P AO K H H K T II K Pu6lr.h»d Cverv Saturday at Gold Hill lai taon County. Oregon M X H. LAMPMAN gnlennt nt the Gol«1 H ill tor t r . i i . , u l. • f»n Ih m iitfli the t B ind goue* unni» * • ee«>ia<1-<laMi matter <) () I, n QOCIALISM: A {Kilitical and economic theory of social re-or ganization, tlie essential feature of which is governments co n tro l of econom ic a c tiv ities, to th e end th a t c o m p etitio n sha'l give way to co-operation and that the opportunities of lif*^ ant the rewards of labor shall be equitably apportioned. —Webster's New International Dictionary, 1910. STOP AND THINK Subs*option $ 1 .5 0 Per Annum. in Adv am. « INVITING THE RECALL S aturday , F krkqahy 11. ItfU JT seems to be about time for the people of Oregon to make use of their power of recall. The fish committee of the state All Over Oregon senate has reported favorably on the Hume's fish bill, which, if An ordinance rvqui» ng all screens it becomes a law, reverses the will of the people of the state of And partitions removed from restau Oregon, expressed by an overwhelming majority at the late rants, soft drink places and similar establishments, allowing a clear view election. Whether this bill passes the senate or not, every sin from the street to the rear, was pro gle senator who says by his vote that it shall pass’ should be posed in the city council at Spring peremptorily recalled by his constituency-provided, of course, Reid Out of a list of over 80 candidates that that constituency returned a majority for the law closing far licenses to practice medicine in Rogue River to commercial fishing. Thè same thing should Oregon, 45 were successful, all of happen to every representative who is so false to the trust im them passing the scrutiny of the posed in him by the people that he votes for a reversal of the members of the Oregon state medical Such a bill as the Humes have submitted has a examiners with unusually high aver peoples will. Ages. right to only the most formal and peremptory consideration at Senator Chamberlain has been ad the hands of the legislature. To allow it to become a leading ▼teed by the secretary erf the interior issue, as the senate committee has made it by its favorable re- that efforts will be made to expedite Dort, is an egregious error, wasteful of the people's money in action In approving the .-Oregon in demnity school selections, so that the the time the thing may take over what should be taken to •tate may hare the early benefit of promptly kill it. It is a presumption on the popular patience the funds to be derived from their which is dangerous to those who are so presuming. The recall •ale. The Luckiamute Valley Flouring is a weapon that is within easy reach, and the people are justi Mills Company at Monmouth has fied in its use at the present time. The state legislature is more eompleted its four-story building. It or less unnecessary in Oregon, where the people make their own Mas been under way about one -year, and the company has erected h at a aws. By monkeying with a measure like the Hume fish bill the heavy cost. It is one of the finest Oregon legislature invites its own dissolution by recall. louring mills in the Willamette Val ley. “THE CRIME WITHOUT A NAME” Senator Chamberlain has presented Medford M ail Tribune to the secretary of the interior a me morial from the Portland Commercial P R E S ID E N T T A F T in p ardoning F re d I). W arren , edi- Club and the Oregon Development 1 to r of th e A ppeal to Reason, the leading Socialist League asking for the immediate ap p ap er, has p erform ed an act of ju stice. A lw ays c h a r y of portionment of the reclamation funds using his p ard o n in g pow er, the p resid en t has exercised it to construct the West CmatlUa pro in a ju s t cause. ject. M r. \ \ a rre n was sentenced to six m onths im prisonm ent Taxpayers of Lane County in a meeting at Eugene that filled the cir a t h ard labor for reflectin g upon the c h a ra c te r of a man cuit court room, adopted resolutions indicted fo r m urder. H is tria l and conviction fu rn ish an demanding that the county court re duce the county levy from 10 to 6 asto u n d in g instance of th e survival of feudalism in up-to mills and furthermore calling another d ate A m erica. I t was a d irect atta ck upon the freedom of mass meeting to "take such further the press, upon free speech and individual lib erty . Blind Action as they deem necessary Tn the p rejudice and p artisan sh ip , legal su b terfu g e and ehicanerv defense of their homes" should the still have stan d in g in o u r courts w here such th in g s can county court fail to make the reduc happen. tlon demanded. W hen the federal suprem e co u rt refused to o rd e r the Taking of evidence in the cases of re tu rn to Colorado of H ayw ood, P ettib o n e and M over, who the South Portland manufacturers who ask that the four cents a hun had been ab d u cted from Colorado w ithout process of law, dred terminal charge exacted by the it v irtu ally legalized kidnaping. S teu n en h erg of Idaho Harriman system for delivering their was not th e only governor who had been assassinated. cars be removed, and the abolishment Goebel had also been shot in K entucky, and despite re • f the 10-cent differential between w ards by the state, governors of ad jo in in g states refused Portland and Willamette Valley points and the East, sought by the to honor requisitions fo r ex-G overnor T av lo r on the valley people, occupied Ward Prouty, ground th a t he could not secure a fa ir tria l in K entuekv. Interstate commerce examiner at Mr. W arren then published in his p ap er the following- Portland. “ ONE T H O U SA N D D O LLA R S R E W A R D —The Ap During a conference with Represen tative Hawley of Oregon and Frank peal to Reason will pay $1000 in gold to the person o r p er Ira White, representing the Klamath sons who will k id n ap ex-G overnor T ay lo r and re tu rn him Chamber of Commerce, Secretary to the sta te officials of K entucky, w here he is w anted on Ballinger stated unequivocally that a charge of m u rd erin g G oebel.’’ the government would «. ... . v - proceed with in an editorial ex p lan a to ry of th is offer. W arren said- >h<- U nited S u , , . , ' ib a , pietfon with the probable exception ot ' H,naPln£ ls a pci re c tij legal m ethod of ta k in g an accused the m arsh lands, which, according to ^nan fiorii one s ta te to an o th er. T his decision was ren- prpsent plans, win not be reclaim ed dered in the now fam ous M over-Iiavw ood ease in whieh My the government. the defen d an ts were both Socialists and w orkingm en. W ill at Ì e„nneW8 ‘° thV ffe,ct that the bl” t,1p S u Pre me C ourt of the U n ited S ta te s hold to th is sam e « .ix « ™ x x if de4 endant, is a v ,‘puhli' an ? m ent of the exceaa land» of the Kiam Ath Indian reservation, which ls re ported as favorable to passage, is ilw « te d sev era.n fhher P? c* Rood “ " - , iAPPeal to Reason has absolutely no in te re st in the Divlor-Goebel feud of K entucky, but I w ant to p u t it up to the S uprem e C ourt of the U n ited S ta te s to decide a case k id n aPinff w here the victim is a R epublican politician f™ ” d • '» ‘he U nited) Agricultural, lands in Klamath County will be Mr. \ \ a rre n p rin ted his rew ard announcem ent upon en thrown open to settlement and reve nue will be created for the further velopes, a fte r assurance from the p o stm a ste r of G irard , upbuilding of the country. K ansas, th a t such p rin tin g was not in violation of th e law.’ Complete apportionment of Multno He was p ro m p tly indicted by a federal g ran d ju ry . The mah County taxea for 1310 was com in dictm ent asserted th a t th e p rin tin g on th e envelopes was pleted by County Clerk Fields, who of a scurrilous, d efam ato ry and th re a te n in g ch aracter, Issued a tabulated statement showing and calculated by th e term s and m an n er an d style of dis- the amounts due the various school district«, cities, the port of Portland, ld a \, and obviously intended to reflect in ju rio u sly upon •ounty, state, state school, road and the c h arac te r and conduct of an o th er, to -w it: W illiam S. library funds. The statement also ra> lor, a fo rm er governor of th e s ta te of K entucky, con ■hows the valuations. The total amount of taxes that the levy pro tr a r y to the form of the s ta tu te in such case m ade and duces In Multnomah County Is provided, and a g ain st th e peace and d ig n ity of the U nited 0,401,42* .84. The total from last S tates. ’ year’s levy on the 190» roll was The stace of K en tu ck y w as a t th is tim e o fferin g $100,- »4,384,537.71. 000 rew ard fo r the re tu rn of its fo rm er governor, so th a t Preparations are being made at its offense of h av in g “ reflected in ju rio u sly upon th e c h a r !" Klamath by the Innes-Clark Lumber Company, a San Francisco corpora a c te r and conduct of a n o th e r” m ust have been fa r g re a te r tion with »100,000 capital, for the sec th an \ \ a rre n s. T housands of postals and le tte rs offerin g •nd big log drive down the Link such rew ard s are daily sen t th ro u g h the m ails, y et no Klvar. This company drove down sev- prosecution results. W arren was punished because he a t •ral million feet last summer whieh tem p ted to d irect public a tte n tio n to th e u n fa ir tre a tm e n t was the first time that the turbuisnt g n en accused F ed eratio n of M in ers’ officials, and a tte m p t sapids of this stream, which la lass than a mile and a quarter long, ever ed to save them from an u n fa ir trial. A nd th is is the “ crim e w ith o u t a n a m e ” fo r which was used for this purpose success fully. The company now has about V\ a rre n was railro ad ed th ro u g h the co u rts to conviction, 1,000,000 feet of logs In the Upper and which only P re sid e n t T a f t’s sense of ju stice saved Klamath Lake from the in ju stice of a term in prison. Did it ever occur to you that the best lights are always obtained by tie- ing onto a live wire? Just so in buying G R O C E R IE S The best results are always obtained by buying where you can get the liest returns for the money invested. Our aim is, and always has lieen to give our patrons the liest goods at the lowest prices possible. We quote you the following prices from our present stock : FLOUR SUGAR Pure White Best . . cwt $(5.35 $1.75 Daily Bread D. G. - . . cwt 6.15 1.(55 Carnation Extra C cwt 6.00 1.60 Peerless 1.55 FEED Red X 1.60 Best Process Barley, }>er cwt $32 Princess 1.40 Per 75-pound sack . $1.25 Clearwater 1.25 Standard Roll Barley Corvallis 1.45 Per 75-pound sack, 1.20 White Swan , 1.85 Bran, per sack, 1.00 Liberty Bell 1.20 Middlings, per sack 1.80 We have just opened up our styles in Indies' and Gentlemen’s Dress Shoes -n o n e better in Southern O reg o n -d o n ’t fail to see them. We are still offering big discounts on Woolen Clothing. Also on broken lines of Shoes. You can always find bargains at our bargain counter. When in Gold Hill call and give us a trial. We guarantee right prices and the best of treatm ent LANCE & COMPANY G A R D E N IN G time of the year has arrived for garden ing and I have in stock now a large Factory order of GARDEN TOOLS, and I am able to say that it is one of the most up-to-date and complete stocks of garden tools that ever came in to Southern Oregon. If you are in need of Garden Tools do not fail to call on D. H. Miller and you will be pleased with your purchase. Remember, my motto is: “good goods and prices as low as the lowest».” Remember, we carry a complete stock of Queensware and Washing Machines. In fact, 1 now have a $9,000.00 stock of Hardware, Stoves and Tin, Granite, Blue and White Enamel ware. In fact, I carry everything in the Hardware and Miner’s line, from a sewing machine needle up to steam en gines. Remember the place to buy hardware is of H. M I L L E G o ld H ill, O r e g o n mute C O L E S T IN P R A C T IC A L S H O E M A K IN G Bools and Shoes Made Io O rd rr R E P A IR IN G P u re , S p a rk lin g M in e r a l W a te r, B o ttle d d ire c t fro m the Springe. T w o bottle», 2 5 c Done In DraLCIass Shape H A R N ESS RFPA’RED SATISFACTION GUARANTEED Turner’s Gold Hill Lunch Room J. E . M A R T I N G limn Next to Barber Shop 1)