•2 PAGE TWO TH E NEWS FROM THE NATIONAL CAPITAL O O L I) H IL L N K W H A FEW SOCIALIST CONTENTIONS OSCAR W. UNDERWOOD A la b a m a C ongressm an W ho W ill Haad W a y s and M eans C o m m ittaa hnat Our Lawmakers Are Do­ ing and Other Interesting Events. X BY C. V. H O * MAN SENATOR Ki.'UTE NELSON. T H A T th e re is no real difference betw een th e laboring m an of Streng Backer •» Ballinger today who w orks for wages, which he m ust spend fo r the In Pint»« on »ha 8-ore«ery. necessities of life, and th e ch attel slave who received those ne­ cessities from his m a s te r; T hat, in reality, the condition of th e av erage Am erican w orkm an is worse th an th a t of th e ch attel slave in the U n ite ! S tates before th e civil w ar ; T hat th e s ta te o f unem ploym ent is the inevitable resu lt of, and necessary to th e m aintenance of. the cap italist system of production ; T h at so long as th e cap italist system continues th e condi­ tion of th e w orking class will steadily grow worse ; T hat th e cry o f “ w ork w anted” was never heard u n til the wage system becam e firm ly established as th e prevailing mode o f production: the slave never lacked for “ w ork" nor did th e se rf have any idle tim e ; T hat in these fo rm e r perioJs th e re was a constant effort on I th e p a rt of th e w orkers to ju m p th e ir jobs; today m en tight fo r em inent ns opposed to m achine g o v ­ a chance to w ork ; ernm ent. So the S i i i i ’ m o n ly one T hat only th ro u g h scientific application of socialist princi­ wav to check Socialism is a dizzy fa rce , and S ociali»! in the p l e s in establishing th e c o o p e ra tiv e com m onw ealth on th e ruins land Blv„ every „ ll; of tie com petitive cupitnlist system cun the condition of th e helping it to crunh Socialism l>\ the w ealth-producers of th e nation be im proved. Hun method which ,,n»ve» we are not W ashington—That the Canadian reciprocity agreement must stand or fall as a whole in the House commit­ tee on ways and means was made clear by Chairman Payne at hearings before the committee. A proposal of Pordney for an amendment of the lumber schedule and another In reference to a possible amendment of the item making bar­ ley free were met with the unequivo­ cal statement that the committee would sanction no change of any item. Notwithstanding this, the pressure brought to bear on the committee has resulted in the granting of hear­ ings to a'l persons who appear m A Socialist’s Reply Washington prior to 5 o'clock next Continued from flrsl page Thursday afternoon This date was fixed to permit Pacific Coast lumber­ to the Son, but who is f r e e ! I t any, - . ________ — *<’ »*'‘',1 n litt le b it, « lily th a t g o w o i. men to reach Washington and make it must be lb , m illio n a ire , who is to ,t m usic, a rt, re lig io n , science, ph ilo tto - prim e and g lo ry f o r w r itin g th a t kin d mW,t Wl11 ,<,upl ,h '‘ Hu" " statements. T a riff Board Bill Doomed. Due to the promise made in the Senate, the committee on finance will submit an early report on the Presi­ dent's bfll for the creation of a tariff board. It will be forthcoming prob­ ably in the latter part of this week, and the prospects are that It will re­ ceive a stormy reception. Several members of the committee, including congressmen of both par ties, are opposed to the bill, but they over the b ill in com m ittee. " T h e y " « ; - sldered . to be the be tte r policy to gre at exte . nt . above . . the law , am i ot ,P*»y. governm ent o r in ve n tio n f A n y o f s t u f f it ia welcome to it H ow - course h o c , ism ,8 q u ite n a tu ra lly eh;,d old , nough to be o u t a f „ aver e liv iliw l , , ,,o r t.lH llv n p td s iv e to those who w ish to, m id kin d e rg a rte n school is eonqietenl to not envy the Snn i>- e a w tm tv lo r do to a g re a t e xte n t, live above the preside as ju d g e and ju r y in dis,»..,- m isre prese ntin g .. th in g . N e ith e r am law . ho we can easly see w hat class „ , K o f , h i- ,.11StS , w i„ eXl,,.pt , ;W h a t are the ilia o f w h ich a ll Europe makes a fo o l o f its e lf and proves ITEMS OF INTEREST THROUGHOUT OREGON Chronicle of Important Events of Interest to Our Readers. Homaatasd Won by Wife. Roseburg. According to a recent decision ot the ancrelary of the Inte­ rior, five years' residence le not alnue sufficient to entitle a squatter Io u patent Io government land To a« cure land under the houieatend act the applicant must live contlnuoualy on the land ur-lll It la aurveyed, pre­ liminary to the reception of an appll cation for a paleut Hoch la the rul­ ing In (he caae of Sira. Leah llarrett va llcnry M llarrett. rival claimant» of a patent to liio arrea of hoiueatead land on Rice Creek, near Dillard, la Douglas County COYOTES BLOWN UP W allow a County Scant of A ctive W a r On RabiesSpreading Baaata. Wallowa - Infernal machlnea aro fis h philosophy. There is a w ay that has. I believe, being used In Wallowa Couuly to ex d° ° e «“ " " ''h in g to re ta rd the jirt-W h terminate the coyotes. The foraatry service has a doaen expert hunters 8 o c“ ll* “ ‘ ' >’» „ The power» th a t he m ight buy up a ll •"<« polaoners at work, who are being the men th a t ure w illin g to postiini» »«aisled by Dr W H. I.ytle. alate •h,‘'«' in te lle c t» hv w ritin g fa ls -h o o d *, vete rina rian , and Dr. J W ilson, vet and inissrep rese ntatio ns o f Soria*«»», crin arían In the Halted States Agrl- and thus in a measure keep the peo- cu ltu ra l Departm ent, pie fro m le a rn in g the tr u th about th is Residents are cooperating w ith the movement. M<>,| people w ill, I th in g , officials and the county court haa In agree I hut m y plan looks more fea si- creased the bounty on coyotes to >.l, tile Unit the Sun's. It is more which, with the | l 50 |iald by uheep- brutal and more in keeping with tne men, the state bounty of >1.50 ai. I times, líesiilts are w hat nrc v-ilined. the price of the hide, brings the total Senator Borah supported by Pro gress.ve Re ubli^ans and Democrats and m y plnn is more lik e ly to he trie d in preference to the Sun s plan, We have some evidence a ll ready I f then- were a prize o ffe re d fo r a « v e n X t T . h ? h T m .7 Xl" “ ‘ bangers. e ilt fro m o u r o w n t I f so. te ll us how and w ants to np|M-nr wise on the sub- , new spaper • , a rtic , , le , show ing the m ost ffe re n t. Europe com p la ins o f po v- je c t o f S ocialism . A f te r tu rn ,n in g an b* ” , r ? T " ’ «cmled to «•» pass us ' m a,,y P‘CCe8 ° / ¡d A iffe as p a trio tic , am ount up to >< and Is for each dead coyote. The Infernal machine, which la the Invention o f a rancher on Hnnke R iver. Is the moat effective method rm in ina tion It constats of o f „ exte te r m a tio n — o r K° ld o r “ J ° b ’ a re su p p o sed to be charge return it to the Senate so that the issue could be settled in an open fight on the' floor Borah A dvance. Direct Election Bill ------ . - " advantageous Iro n t of the enemy Postal “ If the Ba necessary w ere available, postal savings addition»! citi» bank . »ns tom , orrow In . 500 u S ocialist i month s operation of the postal sys- tern. The reports are most gratify- ing to Mr. Hitchcock. Hitchcok has recommended to Con- gress the appropriation of >1,000.000 to be Immediately available for the extension of the postal savings sys- tem to be a considerable number of postofflees. erty, vice, crime, b ad in d u s tria l cou- in tellectu al »ofnersaol, ii ............. * , «nd th e m ost h a tre d o f th in g fo rsig o . of dynam ite Ignited by ao of dynamite in te lle c tu a l som ersault it proceed» to and the most absurd c o n tra d ic tio n , electric spark in to rn i the rea ding p u blic o f the in l­ tu re and general c h a ra c te ris tic s o f w ith less reg ard f o r tr u th and ju s ­ tice, and tin- least am ount o f com the fo u n d « Oregon Abolishes Whipping Post. nio„ sense, the e d ito ria l in the Sun, Salem.—Almost without opposition “ How to Cheek S ocialism ,” would a bill to abolish the whipping post for e a sily w i,, the prize. And I wish the Sun m any busy days wife beaters in Oregon was passed Thia law and n ig h ts in its self-ap|s»inted ,s-»i- uy the slate legislature. ion as S o c ia lis t e x te rm in a to r in the was enacted four years ago. and since pi u n s lid o f the S tan dard O il and the beef It became a statute wife beating tO tu n ,*sb tbe truth, and m eans o f life, claim ing th a t th.- gov- uttnek. movement tru s t, which it w ill a u rely have un ­ cases have almost disappeared. less it can produce more b n ,in s ill.» i ..... ....................... ..... ■ "x -' " Foreat Grove Man Is Killed. a ll o f Europe combined. O nly a fool would poison « well o r set fir e l<> n Beaverton. — Edward Seymour, a made tremendous adv-nces through tr a v th e ir fe llo w the lines of the o ’d guard Republicans ,.,.» t c men. 'L " • W ith th .u and placed the reso utlon for thè non- those u h E d T > ,O C lul,sm _* “ " ular election of senator“ <- - — h * ” « " ?*?*“ con- d n iti,in.- o io n s, g r a ft, b rib e ry , c o rru p tio n . unreasonably long ho urs o f h a rd la - bor *“ " ” rk ‘»-«'ertain- nent reasons Sociali- ’ ' sa y s foreign ful had America, tem, have so much objection to it, as real estate dealer of Forest Grove, run over and killed at this place an Oregon Electric car. The man mpted Io alight from one car auc Ills baste to catch another It Is he slipped and waa hurled uudet m oving car. p lain the same let euch one give cannot get so long as p present a heroic r rem f o r R acialism . The ............... .. r .-v r iH r co v i n m ili- i- u v i l l V edy U y ««» him a title and let th a t title f i t h i t ir s t prom inent reason f o r re je c tin g lio n s p re va il. The Sun ad m its th a t Sun man m ight wi -in a title e. , Become become i Fnitv f„||v It W /k lllv l K z. lo z .b ..,« n l e ' .............1. .1 » . .. Secretary Hitchcock Investigates. 1 « would be la ckin g , alth ou gh tin- 1 . Socialism is a heroic remedy f-,. j i lo rd , duke, e a rl o r count and |«-t Inefficiency, Insubordination a n d 4 p rin c ip le s o f the S o c ila is tic would European ills onlv. Now, i f p r iv a 'i haps win the title o f no -acco unt « o lii, * * '' ‘' " ’V, ‘' " “ ''"'•■ ro - <’ Unanimous Verdict It That Legitla- ,o , giivernm ent refuses the le g isla tio n m ism anagem ent have developed in ' t i l l be the same. A c c o rd in g to the ow ne rship o f the means o f life m ak - f a r as cheeking the g ro w th . o n o n f i , So- ture Should Put Out Man Who th e ra ilw a y m ail service and are Sun’s lo gic p rin cip le s do not count life a great big hell f o r the w o rkin g we ask fo r, Ihcn discontent is on the Holds Office. ciafism is concerned. boom and Ihc people get clo ser to lik e ly to resu lt in an upheaval, per- T o r much, but n a tio n a lity is the p rin - peo,,le o f Europe, w hy w ill it not he I here is o n ly one w ay, says The Salem —There can be no doubt at S ocialism . I f the governm ent g ru n ts haps in a reorganization, of the en tire r‘ip « l thin g. T h e re fo re , bv the same a blessing and produce ju s tic e and Sun, to cheek S ocialism . Its plan is to Hie conclusion arrived at by the service. rules o f lo gic, C h ris tia n ity should happiness on th is side o f the ocean f o r the governm ent to adopt pro gre s- us w h at we ask • we get busy and legislative committee which conduct­ Postmaster-General H itchcock is have been kept i n the itnm edinie ask f o r more, sim p lv ,lout,I,, o u r e f ­ where we have adopted the same sys- isive le g isla tio n , and th is done, the fo r ts beeniise we th in k the g o vern­ ed Investigation of the office of »tate tho ro u g h ly Incensed and makes no c o u n try s u rro u n d in g Bethlehem , bc- ! le m f Hoes e v e ryth in g m w o i rk rx » eon- o cia disband and . . . . -i . i ---- »»ii- » S wv. ■<» 1 lists 1.-» i ri w w i ill ii «ll'*-l*itl|l| 11 11(1 I th 11 a ! I I t w ilt food and dairy commissioner, occu­ ment is loosening up a little . We concealment o f his indignation Re- ^«»se th a t was the place f o r b irth o! | , r „ rv here to w hat it does E u ro p e .' p u t an end to S o c ia lis tic a g ita d , w ill a ll jo in hands w ith the Snn, and pied by J. W. Bailey, regarding his ce n tly he has been conducting a per- '« " fou nde r, who grew f „ m anhood Does wisdom tra n s p o rte d become ig - J u s , fo r an i llu s tra D o n take ,, la b o r he||( it establish its e lf as S ocialist competency to hold office, and the re­ zonal investigation. Rumors reached «here and f ir s t ta u g h t it to the peopl. ; noranee, noranee, tr tru th tr a il tru u th tra n sp o rte d become union where the members are a ll mainder of the committee's work Is e x te rm in a to r. The Sun lui­ a n o th e r Washington from several points that «here. By the same ru le - o f logic „ | je f Does foreign ignorance b e -¡n it i. gent I mme. p u rr,n g republicans b ra y com ing to make now merely a matter of expediency. the changes in leading officers of the ser- «he people o f these U nited S tate come A m erican wisdom as soon e g o v ern ­ as iii-d dem ocrats, w o rk in g in some fa e - It was conclusively shown that inent, and i f its edit, o r receives any vice were Imminent. acted ve ry im p ro p e rly by se ttin g "1- landed ove r h e re ! Now, th is k in , Bailey had no system In conducting io , .. ------------------ — .................... ot to rv . say eleven hours „ ,|av Thcv His investigation, he indicated, had ® J ’eP«bl'<; h eeau se E u ro ,,e had h a d jlo g ic is a tw in -b ro th e r to the fir-; go on -trik e fo r h o u ,- an d the notice from th e governm ent a t a ll, it will p robably be in the w ay , , f a his office, that the deputies performed disclosed th a t orders had been issued rep ub lics before ours, and ,he state p a rt o f reason No. 1 f o r re je c tin g com pany g ra n ts th e ir demand. Then | ttielr work either on their own tnltla unney com m ission -appointed by the by subordinate officers placing upon Oregon acted ju s t as b a d ly in S o c ia lis m ; nam ely, because it is fo r - w h n tf I t is o n ly tlve or received their Instruction* a sho rt time u n ti governm ent to in q u ire in to his san- the employes unreasonable and in a d o p tin g d ire c t le g isla tio n because eign in its o rig in . These tw o “ re a ­ they w ant nine hoars. from one nnother, that for n ne years, itv . some instances h u m ilia tin g burdens. s "'i«z(‘ria n d used it fir s t . I presum - sons” are a p a ir o f ill fa vo re d tw in s T h a t being g ra nted , the y soon a k 1 f i e S o cia lists are o n lv humans and or prior to June, 1909. there never These were prom ulgated In the name Sun ca lls th a t kin d o f logic p a t- whose names are “ B ig o try ” and f o r a tw e n . ty . -fiv . e cent , ruis, * ln w"R e" w ill p ro b a b ly average up f a ir ly well was any record kept of Inspections o f the postmaster-general, although r 'o tie f but we S o cia lists give it a d if- “ P re ju d ic e .” That gra n te d also, then th lev H