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About Gold Hill news. (Gold Hill, Jackson County, Or.) 1897-19?? | View Entire Issue (Feb. 25, 1911)
PAUK W I R T II K The Gold Hill News (¡O I, Il H IL L N K W H TMC CITY O f DESTINY Published Every Saturday al Gold tiiii Jackson County, Oregon DOME, upon her seven hills, had no such site for a city as has J-»• Gold Hill. She had the Tiber, but Gold Hill has the Rogue. - ■ ■ — ■ by..... = Romulus and Remus saw nothing but a defense in the rushing R t* H. LAM PM AN yellow river, which was all it was. But the Rogue, in this age K n le r v .l at »he H o M H il. f o r tra ttw m of electricity, which was unknown by the ancient Romans ex • Io n th r o u g h th e I m u d M I'W m a il» * • iM*«*oa«l ciaMt «na tter cept as the thunderbolts, of Jove, is much more valuable to Golt S u b s« o p tio n $ P rrA n n u m .m Adyamr Hill than Father Tiber was to the Romans. At some not far i distant date the steam locomotive must go to the scrap-pile, ant ■ a h i,i.'v h im v t ,> ’Oi l when that time comes Rogue River, with power plants locu- ted at Gold Hill, will furnish the power to drive trains from this point both ways to the next big power, or clear to Portland am A?l Over Oregon 1' risco if need be, and there will still be enough “ juice ” to turn The Rogue R ver Valley Fruit and all the wheels of all the industries that will develop the vast re Produce A ssociation, a fter its first sources of the Gold Hill district. Gold Hill is a city of destiny, year's business, is ready to declare a and with the building of the Hill road from Central Oregon over dividend of 20 per cent. the Cascades and down Rogue River to the sea, Gold Hill wil D iscouraged by continued 111 health, RIae Vivian W eaver, of P ortland, aged begin to enter on her great ness, will cross the threshold of her IT, shot h erself througn th e h eart w i.n ultimate destiny—the metropolis of Southern Oregon, the big a 32'catiber revolver. Death was al gest and best inland city between Portland and San Francisco. m m ost instantaneous. The body of F rank H utton, aged 24, JAY BOWERMAN was found in th e Pow der River near R ainier. C oroner W est held an in Quest and th e verdict was th a t the TATHAT a shame it is that a man of the intellectual ability of drow ning was accidental. Jay Bowerman should choose to squander his splendid tal Pearl Allen, a quarter-breed Indian ents in the petty business of paying off personal political girl, is in the custody of the officers grudges ! Not only has Bowerman wasted his time as a mem at K lam ath Falls, charged with rob b-ng boxes in the local postoffice. The ber cf the state senate in the legislative session just closed, in girl is but 13 y ears old. his (let it be hoped) self-chosen role of obstructionist, but he T he work of extending the Clatsop las wasted the people’s time and money as well. Well does he county taxes on the 1910 roll has know what the times portend—that the people will ru le -a n d been com pleted by County Clerk Clin ton. The to tal am ount of th e tax is yet, for some dark and devious reason, Bowerman was found on 1387,970.91 o r 153,886.87 m ore th an the the wrong side of almost every question in which the public in total of th e 1909 roll, which was $334,- terest was opposed to those of the private interests or corpora #84.04. tions. Jay Bowerman is too good a man to be wearing corpora Reduced ra te s to th e P ortland Rase tion livery. He has it in him to b *a true public servant rather F estival have been g ran ted by all lines in -----------------— the no rth w est and — th eir — east than a railroad lackey. A man of undoubted and exceptional Fancy Groceries We wish to Ci.ll attention to some of the high-grade articles found in our up-to-date grot cry department: Monopole or Preferred S in k lio n e t, |»r p r ........................................................ $ ,3ft Monopole Jelly and Pre-eiVi », portar, ..'Mt Le Sol|e| .Maliin« Fancy Pea». . :U R o ta i C lu b , P re fe rre d S hs'k a n il Mo iq«>fe Pineapple« ...... $ 3ft Canton Pre-ervetl Ginger, quart jar». 7ft ■Monopole ami Preferred Stock Iterile», 3ft Kaipuun*» and M imqsife K*aut. ,1ft M onopole S olid Park Tumulile» 20 Reti Ribbon Stringi*»» Itemi» ,1ft Rovai ( 'lu t i Fancy A prieto» ......... M onopole Asparago», large can . ,3ft A A I. Choice Sugar Corn Mm upnle Sugar C»rn Fancy Ashland Peach«- Monopole Ripe Olive», .... ... p in t j»r» 3ft Gedney'» liin«Hiha Brand Pickle« Monopole Pickle«, pint Jar«. It.- eli Mui Peatmi Bill tel, per gl«»« lb hl.anil*» C h ill Powder, |ier lailtle Ift lift Ift ,3ft lietdiardt'» Eagle loh»-eo Sauce Pielerred Sun k Chill s a m e 36 .lift Purkee*» Salad Pressing ,3ft ,2ft ,3ft Monopole Vinegar, (air quart Snyder's «nil Pielerred Stuck Cat-up, .40 Ift .20 ,2ft Our Canned Meat Line is Complete Lobstere, Shrimp, Clams, Oysters, Salmon, Herring and Sardines. Sliced Beef, Sliced Bacon anti Vienna Sausage in glasses. Our Prices Are Right on Bacon Smoked Strips, 20c per pound Fancy Breakfast, 22* j and 25c Choice flams, 20c Cottage Rolls, 20c Choice Willamette Potatoes We have just unloaded a car of fancv Willamette Spuds, guaranteed absolutely first-clast stock. Farmers wishing nice spuds for seed should see these and get our price. Early Rose Seed Potatoes, $ 2.50 Per Cwt. LANCE & COMPANY the failure mental powers and attainments, possessed of a magnetic person- •delation to take action at its Chicago ality, a man whose strength and courage cannot be gainsaid even when he is fighting for the wrong, and a warrior who m eeting. Cne of the biggest real esta te deals would be gladly welcomed in the army of truth and right, it is M •v e r recorded a t R oseburg was con one of the mysteries of Oregon politics, and a psychologic mys Another Socialist Speaks sum m ated when a big acreage oi •om e of th e m ost valuable land in tery as well, that Jay Bowerman should not see the light of Kdiw n«w Hill New»: BMW luiuieu le vicinity vicinity of oi the me city cny was was truth, should Oppose his will — and whose back of h is?—to the 1 “ “ 't’ •«’ «•nngratnUie v<ui for print the im m ediate •old. The land consists of 550 acres righteous wriII of the whole people of the state. Bowerman’s *"'1 " "lt‘ r ""‘" h ,or T he price paid for the land was political career is a political tragedy. The trail of the s -rnent ,K,ep,Jr 1100,000. f , . . . r . 6 «■'* t u e s r p e n t 1 want til nu,ke » (urinal deci»r» An agen t of th e Oregon T runk has o t 18 over * all. And Bowerman, young in years - -e m .ik th a t i, been in the vicinity of Fort xiamath and tuU of latent power for good, should reform. He knows wn d "‘ , n ' ’ ' Dial «Ui h ar fo r several days filing notices on th e that the old order of things in Oregon, the system that sent ' ' " ,ho" M***,,‘ i.i ern connecticns in spite of z : : sa tfen atnod on ■hhe , K;a n ia ,h hIndla: ,m e n t o t h e th eir lands. kn°WS the fuJlhty of hl8 attempt to curb the rising tide of gov- “• M.v '«’*•» if. ernment of the j«eople, by the people and for the people. Jav »'"“ •***•>”•.« ..... Bowerman, get right with the people ! They can no longer be u 2 " a‘ X " r ‘¿n.-ë;. aY.Ü fooled. And in Oregon they have a way to retaliate for any »« on, barked by « Ion-« in iiHtiir*- « liirli we call the l»«v of nau»e »ml effect attem pt to fool them. T his a p ^ J n U y m e w s th a t th is road is going to rush things the coming summer. The conference com m ittee on the InJIan appropriation bill has agreed to S enator C ham berlain's am endm ent appropriatin g $50,000 for continu'ng th e construction of an irrigation pro je c t at Modoc Point, on th e K lam ath reserv -tio n , but cut down th e u lti m ate cost of th is project to $155,000 The bodies of th ree of the victim s of the g a so in e schooner Oshkosh dis a s te r w ere found, one at Columbia Beach, one at G earh art P ark and one at Holladay. The bodies w ere iden tilled as th e bodies of W illiam R D eane, p art ow ner and engineer on th e graft, C harles L arson and Gus C hiiberg, tw o ‘of th e sailors. U n ifc e d S t a t e s s e n a t e by b rib e r^ is d ° ° m e d . He G a rd e n in g *T*HE time of the year hits arrived for gardening, and I have in stock one of the most complete and up-to-date stocks of garden tools that over came into Southern Oregon. In fact, I now have a $‘>,000 stoek of hardware, stoves, tinware, graniteware, blue and white enamel ware, queensware, etc. I carry every thing in the hardware and miner's lines. Remember, the place to buy hardware is of “ Pushed by iin-een lintKla.*' »» it were. Therefore everything tli» l 1», is in it» place lor a certain purpose. Anyway, they are there a» elfetiog (act», fur 11» A S an example of addled asshood attained to a precarious po to abide by or contend with, a» the caee sition at the editorial lyre, Lindley C. Branson, editor (?) of may be, from which we g»t our experi the Medford Sun, appears to be entitled to all the laurels, blue ence and hope, and make life worth liv G o ld H ill, O re g o n or teem otlierwi-e. ribbons, medals and other concomitants belonging to a glory ing Now, if an article »uch a» “ How to which seems pre-eminently his own. Knowing nothing what Check Socialism” is illngical anil «tumid ever about anything, there is no subject in the universe that it ought to be expneed for the benefit of who cannot »ee otlierwi-e. I am seems safe from his profaning, clumsy, vandal pen. Possessed a those a a retlia t many reader« read an a r t- of a superabundance of sublimated gall, which perhaps he in cle of that kind, and think it very fine, his folly fondly imagines to be brains, the fellow brazenly gmal reading, and never »ee anything R epresentativ e E llis was notified assumes an owlish wisdom concerning all things earthly and un wrong with 1' at all till «ome able crit th a t the tre a su ry d ep artm en t will pur earthly that would be riotously ridiculous were it not so pain ic lay« ita defect» before them in black and white. Then they may s«y, ‘J did chase a public building site at The fully piteous. not know it wit» an fooli«h.” Dalles im m ediately n orth of th e court Therefore, a» nature abhor« a vacuum, Branson defies all classification. He seems to be at best a house, a t the corner of Union and Sec ,0 a «ocialiat mailed in to All the Sun’a ond streets. T his pro p erty is owned journalistic hybrid in which are amalgamated all the most dis vacancy with reanon and common »enae by Wasco county and is offered for tmguishing characteristics, abnormally developed, of the hyena —and it doea teem that common sense ia $14,000. T h ere is an ap propriation of the jackass, the buzzard and the sk u n k -w ith profuse apologies not common, in apite of our hoa»led ed 180,000 for building and site. to those no doubt well-meaning birds and beast«». Perhaps it ucation. Anyway, it 1« bettor to have A tra c t situ ated in Tillam ook coun common sense without education than Let to have education without common ty on th e line of th e Pacific Railway may be that, like them, Branson is doing the best he can. Pen No. 1, per dozen eggs, $3.00 * N avigation Company, bearing 50,- it be so hoped, for in case he is, he is at least entitled to the senae’’ Pen No. 2, per dozen eggs. #00,000 feet of tim ber, was sold by Who dare claim that our present gov 2.00 same measure of extenuation that in charity may be extendec E T. Davies, th e ow ner, to a syndi to ernment ia right when it give» any man their several cases. • cate, n which J. N. BramhaJl, of the a right to hold a lot of land idle again»t All orders delivered promptly in Gold Hill, and The bitter, unreasoning opponent of union labor, which another who want» to use it or not? And B ram ball Logging Company, of P o rt land. and C. A. Hollenbeck and asso with all its abuses, has been and yet is the laborer’s almost only »0 witli the right oi private owner»ffi,> of expressed elsewhere same day as received ciates of M anhattan, K ansas, are in defense against corporate greed, the publisher of private tele what ia being collectively produced and distributed. terested . The consideration was phone conversations, of necessity surreptitiously obtained, the The only »ad part of "A Bocialiet’s $120,000. staunch defender of and object ^pologistfor th e reptilian brand Reply’’ ia hat it urually ia not allowed )f politics that has made the once-glorious republican party a in tlieaame paper which called forth such reply, where it would do the mo»t ! PROPERTY hissing and a by-word, it is merely incidental that Branson good. Let “ reason gain all men by com- —... An undefined fear of approach should be found totally lacking in appreciation of and sympathy polling none.” But “ he who rehela ing danger h au n ts th e m an of IIIIIU w ealth. H e sees a m enace in for the Socialistic movement. Utterly incapable of understand airain»t reason ia a real reix I, and lie S hat rebel» in defense ot reason rehela ” the present condition of men and ing a gospel that is pure truth —for it seems that truth absolute against tyranny ” affairs, indistinct, but none the Therefore “ A Socialist » Reply” is the ' less real, so th at he has come ly refuses to stay on his stomach—it is inevitable that Branson proper thing, and for the time being t r look upon his possessions as a should, with imbecile industry, set to work to tell those infinite does more good than any lecture, or loan th a t can be dem anded from even Karl Marx’ best hook would do. him w ithout reprieve from one ly his intellectual betters hew to check Socialism, as he did in a Walter Smith certainly did the job 3 m om ent to another. The poor horoiighly, with a good heart and clean P u re , S p a rk lin g M in e r a l W a te r, B o ttle d retent article, ably answered by Walter Smith in T he N ews of hand». man Is consum ed by envy and d ire c t fro m the S p rin g t. T w o b o ttle t, 2 5 c February 4th. Mr. Smith, be it said, wasted not a little ink and Yours for honest eriticism and malice greed of th e w ealth o f th e privi toward none. W. G. K nipr . leged few. N either In him self paper if it be that he had the slightest hope of doing Branson Medford, February lHth. nor In the existing arran g em en t ---------------------------------------—------------------------ any good. For Branson, apparently, is as hopeless of improve of the w orld and society as he Gold Hill’s Central Park has learned to u n d erstan d it ment as a cove oyster canned before the Mexican war One of the saddest lacks in the city of does he discover any convincing Medford’s sins may be many, but what has she ever done to ¡rants Pass is a big roomy park square, filili reasons for the fact th a t he Is in the center of town, hut as a means of j poor and hence excluded from be afflicted with a newspaper man such as Branson, on his own beauty and utility.—Pacific Outlook. th e table of life’s pleasures. The showing seems to b e? There are those upon whom contempt, Gold Hill has such a perk—the beau-) rich man Is dreading, the poor tiful timbered square surrounding the man is hoping and w orking to looking down, gets dizzy as a tadpole transplanted to the milky old school building,which,wlien vacated, 'W e m u lt w h ip J a p a n I T h e N e w ( > i l l * o o n is s u e bring about, a change in the way. Let it be fervently hoped that Branson, like the proverb-' will probably be transformed into a tem p resen t condition of property al singed cat, may be better than he appears in his lack-luster porary city hall, something which Gold ow nership.—Max Nordau. Hill needs as badly as Grant Pass does in w h i c h C a p t. I n c o n n u w ill h a v e a p r o p h e c y i Sun. a central park. A PIECE OF NATURE’S UNFINISHED BUSINESS? D. H. M iller Vi Indian Runner DUCK EGGS FOR H A T C H IN G J. E. CREWS, GOLD HILL, OREGON C O L E S T IN t.§ Turner's Gold Hill Lunch Room A JAPANESE W AR NUM BER