knocker vs . booster The Gold Mill News _ Every Saturday at bold Mil! lachroa Coaaty. Oregon re — = by = ' j . - ........ I t t \ N. IAMPMAN ITH Col. Ed. Cooper’s broadside, published in The News this week, the knocker-booster controversy which has been for some time is, in diplomatic language, deelared a closed incident. r»d a t tk r G o ld l l t l i fo r tranaou» •to n tt»mu •o ti.lng pleased him. First he com- ghtoft a beat Sleeping In a bed with f l x bln-1 tnsn, and when we gave him • bod to himself In a room with four o f th>- children be was still dlsaatis- •Tbea he didn't like to use the towel WO a h uaed, und he wanted a wash hack) !n his room. Nothing suited him r ta ll. I don’t know whether you w w lil be so bard to please or not.” “ Well,” the city man said, “perhaps rd better not chance It.” T h e F in is h e d P a r t A reporter wnq once sent around to Stake Kotor Inquiries concerning a new piny that David Belaaco was engaged In wrl lug, "Yes," raid David, “I am w r it in g a 1 W hat do yoo want to know ah .it ItT" Anything you can tall ms w ill be ii er,-¡lug," was the reply. "W ell." was Belasco’s response, “It f’’ ’ e !' '<■ >ur nets and three tater- mh..i<>’ mid I ’ve Just finished the in­ terim --: i ; . ’ and m y stock o f A T H E A R N . Sen F ra n c is c o B u t ln t M M a n . are the captains and generals and lieutenants of the A ir Currents Will Act as Fuel In the Future. P r u n in g ' S h e a r s both for tree o r short, w ork, is first-class. The prices are right BLASTING POWDER I have th e magazine and it is full o f pow der for m iners and stump m en. I keep a ton at a time o n hand D. H. MILLER * V Sv- H A R V E Y W . W IL E Y . C h ie f C hem ist o f th e U n ite d S tate». LN will freeze to death on the equator mil­ lions of years hence. The earth is slowly cooling and the people of the distant future must freeze for a million years at least, though humanity will uot suffer from lack of food or fool. In the frigid days that are yet to come the winds will servo as fuel. From my knowledge of the laws of electricity and from practical experiments already being made, I prophesy that the currents of air which have been agents of destruction to man will vet be harnessed for his benefit. In the future the air will furnish heat, fuel and power, and companies will be formed for utilizing it. -«Hilt Read January Sunset Magazine C H E E SE ! ‘LOS ANGELES-HOMELAND’ Superbly illustrated in colors “THE SPELL” By C. N. & A. M. Williamson A Thrilling California Romance Now on Sale All News-stands-1,5c ~ w n — I — I i 111 l I I ii _r-1-1--- a t least four kinds, and all four make fine sandwiches * Turner’s Gold Hill Lunch Room 7IIIIII