' h PAGE T il It kilt. n Geme In Verse RICHES AND GREATNESS I X E W M D O N 'T w u n i to pride imi rich If rich**» bring An Unapprcoiat«/ Visit. Mr Brian G lliight-v Sen York'« Irrepressible practical Inker, In < brvii , h i It lignin. He was up pretty in tv nt liti I l ffcIr (In olii «*r nlghi. mtil on Hit* wtiy buine be A lhl lo in in» fro m tho«» wno a by n»> »id» I f ba v in « w ealth n iM n e l mum d r r « fa r » « o n lit» qui»t of honiv w li# if in « ahlft liitf lift rtf a ar» A nil moat Iw iiii how to a ttrr r mi ilr hl» » ho toll And tnocM til in » m an woo ia liltin g lit«« •o il. I f I ftmai 0» n u u iih ty b»v4U»» of au* > **»a Jud <<r m y h io ih » i ainrtt* by in » c«.r 04 n it <•>»»». ■but m y door a « « m » t tho»» w hom hur ft I r a w»< th com a today H m n u t f (bay hay» !»«■ «old ñ u 11, th e n I any I d o n 't w h iii to t>» r »»al ir h « i »aiii<< H ilk gut it u n irti p n p r r , Jin., o u t. II W.IM 11 b o u t 2 n ni In Th,n Ha Flad. A too K nvlvtslly Inclined . young iubmuii was I u trod in ed at a reception I" a clever aoctety woman whom he i:iiilcr»loo:l In some hazy fashion to lie a gi'cni artist. She w j is uot an artist, her b.,<l she ever made any attempt to IbH (he young man. whose wits ■ ltd to go woolgutberiug . at i. thought she w h s , and be was uti'.l us to make a aulJ lently sp -e h to her mi;r. :.:; d the usual convention- s wii.'n he w as pri'Seutcd mid V c.i i nl'.il. do i'l you? So many peo ple have to d iae idiout It." he then s.'ld ln;;r I'.I.itl. gly. Th» yr.ir.r woman stared at b'ai. fook'd Idin seven-Ii Pi »be n es. I t Ii r i:!mi e fall on e :-v fe. ttlre of bis I cr- 'e-.ed f ,< e. g'nred her liidltrnnflon. Ctld ll'iei sbe spoke. “If I do," »be remarked PIP. "at lec't I don't H ik e n r'lsf.ike n- . put It oa my u o a c." -i’!ii:ude:phlj T im .,. lug b» U - • hv |«S|H«r In* auu , I»«- uieut will' h ■ ¡id 11 11 11 tl v v r “ W n iii v i l. tu iiu K lo n d ik e h itim i to tb«> t.iii m i l Wvwt Thir ty vl bih airvpi " I u v ili itr u tin I 1 h v rv lu ir ih i lu i i •- ly . ‘ nit in ,ir . * '|f u lie -llMHlt *1 o vb« k U b ell iii> n ». a n m t . I I itj III»* ,»vl,. A until poUikl blr UviKl don't w u ni 10 l>a Mtant if i don i out of do* iip|M*r Wludou H ud Ib o i.p lu 1« luai B rin « oat lint and lo lllrd by man lo* r»* ophiz.,*d up. 1 11 |H. r lu h t d o w n truat, h i tt inhiutv. i|a m im x i ite I c u ti ib r o u lla ln if booetrd hv man who hav» ax«*» in o il » o iliv « 'lo lb c a .' lit* » « Id . I low 11 be »rind A nd b a v in « th » fr im d a who a re tru e far I'liin v . o|»«*ii<*d tb v d o o r n u d tik ln T v d hatilnd III«* Ib lo (lie pttrior llv gut«* (lie it I l «i«*ntn. rnaana n o th in « but lloorlah g«H»d v|gnr mid then dlM«-uvvr«*d I wna and pomp li t * im k v d n i r u h m I W ith no 11111» to play w ith th » rhll<lr**n thd III« f r ie n d and rom p Miitn«*d. I lold N o Ml»»»« fro m lipa ru b v rad and no a n n a d im I « n in e m P lu m p and d tm p h d th ro w n round in» 4 nn»uvr to nla ■ay. if ih » » r r h t r m a « d i v r l U e i u e u i. Mu»t p i out o f iny nr» y«a. if 1 m um ra ai«n 0 *T!ow dhl you T h » jo t a th a t I ha v e and th» plwaaur«?« know 1 tidier* now nun» I, -•••r.'* he M»ki*d I don t w a n t to n» « r» a t III aurprtae |- ■I >atioil f*‘r»» Praaa I THE REAL TECT OF STRENGTH HO ta iti» afron«* N ot n» who W puta lo t»»t • llr Mtnrwa y u h tn» Airon« ano pinv»« ib» I»«•(• i H uf h» w h o dw**l{a w b »r« w»aM Iin«» con « ra g a I r A nd n»v»r l»ia bl» aplaudid » tr» o « tb a h a i» W h o la i n» «<>od* N oi ha Who w alk» »ai h dm W ith mot ui inali a b in « Ib » hluh. claaif B ut ha who | i i » i I » m j ftp d *on and ahain** T n w ill not -a ll |,ta honor or hl« n 110a W h o la lb » w in » * Not h» who fro m th » la r i Vi 1th w iad am 'a follow« >« haa i« i.» n p*<it. Bur i.<- • 1.0 I«»., (« In F o il a 1. .. A nd tttrn a a w a y . p»r<*»ivtn« bar di»MUia» I I ’ IL L you lletan to th a tun » o f It. Hweeu r th a n th a h o n e y* I ’d ra th e i Kaur tl 0 cr« on o f It T h a n gat « m la rt'a n o ct Bur* in» aon it n u ik ra n.»* «1 y H ut do n't pluy an» o »r M a y Ood be w ith t • «1 . » ,•«,• a by I danced It w ith >011 i.to. . » r • H u s h ►' Iliu m h iiw 11 lir W .lH iy « lu .ik lliK m ill u p p l'.iu . h rd him with: " F « jr . «oil, p u l H h o t h e r I'lK k fW ttv r * “No. nir.” ««Id the hoy. "1(111 I vt «nt WnkliiK« “All rlrtlt" I be trHvelliiK lunu m i id WYNKEN , 3LYNKCN AND NOD “ M ill I iauT roll 'em very well. Will lA 'Y N l.I.N IJ. nkch t riti Nod on» m..i? you Hi one (or n i r f oil til H «.(»<».Jc 1 «ou»-- The boy did. B a .h ri on n im e r of c ry a ia l l.«n t In to » (»4 of ti»M "lion l believe I've gin n mnlcb." “ W h o re « i» you «oin t, ano w hat do yo •nlil the in mi Hfler n «enroll through wlahT* bm |«H'keta T h e old moon anked III» lin e e T he i«»y handed him 11 uimcb. "Say. * W » huv» come to hah fo r th e herring flan i rapialn. ‘ be «aid. "you ain't got any- T h a t liv e in th ia b e a u tifu l aea I Ihiua nut the habit, have you —Every N e t» o f a llv e i h i «, gold have we ” Said W ynM i n. B ly n k e n And Nod b o d y '» . F e e B o n T o î A . Je M e s s n e r T h e tandanM S th ro u « h a ator*. xy street A w l e ro d e s o f n lr h t w aa going. T h e Ground w ae paved w ith s h iftin g aleet. T h e w in try w ind waa bl >wlng. •’ H e a v e n p ity g ra n t and help.'* said he. "To those w ho liv e upon th e aea!** “ Toe Little Tailor” T l - -- **or clinched a tre m b lin g m ast 1 . 1 i «ountaine round him flow ing. W h ile th ro u g h th e darkn e ss th ic k and fa s t T h e w In try w inds w ere blow ing. •’ H e a v e n save t! e land sm an n o w .” he said. " W it h c h im neys top pling round his head!'* Cleaning Pressing and Repairing Rut w hen th e w o rld g re w m ild once m ore T h is t a r despondent grow ing . Said. “ I f I could but w a lk ashore. T h o u g h a ll the w inds w ere blowing!** T h » landsm ar. tho ught. T h o u g h storm s th e re be. I w o uld th a t I could s a il th e sea!” - W i l l C a rle to n . Pone on Short Notice Way. A St. Louis prelate b? credited with this s/cry, told by him at u recent din- ner: The head of one of the big trusts ay.lK-d nt the gate o f heaven and. aa it" • I. found Rt. Peter on watch there. R.ttfcer pompously the trust magnate s - '(.! • "Paidon. is heaven here?" “ t Ii.” «: Id Ft. Peter. “Step right lilt ( the elevator.“ .* "' r wilt'::-? for what soezied a 1« : : !.'• e tb • trr.st t resident said: “1 beg your parCrn. I ut when does t':' • c!ev. t r go tip?“ “Tt <' >e :i't g> cp.” sa!d the saint. “It r c : <* v.-*i cs soon c s I get a load." —Ft. L ilt!* P< aP h G o in g t h : O t h e r •• 'Well.' nubi I. ‘don’t get Into v frenzy ubimi ii , Ju^t culled ber» lo led you 1 cotildnT g o ’ ** •uiok«*r rpMi-hwi town on mi exriy «ruin lie u iint.'d h Hiiinkc. Inn iii.iie <>« I hr ntoiv« w n m o|».|i. Xndr Ihn «inlli.ii hr K I r " *11 b y ,’ Miild he. I w <iti!d't t m > h «1 Voti to IS o Im k e ti. |e | ttio h e | || c U b « d ik e . Il ,T A M A E E S Discontent fold Ulin 1 auw I, ,n 1 lie |iM|»er. Tld'lt lie got mi- g,'.» m d nild If 1 bod iiuy M*n«e I’ll lim e Witlleil ibi dsyilglu. 1 Id. I .o r AKUt IKI». io d him 1 dhln 1 wntil to coin«* iirotiiid îiftor »'V •r> in•<! Clee bid ,«o*n I liel'e. riifu • hi* yu Nligrler. W h o b »« ana? N ol b» « Ito lta»a bin kin * H o n e d r«-tt fa«tnaa« «»r ao* 1» c av a io nnU B ut h» w 10 In lb » i tv » 1 <> -ii-ai arena Be£inninyg. Kat*pa «¿tint w ith in - I.«* o n lv 1« a»*r»n« O m ig h ty , m igh ty riv e r. S ow ing dow n * • K ila \ \ baaiar W ilcox «1»« p am t culm . W ith 1 hr m ill» a|a»n ,h» f1ne»re a m i th«* «hips uiaoi to y («aim. AN IR IS H TUNC. T » ,l m» a n y thou n»v»i fa lle a t. nev»t \ V ’ H L you i ’ateti to the I .«b o f It g m w e a t w «ak a ie l »m all ’ ’ tlu -h ln *: fro m ib » fiddle ’ B u t w ith e ve r F u e llin g c u rre n t b rin g e n M ot 'a (b a fu n In h a lf o f it dow n th y w » « lfh t«« «11 T h a t • vn an I rh rlddlr* Sura It » not a tiddler*» bow Q u ic k ly then the rive« «itaw er»d : • ' B r a i T h a t a m a k lii« rp.»rt an m e rry . th « little nt<»untain »prlng. It*« Juat th» fa lrk w la u v h ln « ao E v e r niuirk llitg . eve» gu niilng . fo r tb » pre I beard than» o ft In K e rry ctoua g lfia l 0111. g F a r a w u> am ong m e foreeta. where tl«» ’ I L L vou I ’aten to th« »tap o f It? moaa bee deep and cool. 1 T h e r» m e m ill hum s In a crevice an d the Juat th » vary le. J* « f K ship aw inia in a p»»ol " 1 W o u ld tnuk» the feet unaiay • - J a rnaa H u c kh am H o ld > o u r I »n«ut a. ya uolay roguca. A nd atop .tour « Itld y p ra n c 'n « ! It’a 1 10 can h ear th e wa»«hoa t>ro»:u»a O n. Thing H# Had. O f Irln h fa irla a dancin g A iru m u ip i u h i i who » uh h . Ignrvtlr H O T C o p y r ig h t by A m e r ic a n • 4. At - Frese Association COUNT APPONYI OF HUNGARY. ADVOCATE OF PEACE. ------------------- -------- --------------------- J A n g e l F ' o c a n d a I o th e r h in d s o f CAKE m a e to o rd er • IXTY .»ears ago Louis Kossuth. Hungarian patriot and exile, came to Hie t.nlted States and spoke in t elialf of his people, lately over whelmed by Austrian c e - p e l in “The justness of my cause Is my eloipience.'' said the splendid orator and soldier. Kossuth ad dressed the house of representatives at W aihlngton by Invitation Now another great Hungarian, fount Albert Apponyl. Is In this country His mission here la to s|H*sk In behslf of universal peace, disarmament, mi end to war The other day Count Apponyl, by Invitation, addreaaed the house of ............ ntatlves For forty years he hss been a member of the Hungarian house of representatives and has served ae speaker. S 2r fh t Maid. They are teibng a story of the fa vored suitor of a Cleveland society girl who callcil nr the bouse o f his In gtuornta refem 'y rad found a new pgr lor timid nt the door "N Miss Rlink III? This Is Mr Push," lie explained The maid smiled brightly. "Oh. yes k!r “ she replied, and led him into the drawing room Here lie «vailed the Iwt'er part o' an hour, when he finally «ummoned the mnld again “F'd you forget t- fell Miss Blank that I was here?" he naked Impatiently “No. sir." answered the new maid "Miss Blank hasn't got back from shopping yet." "But you fold me she was In!” “Tea. sir! She told me positively that she was a'ways at home to you. sir "- Cleveland Plain Dealer A A3I0R HELPS CENT NMAL Oercendint of Founder of Artoria Msy Attend Celebration. Aftorla, 0 e.—Colonel Jo':n Jacob A'to: has subscribed >10,000 to the A .or a Cen ennlai lund, and may be pie ent at tom e time during the cele bration. Tills information was re c» ved In a tel'gram from Sena:or C 'am berlsln at W shlngtcu. who has be«n In te.estn g h.maelf, at the re puert of the locvl committee, in get- ny '- e f - " f " ! ilg l to the attention o Ci :<-■ «' \ ttr. A Cu'.lrry Ealute. Dis Inline abo; id tuen-of-wer lielong- Ing to tropical lottutries Is not us s.ri< t ns tl ;tt obtaining on the ves sels of i di! u- lonntrles. Indeed. In s o c e Instan es It ts very tax. The Defense, a Haitian n - i r n l v essel, was lying In tb» barb r of Port au Prln e. One day a mess conk for some reason cleaned about n p<s-k of knivea and forks on the gun de k. and. being suddenly called away mid not wishing to spend time to go to Hie gal- ley. be seized the mess |wit full of knives and forks and sfui k it in the muzzle of the ten itx b gnn. putting the rnmplon In after Ii. Alsmt an Itour afterward the admiral came aboard, mid as the gun was loaded with blank cartridge tney used It to flre a salute. It happened that the gun was aimed toward the town and almost point blank nt the Grand hotel The guests had assembled on the porch to w it ness the ceremonies, when they were saluted with a rain of knives ard forks, which stuck against the wood en walls like quills on a porcupine and drove the startled sightseers In a mart head over heels scramble iudoors In fear of a possible shower o f (Hits and pans and dishes. The Gold Hill Bakery KC RSLSHCONG and GENfRAL WOOD and IRON WORK C. F. Carter Blacksmith P R A C T IC A L . Gra.I.y A neodet... The dlMlIiiction ot lielux an Illegible S H O E M A K IN G It Suited Him. writer wna one which Horace Greeley F p I l E old moon In n -J u d a m i r * r i t .1 . A» th e y r • c.| ,.i th e wooden »1. œ Garrett P. Servlss. the noted science never yielded. On a cerialn « m - c m h I o ii Boots and Shots Made to GMdrr A n d th e w ind ih e i »(«ad th e m all ioghi writer, said at the Brooklyn University Mads a Great Hit. an old i-niupoaitor Venturini to beard ion« R E P A IR IN G club apropos of Halley’s comet: A well known ventriloquist was in the Tribune Hon In hla m i net u in "Mr R u ftird th e w ave» o f dew "The Ignorant and superstitious vited to give a performance at a big The lit t le e ta r» w ere tha b a rrin g Hah Done in First-Class Shage - Greeley." be »aid. “there 1» a word In T h a i lived In th e t a .iu t if u l ae i dread that the comet evoked In some Institution In connection with some IhlH copy that I can't uiuke out. 11'« ! Fire in Dome of Capitol Alarms. " M o w cant y o u r net w h e re v e r you wb b ! « tlier 'pawnbroker’ or 'pennyroyal' or Sale'I.—Destructlrn of the statt quarters reminds me of the Mlllerlte« charity, and he heard that steps were H A R N E S S R E P A I R .K B N e v e r u fru ld a re w e ’" 'paiitheiHiu. but I'm uol »ure which " itcti'c by flre was only averted by the i The Mlllerites back In seventy-two. being taken to Insure for him a large 8 0 cried th a a i.it a to th e flaberoien three SATISFACTION GUARANiTH» when Grant was up for a second __ term. W ynken. ___________ ___ yet critical audience, who «vould be Mr. Greeley «Hatched the «beet aud promp atlon of Gardner E. V al were preaching the Immediate destruc- close enough to watch his every m ove Blynken aiarwl bard at II. "Well, what blink And Nod. | Ity blank Idiot wrote that?" he Hercely lare. who, upon being attracted by the tlon of the world. They were even ment The night came, the attendants E. M A R T IN O carried on three "lay” figures ou L L n ig h t long th o lr neta they th re e demanded. "Y-you did. Mr. Greeley." volume of smoke issuing from the giving their property away. Next to Ba<«er Mam,. T o th e a ta ra In th e tw lr k lln g foam “Well, at a Mlllerlte camp meeting chairs, and the ventriloquist received j The great man turned back to bis dome of the capítol, rushed to the top T h e n d o w n fro m th e aklea c am e th a woo<l work. "Let It go Juiit aa It's written." ! of the building and found that a pl e one night In Maine a .dlllerlte preacher a Fcoat ovation from those assembled, an ahoe. B rin g in g th e flaherm en home. he growled, and the com|>oaltor gladly of rubbish had Ign'ted presumably PrpHche<’ ,hn’ the end of the world H1" performance was unusually bril- ’T w n a u ll ao p re tty a »all. It aeemed . would come on Oct. 1. Just a month i llant. and notwithstanding the quips eacnia-d. from a lighted cigar end that had llefore etectlon and songs which he went through his A a I f It could not be. On another occanlon a foreman rush A n d aorno fo lk th o u g h t 'tw a a a dream ecn cast away by a careless sight- 1 “The preacher noticed a man In a muscles showed no evidences of his th e y 'd dream ed ed Into the aanctum and told Greeley ■ front seat who manifested every Br*- The changes of voice were mar- O f Bulling th a t b e a u tifu l aea, that the editorial page had Juat been 8eer- B u t I s h a ll n a m e you th e Haheitnen symptom of satisfaction whenever the i ,e,ou s- an(J the astonished crowd at ( Pled. threw If you w an t y o u r Maus* Successor Hare. date was driven home. Perplexed, he Jie close of the exhibition gave him The editor aprang to bla feet, with an Wynken. Portland.—Colonel Cornelius Oarde- acco"tPd ,he mnn "» »he end of the a rousing cheer. Again and again they Blynken angry howl, and the foreman fled for t o o ls p u t in ^ o o d i And Nod service and asked him why he had ■ailed him back, while he expressed Ills life. The contlned sanctum wasn't ner, who will relieve Brigadier-Gen his pleasure by Innumerable bows. Al sh a p e b e su re. shown pleasure over such n terrible Y N K E N and B ly n k e n a re tw o little I big enough to hold Greeley In hla eral Muug ot the command of the De last the cheering censed and the artist matter. eyes. «welling passion. He rushed down the to s e e partment of the Columbia during the A n d Nod In a little bead. “ Anything to beat Grant!* was the was permitted to retire. Hardly had stairs and out on the sidewalk. A A n d the wooden ahoe th a t nailed th e nklen he done so when the three "lay" fig absence of the latter on duty with reply.’*— Washington Post. mild little man near the curb wna la a wee one’« trundle bed. ures got up from their chairs and stooping over lying his shoe us the United States troops on the Mexican Bo shut y o u r eyen w h ile m o th e r alngn walked off the stage. The ventrilo O f w o n d e rfu l nights th a t be, Fooled tho Butcher. editor emerged. Greeley, mad with line, reached Portland from Fort quist had employed three friends to A n d you nhall nee th e b e a u tifu l thing» The butcher smiled ns the young rage, rushed nt tills InotTensIve person Seward. Alaska. Colonel Gardener is Aa you rock on th e m in ty nea, and kicked him half across the street. senior colonel in the department and woman, trimly clad and sm iling to lne>»"sonnte his usual meehanleal fig W h e re th e old ahoe rocked th e daher ures. and he had trir • d e v e r v one men three- B la c k s m ith "Ding blame you," he roared, “you Is 62 years old. He was accompanied | herself, crossed the street and ap o f his audience Wynken. proached the shop. "A bride,” he said. ir e alw ays tying your shoe!” by his wife and two children. B lyn ken “I bet she'll make some fool break.” And so, having relieved his nnger A Quaint Introduction. A nd Nod. i “Give me a porterhouse steak, thick, he returned lo the sanctum. -E u g e n e F ield Au old Missourian recalls the quaint aa close as you can come to two speech with which an old Federal sol Fruit Tracts Sold to Colonists. pounds,” she said. "No, not that one, •H IN E JUST WHERE YOU ARE A Thoughtful Wife. Albany.—The biggest deal In or ' nor thnt I think I'll have to ask you dier once introduced General James Shields to a Missouri audience. The After weeks of waiting and longing chard lands ever made In Linn coun O N 'T w a s ts y o u r tim e In longing to bring out a new quarter. No, I Introduction Included a high tribute to F o r b rig h t. Im possible things for the sport, rods, reels, gaff, creel, ty was closed here when 30 tourlstf don t want two pounds aud three- stonew all Jackson s generalship. Said everything was In readiness for a week's trout Ashing. The young wife, from St. Paul and Minneapolis In quarters. It will he Just right If you the old Union soldier: Don’t , l t supinely y e a rn in g cut out that large bone. That will do. F o r th e s w iftn es s o f w in g ,. amlllng Joyously, hurried Into the spected the orchard land project of anil General Fellow Citizen»—Allow fine biminpqs n i r r roa.’rTc thank you. This dime Is smooth. T me “Friends to Introduce James Shields, Two |X " e s i d e r n . » c y « D o n 't ,p u r n to bo a ru s h lig h t room, extending townrd her husband the Llnnhaven Company and con M<iin ^ S treet. ( fm ' Jd Because you a re not a stnr. gave you perfectly good money and a citizen of two countries, a hero of t t .* m aonie sticky, speckled papers. trad ed for the purchase of >12,001' you may give me good money In B u t b rig h te n som e hit o f darkn ess two wars. Ren era 1 in two armies, a H ill, (lots 16 and 17, blcx4 B y s h in in g Just w h ere ynu are. "For goislne.'s sake." he exclaimed, worth of the lands. These lands ar«. change. That's better, thank yon. senator from t wo states and the man fo r sale at a bargain fig u re “what on earth are yon doing with Will yon open the door, please?” T h e r e Is need o f tho tin iest cnndle located In and about Lnbomb, In the who came nearer whipping Stonewall those old fly papers?" A e w e ll as th e garish sun. And when the butcher recovered he Jackson than nnv other man ever did " T h e hu m b lest negd is ennobled “1 saved them for y o n from Inst sum foothills of the county, and the same said to himself. "Well. I suppose It and hpre, ,„„';!nK aroun(, gn(, W h e n It Is w o rth ily done. mer." she answered. "Yon know you are now In process of development does a man good to get what*» coming no |n)11„ lu , „ .,ndienr#t he H(Wp<, T o n may never he called to brighten siiId you nIiv;t,vs bad to buy flies when under direction of experienced orch to him once In aw hIle."-B nffalo Kx .'but Uldn-t ,r by a d-----,, a lg h tr The darkened regions afar. LA M P M A N & H A M M E R S E K ardmen. you went fishing!" So Idl f o r th e day your mle'lon prps" St. Louts Glob. Democrat G O L D H IL L , O R E G u ti B y shining Juat w h e re yo u ure. c l J* A M IN E R S W CHARLES K E L L G O LD H IL L CITY L O T S D IT —Jo h n M a y