Tftll J A N U A R Y Roll the drinking water. P»ryy Hulbert, 1)4« and Fred Kddings are building a boat. They are as serious shout it a» the Cramps might he over a battleship They intend to name it after Dr, Smith or Jack Jarvis—has taken u a trial trip in it. The Medford city council la work Y o u s u r e ly w ill r e m e m b e r i f y o u h a v e e v e r w o r n ieg on a new “modal liquor licens*-” a n y o f tH e f o l l o w i n g l i n e s o f r e l i a b l e a h o e s i which will cotnn up at the Hex' meeting of the council. It provides for the removal of all screen« end curd table« from the saloons, earlier closing hours and other reforms. It li. Harris came home from — ........- northern Calilornia the first of Boil the drlnleing water, the week to look after local af Mr. mid Mr». Win. Jrft», of Ga- fairs. With Mra. Harris he w«a a lice, visited Gold Hill friend» Tues Medford visitor Tuesday, but he is day. now in northern California again, Mra. O, W. Wood», of Gail» working on a big timber transaction. creek, was a Central Point visitor Mr. and Mrs. John I). Olwell, of Tuaaday. Medford, »pent Tuesday evening at Mrs. G. A. Landis hna been vis the new bungalow at Riverside Or iting Mra. M. J. McNeil at Aab- chard, where they were entertained land (he pa»t week. by John F Morrill, the occasion be C. II. Htinebring, auperintandenl ing his birthday. They returned of the Hughes lime kiln, was at to Medford Wednesday afternoon. Medford on Tuesday. H arry Hicks, the energetic city Mi«» Bertha Fredenhurg, of Hams editor of the Medford Mail Tribune, Valley, is visiting her sister, Mrs. waa in Gold Hili Wednesday morn Ed Moore, in Central Point. ing wailing to mbet No. 16, and Boil the drinking water. Boil the drinking water. The Epworth League of the have kii interview with Captain J J . Dodge nod others in the up Sam McClendon, Gold Hill'a Methodist church will meet next Eggleston, representative, who was per Bain’s valley country will peti ohief real «-»'ate agent, was looking Oregon-Washington Railroad and Navigation Co. returning from Salem to his home Bunday evening at six o’clock. tion the county cominissioners for after buxines« affair« in Medford Traffic Department at Ashland on account of illness. Walter Hmith, who is employed a bridge across the Rogue river just Tuesday afternoon, says the Med E. B. Cooper and son Waller, of In <he power house at Raygold, ahov* Gus Nichols* ranch, »ays the ford Bun. was in Gold Hill on business Tues Portland, who have been looking Mail Tribune. This is beyond E a Three marriage licenses have over the Rogue river valley the day. been issued since Monday by Coun gle Point and a section which long Jackaon county expended 1103,- past ten days with a view to loca has been without access to a bridge ty Clerk William R. Coleman. 777.82 for roads during 1910, being tion, leave Monday for Klamath Walter Warren of A**hland secur>d to cross the river. The above-named Company* was incorporated December 23, 130,(MX) more than the previous hulls on a similar mission. While a license Tuesday to wed Vera M Decrees of divorce were granted here they visited with G. R. Turner, 1910, for the purpose of taking over year. by Judge F. M. Calkins, sitting in Dreshach; Robert Ellsworth Hale who used to know them back in the following lines: H. A. Mears, who knows a mine the circuit court at Jacksonville and Clara Creighton and Francis like a horretrader does equine dent* Nebraska. Monday, to two JackBon county J. Leonard and Elizabeth C. Gib Col. Ed. Coo|ier waa in from Sams istry, wsa at Medford yesterday l»e- The Oregon Railroad & Navigation Company couples. Jules Colee was allowed son secured licenses Monday. Valley Thursday, and reported n tween train». an absolute divorce from Inez Cole, The local socialists. at the rwvu- Oregon & Washington Railroad Company M. P, Jacoby, Tolo's m erchant large attendant’-, and much interest and Eva L. Allen, made defendant lar bi-weekly meeting at Ambrose The North Coast Railroad Company prince, came to Gold Hilt and min* in the revival meetings now being in a euit for divorce in which her M essoer'i- tall -r shop last Bunday, Idaho Northern Railroad Company held there. The colonel used gleu with .the m adding crowd husband, F. Y. Allen, was plain passed resolution* suggesting that to warn sinner« of the wrath to Ilwaco Railroad Company Tuesday. tiff, was awarded a decree. tbe county organisation cable a come, bimself, and be »aye that tile Rev. E. C. Richards, of Ashland, I. H. Loff'.ua has sold his inter protest to the emperor of Japan In future these lines will be operated by and in the name preacher in charge of the meeting» preaches at the Methodist churoh est in the Rlackert placer property, against the execution of the twelve of the Oregon-Washington Railroad and it«« the good». tomorrow, morning and evening, which he and Phil Custer p ur socialists over which sentence of Navigation Company. Gold Hill'a handsome new high and extends an invitation to all to chased several months ago, to Mr. death was then banging. But the school building is completed, all attend. Custer. The mine ia being worked Mikado, after tbe manner of des F. W. Robinson, Wm. McMurray, except the roof of the porch, which by Mr. Custer and G. W . Woods. pots always, has had tbe sentence Dr. Ray has put a crew of men General Freight Agent, General Passenger Agent, will he of cement. The weather It con«ists of three and a half carried out, has consecrated tbe Portland, Oregon. at work on the Braden mine on Portland, Oregon. has been against cement work claims, which were worked oontin- twelve with martyrdom, snd has Kanes Creek. Jesse Houck is su lately. The opening of the build W. D. Skinner uously by P. W. Blackert for over thereby done more to advance the perintendent and Ike Coy foreman ing, which will he in charge of the General F reight and Paasenger Agent, a score of years. Mr. Custer is gospel of Christ and Karl Marx of the operations. Seattle, W ashington. Progress club, will probably take pleased with the mining proepects than could have been done in any Elisha Ray, the veteran pocket- place in the next two weeks. of this district, and will prospect other way. Nero made more Chris hunter, who discovered some of the R. B. Miller, Traffic Manager. Gienn Eddings is borne from in the Galls or* ek section. tians than he could possibly burn, richest chutes on the Oxley mine Roseburg, out of which city he is J . W. Hout-it snd Thos. Tyndall although he worked his centurions —he took 112,000 from one of them employed as a passenger fireman, yesterday unloaded «even head of overtime, but M utsuhito, “ son of in a few hours—is confined to his for a visit with his parents and oth horses, two mules, wagons and a heaven,” like despots always and i home by an attack of lagrippe. ers—which includes nearly all of Mayor Canon, of Medford, has us. Everyone is pleased that he is Urge quantity *»f farm equipment, ever, is unable, as Patrick Henry put a ban on prize fights. A match making good at the railroad game, which came f m i Portland and put it, to profit by sny example was to la* pulled off there this week, and hopes are entertained th at he which they torn ’o tbe Tony Olsen afforded by history. He is a help fcut owing to the mayor’s recent de will be a division superintendent, ranch in the Meadows, just pur less, perhaps blameless, piece in chased by them troro J . J . Seaton, God’s great game of evolution, and cision, it will he outside of the cor or better, some day. (LIM E AND SULPHUR) who bought it from a man named if he didn’t play his part as he is poration, if at all. (O N E TO TEN ) Principal Hanhy, of the local Johnson, who bought it from A. J. playing it he wouldn’t be fit for Mrs. Chas. Swnnn, of Medford, achnols, who is a regularly ordained emperor of Japan. was the guest of her brother, M minister of the gospel, took a half (Tony) Olsen, of this place. All these transactions have taken place Mrs. William R. W alker died at G. Womack, and family, several day off Tuesday and went to Cen within the past six m onths. The the home of her daughter, Mrs. G. days this week, helping at the bed tral Point and united “ two soule ranch is one of the finest in the en Gordon, near Asbestos, ju st north side of his little daughter Myrtle, with but a single thought, two F if t y - g a llo n lo ts , 2 5 c p e r g a llo n tire Meadows district, or in south of the Meadows district, on Ja n u who has been quite seriously ill. B a r r e l lo ts , 16c p e r g a llo n hearts that beat as one.” His place ern Oregon, and is well suited for ary 2‘2d. She suffered a paralytic R ex II. Lampman was at Cen as teacher of the Gold Hill high stroke three years ago, but the im general general farming. tral Point on business Tuesday, school was taken by Mrs. Rex H. mediate cause of he{ death was an A. Welch, who holds m terurban and found the crosswalks there Lampman. attack of lagrippe of seven days’ trolley franchises in G rants Pass, done in the same “colonial” style C. C. Barnum, of Phoenix, one A t a better price than it was sold for in the duration. Mrs. Walker was born as the strip of sidewalk in front of of the (ieputy fruit inspectors un Medford ami Ashland, has started in Missouri, April 1st« 1833. She Rogue River Valley last year W. G. Myers’ implement house in der Inspector J. W. Mvers, was in active engineering work on the came to Oregon in 1853 and settled valley line. A crew of surveyors Gold H ill. Mud. Gold Hill Thursday to inspect a are now at work in the field, locat aear Eugene. She later resided at Hain Sandry, the argus-eyed shipment of rooted grapevines for, ing a line from G ranls Pass to The Dalles for twelve years, Hnd game warden—s ’ game wardens the Del Rio ranch. He s'ates th at Medford. A carload of ties has then removed to Mendocino coun are argus-eyed, o r should be—was the indications thus early in the already arrived in Grants Pass hnd ty, California, coming to Jackson in Gold llill on official business season are that Jackson county will others are enrouteto A shland. Mr. county, where the family hafe since Monday, the exact nature of which have a banner crop ol fruit of all Welch will arrive in Medford with resided, in 1892. Besides her aged, the new bridge which must be ’the present townSite, be’ the heart he failed to divulge, even to any of kinds the coming season. The cold in the next day or two and is ex husband, a veteran of the Modoc built across Rogtte river at this <>f the city, when Gold Hfil shall his old chums. sharp weather will give a finer pected at that time - to announce war, at present seriously ill, point will be located at tbe south have discarded swaddling, raim ent District Attorney B. F. Mulkey flavor. his plans. Mr. Welch recently she is survived by six sons and one end ol Fourth street. It was de and tajren her proptj place as the has ’announced the date for the The office of public roads, depart stated th at he intended to build duughter, Mrs G. Gordon. The cided to present a petition signed metropolis o f southern Oregon. • E. convening of the next grand jur» ment of agriculture, acting upon the local trolley line without fail. sons are David, William, and Al generally by citizens and taxpayers M. ¡Savage, who- owns Xhe land on as February 2()th. Ten prisoners a request made bv Chairman Von According to a man high ill the m o n d Walker, o f . Mendooino of the town, to the county court, the opposite aide o t’thfrrive?, stated are now held in the connty jail der Hellen of the senate committee confidence of Mr, Welch, work will county; Samuel W alker, of Sacra Wednesday, February 15th, which a t the meeting th a t he would do awaiting a hearing before that on highways, have ordered Benja be started in Grants Pass, Medford mento ; George Walker, of K lam will be known as bridge day, and nate space for the approach and al .body. , , min F. Heidel, highway engineer aiid Ashland at the same time*, so ath county; John O., Walker and on which everyone in Gold Hill so right-of-w ay through his land to connect-thu bridge with the pres U. B. Nye, whose home on Riv and good roads expert, who has that when the interurban lines are F. Walker, of Asbestos]- Interm ent who can get to Jacksonville will he ent county road. erside farm at Rock Point is one of been in charge of the construction- oompleted the systems within the was made Mqnday, Jan u ary 23d, there to boost for a bridge on the * --- — Stray Notice the prettiest on Rogue river, was at of the Crater Lake road, to proceed three cities will have already been at Antioch cemetery. site ¡selected. Fourth street is Estray at Turtle Rcgik ranch, a I f the county court heeds the re twenty feet wider than any other Medford Monday shaking hands to Salem and there wait upon the completed. Additional shipm ents red and white yearling bull calf, with old frieuds and transacting committees of the legislature and of supplies are expected to arrive quest of the oitizens of Gold Hill, street in Gold Hill, and its present with square crop right ear; no other furnish them such data and advice business. The handshaking, un in Medford within the next few expressed at a mass meeting held, southern extrem ity is exactly across brand. Owner m«v have same bi as they may require. days. at the opera house Monday evening Rogue river from what will, with paying for feed and ad. derstand. was merely incidental. S Ö 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 1011 12 13 14 R e m e m b e r t h e Q u a l it y ” 15 10 17 IS 19 2021 22 232425 262728 29 3031 THE ORIGINAL A . A . CUTTER. HAND-MADE CHIPPEWA PACIFIC LOGGER CURRIN’S HAND-MADE LOGGER U. S. ARMY SHOES SELZ ROYAL BLUE Local Notes THE PRICES AR.E STRICTLY RIGHT M e r r itt Q . C o m p a n y ANNOUNCEMENT J) Sampson’s Spray Fresh Consignm ent Just R eceived ARSEN A TE OF LEAD Jarvis the Druggist Boil the drinking water. Boil the drinking water. Boil the drinking water. Boil the drinking water. Beil tbe drinking water. Boil the drinking water.