ana pa»neo open a aoor into anotoer At a long table sat seven man. three on either side Any Old Caat W ith Flapping Tells, and one at the snd. At the farther Says Governor Cruoa. end of the tabla there stood a wide Another edict aa to nartorlul mode« armed empty chair Except for a low ha» come out of the went and thin swung lamp above the tabla the room time It la official for gubernatorial In- was devoid of other furnishing An Hsnsst Deal. uuguratlona, ao far aa Governor Lee “Captain Leeeun,” be announced In Ill ona of our atalm uot many yearn Cruce of Oklahoma la concerned any­ A Chinese Episode snd Its a low volee. “on trial for betraying se­ ago It was a sport and a science In way. Horrible Effect crets of the White Brothers " anuie sections to »tuff the bullot boxes When Mr. Crttce togun to be con- “Captain lA*eson died, as you all no that no matter bow the people vot­ aulted about the plan« for lit» Inaugu­ know," sold Nelson sternly. "I saw ed the machine csndldntes won. In ral ball ho declared hlniaelf. He would By CLARISSA MACKIE him die. killed by your orders. He ona little town an enlliuslast for lion died In the atreet of" eat government waa named a» one of C o p y rig h t, 1911. b y A m o rirá n P r "Hlleute!" menaced the lender. "He A ssociation Ilia board of three election Judge». Ilia ' claims to be Nelson, the one who died two companions wore ready to »Up i that night." lu ti» t hr MUM bo* enough vote» The seven nodded In uulaon. but did A whole year passed after Nelson's to elect t h e I r | return from Asia, before be found him- not remove their gaze from Nelson'» m a n. but they self again treading an oriental street angry face. c o u l d not get He kept alienee now. briefly review the lionewt judge ami rubbing elbows wltb slant eyed, Ing the Htrange events that bad auatcb to leave the vot­ blue bloused Chinese. His present po­ ed him from the busy afreets of the ing tooth l o n g sition In the custom houae made It city Into aa .dlamal a den o f murderer« euougb for them It isn’t a question alone ot whether you neccaanry that be should visit a well aa one might hope to flud a. ug the to turn the trick. want a better salary— it's a hard condition known silk Importer, whose place of water front of any Chinese city. Finally, after he of life that you must face to protect your­ Before hla eye« there flushed a pie business lay In the heart of Hun Frau It a (I refused to self and those dependent upon you. ture of hla last year In China Then cisco's reconstructed Chinatown. leave long enough You can't stand still— if you don't want be liutl been lu the diplomatic service Juy Nelson bad been glad enough to for I u it c h. alt to go backward, you must go forward— of hla country. Leeson. bla friend, an ellmltiate all memory o f hla last year three went to a that is, you’ve got to earn more. In China. There had toen one horri­ Englishman In the British employ ui neighboring hotel Earning more means holding a tx-tjer ble lucldent from wbk'b he hud fled, Hongkong—lua|>ector of beultb or some for a hasty nieiil. position— independence, happiness, and a hut whose shadow hud lurked In the thing of that sort—bad Interested Nel The h o n est chance to provide for the future. background of bla dully life aluce Ills son In Ilia eatabllahment of a leper col Judge, who wiin return to America. In broad daylight ouy down In Anam. alao very devout, Thousands upon thousands who once held low, B Tvrrrn tii « box . it wna Leeson's ambition to clean he bud laughed at the fears that pur­ put t|te ballot box poorly paid positions now earn high salaries as a out the lepers hidden lu the city, to sued hla f in d sleepless, fear buuuted on the floor between III» feet mid, »bul result of letting the I nternational C orrespond ­ nights. After aw hile the fear gave root them out from their pla* ea of con ting hl» eye», bowed bla head for »w ence S chools show them how to accomplish the cealment and tniua|>ort them :> > tli place to a sense o f security fostered eral minute« while be naked the hies» change. During last year about 4,000 students vol­ colony where preparations hiol by the practical workaday happenings lug on the meal. untarily reported increases in salary amounting to made for their segregation w h- of hla busy life. While he waa doing thl»- the othei their eases should to studied ami ■ over two million dollars! Every month an average of 300 men voluntarily Today, however, aa he passed along tw o »luffed the tail, and the mm blue report to us advancement in jxisition and earnings. Why not make l)ti|a>nt streei and turned Into a nar­ modern met heals to employed candidate» had a »taggerlug majority. it happened that the afflicted one- YOUR start this month? rower thoroughfare there burst upen And to thl» day the boneat Judge ml by A m e ric a n l ’r»»« A ssociation. hltn the significant fact that thia port looked on the Idea of banishment with vertlae« the fact that for o w e lie made laler;:.iHci.u5 cerrcs^Mdtact Scheett distaste. They cared little to be herd of u great city waa but a fragment of HOW TO DO IT the election Judge« give the people m uovxumoh l-aa cauca o r O klahoma . B o x £3?, Scranton, Pa. ed together In a foreign province fur the old eastern world after all. m l f u r t h e r o b li< a tk » a o a u»y bla town an bone»! deal. Hl Imtil« not wear full dreaa, nor would he ; Pie»*« ex Simply mark on the coupon fu r t h e p o lit ic a , tra d « , o r from friends and familiar scenes He had to |>auae once or twice nnd Republic. a 1 have m arked X. dance, but he would wear a "Jlm- the position you wish to secure, Inquire hla way, for the house of the They cared nothing whatever for lie A u lo m o **: •« k xr.uixtg •wlnger." then tear out and mail the coupon r t w H r y F » r m i3 < Inqiorter was set in the heart of the benefits that might accrue to puaterit.i Laugh a Littla Bit. BoO».Xe'-> T Immediately the country was agl- j to the International Correspond­ web o f street» anil alley«. Then when through tbelr segregation. St«»CKeropfcer Ila r e '» a m otto ]u » t y o u r tit— tatisl by a plensunible excitement. A J v t z v - t r ja t i * « Leeson's efforts met with little suc­ ence Schools. This puts you hla goal lay but a few yards abend la iu g h a llttla bit. S h o w - C a i J W ' ’ tio tj Ilert* waa a plume of Oklahoma not \ V iri l o '. T i r ' W h a n you th in k yo u 'ra tro u b la h it under no obligation whatever but there sprang Into sudden view, bob- cess, and be brought the law to hl- . C on. ff*» U treatisl of I ii tliut fnuioua conatltutlon. Ia tu s h a llttla bit aid. Thus he gained permission to j •( U tn i-^ a ir.K blug along In the crowd before him. a allows our experts to adapt a Ixwtk m la to rto n a In I ha face, A rc ó .'x 'c tu a o i ¿/«s.fu. What waa a “Jlinawlnger?” Wna It a (J h r m lH f i » > • » certain green and gold paper parasol, capture the afflicted ones, aud so hla llr a v a th e beld am 's ruda « rlm a e e . Course to your individual needs frock cout of the lofty order affected L a n R u a tto * I F r e n c h colony prospered for awhile. Then T a n to ona 'tw ill ylald Ita pluoa the meaning of which was all too J G e rm a i M urikinR and circumstances. by Senator Beveridge of Indiana? Wa« C iv H S e rv fc tK H afto a I f you h a v e lh a w it and g rit clear to Jay Nelson. He had a vague there was formed against bltn the so­ You've got to earn m ore money. It the nifty cutaway of great former Just *o la u g h a lit t le bit. realization thnt this emblem of an old ciety of the White Brothers, created to The I. C. S. w ill help you. popularity and now struggling for re- C h e ris h th ia aa sacred w r it — horror might have lieen evolved from protect the lepers scattered throughout Will you take the sta rt today? liiatnllntlon? Waa It th eon lln ary aack L a u g h a little bit. St. !» No.. the city from l-eeaon’s agents. Each hla own morbid fancy. coat of bualnesa life or the ' round- K a r p It w ith you. s am p le I t — _ S ta te _ He pressed forward, eager to stretch one tore some mark of the disease, Cüy ___ I.a u a b a llttla bit about” o f Hoosier |s>esy? Wna It a forth hla band and prove that the and they had u m e other emblem by L it t le Ilia w ill soon bet lib you. pair of high cut overalls or a flannel Japanese umbrella was a thing o f air. which they might to knowti to each F o rtu n a may not alt beside you. f.W . Smith, Representative, Medford, 3 2 S. Central, Box 8 4 3 M e n m ay m ock and fa m e deride you. shirt set off by a bandanna and n wna an optical Illusion. But always It other If the mark of the disease wns cartridge belt? B u t y o u 'll m ind them not a w h it danced before him like a wlll-o’-the- not plain enough. And this emblem j I f you la u g h a llttla bll. Ho Impon uñate became the inquiries wlsp, now showing a glint of gold nnd was the green and gold pajier umbrel­ —Edmund V a n c e Cooke. that the governor elect felt constrain­ green and then melting Into a dozen la. wltb Its snaky tw isting golden , ed to explain to the world the exact dragon rolling In nnd out of the green Masiva tints. An Obedient Ciar. definition of the term "Jlinawlnger," Where It went there he too must painted bamboo shoota. There 1« a very |H>inp»iia foreign no and here It la: follow until he could prove by actual Nelson remembered the first time he blciuun. a heron, who la residing tem­ "Any old coat with long talla that porarily In Washington. The bn roti, may flap out behind III the wind. Just contact with Its surface thnt It wns a had seen them—that night of Leeson's I TH A T M EA N S— GET AN who. If rc|Mirt speak» true, la some­ at present It applies directly to long creation o f his fancy and not the carefully planned expedition luto a dreaded emblem of the White Brother- suspected quarter. It was at night. . what hen|ai'keil. Invited »nine men a Prince Alberts fnshloued much like my nnd red lanterns had lighted the s tre e i night or two ago to piny eurda In usual suit for dress occasions. Why hood. It drew hint on down Into the very down Its crooked length. Suddenly , hla house. Tin» do they call It a 'jlmswlnger?' Why, bowels o f the earth. there had burst upon them and t';e meeting was a becuiise that's an old expression of the The paper umbrella collapsed nnd three ugents who accompanied Leeson : c o n v i v i a l on e, southern negro which la applied to any was caat aside, while the liesrer turn­ a hideous bnbel of cracked voices; a j W e w ill sen d you an iro n on 30 DAYS F R E E T R IA L nnd all w e n t long rout with tails that flap behind." ed to confront Nelson. Then the Int- 1 horrible spectacle of ghastly faces; ii ' “m e r r y aa a ter awoke from his trsnce-llke state j leprous mob that leered nnd jeered at ; marriage toll." A Quick Stop. and stared first nt the strange face them; that drove them point by point i It grew late, nud John Ballard's brother, the Judge, that confronted him. then about the toward the end of the street of le|>ers: I fenra were ex­ M A I N O F F I C E —M E D F O R D , O R , was once hearing a ease where Law small dungeon-llke room, empty of fur a yelling crowd that received the bul- | pressed by the yor Lawless prosecuted Lawyer Law­ nlttire and reeking with foul odors lets from their revolvers snd died party that they less was notorious fur Ills long wlntl- nnd lighted by a single swinging oil noisily: a filthy crew that tried to were trespassing ednesa. Ho would sometimes speak lamp. Nelson's gaze came back to the touch them, that longed to render j »THE Bench ti|M iu the kind­ for day» and days. On this oor leeson 's laxly room »hoe fo r h e a v y m en. T w o fu ll "Not nt all gen­ dou b le soles o f tb e old m eth o d b a rk tan - "Can't you stop him. Jack?" and backed to the stairway leading had disappeared. After this outbreak tlemen; not ut all. l ’lny a» long aa n a v e —a fe a tu r e o f a ll “ S e n ate'* kheek. "I'll stop him In two minutes," John upward. B road h ee h w id e , round to e. Uj you please. I mn czar her,-." said the tbe matter went under the supervi­ le a th e r is L »electet c te d A u s tra lia n kid . Bailard replied confidently. "Hold n moment.” snld the Chinese sion o f a large tnedienl corps, nnd the master of the iiimistou. And he wrote mid passed to Lawyer In the Cantouese dialect; “I am not colony nt Annm w as augmented by "Yes. gentlemen. I’la.v as long as you alone.” please." said n silvery voice, and all Lawless the following t i d e . several hundrod cases. Nelson resign­ e r C o lo n e l—As soon a i you finish •"Who else?" demnntled Nelson ed from the service nnd went home, rose Immediately ns the bitrouess stood y o M u y r D m e ag nin ccnt a rg u m e n t 1 w o uld lik e sharply In the same tongue. sickened of the whole dubious web of before them, "but ipt It Is after I you to Join m e at th e R e v e re H ouae In a "The brotherhood—at each stair oriental life, thankful that he had es­ o'clock the czar Is going to bed." lie b u m p er o f ra r e old bourbon. head they awnlt your coming If you caped contact—that he was clean. Lawyer Lawless, halting In the went. _______ Now they had found him out they midst of an Impassioned |a*rlod, put contemplate flight," returned the Chi­ Ha Was Ssneltive. on Ills glasses and read the note thnt nese Imperturbably. would take their revenge’ for his be­ “What do you want with uip?” The Jape“*"* « e r v m il Is very sensi­ had been handed him: then he re­ trayal of their outbreak It pleased “Command o f the big brother that them to call him by Leeson’s name tive. "A lady friend of mine." says moved Ills glasses again mnl, taking you Is* brought before him for trial." Evelyn Adam In "Behind the ShoJI." up his hat and bag. aald: As Leeson lie would probably die in " lie came on from Hongkong to "|H.ssessed n very good n anservnnt. “And new. may It please the court this hole In the ground under Han n perfect treasure. She happened to nnd gentlemen of the Jury, I leave the seek me?" Francisco. The Chinese cackled shrilly. Then be an artlat, mnl every (lay when she case with you.” Nelson determined to force some Im­ he spat contemptuously. "The broth­ went to paint In the woods this tiea- A minute Inter he was proceeding mediate action from the men who had erhood Is everywhere. Captain Léeson tire carried her easel, du e afternoon In stately fashion In the direction of sprung up In this faraway city to call he returned without mi Important the Itevere House bar.—Washington —wherever there are offenders there him to account for his setting the also will be found a tribunal o f the piece of It. Though greatly aunoyed. Star. hounds of law upon their trail. All bis _____ brotherhood." hideous dreams of the pnst year seemed she snld nothing, knowing that her "Why do you call me by Captain to have been realized In the strange Meyers Trial Postponed. ‘pearl’ w as sensitive to criticism, like I.eeson's name?” questioned Nelson events of this day that would un­ most of Ills race. But the effort nt Snlem.—As a result of a conference doubtedly to his Inst on earth. self control was «ntlrvly wasted, for held by the attorneys for George warily. "Because you are he.” It had beeu a strange day, and even the man e n tile next day to give formal Meyers and District Attorney John H. "Suppose I ant not?" now, face to face with death—for the notice. 'Why do you wlsi. Io leave'; “You nre!" asserted the man rough­ presence of these White Brothers the mistress asked, 'ijyroly you are McNary, the second trial of Meyers not upset over the easel. I said noth­ Tor murder in the second degree has ly. "The brotherhood does not make meant nothing le8s-*-he seemed to be mistakes." moving in a dream more frightful than ing about It, dlil I?' 'No.' the man ad­ been postponed by Judge Percy Kelly ‘‘You blunder this time. I am Nel­ anything hla sleeping nitnd bad cou- mitted. 'but you made a difficult face. from Monuay, January 16. to Monday, “ A Square M e a l an d a Square D e a l’ son.” celved. And lie went before luncheon.” February 6. This was done In order The other laughed derisively. "1 "Fire ahead," he snld recklessly; to procure wltneifres that are Import­ was told you would claim that name. "I'm not afraid of you. Come on. Like Hit Gun. ant both to the state and to the de­ Nelson tiled that night.” every devil’s Imp of you!" He flashed A Wyoming cowboy called to see “Ah," cried Nelson suddenly, “you out the revolver he alw ays carried Just fense. Owen Wister In l'lilladelplda and was are the big brother! This Is the tri­ as they arose In a body nnd enme at Steve Jones, Proprietor permitted to Inspect the author's city bunal. You nre alone; you thought to him. a ghastly company with stretch­ Mads Fine Tims. outflt. Aa he casually examined uu fool me; see you Inter, Tal Lnno!” He ing. claw ing Angers aud fiendish eyes. Two negroes on a Louisiana planta­ started to leap up the stairs nnd then opera hat It sprang open. "A "elf Then Jay Nelson awoke. He sat up cocking lint," aald the cowpuneher ad­ tion became Involved In n row with stopped short. In bed. his brow totpvtng sweat and T h e B eet th e M a rk e t ’ E le c tric L ig h t m E v e ry another Kthoplan who was handy with miringly. "Now, don't that bent hell! Tal baao made no move to arrest his his heart poundtag with excitement, A ffo r d * Room a gun. The two started to run Just flight. He merely folded his long claw —Everybody's. for once more be bad dreamed of tbe alsint the time the had man began to tipped Angers Into either capacious Japanese umbrella aud the horrible shoot. The fleeing ones hntl proceed­ sleeve nnd smiled wldelv dsixsu o n tv s t a r . band whose emblem It was. This was ed about 100 yards when the follow­ It wns this sm ile that halted Nelson's tue worst dream ot au, ana ne mur­ Kong authorities were satisfied that Uncle Sam Seizes Worship. Senator Tillman telln of an old man departure, the smile and a certain hiss­ mured devout thanks that it h d been they had rid that city of Its lepers. New York.—A wireless from Trnx- ho used to kuow who drank too much. ing dialogue occurred: "Ham, you hear dat bullet?” ing whisper thnt sang down the stair­ a dream. Ho aald: "He waa a fine old follow In The White Brotherhood had been lllo, Honduras, to Key West, says that "Yes, I hearn lt-tw o times.” way nnd tore warning on Its breath. other respects, and It waa pitiful to Sitting there with the morning sun­ broken up, and most of Its members after two hours of defiance from Gen­ 1 "How you mean two times?” asked Again he turned to the Chinese. shine streaming into the room and a were In Anam colony. The leader, Tai see him disgracing himself. One day eral Bonilla, Commander Archibald H. I read him a long lecture on the «In of the questioner as he quickened his "Have It over with—this court of fresh breeze from tbe bay ruffling his Ijiao. w as dead. Captain Leeson's Davis, of the United States cruiser yours! Be quick, for ! have business hair. Nelson saw the early newspaper death bad been avenged. drunkenness. ‘Water,’ I aald, ‘la the pace. “I hearn dat bullet once when It Tacoma, seized the armed ship Hor­ to attend to—matters of Importance.” thing. Stick to water, Jam es.’ Jay Nelson went forth that morning slid under bla door. Eager to be In "Very good. Captain Leeson." com­ tonch w ith the commonplaces of every­ a care free man to Interview the ellk net, General Bonilla’s chief asset, ooot ” 'Well,' the old man answered, passed me, and den unudder time 'there's only one place In the Bible when I passed It," Jerked out Sam be­ mented the man called Tai Laao. "Fol­ day life, he fetched It nud read the Importer In Chinatown. A t last he was the rebel ashore, manned her with low me.” where a man naked for water, and I tween short breaths. headlines. After awhile. In a corner emancipated from fear. H e would | gunners and engineers and ordered He led thd way to a shadowy corner of the sheet, he read th st the Ilonc- dream no more. guess yon know where he waB.' " her out of the inner {¡arbor. The Scrap Book “JIMSWINGER" FOR OKLAHOMA » ♦ ♦ ♦ ♦ ♦ ♦ ♦ ♦ ♦ » ♦ ♦ ♦ ♦ ♦ ♦ ♦ ♦ ♦ ♦ ♦ ♦ fr, dimly llgbtsd room. The Japanese ii Umbrella You vc To Earn DO Iron in Comfort E le c tr ic I r o n ROGUE RJVER ELECTRIC CO Lance & Co. GOOD MEAT th a t’s a ll G o l d H i l l M a r R e t F feSäSS*" The Gold Hill Hotel