©Öe Golìi »UI \ O k 13 (¡OLD HILL, JACKSON COUNTY, OREGON, SATURDAY, FEBRUARY 4, 1911 Jim Hill P o n i Go Up Hill to Get Down Hill; He’s Coming to Gold Hill NEWS FROM THE ’ BRIEF NATIONAL CAPITAL NEWS OF THE WEEK ~ NEWS OF NOTED PERSONS From an authority It la learned that a powerful group of French bauks la negotiating to supply the Southern Paclflc with ,50.000.000. Washington.--Within leas than ten The National Highways Protective n o n th i after the Initiation by Presl- soclsty has completed a Hat showing dent Taft of negotiation* with the the number of registered automo­ Canadian Govern men t, ihera was laid biles In the United ‘States up to No­ simultaneously bt'fure tha American vember 1. This Is estimated at tluiKreas and the Canadian Parlia­ 500.000 cars for the entire country. ment a reciprocity arrangement, Hinoke costs the citizen« of Chi­ which, If approved, will do much, In cago (21,(30,000 a year, or about (10 the opinion of the negotiators, to per capita, according to statistic« enlarge trade between the two coun given out yesterday by City Smoko tries. Inspector Bird. Among the Important provlolons of All |30c. Hops—1910 crop, 19c; 1909, 14c. TAool—Eastern Oregon, 12©18c lb.; Valley, 17 © 19c lb. Mohair—Choice, 30©31c. Seattle Wheat—Bluestem, 84c; Club, 32c; red Russian, 80c. Barley—»27 per ton. Oats—,31 per ton. Hay—Timothy, ,24 per ton; alfalfa, »17 per ton. Butter—Washington creamery, ,8c; ranch, 27c. Eggs—Selected, local, 32c. I ■