T H K B I U N C IN I. The ahortaal «mi surest way to lire with honor In the world la to lio In i-oallty what wa would appear to bo, and If w« obaarve wa «hall And that all human vir tue« Increnao and strengthen tbomaolvea by the practice and experience of thorn Socrates. Local News Notes Mrs. H . (). Parker and Infant daughter returned from Asn'and yesterday, where M r* Parker wa* called two week* ago by lllnesa in her parents’ fam ily, A little slater died, but the other* who were tick are now recovering C. F Carter attended the recent meeting ol hlack-mlth, In Medlord, and lielpml in tlie organisation of a trade a-sis'iation for anntliern Oregon. A* unlive southern Oregon amith, Mr Carter found that he b«d previous aci|iniiiitance witli a large uumber of hl fellow Irade-meu. J. Armstrong ba* sold lit* four acre*, adjoining Gold H ill towosite on the south side, to Fred Reidel. The prir I*r. Kelsey wa Medford vlaitor wa« *9000, and the sale was made Thursday. through the agency of H. W. McClendon Dr. Smith *»■ at Grant* Pa-s on busi Tlie tract Ilea between tlie county road ness ye»t»*rday. ami Rogue river, and I* already In de L. It A vary wa* at Medford on busi iiiiind for city lota. M r Reidel Intends ness Wadnowlay. to make a comfortable borne place of it. Ixiet you forget I water. visited Medford Mr*. M. K. Rive wa* a Saturday even Gold H ill last Saturday. Ilia coming ing gueat of Mr*. L. W , Smith, of had not been advertleed. He intends Grant* Pa**. making regular visits to Gold Mill for Attorney itainmaraly wa* at Jaekaon- lectures ol a pathological nature, the villa on legal burine** Wednesday and late* ol which will lie well advertised. Thursday. Mr*. H . H Lampman and Mrs. J. B Geo Garrison I* getting some fine- W eleb came down from Asbestos Tuea- looking rock from Id* " Buster" mine on Isy. There is still plenty ot snow at Sardine creek. the postoffice with the Are-proof name. J. II. Rvemaii le'l WeduendaV on a Mrs. Immpman Is visiting with her hu-ine«» trip to Portland and Inter sou, IL x H. Lampman, and family. Mrs. Welch is viaiting friends and rela mediate point!. tive* at several points In the valley Mia* Cynthia Tuttle, of A*hland, has J. E. Davidson and W. H . Miller taken the sixth and Reventb grade* of repieaented Gold H ill at the silver Gold H ill echoola. spike-driving at Grants Pass Thursday. Judge llanimeridy is visiting hi* It w«s tlie Aral spike to lie pat down in daughter, Mr*. W. P. Cliiaholm, and tha laying of Hie new Grants Pass and family, at Woodville. Rogue River railwav. Speakers predict Mr* J. E K m a rt, o, Medford, wa* ed that 1015 would see Grauis Pas» the gue»t ol Mr*. J. 1, Hammersly the jobbing center of • out hern Oregon, several day* tlila week. with a population of 15.000 Mupervianr J. W. Ila y * is improving A St. P.»tries'* Day dance and supper the Mam* Valley road, grading, ditching will lie given by the R ival Neighbors and Alling in hole* and rut*. at tlie Gold H ill Ojiera House, Friday it. II. Ila rr i* la home from northern evening, March 17th. Music w ill be California, when he ha* lieen working furnished by Searle'» o r liertra. A. E. on a big timlier ileal for aeveral week«. Kellogg will be floor director, and Flnyd Mr*. W. P. Chisholm and Mr*. S. E d d i n g s , W i l l . W etlierell, Clyde Walker Saudrv, id Woodville, attended the floor managers Tickets, including sup- funeral of M r*. A. J Smith Wednesday. P w, *1.50, amt each ticket is a gill-edged M. M. Gillen, of Oklahoma City, lisa policy insuring a good time. y HandsomeSpringShowing OF GOODS FOR SUMMER lloil tha drink Ina Taxes for H ill are due and payable. If payed by the 15th of March you will M. G. Womack wa* at Mwdford on r-ceive a discount of 8 per cent, and if not payed by tlie Oral Monday in April buainon Thurialay. there will lie a (lenalty of 10 per cent Ilenry Kay wa* at Jackeonvill»< added to amount uf taxee, with Interest on buaineaa yesterday. st tlie rate of 10 |ier cent. A* a matter J. H. M in io n * wa* at Grant* Pa** on of convenience you can pay them at tlie bu*inu*« Thuradav and Friday. Gold H ill Rank. M r* 0 . 0. Gault, o( Portland, la the Prof O’Gara delivered a lecture on guest of bar muthar, Mr*. M R. Rica. »(•raving to a handful of an audience in Ml«« Edna Hay* frlenda laat week O O I, n Serpentine Crepe Organde Florelle Lawn Batiste Pongee Linen Finish Flaxon Panama Zephyrs Gauze Marvel Superior Dress Linen Nothing finer than these goods have ever been brought to Gold Hill M erritt C om pany of chance to survive from year to year. IT Mr. Aitken gave twenty one days’ notice ¡11 to owners of trees to spray. Ii th e .* “ work is not done hy tlie owner, it will • MRS. MARY C. SMITH Is-done hy the comity and the cost as-: Mrs. Mary E. Smith, wife of Arthur s c s m s I against the pro|M»rty. ¡J. Smith, diet) at her home in Gold Fred Dodge is agitating the idea of a H ill Tuesday evening, February 28, mammoth minstrel show to provide after a seven weeks illnee-. Ileath was funds for a gymnasium Fred and his ! due to organic heart-trouble. Mrs Ills achates. Johnny Reed, are now re- ■ Smith was born iu Georgia, September hearsing their faniou* vodeveal skit, en 28, 1867, thus being in her forty-fonrth titled "The Adventures ol M utt and year She has been a resident of Gold Jeff," Ralph Darling lit« promised to i H ill for many yeais, and was active in dance the serpentine, Alvah Kellogg lodge work, both In the Rebekahs and and Tony Olsen will sing "Tw o Little Royal Neighbors The funeral was Girls In Blue" In ebatume, and Steve held Wednesday, Rev. E. C. Riebard- Jones and Charley Kell have signified coming fr -m Ashland Io conduct tlie tnelr willingness to lie the finin' end- services at t ie ie-idence Interment men. In fact, there is no dearth of was made st tlie I. O O. F. cemetery, talent, and tlie |ierformaiire will no u here the Inn si leremoni ot the R e - doubt be the best th t has ever tieen bekaa wa» |-erh.rmeil liy Amethyst pul on in Gold H ill simea certain mem L-dtie Be ides tlie hushsml, tim e orable Fourth of July celebration that daughter» arc b it .Mr». Eher Davis, of Joe Beeman tells alsiut. Tolo, Mrs. Nora McLain and Miss Josie * James R. Hays, proprietor ol the Vaudewaiker, of Grants Pnss. A num W .yne Hotel at Detroit, and large ber of other relatives si tended the hotels at Pault Ste. Marie, Michigan, funeral, together with a large number and Hot Springs, Arkansas, writes Ids ol friends, for Mrs. Smith wsss woman friend, A lfn d I-ewis. to learn if there is who made friends, and many a kindly anything to Tlie News’ id-a that Gold little service of hers— roees tlist she H ill is to he the junction point of tlie brought, or a glass of jell», perhaps, new Oregon Trunk with the Southern when someone was sick—h ale tieen re Pacific. Ttiere seems to he no doubt called since her death. Gold H di. or hut tliat the new line will build over tlie any other part of tlie world, <an ill i Cascades from central Oregon to the -ea spare sucti a woman O B IT U A R Y J GOLD HILL OPERA HOUSE been in Gold H ill Die pant few days. David Brown, who bought the Steven» He is looking lor investments In the rspcli on Kane* creek lust week, says coast country. that lie doesn't believe be would have I. G. Davidson »rrived from Portl and located in Gold H ili if he hadn't seen last night and I* looking after local in the new high school building "M y terest*, besides visiting witli hi* brother Children are all grown," said M r Jay and family. Brown, "but that beautiful modern L. Currier, a mining man of Grant* school house was an earnest to me that Pa«*, wa* nvre Monday looking over the people of Gold H ill believe in educa through the Rogue river valley. Once Card of Thanks tome local properties ■* tile represent tion and progress. 1 am glad to locate into tlie valley, and wanting to get to We desire to thank the many friend» in such a community, and I am proud the sea, tlie only logical wav for ative ot Butte capitalist*. who so kindly as-isted us during our of tlie Gold H ill high school building. the new line to go is down Rogue river Frank Zaua said this morning: “ Good late bereavement. from Gold Hill to Grant» Pass For the work I* being done on tlie Sam* Valley J. E. Day, ol Woodville, lias severed A. J. S mith and family . road. More work lias lieen done thia bis connection with the Oregon reason that Jim H ill never goes up bill to get down h ill, it is reasonable to be- j spring than wa* done all last year." Nuraery company, and is preparing to Tele grams May Now Be Phoned Marshal Hammersly ba* made an in start a nursery himself, with “ Wash” lleve that Gold H ill will be the first i spection id chimney* the past week, Hair and others as associates. "Pedi point in southern Oregon at which he Additional extensions and benefits to warning the owner* of those that were greed trees are what we will put out," will touch the 8. P ., and a crossing the public by t i e Western Union Tele defective to put them in shape. said Mr. Day, who was in Gobi Hill should be mule at this point, the new graph Company are announced in con line continuing west down the river on "W e will start our nursery nection with the lurther development o f : Mrs. J. If. Roberta, of Spokane, Mr*. Thursday the opposite side from the Harriman witli selected scions from the liest or a system by which tlie Pacific Telephone W in. Cri««, of 1-oup City, Nebraska, and line A Telegraph Company’s subscribers Mrs. G. I). Bowen, also of I.oup City chard In southern Oregon, and produce W hat seem- to be a ease of horse-steal a thoroughly reliable stock." M r. Da) may send and receive telegrams over are here visiting their father, Chas. is advocating siloe as a means for saving ing came to light iu Gold H ill Friday their telephones; in fact, all persons Reidel anil Saturday ol last week. A man corn for fishier in southern Oregon. who may properly use a subscriber's John F. M orrill, of the Riverside came to the house of E. R. Struble at orchard, brought J, L. Hammersly Trap|iers in the mountains of the the Oxley mine three miles from Gold telephone may forward telegrams to an and J. II. Reemaii back from Jackson upper Rogue river country tell of the H ill, and offered to sell the saddle from open Western Union office at all hours ville a-huinniiiig in hit big new Loco heaviest snow in twenty years At the the horse he was riding, saying he was of the day or night; but immediately mobile Monday. upper end of Pumice hill, near Prospect, broke. M r. Struble agraed to take the upon the closing of the telrgraph office in a community, whether at night or on H. P. Mvler, of Eugene, stopped off tlieie lias been three feet ol snow on the saddle, and the man then offered to sell . Sundays or holidays, an arrangement is level, while Union creek trappers tell between train* Sunday for a few hours, the horse and saddle together, saying made bv which those who wish to send visit with his cousin, Mrs. I). U . M il ol seven or eight h»et of snow, with in that he would like to realize e i gn te|egrBms secure connection with- tense cold weather. From his obser ler. He was hastening to Oklahoma, from them » to L get his family here . e from 7,’ni l>ut 8,,y dehty with a distant Western vations nt the lower borders of Crater Seattle. where he had a sister seriously ill A bargain was made, fifty Union office to which the telegram may J. F. Anderson ilied at his home at Lake park, Supt. Arant estimates that dollars for the two, and Attorney Ham- j be telephoned and no charge will be there must lie no less than twenty feet inerslv drew up an absolute bill of sale, Salem Tuesday, following a protracted This means to which the man signed the name o ’ made for the use of the telephone cir illness due to old age. Ilis daughter, at the rim of the crater there will probably lie no travel to tlie James Davies. He went to Medford. cuit in forwarding such telegrams. Mrs. F. Bowers, of Sams Valley, was This facility was originally extended park until the middle of July, Then someone that knew the tran called to Salem several weeks ago and to the public on January 1st, hut certain was present at the end. A decree making permanent the tem saction noticed a notice in tlie Mail toll charges in connection therewith were Miss Grace Garnett, of Eureka, Cali porary injunction restraining the Gold Tribune offering a reward of twenty-five established at tliat time The told charges tliat would lead fornia, is here as the guest of her friend, H ill Canal company from building a dam dollars for information , . , are now dispense»! with, and subscribers to the recovery of a brown horse, Mrs. G. Patrick. The trip was made across Rogue river on the property ol the T i.l of 10 ,e,ePnoue company and those who branded W, with wart in each ear. Tlie by boat front Eureka, a city id 12,000, as Condor Water A Power Co. was entered may properly use subscribers’ telephones notice was signed by a man named yet without a railroad, to San Francisco, hy Judge Bean In the United Stales cir are given tliis additional and cheaper Wilson, of Griffin creek, who was noti cuit const this morning. Tlie original and then by rail here. service, the only charge being that made dam on the property was built in tlie fied, He came here Saturday night, Supt. Madison, ol the Oriole mine at curly eighties, and recently, it was proved that the horse and saddle were for the telegram itself. Such charge is Oalicc, was in Gold H ill Monday visiting claimed, the defendants tried to extend Ids property, paid Mr. Struble the re tlie regular rate for a telegram that would ordinarily tie filed in tlie local telegraph Ills friends. Dr. Smith and mother. The it to a point about 200 feet farther up ward, and returned home. Davies was Oriole Is one of the biggest bodies of ore than the old crib. Judge Bean’s decis arresteil in Medford Tuesday. Apparent office. In farming and outlying communities in southern Oregon, and is developed ion limits the old dam to the site of tlie ly he was making no effoit to escape. telephone subscribers are given the priI- with 1000 feet ot tunnel. At his preliminary hearing at Jackson old crib and enjoins the defendant» ilege of forwarding telegrams direct to a R. G. F. Astbury, late owner of the from constructing o il the lands of the ville Wednesday he waived examination Western Union office and may be assur and was bound over to the grand jury, Riverside orchard, left last week lor a plaintiff. Portland Journal. ed that that office will always he open his hail being fixed at *600, which he trip to liis old homo in England, which J. ( Aitken, of Woodville, deputy was unabl«* to furnish, and was commit and receive tlie telegram and transmit it be lias not seen lor many years. He fruit Inspector, was in town Wednesday, tlie same as if it had been carried to a will be gone several months, but will inspecting small or family orchards, ted to the county ja il. telegrapti offh'e and filed over the coun- ! return to southern Oregon. which have been almost e x e m p t Twenty-five pounds poultry panacea, ter in the usual manner. Curl and Leslie Darling both arrived f r o m in s p e c tio n in t i m e s *3.50. Jarvis tlie Druggist. The widespread and genetal use of the home Thursday,the former from Nevada past and which, it is argued, have telephone in connection with the for- Good dental work at reasonable prices. C ity, California, where lie works in a lieen the source of much of the pests weirding and also the d»livery of tele power plant, and the latter from Frisco, and diseases that have bothered the big See Dixon Bros., lOtl'.., South Oth street. grams has impressed the telegraph com 42t2 where lie has lieen in a hospital ns a orchards. The new policy is to clean Grants Pass, Oregon. pany with tie- necessity for a more ex- I result of an accideut three months ago up not only every orchard, hut every Good fresh milch cow for sale. " d id anil valuable service to the public, = at Hornbrook, tree, so tliat pests will have a minimum W . H . SXARLB. which is now grauted. i ^illliu I KELLOGG & REED M A N A CCHS P R O A M M O V IN G PICTURES Saturday, Sunday and Monday evening» -,.. gh- - ; • i f ■» X 1 B 4 PRINCE E D W A R D W orld’» M y ttifio r Tuesday and V* ednesday evenings ST. P A T R IC K ’S D A NC E and¡upper To be given by Royal Neighbor! March 17th * S to c R F o o d Hess and International The two leading brands—both guaranteed Jarvis the Druggist -F tü — flllllk CHOCOLA TES B i s h o p s the beat a lw a y a fre sh a t Turner's Gold Hill Lunch Room IIIIIG»