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About Gold Hill news. (Gold Hill, Jackson County, Or.) 1897-19?? | View Entire Issue (Feb. 4, 1911)
©Öe Golìi »UI \ O k 13 (¡OLD HILL, JACKSON COUNTY, OREGON, SATURDAY, FEBRUARY 4, 1911 Jim Hill P o n i Go Up Hill to Get Down Hill; He’s Coming to Gold Hill NEWS FROM THE ’ BRIEF NATIONAL CAPITAL NEWS OF THE WEEK ~ NEWS OF NOTED PERSONS From an authority It la learned that a powerful group of French bauks la negotiating to supply the Southern Paclflc with ,50.000.000. Washington.--Within leas than ten The National Highways Protective n o n th i after the Initiation by Presl- soclsty has completed a Hat showing dent Taft of negotiation* with the the number of registered automo Canadian Govern men t, ihera was laid biles In the United ‘States up to No simultaneously bt'fure tha American vember 1. This Is estimated at tluiKreas and the Canadian Parlia 500.000 cars for the entire country. ment a reciprocity arrangement, Hinoke costs the citizen« of Chi which, If approved, will do much, In cago (21,(30,000 a year, or about (10 the opinion of the negotiators, to per capita, according to statistic« enlarge trade between the two coun given out yesterday by City Smoko tries. Inspector Bird. Among the Important provlolons of All |<ast records for the Adams the agreement are: county, Ohio, election inquiry were Reciprocity on lending lood prod smashed when the grand Jury report- ucts, such us wheat and other grain«; ed 328 new Indict;,., nts. The last dairy products, fresh fruits and veg batch brought the total for five etables: flsli of all kinds; eggs and weeks' Investigation up to 214», or poultry; cattle, sheep and other live one-third of the entire electorate. Be animals. tween 1800 uud 1900 have been dis Printing paper Is to become free franchised on the removal of all restrictions on For the (list time In the hlstor) the exportation of pulp wood. of svlatlon, un ueroplnne rose from Both countries put lumber on the the surface of the water, Bulled about free list. and, returning to the starting point Mutually reduced rates on a list landed on th» water as easily as a of manufactured commodities, which gull. This teal was achieved by U»'lud«s motor vehicles, cutlery. j Glena H. Curtiss In hla ■!■< < ‘ illy clinks and watdKW. sanitary fixtures . «quipped aero plane on Hun Diego satchels amt similar leather goods , bay. plate glass, brass hand Instruments The bill creates a permanent tariff printing Ink and miscellaneous aril Cles. Agricultural Implements, such | board in lieu of the present board, as plows, harvesters, threshing ma whleh la a creature of a provision oi chines and drills are reduced by | the sundry c'vll appropriation hill and which will expire by Its own Canada to the United Hlalea rules limitations on June 30. Reciprocity Agreement May Fall. The board Is to consist of five mem The reciprocity agres-ment with ; 6«-rs, not more than three of whom Canada, according to the opinions of . shall be of the same political party, moot members of Congress, will be i The board Is to have Its principal of- burled by Congress. The two places flee In Washington and Is empowered of Interment. It 1« freely said, will to sit In nny other p'ace In the Unit be found to be the senate finance ed Htates and In foreign oountrlee. committee and the houee committee 8talnar Defends Himself on ways and meals, to which the proposed treaty has been referred. Salem, Ore.—Superintendent Stein er. of the Oregon Insane Asylum, Ballinger Report Loti. JUDSON HARMON, PRESIDENTIAL PROSPECT 1 osme to the hat for his Innings In An Investigation to determine whit the asylum controversy when he ap happened to the Ballinger Plnchnt V IRG INIA used to be the mother of presidents, but that title has de immlttee's report, which Represen- peared before the ways and means acended to Ohio Governor Judson Harmon would like to give the committee. tlve Hltchcoock, of Nebraska, de new presidential mother another offspring of the name of Judeon Har clared had been unaccountably lost Superintendent 8telner entered Into mon 11« thinks the next president rhould be from Ohio and from Cin cinnati. as the present president Is. hut thst the next president should In Its transmission from the houee a general refutation of the charges be a Democrat. A great many friends of Governor Harmon through to the committee on agriculture, was tnsde against him on the Senate floor out the country are of atinllur shades of oplulou Harmon, they say. begun by the house committee on and In the report of the legislative would harmonise the party A hnrmonlaed Democracy a la Harmon. It rules. The committee summoned committee and left (1500 with the would seem, should Insure some degree of harmony Mr. Harmon has ways and means committee to be Asher Hinds, parliamentary clerk to I mm - ii elected governor of Ohio twice hand running, with a bigger plu the Speaker, and J. W. H. Realnger, gven to the Young Men's Christian rsllty the saettnd time than the first He Is a man of wide experience printing and document clerk, and re Association If a penny's waste In hla In public office and In piscatorial pastimes. He Is not on record as having tmd shout the big ffsh that got nway quested an exact statement of the management of the asylum Is proved. methods that had been followed In Eruption Causes Many Deaths referring the report to the commit Manila.—Many natives were drown- . tee. The public printer will be sum ed In the tidal wave that accompa- 1 m on ed before the committee. tiled the volcanic outbreak of Mount Bill to Sell Burnt Timber. Taal, according to reporta received by ’ The senate passed a bill providing 'he local papers. Salem, Ore.—A'though the legisla- ayitem on which a committee of law An American school teacher, who hat burned timber on unreserwd , ture has been In session three weeks yer» eras supposed to be laboring »ubllc land that was damaged or haa traversed the west shore of Lake the import ant legislation has made «Ince last November, has not been pre killed by the forest Arcs last sum :ial has telegraphed he e that five i little progress. Much time has been sented mer shall be sold to the highest nail villages have been destroyed by , wasted, very little accomplished, and Much Jockeying In Asylum Scandal. bidder. It Is provided that burned t'dal wave, and that 300 persons the big leg slation scarcely started. The complications over the asylum v e been killed timber on land filed upon or entered The session Is more than half over investigation promises to develop a mity be «old In like manner and the with both houses behind in their merry row. Already there are sev proceeds paid to settlers upon per Ccttage City Breaks in Two work. fecllon of title Where Rettlers fall eral resolutions for an investigation. Seattle, Wash.—After 21 years of With the Senate staving off action The Senate has adopted the concur to pertect title, the money Is to go battle with waves and Ice the fa on Its own bills. It hns displayed even rent resolution of 8enator Locke, but Into the reclamation fund. mous wooden steamship Cottage City, smaller concern for House bills wh'ch the House has not considered It. The formerly a Fall River liner, ha« found National Capital Brevities. are in the'S n ite, and not one House House has several Investigation reso- a grave on the reef off Cape Mudge, ,T _ ed'"iely B. C. The passenger, and crew were bill has been placed on third rending, lotions of its own. The selection of Congress adjourns. President Taft landed safely and taken to Seattle. although several nave been on the an unbiased, open-minded committee will make a short swing through the desk for several days. It has reached should be a simple matter, and the South, winding up at his home town the point where the House suspects Investigation can be made with dis Cincinnati. the Senate is holding up Its bills and patch, but there are Innumerable ob- EVELYN ARTHUR SEE Orders were sent out from the House members have about decided artuctlonlsts and general Jockeyipg to War Department detailing additional to Ignore Senat bills jinttl the Senate stave off the probe. troop« to patrol the Texas Mexican Leader of Religious C u lt Indicates some degree of Interest in Only one s'de of the asylum situa 'border during the revolutionary dis U n d e r A rres t In Chieaqo House leg'slatlon. tion has been told thus far, but Stein turbance In Mexico. Relatively Few Bills Passed. er and his friends have been promis Senator Jonrw introduced n bill ex ing some disclosures which, they as The Senate has passed 31 bills out tending the provisions of the eight- of 191 introduced. It hag indefinitely sert, will comp'etely dispose of the hour law to clerk« In first and second postponed 16 others, and 3 have failed charges which have been levelled class postoffices. to pass when put to a vote. Even against the institution If half of the President Taft scored a victory with this slim record, and with most rumors have foundation In fact, the when the hoi'fle committee unanl of the important measures unacted hottest stuff on the asylum situation mously agreed upon a hill provldi’g upon the Senate is much In advance and also on the selection of th« for a permanent tariff board of live of the House, for the number of bills branch asylum at Pendleton by Bow- members to Investigate all questlonr passed by the more numerous branch erman has not been uncovered. for Congress. Is eight less, and these are of less Many State Commissions Proposed. At the request of the state depart general Importance. ment, the United States gunboat To No less than thirteen new state coma, which hns brvn watching the The public service legislation, the commissions and boards are proposed Honduran revolutionary operations compensation act, which was talked In bills now pending before the legis on the Atlantic coast. Is on her way and the reapportlonment—the most lature. Several of these are to be to Ountemnla. where nhe will Inves- important legislation which the ses without salary, If established, and tlgate the protestations of neutrality sion Is expected to handle—have been others consist of present state officers made by the Guatemalan govern sidetracked. Only the highway bills Invested with new duties or extended ment. have been under di«etiia!on. The authority. The House of Representatives pnss compensatoan act, which was talked For Inatanoe, the nubile servloe ed the tariff commission hill by « of for month« did not appear until vote of 186 to 93, a large number C a i i l l n u t J on a i g h t h p a g i Friday. Th« bill for a new Judicial of Democrats, Including Champ Clar„, voting for It. 77be next issue o f The Newt will be a Socialistic number S W hat’s Been Doing at Salem < M’CURDY BREAKS THE OYER-SEA RECORD Charles D. Norton, "assistant pres ident,," whose official title Is seer» tary to the president, admitted that he will retire from that position about March 4 Havana.—J. A. D. McCurdy, set * Among those most prominently new record In over-tbe-water flights, mentioned to succeed Paul Morton as covering nearly 100 miles from Key president of the Equitable, are George West to within ten miles of Havana, Perkins, formerly with the Morgan where he was compelled to drop Into interests; Chas. D Norton, present the sea. There he remained, his biplane secretary to President Taft, and Wil liam Bay, vice-prseident of the Equit ! floated by pontoons, nntll the lifeboat able. from the torpedo destroyer Terry Proceedings for absolute divorce picked him up. A break In a small from her husband, Oscar Hammer part of the engine, a ruptured crank stein, the operatic impresaario, were i case, stopping the escape of the lu begun by Mrs. Mavlna Hammersteln bricating oil, necessitated McCurdy's In the supreme court at Nyack, N. Y { descent. Elizabeth Stuart Phelps Ward, au I McCurdy was exactly two hours in thor and lecturer, died at her home the air, covering an estimated dist In Newton Center, at the age of 67 ance of 96 miles. Besides breaking year«. ] the over-water record, this is the first it Is reported that King George Instance of any aeroplane flight en of England will Institute criminal tirely out of sight of land. libel proceedings with the object of endiug once for all rumors freely General Legislative News Notes circulated for years that his majesty, The Nevada state senate passed a when Prince of Wales, »as morgan- atlcaily married to a daughter of an bill making it unlawful to sell or give cigarettes or cigarette paper« admiral at Malta. Edward G»een. son of Hetty Green, to any man, woman or child. The eounty local option law was Is planning the organization of a trust company to look after his moth superseded in Indiana by the Proctor- Kennedy measure when Governor er’s vast Interests. Five wealthy Southern lumbermen Thomas R. Marshall affixed his sig at Atlanta will enter the Federal nature and made It a law. Under prison ts Berve sentences for peon the measure elections will be held age. They are W. 8. Harlan, Rob by cities and township« instead of ert Gallaghere, Dr. W. E. Grace, C. by the county as a whole. Protest against the reported C. Hilton and E. S. Huggins, all of change In the United States treaty Lockhart. Ala with Japan, whereby the coolie clause Taft's Picture Ordered Removed will be eliminated, was made in a Boise, Ida.—A sensation was creat resolution presented in the Califor ed In political circles here when It nia assembly. The language of the became known that Governor James resolution was so strong that Speaker H. Hawley had ordered the custodian I Hewitt declined to submit It to the of the state house to remove Presi house as a committee of the whole, dent Taft's picture from the execu and telegraphed It at once to Presi tlve office. dent Taft and members of congress. A resolution favxiring San Fran The governor later explained that the picture was not removed because cisco for the site Yrf i m Panama of any personal feeling aga nst the exposition was passed in the lower President and that no disrespect was branch of the Massachusetts legtela- Intended, but that he desired another ture by a vote of 60 to 32. San Francisco Is indorsed as the picture in the place place In which to hold the Panama 15 Cow* Yield »1012.50 exposition In 1915, in a resolution Eugene.—During 1910, W. R. Jeph- which passed (n the lower branch of cott, who lives on the North Fork the Rhode Island legislature. of the Siuslaw River, sold at the Lone Bandit Terra izes Town creamery at Acme 91,500 pounds of milk—an average of 6100 pound« from Hamburg, Miss.—Following a pistol each of 15 cows. The average test dued <n the chair car of a Yazoo & of the milk was 3.7 per cent, making Mississippi Valley train In which A. 225 pounds of butter fat to the cow Heron killed Charles Stewart, the and 3375 pounds for the herd, ^fhe slayer terrorized the passengers until average price received fer the year the train reached Hamburg, where he was 30c a pound, making a total in alighted, captured the town and held come from the herd of (1012.50. the Inhabitants prisoners in their homes for 24 hours. Dr. Burke Found Guilty Heron Is the proprietor of a local Santa Rosa, Cal—Dr. William P hotel. He and Stewart, who was a Burke, the aged proprietor of the flagman on the Yazoo road, had Burke Sanitarium, was found guilty threatened each others' lives. Heron of having dynamited a tent-house in went to McNair and waited until the which a former employe, Lu Etta northbound train on which Stewart Smith, and her Infant child lay sleep was running, pulled in. He boarded ing on the night of February 5 last. the train on the front end and walked Victoria, B. C.—Premier Richard through the coaches, hunting for the McBride, of British Columbia, be flagman. They met In the chair-car. In which lieves the proposed reciprocity agree ment between the United States and there were many women and children. Canada will Inflict serious Injury to Both drew their weapons and fired. British Columbia Interests. At the first shot Stewart wounded Heron slightly. Heron's third shot took effect In Stewart's breast and he fell in the aisle, mortally wound JUDGE A. Z. BLAIR ed. The hotel man kept firing his revolver until It was empty. O k ie J u ris t W h o Is Sentencing V oters W h o H a v a Been B ribed Portland Wheat—Track prices: Club, ,1c; bluestem, 84c; red Russian, 78c. Barley—Feed. »23.60; brewing, »27.60 . Oats—No. 1 White, »28 per ton. Hay—Timothy, Willamette Valley, ,19 @20 per ton; Eastern Oregon, (21@22; alfalfa. ,13.50. Butter—Creamery, 33c; ranch, 24c. Eggs—Ranch, candled, 28@>30c. Hops—1910 crop, 19c; 1909, 14c. TAool—Eastern Oregon, 12©18c lb.; Valley, 17 © 19c lb. Mohair—Choice, 30©31c. Seattle Wheat—Bluestem, 84c; Club, 32c; red Russian, 80c. Barley—»27 per ton. Oats—,31 per ton. Hay—Timothy, ,24 per ton; alfalfa, »17 per ton. Butter—Washington creamery, ,8c; ranch, 27c. Eggs—Selected, local, 32c. I ■