'A THE PURBECK MAKBLERS. HEART TROUBLES. THINKER AND FUNNY MAW Finlay Fetor Dunn*. Creator ef "M r. Oaalay" and H it Beylngt. A m Many Ferm e Cause Aoûts Oissomfert, Vs« Are Net Osngereus. A nervous or irritable heart may manifest Itself in a variety of un­ pleasant wavs (if these pulpitation is one of the most unpleasant. Of conr-e palpitation of (lie heart is a svmptniu of i «■I forms of serious heart di-ease, l,nl it ein and often doi s occur in ,n ol erwise perfect­ ly health«' heart and is recognized as one of the "'ost frequent forms of heart neurosis, or nervousness of , the heart, mav I«* brought Any sudden emotion. •• iieciallv that of intense fear, may uise an attack, as may also some forms o f indiges­ tion. particularly when associated w ith the form ation of gas on the stomach. It is also often found in Feree of H abit. • conjunction w ith an anaemic condi­ In the furniture depart rucnt of a tion. and especially in that form of big (tore chiffonier» with a patent anaemia called chlorosis, which a f­ drawer that could be opened with­ fects young girls. about by a m riatv of causes. out pulling it out were on exhibi­ tion. All day long the clerk packed and unpacked the drawer» of that chiffonier, showing how easy it was to «tow away glove», veil», blouses and men's shirts and collars. Dur­ ing one of the demonstrations the manager of the department stopped to watch him. “ Why don’t you distribute things a little more evenly?” he asked. “ Why do you devote the four top drawers to women’s apparel and chuck everything belonging to njen in the bottom drawer?’’ “ I guesa,” said the clerk, “I did it from force of habit. You see, I have been married for fifteen years, and I forgot there was any place except the bottom drawer for a man to put his clothes.”—New York Sun. Firs« Type Printed Beck. The first book printed with type, according to Pettigrew, was the Latin Biblo published by John Gu­ tenberg at I-ayenee, about 1465, but Haydn is inclined to assign a some­ what dater date to this, making the book of Psalms, by Faust and Schaeffer, printed on Aug. 14, 145?, the first book. The Gutenberg book is called the Mazurin Bible, having first been found in tho library of Cardinal Mazurin. There are only twenty copies of this first edition known to exist, anulfei d from a per siatent luilluc ttion of seeing a man in the ro- l with her. Her relative« believi th at sh e was in- place her in nr snne and wished asylum, at she t eas tonally m ani- fested sub idal t ' envies. But Dr Janet diagnosed T rase as one of hysteria and wit the aid o f hypo- tism made the it restin g discovery th a t th e h allu cin atory im age which sh e th o u g h t she saw was th e figure of a lover who had deserted her •evernl yean» before. It appeared th a t every tim e she th o u g h t o f her fa ith less sw eeth eart h is im age rose : CHARLES H. MARKHAM Fr«* Thera ia an industry carried on in Harahan's Successor as Fresi- dent ef tha Illinois Canti England which ia entirely free from strikes, lockouts and labor disputes in general. Thia remarkable state of affairs 'is due to the simple fact that the men are the masters and the mas­ ters are the men. The industry in which tbe corpo­ ration is engaged consists of quar­ rying the marble found in the Isle of Purbr.k, a p 'ninaulur district vj Dorsetshire. Nearly a hundred quarries are worked here, in what used to be a royal deer forest, and the whole of the industry is man­ aged by a curious kind of trades guild, entitled “The Ancient Guild of Purbeck Marblers.” A11 the marble belongs to the de­ scendants of the original Purbeck quarrymen who formed the guild, and no other person haa any right in the quarries. None other is al­ lowed to join the guild. None can ever become a member of the guild save he be of the blood. This peculiar guild haa been in existence for many hundreds of Denver Man Are Indicted. years—probably, indeed, before the Denver.—Secretary cf Sta e J: mews coming of the Normans. As soon as a quarryman’s son reaches the age B. Pearce, County Attorney S -itth ,, of fourteen he is admitted to the three members of the r re and Ptjl.ce guild, being apprenticed under Float'd of Denver, and Frank K ratke- some member, usually his father, were Indicted by the Denver County" until he is of age. When he reaches grand Jury. the age of twenty-one he is entitled Secretary Pearce is accused of hav­ to become a freeman of the guild. ing accepted Interest money from an Every Shrove Tuesday a meeting is local bank for tbe deposit of s ta te - held in the town hall at Corfe Cas­ funds; tbe Fire and Police Board ir* tle, where those entitled to their charged with having neg’.ected to en­ freedom pay the price, which con- , force the saloon laws and Attorney • sista of 6s 8d, a large tankard of Smith la accused of collusion. ale and a penny loaf. When once the man becomes free Ohio Counties In Vote Scandaff- in this manner he has the right to W est Union. O.—That cases SP' take marble or stone from anvwhere wholesale buying and selling of wotec - he wishes in the isle, though, of exist in other counties equally a » fla­ course, he has to pay a fixed rov- "ty. If they wish to open a quarry grant as were recently discovered in» on any man’s land they simply set Adams County and that he will en­ to work, without bothering to ask deavor to make his crusade statew ide.. leave. If a quarryman wishes to Is the gist of a statem ent by Judgv - construct a private road so as to be A. Z. Blair, who haa forced the indict­ able to carry his stone through to ment of more than 1,400 Adame* the main turnpike, he does it. County voters. Without question he is entitled to drive his road over any private es- There are many forms of . so called functional heart troubles in which no organic disorder is pres­ ent mid the sufferer's life is not J menaced nr shortened and yet which give rise to the moat acute discomfort ami dread, fo r it is hard I to convince the average man who is conscious of some abnormality in I tile action of bis heart that he is not in danger of sodden death. I* ilpitations KnglitH Industry Entirely From Labor Ditputa». NEWS PARAGRAPHS FROM OTHER CITIEt.' IN OREGON To raise a fund to maintain a public library, the business men ol Spring- field will stage a bome-talent produc­ tion, “The Old Maids' Convention." The city council of Forest Grove has passed a resolution providing that water from the new gravity sys­ tem shall be sold at tbe rate oi f- cen.s per 10UO gal ons. Work is progressing satisfactorily on the south jetty at the tuoutffl oi the Sluslaw river. About 2t‘oO leet or | the Jetty is completed. It will take at least five months to finish the con tract. The work will oc^; $ io j •' ». While enappli:^ matches la a rvvo.v eFi which, u n k u n u to them, was loaded, Herbert Endicott, ageu 13, shot and probably fatally Injured his brother, Homer, 8 years old, at their home ln Roseburg. Marlon W. Roberts, one of tbe well- known farmers In the southern part of Marlon 00unty d;ed at SaeIU B(;er