Gold Hill news. (Gold Hill, Jackson County, Or.) 1897-19??, February 04, 1911, Image 6

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    It there. T here Is the suine ninuisiah C U R E YOUR RHEUMATISM
able Indi» litunltty about It us In Hits
A n d O tH « r I lla o í tH « H o d r
•'W hat Is the aubjaett"
By Carol H. P ie n i
"It Is also a F lorentine seeno, called
•Up the Arno ' It takes In the rh •'
I am uu artist. Itelug In poor health
w ith the hills beyond. It, too. Is a
E xp e rts F ig u re on Necessaries F o r
my doctor oiilered me abroad, and I great picture,"
O ly m p ic and T ita n ia .
w ent to F lo rem e, Italy.
My knees began to I,no. k to e h
1 rented room s of a widow and her ^ My
|V jaw
, nnitet
Jaws a >
linttei m
st i n-ii
teil noi *u
»,i * <••
Some $99.000 w orth of American f.s I daughter, of the nam e of Mleele. T h e , to prevent my a-d I ■<.. "W hat do j o .
and drink will be loaded aboard the occupied the top floor of a building ou Msl. for tills picture?"
Io ' *
— , Olympic
. „ . 1 mid i-i
riv er Arno. I used a froul r<*'iu
"T w enty Ilion - im I fr
an ............
TI i
net *r p
I Ch H o
of K fflo lea ct )
tan I each tim e one of these big boat* for a studio mid u rear room for a t>ed- i “G reat hea> •*
a i tu r
docl In New York, according to the room. Tlic m other w as a middle aged reived the l i ’lf » t » f I
il û». t
H ot Lake, O regon
I looktd •»’ > m »
com isMiry officer» who a»v victualing w om an, the d au g h ter about tw enty he
hastened to sat
five. T heir ancestors had l»een wall
»ucl xhi|w.
“ My protlt t t l l l b e
Should the governm ent m ake their off. but th eir estate had melt ml aw ay. paid
nall| ltknOO
pj.^oo fra
tra in
in s s f f ? I
lauding here poeslble by lengthening and Señora Mleeie and h er daughter
T aking the nut ’
tw o |
s theae tw o ocean liners ta n got on w ith difficulty. Bianca, the whore lie said th
F e rre ll G iven $50.000 as P resident a t
bring and tak e aw ay 2,700 passengers d au g h ter, w as an a rtist b ut a r Indlf tO lH* Sl'i’ll. I St.'” ' i
A g ainst $100.000 Received by Corey. on va- ti voyage in addition to a crew
and w as ao.»i bet
Railrodd iind Navigation ( o.
fcrent one.
E q u itab le L ife to Shave M orton's of sou. if both I »oats arc able to begin
l ir
N evertheless there w aa (something also created In di
$£0,000 to P re v a ilin g In suran ce S t i­ their regular trips ht're next spring
Sells round trip tickets, good
exceeds! a n ' win I;
to piers adapted to th eir bulk $1,500»- rem arkable about Blanca Mlcele. She The dealer told me he It id paid 27 •X'd
pend of $50.000.
for three months, allowing $<>.-
lR l'
» » III
i * | ’V l l l
B M , W . in
1 . ,»
I francs for It.
T here appear* to be an epidemic of y ear simply to stock up th eir rn|>nclou* eyes .if the Italian s arc handsom e, but
worth of accommodation at
F ortunately I oc upled rooms with
low eriug the big salaries of the In­ larders.
! Senorlna Mlcele'* ev e, w ere more than an American f i ' ml In the Q mirtler
Sanatorium, at Portland and
For m eats aloue $15,000 Is to Is* paid | h.indsoiue; they were so to speak l L atin and rushe.t home to tell him
dustrial and financial world these days.
The steel tru st showed Its sym ptom s, each tim e eith er of the big sister shliw compelling. T h at Is, when she looked th a t I had »Uncovered «om-'ihlng which
all 0.-W . R. & N. Stations
and now comes fu rth er evidence lu comes Into port. Large quan tities of nu t of them at me I felt a stran g e J If not explained wmi’.d drive tua r r a g y .
E i quitable
I Ilf n
jo iin i'iv
i.n v
. A w ssurance
. . . . . . . — society's
I t t t l , I lamb,
dU JU , p
' l i x , veal
» v «1
aud m utton will force com pelllug me to do h e r bidding He listened to my story tint I eoul.l For fu rth e r inform ation and il­
Intention to pay Its president $5O.<«»o tie brought from all over th e country Not th at there w as app arent exercise!
hv h h expression iliat he. too.
lustrateti booklet, address Dr.
and * stacked
Instead of $80.000.
*■ * aw ay ' In
“ refrig erato rs that of will She was gentleness Itself The
»'»mcthl..« had ». eurred to dis
The death of P aul Morton, president m ust hold enough to fet'd 3,500 people
tu rb mv mental balatv *
He would W. T. Phy, Medical S u pt anti
of the E quitable, has furnished oi>- on a tran satlan tic voyage. Wagou powei she exercised w as rath e r P * ’ exprewi lu> o |,hlU)ll t ,n he had seen
portunlty for the reduction. It was loads of poultry costing $5,400 are to •u aslv e th an forceful.
painting»«, and as 1 could not re- Mgr., Hot I dike. Oregon, any
said the tru stees probably will insist be added to this array, w ith piles of
Not long a fte r I arriv ed lu F lo ren ce1 main quiet I Insisted . on . Ins . going w ith
.... O.-W. I t & N. agent, or w rite to
on the lower salary when electing his fish w orth $2.000. For shellfish the I fell til and did not leave my bed for me a t once for the purpose. He did
W m . M cM u rray
successor ou th e theory th at $.”«»,000 orders of the ship's cooks will am ount weeks. Señora Mlcele au d her d augh­ so. snd. being fam iliar w ith my work,
eneral Fa-sanger Agent
would be sufficient to comm and the to $1.200 In addition.
te r both nursed me.
he pronounced the pictures mine,
services o f the ablest man In th e life
F a n n e rs from all about th e neighbor­
l,O U rL A N D . O K EuO N
A portion of the tim e I w as In either though they were far tieyond any of
insurance business. Those who took ing country will be called upou to a stu p o r o r delirium , I dou't know my work he had ever seen
this view pointed to th e fact th at ■end $4,000 w orth of bu tter, cream and which. A t such tim es 1 w as very
On our way back to our rooms
C harles A. Peabody, president of the milk to be used on each trip o f these weak an(j ou coming to m yself usually neither he nor I said anything about
M utual Life In su ran ce com pany, was big l<oata. while $1.800 Is also to be fp)t
, ha(J been |llllnK exhaustive the
__ stran
___ g _ e occurrence, but when we
draw ing only $50.000 a year.
sp en t solely for eggs and $3,.
or *
though , had l(eeu
mv btH| ^ . . h e d them he sat down before me.
vegetab e s_ «• 7 “ * ™.r‘ '
a,I the while, w here 1« would not have
« pipe and said
C o rey'* P ay C u t In H a lf.
And U o i o t I — ’ O"» < »!• • * l, , '|l 1,1
possible for me to do any work
"W hile you w ere 111 In Florence and
Thia followed the news th a t th e sal­ to be added to th
4 lin g '.i m n
sruoso living m
Vova«e The even If I had ta-en m entally capable.
out of your head you undoubtedls
ary o f Jam es A. F arrell, new president Its ba ery w
th l« is » l't v . « In i o«n »Heurs» alli
c i. -
... I j j r ninesa occurred during the win painted those pictures, not knowing
of the U nited S tates Steel corporation, tent o $2.
d v l> Hit o r O l l i O' th e n in e a - »
would tie $59,909 a year instead of biggest bill next to th at for m eats will ter. nnd when th e spring cam e on and w hat yon were doing; consequently
R r p - . « '-IllS 'iV e i.f ■
$100.000. which had been [Wild to W. E. be $5.500 for all sorts of gris eries.
the w enther begau to w arm up Señora you retained no rem em brance of
Corev. the retirin g president. Those
Mk-ele used to put me in a n easy chair s them ."
who know say th at $50.000 hereafter new liners' cold storage comi>artmeuts nnd wheel me out on to one of ‘ those
"B u t I w asn 't out o f my head when
will be about the maxim um pay of
little balconies common lu Florenc«' 1 w as wrapiaxl In th e views given In
'A N D
corporation officers In the United
s[>eut. W ines and sp irits costing $5,000 house*. We w ere ou the Arno em ­ the pictures. Beside*, how could 1
b ankm ent <the Lung Arno, they call It have done the work w ithout the
set down hs necessary for each
e preslden are
\ \ hen
lien x
io n o u assum
a s s u m ed
e th
iu c
_ ., ,h
cy of the E quitable In 1905 the salary shipload of passengers, together with there». In sight of th e green hill* that M lcehs knowing It? And. knowing II.
of the president was $100.000 a year rome $3.000 w orth of beer and mineral surround the city. Indeed, from my they would have called my attention
T hat am ount had been paid for years w aters. A ltogether the low est cost of balcony 1 co.lld see some six or sevei to It."
To Jam es W Alexander, and it was victualing such boats as the'
m iles d istan t th e heights on w hich I My friend pondered aw hile, blowing
Fiosole. the original F lorentine settle at the «.m o tim e clouds of smoke, an.)
supposed th a t Morton would receive and T itanic Is set down as $59.200.
r » i|a - III
l i v e l l i »>e « Ilio- p a v in g
ftXi' ent.
111, w
vv <
1 aasss
ass . D uring three m ore' flmtlly said
sam e niiK'uni.
am ount. Because
in . uu.-i of th e t---
month* 1 spent much of th e day on
"W hatever you have been ph> d-nll
,H ,.I I I li f I ' - I l l - -• -•
A l ‘l • «• « »' h
11c agitation respecting the high cost COLORADO LOSES LANDMARK
• • ....................
o s « ., n i l r l h t n o w
I. I
t, :
of insurance m anagem ent In the Unit-
the scene* spread out Is-fore me If you wish an explanation go
ed S tates and the nnpleasaut disclo­ L ast o f T a v e rn s on D e n v e r-L e a d v ille Of
li I
M \ I'K * DF.I'All !’M EN F
One of these w as th e undulating plain «« Florence see the tssm le you hoard
sures atten d in g th e A rm strong Investi­
|t l i « e
T r a il Is D estroyed.
, ,
r ill
«1 ta-llls
w ith itsisl
aud *»s»t
get If It f from
them "
li n i t i i-R i b n l ’l eg
gation In 1905, however, he asked th at
To enable Sterling Jones, ow ner of beyond the city ’» edtfe an«l the neltfhtM
Acting ou his advice. I started that
his salary be cut 20 per cent. In order the property, to erect a brick dwelling of Fiosole beyond th e plain. T here Is evening. On the way I had tim e to
N ew Y o rk
th a t he m ight ask other officers In the on the site workm en are now touring a big clock tow er a t Floeole w hich It think over the m atter of my Investiga­
E quitable to accept sim ilar reductions. down the old stage road house outside seemed to me would m ake au a ttra c ­ tion aud decided to approach the
W ith th e possible exception of the Salida, Colo., th a t has been standing tiv e featu re In my im aginary picture, Mlcele* w ithout being known to them
presidents of one or two brnVs and since 1805 and occupied as a ranch aud 1 *i>ent hours w orking It lu. An­ On arrival I asked about them and
tru s t companies, there la no a finan­ dw elling and storehouse fo r several oth er view I dream ed of w as the Amo,
learned th a t they hnd been left a
cial Institution In Wall s f e e t which years.
directly beneath me, w inding under legacy of some fifty thousand francs
reim burses Its president a t a higher
The stag e house was a large, long af Its arched bridges tow ard the south, T his at once assured me that they had
salary th an $50.000 a year. One tru st fair ballt In the old fashioned style and other n earer and consequently received the am ount paid for my pic
company, In addition to paying a $50.- w ith a long porch and w as visible greener hills. T here Is som ething in tures. One m orning I rang th eir bell
000 salary, gives the president a hand­ from the Rio G rande railroad track th e atm osphere of Italy to Intensify IMnncn a n sw e r'd the sum m ons and.
some bonus a t th e y ear end.
east of Salida. It had become very th e color o f a landscape, aud on such seeing me nt the door, turned pale
much dilapidated.
Inv sstlg aties $hav«d Salarias.
days I delighted In th e Im aginative
Going lu. I asked her to call her
from the
One end o f the building was fitted p ainting I could not do In reality. m other and told both of my experience
T here has been an extraordinary
change In corporation ma .gem ent up for living purposes until Mr. Jones B ut I alw ays noticed th at such days In P aris. At first they assum ed to he
since the days of the Insnrance investl- should decide to build a resid en cy and Instead o f giving me strength drew as much surprised as I; but. seeing that
gallon In 1905. when Richard A. Me- the rest of the building w as left va upon w bat I had.
I w as not to be deceived, (tenora Ml­
Curdy, testify in g before the A rm strong c a n t It wag the last stage houae on
F o rtu n ately I recovered before the cele finally began a confession which
com m ittee, told bow he had been pleas- the route betw een D enver and Lea
hot w eather set In and a fte r convalesc the senorlna finished.
antly surprised one day on hearing vllle to be torn down, and It waa Ing In the Invigorating clim ate of the
“We did not sup|»osc th a t you would
th a t the salaries com m ittee of the Mu looked upon as a relic of the. tim e
Sw iss Alps went to Paris, w here I re ever happen to see your pictures." said
tual Llfa had. w ithout any suggestion when Indians roam ed through th e Ar-
the former.
malned some time.
fruit and Ornamental Trees
from him, raised his salary from $100.- kansas valley.
„„„„.in »
“Well, tell me w here they came
Strolling one day dow n one of the
000 a year to $150.000. McCurdy ad-
W hile the w orkm en w ere
from .” I asked her. She looked nt her
Shrubs Roses, Vines
m illed th at he was pleased at thia ac- they uncovered some hu“ *n
Hon. bu t th at he had received the In the dum p also w ere he rem ains of picture shop. Tne dealer, funcylng to daughter.
"I can only tell you." said Blanco,
Small fruits
form stlop e , a m atter of course and "»me ‘o n ^ h -w k s fllntlcwks an d other make a custom er of me, advanced and
only felt honored b t-a u se he would re- curios, supposed to have been left by questioned me as to w hat I w as look “th n t I painted them while you were
lng for. It occurred to me to ask for sittin g out In your chair on the bal
celve the highest salary paid to the I n d i a n s . _______________ _
one of my own pictures, not th a t I ex­ co n y -h o w I know not. All I do know
president o f any life Insurance com­
pected to find one. b u t th a t to aak for Is th a t It seemed to me th at It was
pany In the U nited States.
th e w ork of any special a rtist would your brain w orking w ith my hand.”
The salary of McCurdy probably will
m ake It ap p ear th at I w as not looking
I queationed her an d cross questioned
stan d out fo r all tim e as the maxim um R s m arkab ls Fish S to ry Com es F o rth a t his w ares w ith no Intention of buy­ her, e ll'ltin g nothing fu rth er except
F ro m M iesouri.
paid to any Insurance president In the
th a t she had discovered some tim e Is-
W hile a t th e Ice pond fishing recent-
"H av e you anything of Adrian fore m eeting me th a t she jsissessed
O utside o f New York city a $50.00o ly w . R. 8w eeney of K eytesville. Mo., G iles?" I asked.
some strange power of the order com ­
■alary, In th e w ords o f a W all street —
noticed * - a 1----
large - —
spider «„
on « a i~«r
leaf «,
a t the
“Giles, th e A m ericanT'
monly called clairvoyant. My own in­
man disrusalng th e subject, “looks as edge of the w ater th a t seemed to be
terpretation of th«- Incident was that,
big as s house." W ith the exception fishing also. The spider would put
“C ertainly. X have a very rem ark
not being able to do g<s>d work herself,
of one or tw o bank president« In Chi­ one leg In th e w ater, shake It a little able piece of his work. Come this she bad exercised this pow er over me
cago. no bank officer In th e w est re ­
to utilize my ability. Sln< e she hnd
now cam e to th e top and grabbed the
ceives more th an $35.090 a year.
He led me to one of his display painted the pictures herself the only
spider’s foot.
rooms and up to a picture th a t had fraud Involved w as her plselng my
Tkk* seemed w to
It w as B wait-
nam e on them. She did this not re
l w l l iiw
R b be
OH t w a hat mlnute
besl . evidently been hung with conaidera
ble care. T he subject w as certainly nllzlng the pecuniary value of the pie
« O u . tr a n b k . . A
A ll
" O th .rs For Last Y .ar,
gcvera| fam iliar to me. for It w as the plain I tures them selves and supposed she
had overlooked n t Florence with the could not sell them w ithout a nam e
fle n red out times, but never releasing Its hold on
hills and Fiosole In the distance. And to them. She nnd her m other were
In suran ce ag en ts have flghred out
the fish until It ceased to struggle and as I stood looking at It I recognized
the most dangerous occupation for the
tem pted chiefly because they were
w as dead, when the spider hauled its r.ot only the Identical scene I hnd
y e a r Ju st passed- It isn 't w’orklng In
financially In d esperate straits. They
prey ashore to be devoured at leisure.
psln ted In my day dream s, but my In­ had sold the paintings through a
a pow der mill or dynam ite factory, ob
In trying to land the struggling m in­ dividual style. Quickly bendlqg to tl»e
m any suppose, or railroading. It Is
friend who sppr's-lateil their w orth
now the spider would lay hold of a
low er left hand corner, a cap wa* put and paid tln-Jii all they brought e x ­
shown th a t th e highest percentage of
fatality Is found among the fishermen leaf with a deathltko grip and n t last upon my astonishm ent by seeing my cept a hare com m ission. I told tliein
along th e New England eoast, w here landed his catch In th a t way.
own name.
th a t they were welcome to all they
12 per cent of th e total num ber em ­
1 caught with both hands nt the rail tiad re'-elved for the paintings. The
ployed go to th eir death every year.
USE WHEELS IN ASTRONOMY, th at extended around the room to Role Interest I took In the m nttcr was
The m ortality among railw ay w ork­
' guard the pictures. H ere w as a view a curiosity to know how the work hnd
er* is about S per cent. The num ber S cientists Take Bicycle Kind to Figure I hnd no rem em brance of presenting been executed.
of deaths due to accidents o f occupa­
but which I must have painted
Meteors’ Velooity.
Every year tilings to light new evl-
tion am one all wage earners Is be­
An interestin g use has l»een found Was some time liefore I recovered stlf-
e io show th a t’ tlici'e .are subtle
tw een 39.9ÍI9 nnd 35.099. The non- In astronom y for the bicycle wheel. fi -lent equanim ity to fu rth er exam ine forces acting psy'-JjI'-nlly w ithin ns
fa tal accidents exceed 2.999,099.
By Utting such a wheel w ith a series th e painting, but when I did so 1 saw that we do not understand. I la-lleve
reen s plneed
plu‘-ed a at t régulai
o f opaque w
regular ¡■t onee lh a t for the first time In my that Just as stirely ns the In tention of
PARIS WAITERS ARE WESTONS 1 Intervals and then rotatin g It w ith «he life I had portrayed a scene exactly wli'i'l<-ss telegraphy will come an ex-
----------- -
aid iff a
n a il, m otor at the rat^ of ns I -aw It. W hat I mean Is thnt It plrfnatlon of how Blanca MI cp I c united
Pedometers Prove They Cover Fifty from th irty to fifty tu rn s In a m in u te. po . ,.,i all the reality and beauty my artistic ability w ith her own per
Miles Daily In Cafes.
before th e cam eras used to photograph' with which my Im agination hnd en­ sonallty and of the union made a far
W alters In P aris cafes have to be m eteors one investigator has sneceed- dowed P.
bet I on work of art th an I could have
,"W-li e-r e did you get It?" I stnm
capable walkors. The proprietor of a Ad In m easuring the velocity o f t|i<?
preilin < d by myself. It is possible that
boulevard qofe gave someYtfiltls walk-' rneleor s flight.,
the advantage ennie merely through a
ers pedometers, and he found th at
The principle depends ujton th e ln-
“ From a dealer whom I never saw certain suppleness In her w rist or In
those who had tables on th e terrasse terru p tio n s produced by the screens Ju before.”
Mono* other m echanical featu re thnt
outside ran b el'
n forty and fifty the trails of light n c d e upon the | lm
*H ow do you know It Is n genuine was superior Io mine, thus enabling
m iles a day carrying custom ers' or- tographlc plates by the flying meteor, Giles?"
me to attain an Ideal th at I had never
decs. T h is proprietor alleges th at lie T he velocity of the wheel Is known nt
"I know It because I have seen sev­ been able to attain before with my less
hnd tried English end G erm an w ait- every Instant by means of a chr&uv- eral' of tlie a rtis t’s pictures. One other perfect member. B ut this Is a more
ers, but none of them hnd th e neces- graphie record, nnd the length of the I tiled to buy, hut failed U> m ake u
hypothetical exposition of my own,
»ary endurance, Frenchm en alone be- Interruptions Indicates the .need of deal, 1» now d isp laced In a shop lu the
unsupported by proof.
ln g equal to the task.
th e meteor.
•- •
• •
" - You m a r see
Epidemic ot Reductions Strikes
American Financial World.
A Strange Case
Q / A
1 v J I* I U I < ’I
A. J. Messner
“ I he Little Tailor’’
Done on Short
W m . P a u le y
J e w e le r
I *m p r e p a r e d d o a ll
Hi n da o f
J e w e lr y a n d W a tc h
R e p a ir in g
A t J a r v is ’ D ru g S to r a
G o ld
H ill. O re g o n
A Salary
The D elineator
If you w ant your
t o o l s p u t In g o o d
sh ap e be su re
to s e e
E v e r y b o d y ’s
M aga z in e
B la c K s m ith
Oregon Nursery
R e e d ’s
J. E. Day
The Gold Hill
C. F. Carter
D a r l i n g ŒX H o d g e s
First Class Turnouts
Corner Opposite Depot.
G O L D H IL L .
Our modern draw - kiln
plant is now in operation,
and we are turning out
L IM E that by cheTnical
test and purity of content
is superior to any lime
manufactured on this coast
Especially adapted fo r
spraying purposes
Write for prit es
Kiln and Office
Gold Hill, Oregon