T II K » T O D A Y IS O U R S . r p V E K V day 1« a fraa b h a alnn ln« l.latwn. my ««ml m tha k I u |ded b a b le e - llleee your eoul. 1 h ave fa lle n In a hole* N o t h in g h u rts One*« h e a rt ao m uch As a baby W ith a c ru tc h ! A nyhow . Short hablea o r ta ll. W e ll o r III I love them a ll! Lew u e to n Boat O L D - J F M ASH IO is N E In D llo ROSES. i t a in 't no s ty le abou t 'em . A nd th e y 're sort o* |>ale a nd faded. T i t th e d o o rw a y here w ith o u t 'em W o u ld be tonoeom er end ahaded W it h a sooersoual R. gue is also being used, and will touch o f an embroidered monogram Blacksmith undoubtedly be more generally used. in one corner are much favored. Among the novelty buttons from I to supply power pressure for h y -; P aris la one o f china o r glass, dell- 1 draulic raining. The Golden D rift; Mining company, which has an im-1 mense dam and plant near Grants P R A C T IC A L Puss, hns demonstrated that hy-1 draulic mining can be done on a S H O E M A K I N G mammoth scale by pumping or Boots and Shoes Made lo Order forced power. Thus is overcome the R E P A IR IN G embarrassment of long seasons of Done in First-Class Shape idleness through the summer months, waiting for rains and water enough H A R N E S S R E P A IR E D to supply a “nipe-head.” SATISFACTION uUARANTCCD In the construction of the Golden Drift dam over 4,000.000 feet of M a R T IN G timbers and lnmber was used, and Next to Barber Shop 3,000,000 tons of rock was filled into I the monster cribs. The fall of the water over the crest of the dam is 20 feet, and this develops 6000 i horsepower. At present four tur­ bines nre operated, developing 1200 horsepower. The monster pump, which is the heart of the plant, is If you w an t your of the five-step centrifugal type. Its t o o l s p u t in g o o d 1 weight is 35 tons and its tested max- i imuin pressure is 250 pounds. Its sh ap e b e su re ; capacity is 13,000,000 gallons per to s e e I 24 hours, or 9000 gallons per minute This tremendous volume of water is delivered through 1500 feet of 22 inch steel pipe, and is lifted to a height of 170 feet before dropping into the diggings and forking to the B la c k s m ith eloven-ineh giant pipes. With this system from two to four giants can he operated day nnd night the en­ the settlement and use of much o f tire season. the region that is now uninhabited. I T ’8 A P U B T r l APHOS As previously hinted, there is a Through this region the waters of cately tinted fro m deep coral color to long streteh of the Rogue between the Rogue are confined very largely almost white. H e re Is a pretty, a ttrac tiv e apron Galiee and the sen, a stretch of 55 to deep, narrow and tortuous can­ for the schoolgirl. T he hretelles are miles, hut little known to man. It is yons. At one point the rock walled becoming and very sm art looking. almost ns wild nnd uninhabited now banks tower nearly 2000 feet above The apron is made w ith a fro n t por­ n s it wns when the red man ruled the river, and the waters are con­ tion that Is extended to form a bib supreme in the Oregon country— a fined to a channel but 20 feet in nnd w ith straight side portions gath wilderness of mountain forests, gras­ width. The one mnn who made the ered and joined to the belt. sy plateaux, crags nnd peaks. The remarkable journey by boat through J U D IC C H O L L E T . United States government through this gorge said thnt from down there T h l» M a y M a n to n p a tte rn 1« out In size« fo r g irls o f six. eig h t, (en and tw e lv e Ihe medium of the forest service is on the black waters the sky is but years o f age Send 10 cents to th is office, g iv in g nu m b er. 6902. and It w ill be p r o m p t­ now building n trail along the river a long strip of blue far aloft, nnd but ly fo rw a rd e d to you by m e lt I f In haste through this territory, to reach the little sunlight filters through, even at send an a d d itio n a l (w o cant a ta m p tor heart of the forest reserve. The noonday. Up till 10 o’clock the stars le tte r postage, w h ich Insurea m ore prom pt delivery. trail will be public, and will lead io nre visible. T here 1» a decided vogue fo r coin purses lids season, uud Isdh In French gray aud oxidized silver and gold there Is a wide variety fitted w ith one or tw o com partm ents fo r coins. In addition (here Is a gun m etal purse that Is uotli enhie for Ils sim plicity. I t Is long and narrow and w ill hold a double supply o f coins. T h e newest lingerie blouses fo r m m - mer wear arc made o f eyelet em­ broidery Inset w ith Irish Insertion. The peasant cut Is th a t used In thia mat ini. I'ongee silk for spring w ear Is ob­ tainable In a num ber o f shades, the Done on Short Notice W h e t I f y o u r beat w o rk b rin gs but pain. P e rp le x ity and lose and doubt? F a in t no t. but right the b a ttle o u t N o w o rth y life Is lived In vain. F iv e young gentlemen were dining together In ii Ixuitlon club when one o f them offered to bet thnt he could hold up traffic In a main street fo r a whole dn.v. H la companions prom ptly took the wager. The young man sim­ ply w ent out w ith some friends and pickaxes nntl dug up the street, w hile the police autom atically diverted the traffic. Then the diggers went home and le ft the various authorities to cor­ respond and argue as to who wns re sponsible fo r (he roped off areas and the general disorganization. (C . tinned (font first page) Cleaning Pressing and Repairing W h a t I f a thousand s h a fts o f w ro n g And grie v o u s obstacles and hats P ursue you e a rly , long an d late? Y ie ld not. but keep y o u r courage strong. Small Change. At a dinner given by Andrew Came- gio an em inent Judge, seated h alfw ay down the table, was deeply Immersed In conversation w ith hla neighbor when the host opened up the subject o f tbe British coinage system and showed signs o f wishing undivided a t­ tention. "E v ery other civilized nutlon," he declaimed, "has Ihe decimal syatem. w hile England adheres to the absurd and cumbrous table o f |iotinds, shil­ lings and jience.” (Itap , rap, rap!) T h e raps w ere for the Judge, who rem ained absorbed In his own conver­ sation. “And even farthin gs.” con tinned the Ironm aster—"Is there any­ thing else In finance so ridiculous as the farthing?" (Rap. rap!) T he Judge glanced around somewhat Im patiently. "Judge ()..” M r. Carnegie called out. “w hy do llu* British continue th eir coinage o f farthings?” "T o enable Ihe Scotch to practice benevolence, Mr. Carnegie,” returned the Judge.- Success Magazine. Rogue R iv e r'i G reat Pow er A. J. Messner I f tb s c u rre n ts o f y o u r Ufa foiled end vexed and go nrnlae tro u b le y o u r whole p o rtio n la? not A il v ic to ry comee th ro u g h s trife. The Loser Won. H e had been freshly wukbctl and was som ewhat slicked up. hut he wua un­ m istakably a bubo, lie hesitated a moment at t h e door o f a fashion­ able c a f e and then b r a v e l y aa u n t e r e d In. W a lk in g to tbe b a r . he ordered "a little liquor, pleaae." T h e bar- t e n d e r scruti­ nized him dubi­ ously for a few seconds. but Anally placed the gluss and bottle upon the counter. O R A H H K Il A l l i . l t i r n . . A fte r fllllug the glass to the brliu the man laid down 3 cents. "You have made a mlxtukc; thuae are not nickels, hut pennies.” admonished the bartender “ Exctiae s i r my m istake," n-sjmnd- ed the tram p. Then be added: "W ell, since they are there. I'l l Just liet you tbe three pennies against a dim e (but 1 can drink tbe whisky w ithout touching (he glass " T h e bartender, n little amused, ac­ cepted tlie pro|MMltlun anil the wager waa on. Much to the surprise o f the "w in e clerk" the fellow deliberately picked up the glass and drunk down tbe liquor In one gulp. "H o ld on. pard; you loee.” called the barkeep. " I kuow It. The three cents nre on the bar." replied tbe bum as he saun­ tered over to the free luneb stand aud grabbed a handful before departing. PACK T H H F K B on T on Fight the Battle Out. W hat A re A nd F a in t M K W R J. E. M IN E R S A K P R IIf O COAT the form er proving more convenient j on occasions when the larger recepta­ cle la not desired. Turned over collars o f w hite benga- llne nre to be used on satin blouses. The effect is stiff nnd neat aud decid­ edly appropriate fo r tailored suits. In the way o f simple har pins aud brooches nothing could be p re ttie r i thnn the artistic designs th a t have ' been seen this w in te r In wrought sil­ ver set w ith cnltochonx o f amethyst, topaz, turquoise, m a trix nnd Jade. ltiack and w hite Is still much In evi- j deuce. Double niching. In some cases frin g ­ ed on both sides. Is a new trim m ing feature. M any girls nre m aking th e ir combi­ nation skirts nnd corset covers of white wash silk, claim ing this m ateria1 Is cheaper In the end. T h e eoat w ith the round collar thnt Is closed w ith tw o buttons nnd orna ments at the side w ill be a favorite one In the spring. Ruch a coat Is here Illustrated. J U D IC C H O L L E T . T h ia M a y M a n to n p a tte rn la c u t In size- fro m 34 to 42 Inches bust m easure. Bend 10 cent« to this n'flee, g iv in g nu m b er, 69" a n il It w ill b e p ro m p tly fo rw a rd e d lo y o t by m a ll I f In haste send an a d d itio n a l tw o oent a ta m p fo r le tte r postage, w hlob Insure« m o re pro m p t d e live ry . CHARLES KELL