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About Gold Hill news. (Gold Hill, Jackson County, Or.) 1897-19?? | View Entire Issue (March 18, 1911)
elje ffioiö fia i \ O L 13 GOLD HILL, JACKSON COUNTY, OREGON, S A i MARCH ix, Ï m J NO. 46 Gold HUI Man Wagers^ W ar With Japan By Midnight Sunday Medford Refuses to Take Jar War Scare Seriously Planting Mines Japan Shocked Local Disciple o f in Frisco’s Golden Gate a t our impolite suspicions NEW YORK. M arch 17.— A gen- HAN FRANCISCO. M arch 17 - On A pril 1 th re e m in e-p lan tin g co m p a nies will begin w o rk of m in in g th e e n tra n c e to Han F ran cisco h a rb o r u n d er th e su p erv isio n of coaat a rtille ry o fficers, In accord w ith ord er« from th e w ar d e p a rtm e n t. A second o rd e r d ire c tin g th e dis trib u tio n of (he p ro v isio n al reg im en t of a rtille ris ts a t th e P resid io to th e fo rts a b o u t th e bay w as obeyed w ith in an h o u r a lte r Ila receipt. T h e v a rio u s em p lacem en ts could bo m anned w ith acrvlce gun crew « a t th e p res ent, h . su fficien t men for relief d u ty u re uot a t hand, acco rd in g to arm y officer«. | oral strik e of th e d riv e rs and h elpers (Wwllnrij Mall Tritium-) F e a rin g th e c a p tu re of Q uid lllll by Jap a, th e g e n s rs l w ar b o ard Iti (Sold lllll have o rd ered a la rg e cali ber rap id fire gun to be m o u n ted on th e high hill n e a r th e little city. It w ill com m and th e valley. It will be k ep t tra in e d on th e aleeplng q u a rte rn of Jack M o rrill's Ja p cook ao th a t at th e flrat boat lie move th e non of N ippon may be nipped on th e apot be being th e only Ja p In th e vicinity. T boae m ilitary expert« at Gold lllll u re ta k in g no rhaucea. T he g en eral m aneuver« w hich w ere to be held today In th e little uM> 1» * A l l R e a d y a n th e B o r d e r o rd e r to d e m o n a lra te th e readlneaa for w ar have been poatponed o w in g ' HAN DIEUO, t nl., M arch 15. to a d e a rth of en llated men In th e j With 3011 Mexican regular* ex p ect propoaed m ilitia company. To date e d a t Tin Ju a n a from Ensenada but one p riv a te hua been found In the General T asker II. Bliss, rninuiuiid- little city Ilex lain ip n iu n . w ho h u a . mg the United Htnte» arm y force* no tim e to learn tactics, aa hla tim e here, today is ull ready for atty eve - 1 la occupied ua w ar co rresp o n d en t taulities that may develop, and ha* w ritin g bellicose article« for hla w eek streiigllicui d the American farce ul ly »licet, « p u rrin g hla fellow citizen« the bonier town by Company II t i' luto action, In o rd e r to p ro tect th e ir the Eighth regiment, which, rep.irti' ■; | hottie« from th e yellow h o rd e w hich, In C aptain Evans there, will be io r he aaya, will soon po u r Itself o v er th e i position to safeg u ard American in coaat u n til not a h am let la left w ith- | terests. i ut th e acara o f conflict. O f officer« th e re 1« a sufficien cy 1 T hat the coming of the Mexican E very citizen w ould d irect th e b a ttle regulars to Tia Ju a n a will b a te ao e f F o r Instance, F red Dodge w ould be j fect on condition* there lu rtlier than n o th ln c If not a lie u te n a n t; F ritz j' Io render them more secure to prop-, lla m m e rsle y la a s e rg e a n t; Itlley ! e rty is the opinion of General Bli** 1 llam m eraley la colo n el; Jo e Hum- who is going ahead with the selection! m eraley la c o rp o ra l; Doc S m ith 1« a of a site for the m aneuvers, which. I.el declares, is the object of (lie mob lie u te n a n t; Jo h n n y Heed, w hen he la no t d e m o cratln g a ro u n d , la a m a jo r; ilization here. The only possibility! Ham CcCleudon lac a d ru m m e r boy of trouble, be a sse rts, is on the Mc.v-, T h a t'a all th e able-b o d ied m en a v a il ican side, where the Eeiisenada e o n -, ab le and th e re you are. \e c r u lt ln g tingent of federuls may come into office« have been opened, physical contlict with n snuill rebel bund at ex am in atio n w aived, b u t «till th e p ri T ecarte unless the la tte r take to Hie hills nt news of the overpowering vates do not com e. M ilitary e x p e rts po in t o u t th e fact fi ree iqipoeed to them. The 3011 men doming to Tia Jn ti'in th a t w ith b u t o n e p riv ate— Rex l am pm an th e force la n o t en o u g h to are o f the fam ous Eighth Mexican p revent the c a p tu re of th e to w n , for regiment, which bus fo r y ears been Jack M orrill's J a p Is said to be m ore active in the Yaqui w ars. The com th an a m atch fo r Rex, and w ho ever mand bile last night passed I.»Muro h eard of an o ffic e r exposing hla p e r .35 miles south of Tin Junnn. and is expected to reach the border not Inter il n to d an g er* Another contin Hold lllll li doom ed. M eanw hile limn noon today. odd* a re going up th a t w ar w ill be gent o f 1 *0 men will follow soon. d e c la re ! before m id n ig h t. There has been no sign of activity of tl e Well« F arg o an d th e U nited , S l a i n E xpress com panies becam e el- .'active. E m ployes of th e A m erican ' ni'd th e N ational E xpress com panies • ere o rd e re d o u t, b u t refu sed to leave tbelr Jobs. G eneral -M anager A shton of th e t e n o ts r a ' union »aid today th a t 22,- 000 n><-n a re involved In th e a trik e or- 1 r. Ash ten ia seek in g a g en eral ar- ' Itra ’Inn ag re e m e n t In o rd e r to effect a s ' t ’.lem ent o f th e te a m s te rs ' grlev- n-es. If he falls. It 1« pred icted th a t a g en eral s trik e of all te a m ste rs will follow . A s s n evidence of good faith in hie Japan«»« war prediction« H .W . Dike- man bet Ralph Darling ’five dollars, Tuesday, th a t war would he declared with Jafian by m idnight Munday. M r. D ikenian differs from most prophets, past and present, in th a t he has five do! iars. L ittl B r o w n B o y * F a d in g A w a y BELLINGHAM, W ash., M arch 15. —P ersisten t rum ors are cu rren t >'» , m ilitary circles to the effect th a t ! during the p ast month there has been l an unusual exodus of Japanese from. I the Pacific coast. M ikado', Officiate Simply Surprised From au outside source inform a- 1'OIilO la rc h 14.— A dopting an , lion was given out in Bellingham re ••if! d - of puzzled s u rp ris e over h s t they terra th e ''w ild " A m eri cently that every city on the c o a st can a ws r-g a rd ln g J a p a n 's alleged had experienced a marked decreuse ■ r t e -i .1-ctlon w ith th e M exican! in its Jap an ese population. It is com plications, th e M ikado's official«! conceded th at the em igration m ight l id,»'- d esig n a te d th e s to rie s th a t I he due to commercial conditions. The I nan had o rrm d an a llia n c e w ith | re »” rt w as B ct b a *ed ttP °n ,h ’ !:irKe a s rld lcu o .u a | exo d u s o f J a p a n e s e ' f r .r a B elh n g - ■'■« fe a r th a t A m erican cu rio u sly ham . u n d e rsta n d « J a p a n ,” was th e ! A ellve p n » l» a« tio e* a m be. .g i m ade to plucethe second com pany snt f one high official ■ n th e U nited S ta te s dl- I const artillery reserve corps o f 3 c l- t- I ri p n tlo n to th e o p e ra tio n s | 'irghum . on a footing to m ett an • ! ov n ts of Ja p a n e se w ar ves- emergency. O rders iio:n (h w ar de- ■■ s. T e n ris e rs K asagi an d A sam a ! joirtm ent have been received by Lieu rn -d f o n t th e ir A m erican cru ise! tenant Kimball, commanding th e l r -' <1 -inil a re a t Y okoshua. The com pany to make requisition fo r o rd et 'sh in Aabi p a rtic ip a te d In th e nance, com m issary supplies and ¡•st fleet m an eu v e rs o ff th e S hiraa- everything needed fo r f ”:> d service, s r a Isft .-.onth and w as b ro u g h t to sufficient to fully equip 100 men. 'o k o ih o a ow ing to th e illn ess of its I J u s t T h in k o f H e r C h a s in g H e r B o y s -o m m an d er. P rin ce F n sh lm l. O ther ‘R o u n d t h e R o o m e. Hints • ih p « a re rep o rte d d lstrl- MUSKOGEE, Okla., March 1 7 . - ited th ro u g h o u t th e v ario u s Jap- Riding on a single railroad t*ckel i - ’ O porta. SENATOR JOSEPH W. BAILEY, THE TEXAN ADONIS J a p t G o ing to S *» a F rie n d OSEPH W. HAII.EY of Gait .wvllle, at least half of the Texas rep resen ta t Ion In the l ultat Ktate» «cunte, Is uot ao um onventlonal as ba used to lie. Time wns when he disdained the swallowtail eoat and the plug hat He used to decline dinner Invitations In Washington because the conventions demanded full dress. Bu» Senator Halley has come aroniMt to It. He now wears the sw allowtail and swts out of the hand of convention like a meek little lambkin. Washington has ■ habit of bringing 'em nround thnt way after a few years' Iwlklng. Bailey Is a beautiful enntor If.- lias the face and form of an Apollo. Hla cheeks are baby piuk. Ills complexion faultless, and he Is aa ex ceedingly well groomed stntenman. Senator Bailey used to be the hoy orator o f the house before he got Info the senate. Now he makes his presence known In the upper chamber when there Is occasion. J so f a r among the naval force liv e fi company of militia is to be o r Admiral Thom as’ squadron of c ru i bur o ff (.’o rin ad o Bench, at d the . and the gunboat Bu f ganized nt Gold Hill. Application bus sers lire nt anchor outside the hnr- stro y ers, torpedo bontà, subni. ru in the inner ha.Lo already been imide to A d ju ta n t G en eral F razer fo r pertniaaioo to join thu Oregon N ational G uard and il is e \- ,i - that Ute necoawaij form alities will nc complied with shortly. An article written by Dennis Stovall L r Sunst Gold Hill is to be prepared to resist thu Japanese invasion when it co nes The power of a million horses! It Le harnessed. One such fall is th at the average citistn ir and will leant no loophole fo r Hie is- only oriental to eitilize in capturing may seem incredible, hut such is ihe of the river near Mount Reuben. Here its banks and ha- power of the Rogue, the w est's wild Hie entire river drops sheer 12 feet, tonied to its ttirbu e i ud ____ _* Golu itiu est river and Oregon’s m atchless with sw ift rapids immediately above foaming anger i. uea T ed d y, R e a liz in g G r a v ity stream . Were Ihe Rogue completely and below, developing at least 20,000 of its value, i the !iarne seil, it would supply energy horsepower. o f S itu a tio n , W i l l O rg a n iz e old Rogue will b Com petent engineers have taken dued. Instead R c u g h -R id e rt to L ic k Japs enough to move nil the tra ffic and zbly turn all the wheels of m anufacture figures in an endeavor to com pute' energy in its own . t A LBU QU ERQ UE, N. M . M arch 17. in this g reat northw est state. the ivovver of Rogue river. These i will be tamed •: < the So fa r ns power is concerned, the figures are am azing In their immen hard toil and lie i It was learn ed today th a t before . it leaving ’ e re W edn esd ay fo rm e r P re s Rogue is the N iag ara of Ihe P acific sity, They prove the old Rogue io I will be the in • -hiug id e n t Ito sev elt co m pleted p relim in const. There arc oth er rivers th a t have the power of 1,000,000 horses countless f ie . . luring a ry a rra n g e m e n ts for th e e n tire or- have higher fulls, oth er iiunnvigiihle Rogue river is Oregon’s richest asset establishm ents g its gnnlzntl n of a v o lu n teer re g lm e e t to - trentns thnt ure larger, but th ere is Wild, untam ed and unused as it is, shores. It v . tie of fight .In nn should tho occasion arise no other river in nil the west that the average person, and p articu larly h alf the s t a t i . . ' lies and V a rlo rs ro u g h rid e rs a d m itte d to m aintains such a constant series of day th n t they t ad been o ffered "om- rapids and c a ta ra c ts from source to mouth. From its source in C rater m lsslotn In th e ev en t of •lnstlllties. Cob t i " ' R oosevelt cRtne h e re from Lake park to the sen, n distance o f El Pa '• w here It 1s snld Inside In •fi'.’OO miles, the Rogue is one contin form al n of Ja p a n e s e activ itie s In ual c a ta ra c t, with but a pause now Mexico ' 'r ile d him Into dialling th e and then as its w aters widen to cross Colonel Ton Yelle o f Medford, ri dent th a t he ■ills he te n tn tl a rra n g e m e n ts to go to th e il valley or to g ath er fresh force val of L u th er Burbank and fumed in -' desires by a h ; he red front ' he necessity sh o u ld arise. for another wild leap or rush down a ventor of the nlfaberry, realizing the pepper plant ■ t, the It w s i<.d th is a ftern o o n th n t Col- rapid. imminence of w ar with Ja p an , and lima bean ai i’ The nel It' -elt h ad been fold th a t th e Tho Rogue cuts a deep and to r knowing that the United State-, i- M edford Co 'Missed en tlrp 'flc const w as lin ed with tuous slit through both the Cascado woefully short of gunpow der and t'.t a resolutim •' ts, IIS Jn p an e T he only ex p lan a tio n of and Coast ranges. Its w aters leap means to m anufacture the same, has it is eonsidc' s su c- t, e m o l ntlon th a t he could give tad dance in the shadow o f some of set Io work to pro p ag ate a gunpow c essfu l in p ■ qpiv,'- v is tl he s ta te d e p a rtm e n t had ¡be niosl picturesque scenery on Ihe der plant, which, when w atered with der plant, U only P ■ n I ' e d of an a g re e m e n t he- Aemrican continent. Much o f Ibis a solution of saltp etre, will in an be safe fr >t the • e, n I 1’ m tkndo an d Dtaz w hereby wild primeval te rrito ry , p articu larly am azingly short time produce pods' achievem er g nd- •I (1 y '.r n v to get a coaling stn tlo n on (hat below G ran ts P a ss between G a or bolls containing a fine quality o ’'' ertisin g p t' ■ ast of Mexico as th e price lien and Hie sea, is unexplored. Snow Ihe s tu ff that will send a steel- finely dec«, The 'o r re in su p p ressin g th e p res capped peaks, deep gorges, rock- jack et bullet singing on its e rran d o'' colonel exp Ç Y - ent rel e lto n . walled canons ch aracterize the dentil. Some danger will a tta c k .o plosive will han Rogue throughout its whole extent. the culture of the plant. If the pods the Ja,innes Carson, Nev. A fter a session tu rn At present only about 15,000 h o rse are allowed to overri|>en, they aii rihle explos: ■var- ed over to suffrag ists, a num ber of power is aetuallv developed on Rogue likely to hurst with an exclam atory Isre. T he »• ■’ Medford, whom pleaded with the S en ato rs to river, though the completion of the pop, such ns m ay he heard nt tin owing to Its « i .n i liii .i I news and a’low a sta te vote on th e question dam s and canals now under co n stru c C rater L ik e club in M edford any time pr-v- the bsst of w our a ’s suffrage, the upper house tion will increase the figures to 25,- from 11 p. ni. till 5 g. m. Thus, if a thickness, is exp- etc adapted lor the nltiire id the new passed the H ouse bill culling for a 000 or more horsepow er. There aro single p,,,1, is allowed to become too popular vote tw o y ears hence to d e a num ber of falls o r sw ift rap id s on ripe and explode, a whole field may plant, whose product should, and nn- cide w hether women shall vote In Ihe river th a t will require b ut little be set popping, and the h arv est donhtedly will, lie known to the world Nevada. expenditure o f money and lnhor to ruined. Colonel Ton Velle is co n fi as touvellite. W /tere Hobson Bets $5 to Show Belief Is a River So Prodigal o f Pc Projected Achievement of ? Plant Wizard Will Sav s r"'d 'r itiön PORTLAND, Or., March 15.— A s serting that they u itcid eil to go to Seattle “to see a friend sail fo r the orient,” 10 Jap an ese employed by i. Mona, b Lumber com pany today quit work and demanded th eir wages It is report< d th a t Ja p an ese em ploy'd n eastern Oregon are quitting their .ositions r ostenatiously and leav ing fo r cities n e a r the C anadian bor der. They ascribe no reaso n s fo r their sudden leave taking, but deny that the recent press rep o rts con cerning alleged Jap an ese activity in Mexico has anything to do with their actions. the Rogue ? towns of v stern and southern O re gon, opera I e the mines, irrig ate the fields, harv est the crops. Here is u brief resume o f the fig ures made by the civil engineers who computed h power of the Rogue: T aylor Hi! iiapids, near Ga- lice . . .................................... 10,000 Galice R apids ........................... 40,000 Horsepower. Falls of riv er a t Mount R eu ben .................... ...................... 20,000 Hell Gat Rapids, below G ran ts I' s ......................... 20,000 Rapids b f ' • en G rants P a ss and Hell Gate .................... 40,000 Rapids and c a ta ra c ts between Galice and the s e a ................600,000 Developed 1 dam s at G ran ts P a ss ami Gold R a y ............ 25,000 Rapids bei een G rants P a ss and Gold lill, undeveloped 80,000 Rapids h e r n Gold Hill and Gold Buy ........................... 20,000 Mills Falls ud Rogue River Rapids ......................... 75,000 Upper Rog River, undevel oped . . ...........................175,000 This mnk i grand total of 1,125,- 000. but ti conservative the ex tra q u a rte r mi! > is trimmed o ff, leav ing 1,000 > horsepow er as the am ount o f rgy represented in the countless i ds. c a ta ra c ts and falls of the Rog ■ Since this power can he harness ' and tran sm itted by eleetric wi to every nook and dis trict, to P " v town, city and set tlement, to cry orchard and f a m , mine and i and used fo r every conceivable .«urpose, its influence will be trem endous in the develop ment of so u lh em Oregon as well as in Hdding t<> ihe com forts and p leas ures o f life E lectric puwer is proving here, as Mrs. F ran k Scott o f Highland, Kan* , and her thirteen sous are expected Io arrive in Oklahom a soon. M rs. S u o tt’s children are all under 6 y ears o f age. The six oldest are triplet set* the oldest being 5 1-2, the o th ers a y ea r younger. The next two a ra three, the next p a ir 2, while the thre» babies are 2 m onths old. All o f their nam es begin with “A ”. Salem , Ore.—J j h n P. H unt, a s s is t ant chie: c . :1. o. the S enate, found the in ■•'ns i'.. or which he has been Io king lo r m ore than a w eek, and as tar as th e g .n cra! appropria tion bill ¡3 concerned the record now stan d s clear and a spi al session of the I g’etatu re is obviated. W ithout th e record Just found th e e n tn e g m e .a l appropriation bill, pro viding to r the salaries and e ip e n s e s of oif.cers and com m issions, would have been nvalidated. T he record showed that the House had refused to concur in S en ate am endm ents and from th a t point on was blank u n til it w as recorded th a t the bill had been signed by the S peaker and the P resi dent. M e d fo r d So ia lis ts B lis te r W ire s R o a s tin g M is te r T f t fo r B u tt -in M e x ic a n P o lic y \Ve the so cialists of M e.lfnrd, O re gon cannot refra in from v.iicnig o u r indignation a t y o u r ac ts in behalf of barb aro u s Mexico and P resident Diaz It is an insult to the common people of o u r country who once fought fo r glorious liberty. If (h u he treaso n b rand us.” Such is the te x t o f the telegram sent to P resident T a ft hv a com m it tee o f local socialists M onday m orn ing following the adoption ni' resolu tions to th a t effec t at a meeting he’d Sunday afternoon which >vas a tte n d ed by socialists from all p a rts c f Jack so n county. The adoption o f ihe resolution to ta k e such action w as unanim ous and followed a lengthy discussion o f the p reso rt movement o f the troops and ships of the United S tates. ready in operation, the ideal pow er fo r mining, milling, dredging and heavy development work. Even in a consequence o f th<* en terp rises al- so u th em Oregon, where tim ber is plentiful and wood fuel abundant, electric power is more economical than steam . The mines th a t o per ate their mills, com pressors and hoists by steam -pow er m ust employ a large crew o f w oodcutters to su p ply the many cords of wood th a t are (Continued on page three)