty minute» P ro b ate. Columbus avenue Add Medford .100 Tlm es-Star. late, and a fte r the tim e hud elupsed n Mrs A R Phipps ta Isabelle E s ta te W illiam Jo n es. O rd er m ade ♦ ♦ ♦ ♦ ♦ ♦ ♦ ♦ ♦ ♦ •» ♦ ♦ ♦ ♦ e * would tie pasHeuger ltii|Ulred: Phipps property in L au rel- ap p o in tin g Je n n ie G. Jo n e s executrix. Dignifying Dad. "H ow late Is th at train?" h urst Add M e d f o r d ................ 1 E sta te M ollie B atem an ; o rd e r The w ife of a wealthy business man "Oh. about an hour late.'' Mrs A R Phipps to Anna B Lind­ m ade a d m ittin g w ill to p ro b ate. M. o f ( ‘blcHgo iva» the daughter nt n pie The hour passed and the query wn» O N E C E N T A W O R D ley property in L aacelhurst P u rd in a d m in is tra to r a n d J. A. P e r­ llcemnn. As they grew rich both »In- repeated, I have made big < uts ‘Well, they'll tie almut an hour ami ♦ ♦ ♦ ♦ ♦ ♦ ♦ ♦ ♦ ♦ ♦ ♦ ♦ e , » » . Add M e d f o r d ............................. 1 ry, G eorge R. L indley a n d L. M. Lyon sod tier busliund concealed the fact as much an |Mawible for the sake of tw enty m inutes late Here." in House furnishings a p p raisers. Henry Pohlman to J S S tagg th eir social prestige. At a luncheon Patience reigned until tbe quer) For sll tin- new» rasti The Gobi l i , Ii Call dt the Premium lurniture E s ta te Jaco b T h o m p so n ; will pro- several society women ot high posl Block 6 O rchard H one A-- Npw R so ciatio n ........................................2609 b a ted ; G. S. B u tle r ap p o in ted ad m in - tlon bad been talking about th eir fam l was Justly renewed and the railroad n(j Oregonian. “ The Mission Man” a p p o in tin g H. C. Span. R ay W alk e r em phasis. R Schuler to Wilhelnime Win- R h u h arh roots (pie plant) foi sale; 10 an d H. H. G illette a p p ra ise rs . kcl land in Township 37 1 cents spiel-«, | l Ott per (losen, M arti- >Aor. H is Appointments. E rl wein. E sta te of Jaco b L. P a d g e tt, fin al west, bond ................................. 4900 When Hoke Sm ith was «e<*reuiry of Ths “Tsm porsry” W ife. acco u n t filed and ap p ro v ed and o r­ the interior he was eMpe nilly gener Mr«. fsCMlIe Milne, wlm w rites •Khans I J S tacey to Geo W Stacy lot K. P. & H. C Dixon, the denti t- « A C iRiE A T I O N. ® o u . m to G eorgians iu the m atter of de ai Home." tells an nm usiug xtory of a Dr». d e r m ad e d isc h a rg in g ex ecution. 10 Block 1 Fairm ount At i held In Salem. The Pacific North 0 . H. F rkdxnburo . E T B B a M f " IB NO H U R R Y style Now Is The Time Be Among The Well Dressed FRED TURNER Snaps in Real Estate / $250 $4,500 $5,000 $4,200 L S. Noe, Gold Hill, Oregon C L A S S IF IE D Used The Hatchél! fra n k B urnett W E B S T E R ’S NEW INTERNATIONAL. DICTIONARY 39, T o ln .............. A. 1* fkNON .............. * •» 10 1' ” ' am tg D- L hildc.s and Verna a iIa greaMe •' "id I)ae on T '- -« 0|eTator» _ | west Demurrage Bureau has asked G« *M> SM s u i U i m U M S . Administrator of tbe Estate of A. J. Gold Hill is goufhern Oregon’« oue h-»- ‘—l