T H K FAON KIGHT M arching to Fresno, Then on to M exico to Assist Rev lutionists “ W e ’l l settle with Fresno first,” was the statement made to a repres- entative of the Mail Tribune who spent Friday night with them, by members of the Industrial Workers o f the World armv at Stineman, on the northern slope of the Siskiyou mountains, “and then on to Mexico.” This statement, uttered by mem- bers of the "common herd” portion of the mob, was instantly and flatly denied ny the committee of six who are at the head of the migrating In dustrialists, who, however, pinned down, gave as the reason for their denial the fact that “that part of out campaign is as yet unnofficial.” Are Not Armed. Notwithstanding the fact that a squad of eight special railroad po licemen who arrived in Ahsland S a t urday to intercept any more mem bers of the band who come south, and to protect railroad property from depredations by the army now m arch ing across the Siskiyou mountains to California are believed to have been instructed that aboht one half of the hoboes were heavily armed, the lead ers of the mob Friday night reques ted the newspaper man to search them and their effects for weapons, and although no attempt was made, to make a thorough search, it is not believed that they are armed at all. Oregon Legislature (l onllbUed fioui tii»L 53, Buahanan—Appropriating «16. ««« to reimburse Oregon national fsard for fighting Area. 61 • Fouto—Prohibiting traaaparU- ‘Ion of explosives on passenger trains «1. Foute—Providing for labeling 1 convict-made goods, 79. Reynolds—Exempting small plants from factory Inspection law. 87. Steelhammere-Limiting age of engineers employed on donkey en- glaes. G O LD H IL L 169. Albee—Requiring railways to publish time tables. 17«, Miller—To provide for eomplete drainage systems 179, Joseph—Requiring bonds from contractors on public works. 196, Carson—Repealing the Tuttle road law. 206. Norton—Requiring screens at Inlet* of ditches 230. Abraham»—-Fixing the salaries of county officers. 225, Burgess — To regulate the transportai.on of live stock. 260, Oliver—Amending the law rela tive to the sale of state land*. 270, committee on commerce—Pro hibiting the use of liquor on trains. 279. Chase—Relating to drainage districts. 285, McColloch — Providing for rights of way through enclosed land. 286, McColloch—Providing the limit of a day’s work for railway employes 288, Locke—Prov'dlng protection from cholera 304. Kellaher—To settle disputes between railroads. 129, Wood—To prevent deficiencies n state Institutions. N K W S 140. Hollis—To create state board Ash and game commissioners. 144. Insurance commutes—Régulât Ing fraternal benetlt societies. 213. Miller, Shaw—Relating W fencing railroads. 111. Westerlund—Relating to deputy recorder of Jackson county. 187. Ambrose—Kelstlug to support of libraries. 254, committee on Insurance—Re lating to expenses of department ol Insurance 249, l.elnenweber and Belland—Re garding protection of trout. 267. CUxinbera—Relating to shooting | fowl from skiffs. 280, Jones—Relating to sale 07 ! opluiu 198. Blgplow—To provide for protec tion of game. 825, committee on Insurance—Au- . thortslng examination of Insurance f companies. 326. committee on Insursnce—Li censing Insurance companies. 327, committee on Insurance— Re- I luting to Are Insurance committees. 338. Miller—Authorising bridge across Willamette River. 344, Abbott—To provide for night ' schools. 364. Derby Attaching Hood River j county to Seventh judicial district. c9, Peterson—Levying taxes for i schools. 197, Huntington — Providing for county educational hoard. 284. Peterson—For granting rights of way over state lands. 285. committee on revlslcn of laws | —Authorising towns to furnish light md water. r BARGAINS >IN. Gold Hill Real Estate 18 Acres of Choke fruit or Garden lands 234, Clyde—To compel hotel* to A djoining Gold H ill City. A BARGAIN provide clean linen 100, Buchanan—Regulating admis Cash and terms sion to Soldiers* Home. 103, Miller of Columbia—Relating to county liquor license. 1 Lot 50x100 Small Dwelling 125, Abrams—Requiring secretary of state to report to governor list of Good location Price $1060 foreign corporations 129, Ambrose—Regulating the prac tice of optometry. 137. Anime—To license private In 3 Lots 50x100 Each. Good Dwelling sane asylums 155, Beals—Fixing terms of county Two lots planted to berries, all tearing. Corner House Bills. courts. 7, Clemens—Making void assign lots — ideal t location Cash and terms ISO. Carter—Providing for escheat ment of claims against city and coun Ing money belonging to patients of *y officials and their deputies. Oregon Insane. 50, Buchanan—Creating the Oregon 7 Acres for Sale Cheap 215. Committee on m'lltary affairs— tate forest To permit railroads in Oregon to 72. Abrams—Appropriating funds In the highest state o f cultivation. Fine sand transport troops at reduced rates. or Oregon's national guar« loam. W ill soon be a part of Gold H ill 174, Collins—Requiring judges to 67. Thompson—Providing for trans make decisions in three rncuihs. City. Part cash, balance easy X o T ra in s Stop. 203, Brooke—Repealing sections fer of property by spouse of an lnsune payments. W rite this paper person. No trains would stop between Ash relat.ve to purchase of lands in for 68, Fouts—Prov'dlng penalty for land and Siskiyou Friday night, and est reserves. persons having more than 35 wild 228, Clemens—Relating to wearing in order to have them go by Stein- ducks In their possession the insignia of orders. man at a speed which would make the 75. Thompson—Flxlr/t salary of cir ..>«• «mrniuga of the South African catching of the train po -sible by any Senate Bills. cuit Judge of Thirteenth district. railways for the seven months since of the marchers, three engines were 7, Burgess—Prohibiting sale of can 83, Cushman—Es'ab tailing fiscal I Mi. union exceed by SS.000.000 those of attached to each. non crackers. the preceding corresponding period agent for state In New York City. According to members of the party 19. Locke—For registration of grad 93. Church—To regulate banks and i G O L D H IL L . O R E G O N ■who spoke officially through the uate nurses. banking. New Game Laws “executive committee,” almost four 26, Oliver—Provide manner proving 132, Abrams—Prescribing method ! hundred more members of the I. W official documents. by which foreign corporations may do j STATEHOUSE, Salem, Ore., Feu. W. will pass through this city eu 18.—It was a great day tor game 29. Dlmick—Providing method for business In this state. route to Fresno within the next three changing of boundaries of municipal 135, Brooke — For an Interstate j | legislation. No less than ten hills weeks. By that time, it is said by corporations. bridge at Nyssa, on the Snake river. l dealing with various kinds of game the leaders of, the .band, that about 51 Abraham—To provide for pro , came up for consideration in the sen 147, committee on Insurance—Regu three thousand sympathizers with tection for car repalrer,. lating policies Insuring against Inju ate and these' covered a wide range. their cause will have been mustered They ranged from the protection .»1 knows whal is 82, Carson—Providing for reports of ries. Ih r frerjrss A. E. KELLOGG .in Fresno. lobsters (those inhabiting waters) to mining corporations. X'othing Can Stop T h e m . 186, Thompson — Reclamation of EMBALMER AND FUNERAL bird refuges. aggressive lo in s on at 98, Merryman—Prohibiting sale ol “Only one thing in the world will i liquor within six miles of any public swamps and lakes. DIRECTOR First the senate passed a bill Io uncompromising 193, Brooke—Authorizing state land cause us to turn back,” they said work. C' mplete line ni burini robe» establish refuges for birds; this pro Washington koard to fix pvlce at which state lands csakel», rie “and that is the news that our broth- j 101, Hawley—To provide for certifi < hampion of vides that the governor can set aside shall be gold. Umletatsklng rn.in. opposi le I. O. O. F. ers in Fresno have been liberated i lauds near state grounds for bird re WiM yo Irl him the rights of the cation of teachers. bui ding; phone IO Main 197, Huntington — Providing for fuges and that county courts can from jail and allowed their constitu 103, Albee—Defining vagrancy. tell you about it American people county educational board. GOLD HILL ORFGUg tional right of free speech. Unless lease tracts of land for the refuge 117, Chase —Regarding vermin af- 418, Appropriations for maintenance of wild animals and birds. These re th is is granted we have seventy-five EOVNUZU IB : fected pupils n schools. of state institutions. thousand members, each of whom is| serves are to be posted and have CLEM ENT H. SM ITH. M. D. 134. Barrett of Umatilla—Providing 372, Marlon, Yamhill and Clacka heavy penalty provided for those pledged to walk to Fresno, if neces . . , . . , .___ __ p,- ■ ■ . • ,, for inspection of schools GENERAL PRACTITIONER mas delegations—Protecting China invading them on missions of slaugh «ary. to su ite r imprisonment in the __ _. . , _ 139. Dlmick—Requiring secretary of pheasants until 1913. interests of free speech.” Engagements fo r obstetrical ter. Oliver wanted to know how the 366, Umatilla delegation—Appropri birds would be advised of these cities At day break Saturday morning state to audit accounts. visits must be made 141, Dlmick—To appoint trustees ating for eastern Oregon asylum. the army commenced preparations, MAfiAfm in advance of refuge, and Bean explained that fo r the march towards the south, de- *nd make an a' W rlatl(” ,or the 362, Steelhammer — Relating to. the birds quickly realize when there Price $ 1 .0 0 a V rar ($2 nines) <spite the fact that not a man among! McLou5hlln Home. stock running at large. is a patch of ground which is safe T h is n ia * m lt ie w m 4*«tal>ll»hrd to help A. E. KELLOGG ♦hem has tasted any other food du. -i ,52* H ester-For testing railroad 354, Douglas delegation—Regulating and cited the preserves of un Irish b rin y ateint r**prt-»e**, (Mii vf go v ern in w iil •n<l e q u a lity o f o p p o rtu n ity In the* I ’ n ltrd NOTARY PUBLIC ing the last twenty-four hours but j 4rac'c scales. fishing In the Umpqua River. man near Eugene, where the biros s ta tm a few crackers given them by Section 171* Bean—For registration of trade 355, Reynolds—Buildings at deaf fly whenever they are pursued and Phon«’ 36 Mnln DO YOU WANT Foreman Nell at Steinman, and the i marks- GOLD HILL.OKBGON school to be converted into tubercular where the birds on the tract are al To la k e a hantl In th«* great contest now wag fact that they ha‘d been exposed dur- 174- D lm ick-Pertaining to custody hospitals. most perfectly tome. The bid is Ing N jmn la l P riv ile g e va. I'u h llv W elfare T ing the entire night to the bitter cold j state funds- I o know w h a t 1» hap p en in g weak h r weefc. 184, Eggleston—Prohibiting the sale fathered h.V the Audubon Society. DR. ARTEMAS W. DEANE in th is struggle for a people's g o v e rn m e n t* o f the mountains with no other pro- j 200' Judiciary committee—Relating of fish caught In the Rogue River. Then there was a hill which pro T o keep ahreuNt <»f tnovetnen ta that have In DENTIST tection than one small comp fire 40 deposit of state funds, 332. Westerlund—Prohibiting the vided that fur-hearing animals may view better r n n d ltln n * o f liv in g , a fa ire r ( M 8 A I'M IN in i K KFI) share of w hat yon help to produce; nm l a among 151 men. Few of them have j 246- Sinnott—Requiring employers sale of misbranded insecticides. square deal a ll around** be paid for by the counties and tin H U L IO KIHLDING, MKDtORD overcoats. of labor to report accidents. 305, Protect bee culture. pelt still be left for commercial pur THEN They state that although hungry 265> Carson—To provide additional 343, Fouts—Determining who .are poses. This is arranged for in case Voil arc In tc re aled In the oflVr p rin te d be DR. R. C. KELSEY their progress through C alifornia1 r°otn in the capitol, etc. low I f you e a rn e s th desire I«» get ttie i i < wa heirs to estates. of fur-bearing animals by Hie county alNiul w hat Is going on m il on the tirin g lin e nyricK tx need cause no alarm to anyone, a« 275, Lester—Providing for county 55, Cole—Authorizing withdrawal I clerk punching holes in the scalp uinl you can get I . A F o l . l IC TTK '8 and GO I. n H I L I. H O S P I T A L they are under almost as rigorous a advertising funds, of property from registry. The duck law was changed so th.it C O R . T H IR D A C MTS. discipline as that enforced in til- 287- McColloch—Extending the pa- THE GOLD HILL NEWS 412, Hollis—Establishing standard still leaving the remainder of Ihe pelt «.OLD HILL, OREGON army. Their leaders call them ijv r°le *aw- of condensed milk. intac. number, and their orders are obeyed > With the exception of a few unlm Both One Year for $ 2.0 0 377, Westerlund—Establishing size not more than 35 ducks mnv be shot IO H N I I . C -A ltK IB W .K N N (>. T A Y L 3 S .implicitly. portant bills, the following is a list of of apple boxes. In ad *an t e. Mead In yonr order to ill one day, as is the ease now, hill The Trouble at Fresno. bills that passed both houses and not C A R K IN & TAYLOR 253, Ambrose—Appropriation for Hie amendment prevents having more The party, which started from , acted upon by the governor: THE GOLD HILL NEWS LAWYERS tlinn that number in a hunter’s pos street improvement at O. A. C. ROOMS 1 7 - lw O VKK JACKMON CO U N TY H A N K Seattle on February 13th. following Senate Bills, session so that n good hunter eoiinol 304, Libby—Licensing stallions. VE D K O kD , OREG ON . appeals from their brother In d u stria -. 6, Burgess—Regulating report of 362, Collins—Providing chaplains at stu ff off his extra shoot on a poor lists in Fresno who, besides being time of passenger trains, hunter when questions nre asked. penitentiary. forbidden the use of the streets i:- li, Malarkey—Relating to the re- Dolly Varden trout were placed un J. L. HAM M ERSLY 241, Brooke — Creating Irrigation their campaign of anarchistic agita- cording of deeds and mortgages, der the ban, the speckled beauties b e districts. ATTORNEY AND COUNSELLOR lion are being jailed in that citv a*! 13, Locke—Authorizing counties to 207, McKinney—Establishing bureau ing declared ns destructive as One- ovrieit ix hank nvii.nixu fast as they violate the ordinance build hospitals. man carp mid about ns worthless. of mines. GOLD HILL, OHEt.GX forbidding street speaking, reached 24, Joseph—Relating to naval mlli- 365, Brooke—Granting permits for The Dolly Vnrdens were charged with its present numerical strength at tia of state. From Hi« Middle ..ml Ea tern destroying the mountain (rout nml appropriating water. Portland. Twenty-two of their num portions o f th e United Slates C. F. BOWMAN 31, Carson—Relating to horticul 310, Brooke—Enable land owners to salmon eggs, and they did not have and Canaria to her left t^ieir ranks in Tacoma to ture, etc. n friend in the sennte. Incorporate to Irrigate. C a rpenter and J oiner board a steamer bound for San 43, Burgess and Hawley—For the A new Fish and Oatne Commission J Oregon, Washington and All 311, Abrams—Regulate butter man Paperhanger Francisco. eradication of animals with conta ufacture. the Northwest hill was adopted, this being one of GOLD HILL OREGON “The first stage of our journey” gious diseases. w L L I’ KK .’ A II, D A IL Y 301, Abbott—Creating state Imml Ihe Audubon Society hills. The hill said one of the parly leaders when 68, Joseph—To establish state and gratlon agent. authorizes the governor to nppoinl ' March 10th to April 10th interviewed by the Mail Tribune man county boards of health. OVER T IIK 407, Miller—Appropriation for Co four commissioners, these four to ap a t the eamp in (he Siskiyous Frida v 73, Malarkey—Defining .and regu lumbia county fair. point the fifth and these five are to P R A C T IC A L night, “ was accomplished without ic- lating public service corporations. 32, McKinney—Regulating motor select the state game nnd fish w ard S H O E M A K I N G cident. We left Seattle quietly nnd ens and distribute the game fund. l t | 74, Hawley—Regulating the prac vehicles. LINES IN OREGON would have reached Fresno in the tice of veterinary surgery. takes the wardens from polities and Boots and Shoes Made to Order 336, Mahoney—Relating to public F rom sam e manner had not outsiders and will revolutionize game matters in 84, Carson—For payment of annual roads. Chirrs«» at - - - $33.00 R E P A IR IN G enemies of our cause spread mali licenses for water power. Ht. I aiiiís . . . 32.(81 97, Libby—Protect trainmen and Oregon in many respects. Done in First-tlass Shape Guiaba - . - 25.00 cious lies about us along the route 88, Von der Hellen—Prohibiting passengers. ♦ ♦♦♦♦♦ ♦ ♦ ♦ ♦ > ♦♦♦♦♦♦ Kan .an City . . . 25.00 we must follow.” discrimination and rebating by rail Hl, Paul . . . . 25.00 226, Gill—Giving state authorities H A R N E S S R E P A IR E D ami from other rlties Jurisdiction over resorts selling liquor Good dental work at reasonable prices. roads. SATISFACTION GUARANTEED correspondingly low * ss T ~Ví u Bros ss , 1 109} 1 X L? South -...it. oil. __ * Í 92, revision of laws committee— In gallon quantities. ‘See Dixon flth street ONE, C E N T A W O R D TOO CAM PRKPAV FARKM, Amending the law relative to opening 285, committee on revision of laws ! ♦ ♦ ♦ ♦ ♦ ♦ ♦ ♦ > ♦ ♦ Grants Pass, Oregon. 4212 fhe Colonist fares are Westbound J. E . M A R T I N G of poils. —Authorizing municipal corporations , j o,in c Srkin attorney-at-law ; nffle« only, but if yon have relatives or friends Next to Barber Shop 123, Nottingham—Authorizing trav operating electric and water plants to Estray Notice over Jar-Icon Cornity Bank, Medford, or employees in the East whom you de eling expenses of the students of the sire to bring to this stale yon can deposit Oregon. ’ « supply service outside of corporate One white mare, branded Y on the the value nl Hie fare with your local limits. right shoulder, 1.000 pounds; one black normal school. Dm. E. P. & II. C. Dixon, the dentists, agent, and an order for a ticket will be Rtructivo printed matter to aond Rant, 151, Wood—For creation of new 288, GUI—Making state treasurer tnare, white spot in forehead, blind in are located at 109)£ South Oth street, telegraphed to any addrenH desired. or give him the nildrehHOH of tliono to custodian of funds of *tate library Grauts Paun, Oregon. 42t2 right eye, branded AB on shoulder. counties. I.BT T H E WORLD KNOW whom you would like to have such 163, Barrett—Allowing municipal commission. matter Rent. Suitable reward will be paid for infor Of our vast resonrees and splendid S unday Rim ken D inxkr — The (iol.l Hill corporations to condemn property. opportunities for 125, Abrams—Rsqulr' secretary W M . M cM U R R Y mation leading to their recovery. Cafe rerve» usual dinner order at 30c 168, McColloch—To extend the Inde of state to report list o m k BO I I, d i s incorpora every Sunday; also Sunday chicken General PaHgenger Agent JESSE NEATHAMER, dinner a. 50c. terminate sentence. R. F. D. No. 1. Woodville, Qregon Call on the undersigned for good in- tions. PO RTLAN D, OR 1OO n J Rex H. Lampman u LA FOLLETTE la Collettes, I*taiY C o lo n is t F ares SouthernPacific C L A S S IF IE D a Professional Cards