PAGE TWO T II K ELUDED RUSSIAN CAPTORS OFTEN Leon 6regorievilch Deutsch Es­ caped Four Times. MOCKED AT CZAR'S POWER. Fooled Polio« and Coasacka and W alk­ ed Out of Jails— Evan Made Getaway From Inaida Arctic Circle and Than Resided In St. Petersburg as The atrical Manager. I NEWS FROM THE NATIONAL CAPITAL (I (I I. Il II I I. I. V u vv u “T h e G ould Girls,** T w o o f a Fam ily Of G oulds That A r e M u c h A d m ired What Our Lawm akers Are Do­ ing and Other Interesting Events. CPironicIn of Important Events Washington— The proceedings ' Congress, what It does or falls to . during the coming week, w 11 natut ' ly attract much public a' -u:io.i I session will end In three weeks. J parently President Taft's p ro g ra m little nearer Enactment than it »1 on the first Monday In I)« euiiKT, when the session begin Carrying forward his campaign to r Canadian reciprocity. President r.iit. in a number of speeches through , lie Middle West, made a direct app to the American farmer on that ¡s sue. He declared that the impies sion that reciprocity with the Dot ion would injure the farmer was vv t.t out foundation, and by s sought to lend actual proof to I 1 assertions. Escaped From Polar Circle. From Japan Deutsch went to New York for a week and then back to Rus­ sia. In 1906 he was arrested dn S t Petersburg and packed off to Turu- chansk, a hamlet within the polar clr- cle. Here he was one of thirty pris- oners, six of them political. They rec ognized In him a man of parts, and In October, 1907, they delegated him to purchase their supplies. He rode be­ tween two Cossacks to the village of Yenisieysk, having previously apprised friends there of his coming. He eluded his guards on a plausible pretext, met bis friends, put on wom­ ans clothes and for three days Imper­ sonated an Inmate in a local maternity hospital, while his friends bought the co-operation of a company of strolling players. Deutsch then left the hos­ pital. shaved his beard and went with 'he troupe as its acting manager to 8 t Petersburg, where he lived quite openly for two years, leaving last sum­ mer for Paris. fornla, Frazier of Tennessee. Hale o. Maine, Kean of New Jersey, La Toi­ lette of Wisconsin. Lodge of Massa­ chusetts, McCumber of North Da kota, Money of Mississippi. Nixon ol Nevada, Oliver of Pennsylvania, Page of Vermont, Piles of Washington, Ray­ ner of Maryland, Scott of West V ir­ ginia, Sutherland of Utah. Swanson of Virginia, Taliaferro of Florida, and W arner of Missouri. MILLIONS HID IN ' ARABIC POMPEII Spanish Government Uncovers Caliph's Palace Near Cordova. cf Interest to Our Readers. M urdtr Ends 8ilsncs. Enterprise,— W ill W nd or had not spoken to his wile for nine days when he mfirdercd her. This was adduced at the coroner's Inquest over the Only Authentie Rsllo ef Moslem Oeou- bodies of Mrs. Wlndor and her sister, patlen of Iberian Peninsula Being Mrs. Rinehart, who were shot by Win Explored Seorstly In Hope of Find dor following a quarrel between Win- Ing Treasure Buried When Moorish dor and his wife. Town Woo Sacked. The testimony was that Wlndor had been angry at his wife because she The Spanish government has die had had bought medicine agnlntt covered aud now secretly Is uncover hl« • ishea. Mrs. Mary Wlndor had Ing an Arabic Pompeii on the inoun tain side nt old Cordova, near the been 111 for several days aud was snow clad |a>uka of the Hierrä Neva lying on the bed wheu shot. das. No one hut government employ •ee I» allowed among the ruin» for sketching or photographing purposes. T ra in to M etolius, Huch objects of art a» have bean re­ Portland.— Truffle over the newly covered Intact are being put unlabeled constructed Oregon Trunk railroad Into the museum lu modern or uew from the Columbia River to Metolius, Cordova, and It Is announced that the 105 miles south, will he Inaugurated scientific world must wait until the M arch*», giving the people of that whole work of excavation Is completed before getting partlculara. country direct rail connection with As /.ultra I» the tu ristit numo of the Portland for the first time. Moorish or Arabic I'ompell. Itu o id y W. K. Coman, general freight and place of the kind lu the world. It wa» passenger agent of the Oregon Trunk, the pleasure resort of the great Caliph has notified all agents of the road that Abderrnhniau H I., built by him near business can be accepted for receipt Cordova between (he years 089 and 961 A. D. and added to by Ida «on. and distribution on sud after the first Al-Bakem, and by Almuuaur, the of next month, a regular freight and vizier of Ids grandson, Hlsbani II, ptiatetijcer achedulr will be announced The beautiful place was rour-pleied In 0H8 and In luo!» was captured, sacked to take effect at that time. and destroyed by the Hpaulards when they reconquered the peninsula. It Is the only authentic relic of the Moslem ONE KILI FD IN WRECK occuiwtlon. MAY DISCOVER $40.000,000. L«*ou Gregorievltch Deutsch. Russian revolutionary refugee and bolder of the record for escaping from the win ions of the caar, baa arrived In New York to help found a newspaper, the New World, which will spread the sort of doctriues that gave him practice In escaping. They tell yon that Leou is fifty-live, but he looks a great deal older. He suggests a popular pocket edition of Count Tolstoy, with his bushy, crisp, He warned the leaders of his pit gray mane and drooping beard. He wears a cutaway suit, a greatcoat I that if they should defeat the c faced with iamb and a scholarly felt I cessions obta ned in the recipre hat and carries a heavy stick. agreement now pending and slur, He was boru in Kiev in 1856 and in ' persist in retain ng, in these times < his teens became an enthusiast for the I high prices and gradually exhv>; teachings of Karl Marx, lu 1878, when of the food supply, a tariff r.o» i> In military service, he was arrested for treason, charged with spreading anti ! solely upon the difference in co-t governmental doctrines. After some production at home and abroad w days of confinement he begged for a a reasonable profit to the A > but bath, and two soldiers escorted producer, an opposlt’on «o il I him to a Russian bath near the Jail. ; aroused that would know n j i u h I i . Fooled the Soldiers. tlon. As S's.n as he was left alone he threw Many Senators W ill R et'r:. his uniform into the dark pool of hot The personnel of the United S te w a ter,struggled Into civilian's clothes th a t he found In the dressing room, Senate is to be considerably chang dropped out of a window and was free. as a result of the elec ons that h . e In the following year he and a friend taken place in the legislatures of na «•tiled io t'higlrln, In the province of merous states during the past few Poltava, and there began to propagate weeks. their Ideas. The awakening of the prov- The thirty senators whose terms iaca drew attention to Leon Deutsch, w ill expire March 4th are: Aldrich who wa» dragged from his bed at mid night and locked In the Inmost cell of of Rhode Island, Beveridge of Indi ina, the strongest prison of Kiev. It was Bulkeley of Connecticut. Burkett of nr nJ T,n° u r know,‘ ,hr,>,”jbout the United States than that ho!/ a year before the friend could get Nebraska. Burrows of Michigan, Car­ of Gould uuless It lie that of Roosevelt. Nearly everybody seems t , ...... |„ t e r himself made assistant warden and lib in the Goulds. There is a large family of them, and several have b L n ter of Montana, Clapp of Minnesota, e r te Deutsch and two other political Clark of Wyoming. Culberson of Tex priw-nere. The four men fled across the frontier and lived hunted lives In Germany. This was In 1878. In 1884 Deutsch was recognized, extradited and sent to Siberia, where be worked Bn the Kara mines. F o r sixteen years he was an exem vMary prisoner and freed more gold In re-week than any other. Snch Industry ' or». tig h t him the privileges of a trustv -anfi permission to come and go outside 'the town. He spent some time In cul ritvatlng useful people, especially the .te rra in o f the supply bout on the river, .- an.) me night he Journeyed In the boat - to 'be mast. A t Vladivostok money - wa. supplied him, and he bought the best stilt In the first steamer for Na S asaki ITEP’S OF INTEREST T'M'G'.'CUT CREÜ2N S treetcar tors, even to cute little Gloria. In the course of his railroad connections "1 " SamllT an-VWh,‘r'‘ that I ° ‘lmire more warmly, and. while I cannot call myself an Intimate friend. I do say that 1 look upon every member of George J. Gould a family aa a person of the right sort." The secJn.l Gould Ant'hon^ J n ‘ U ‘° n,“ rrj' , Onl neClM "ocn' 8,1,1 ber M r" ? » V ’ ,Jr" 60,11 " re