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About Gold Hill news. (Gold Hill, Jackson County, Or.) 1897-19?? | View Entire Issue (Jan. 14, 1911)
03489031 FETE TO BE ELABORATE atant. “thin to • surpriae—a pleaaant surprise." "1 am glad you feel so," ahe breath Centennial Cemmittee Will Aek fet ed quickly. "They urged me to come, Appropriation. By Clarissa Mackie und I gave way to the Impulse." Theu r _______ Astoria.—The Attorie Centennial ■he hail disappeared with the other committee has decided that the cele The Japanese servant moved nolse- women, while her husband Juined the Court Puts Ban on Findings bration Is honor of the 100th anniver leeaiy about the studio, bringing order men at the fireplace sary of the establishment of the first out of the chaos that alw ays followed At table (here waa much cuiioaity Said to Uphold Theory white settlem ent on the Pacific Coast one of hla master's busy days. The about the stone lanteru. "Plunder« shall open on August 10 and close on priceless oriental rugs were straight- has one that he picked up tn the Bomb Was Used. September 9. eued. the window drain'd««» curefullj Aomori province. It hua all sorts of The closing days ot the fiesta will adjusted to admit the failing glory of a history battle, murder and sudden death." remarked Boh t'luyton to his Lo» Angeles. C al—The Times pub be devoted to the annual regatta and a reflected sunset, and Nusogl vanish«-«! host. lishes what purports to be a copy ot water carnival. The com m ittee de from the room nt the moment Ethan "Mine has a more modest history," the complete report of the special cided to ask the state legislature for Stanley eutered from (tie adjoining hesitated Stanley, his eyes meeting grand jury which Investigated the an appropriation of >100.000 to assist liedchnmber. Celia's across the table for an Instant. Times building dlssster of October 1 In defraying the expenses of the cele The jouug tuaii surveyed the luxuri "It la more of a romance, although tn which 11 persons were killed. The bration. ous appointments o f the studio with a then« Is a note of tragedy hidden there Jury returned 23 indictments In Fri discontented frown ou his haudsome in." day, but the court refused to let it face. With knitted brows he crossed I "Tell It," they urged In concert, al- Medford Asks Carnegie Library, submit the exhaustive report which the room to the easel w here his last ■•'ought Celia Stanley a voice was Medford.—The Medford Library picture was hidden b> n curtain. scarcely heard hsd been prepared. Judge Bordwell Board has written to Andrew Car Presently he drop,«e«l the curtain and * ,th h " -Jr»««., lutu.tlo» of declared that the submission of such It isn't a question alone ol whether vou negie, requesting »0.000 with which . i thinjcw a* they whould lx», buil iirranr* a report would be contrary to law. turned lo find the Japanese standing) Vellil oppoMltB want a better salary— it's a hard eoinlition to erect a public library in the city. He made the following statement: her hustuind In fact. It was lier old of life that you must face to protect your The library board has complied with at attention in the doorway. “Publication of what purports to be ■What la It. Nasogl?" asked Stanley I place as the mistress o f his household, self nn«l those dependent u|>on you. the preliminary conditions set forth “The telephone calls, sir.” replied the only 4t so happened that Nasogl had a grand jury report tn this case is V«>tt ciin't sta n i still—if you don't want by the C rnegie library fund commis m“n : ¿ever before seen or hoard of Celia, without justification or foundation to go backward, you must go forward— alon, the board having secured a site •'Who Is it?" ! nor did he know that his master had a and bears on Its face evidence of that is, yoti'tw gut to rum morv. for the building and obtained an an “Mr. Clay ton, sir," wife. trickery and deceit. There has been Earning more means holding a better nual allowance of >2,000 from the “Ah, how are you. Bob?" Stamley [ Ethan Stanley looked around the fa no grand Jury report In this matter, position—independence, happiness, and a city council for the maintenance ot wns saying over the wire. “Cartnljly ble ,y,,| wltt* a »||Kht stiffening of his and will be none." chance to provide for the future. the institution. The library w ill be Delighted. Bring the whole cro w d I j shoulders proceeded to tell his guests The report said, among other things Thousands upon thousands who once held low, was going to dine alone, but Nasogl the story of the stone lantern built in the city park Is a magician and can spread a feast poorly paid positions now earn high sularies as a “—"We unanimously report that there "And so," he said tn conclusion, hts for a dozen. Eight-thirty . Good. Be eyes avoiding Celia'» wistful gane, “the result of letting the I ntkrnational ComtnsroNP- w as placed In the Times building in abode of |ieaee him ] Joy lies desolate rncr S chools show them how to accomplish tho that part thereof known as Ink Alley, BRIEF NEWS OF THE WEEK sure to liriug your fiddle. Geodby. "Nasogl. Mr. Clayton aud four friend» The widow, broken hearted Ins-auae change. During last year ubout 4.1KX) students vol a high-power explosive, and that the Statistics show tuat losses by fire will dine with nte tonight nt 8:30. her loved one did not return from the untarily reported increase» in salary amounting to origin of the catastrophe may be in the United States and Canada la There will be three ladles in the gum war, makes her home with her Indul over two million dollars! Every month iin average of 300 men voluntarily found by the destruction wrought by pany. Can you manage It In three gent parents, and somewhere In Man 1910 amounted to>234,470,750. or over reisirt to us advancement in position ami earnings. Why not make this sgenc.v. hours?" lie looked at his watch. ehurla'a unfriendly solitudes there lies >30,000,000 more than the losses in YOUR start t' is month? "Ws made Inquiries Into the explo "Most «•ertaluly. sir. It will ,M' the one who did not return. In the 1909. December losses were excep ready nt the hour. I will go to the sive action of Illuminating gas. The studio yonder Is the stone lantern that iBlrrutliixl cormpeaflfBcr Scteelt tionally heavy, aggregating >2L »8, market again Immediately." In an In HOW TO DO IT lighted the garden at night when the possibility of gas being the destroy 000. I lo » MS, Scianto«», F a. stant the Japanese had bowed himself plum trees were In bloom and when Iv a te e«p « ifi, wltkr-u« I m f • »» nhllaglU M I «< Simply mark on the coupon la g force, received consideration. We I •«<, B u * I «.«• q u a lity lu» Ito» pue II U> a. liad«, • The 26,000-ton battleship Arkansas, from the room and Stanley was aloue the wtstnria hung In long purple plus i i.d eaai-iB b»l-»»« f e h lt k I b a *e m a rk e d 1 the position you wish to secure, found not one physical fact, we heard one of the largest warships in the He flung him self Into a deep chair and ters from the trellises. The abode of 1 1 eo ttt* a I W lremeM * then tear out un<l mail the coupon no expert testimony of one witness P o u ltry k a rm in g ■ ■ peace anil Joy has become the house M e * h an le a l lir« h e m m « »«M vtikrxp ef world, will be launched Saturday from lighted a plpeu to the International Correspond which made such an hypothesis. I« . . . . . . . al ' «niñee» A'enevgcnpher The pagoda shape o f a stone lantern o f sad memories." 1 t l e p h o a » Il « n e t t ,\sl» « lU e o iu M a n the yards of her builders at Camden, was outlined against the twilight ence Schools. This putt you M e t t . . . . e . » h iig li « » ,» k h » « C a rd V t ilin g “W hile w e are satisfied from the There was silence then for several I e a d le M a n u fa c tw iin g W in d o w I rltt'in iM g New Jersey. under no obligation whatever but space o f the window and reminded C le t i y .n g in eer f " o m in e re**a ItluOMB*. testim ony that the perpetrators of moments. Even Nasogl had paused B u ild in g < A»mrB<-*«*« tn d w a irta l I teal a ■> I «g allows our exjierta to ndapt a Three bags of registered mall with Stanley of the gray day be had first A rch ile.-« . \ « t tot«»,«Wiel l 'i a f i a with extended tray, his beady eyes fas this terrible catastrophe have prob I u **rte«e . 'a a M t e r i R « t.s m ie l f 'e e n .a to Course to our individual needs seen It In a neglected garden beyond tened on the narrator's face with un l'to m b in g . totean* I toi g . «.» a u egea J I t e n , to ably been members of labor unions, contenta valued at >50,000 were stolen M in « Pnenamr* h e n k I teg I C a rm a n the gates of Tokyo. It was what he m istakable excitement. The conversa and circum• tanees. la San Francisco or on the Journey M in e ....... we had no testim ony that any labor had tieen looking fur ever since lie hud tion shifted to another topic and was Vou'tre ¡ o r to e a rn m o re m oney. arganlsatlon, as such, participated in across the harbor to Oakland. come to Japan. He might have bought for the moment forgotten. The Japa I h e I. ( ' , S i telll h elp you. The Carnegie Trust Company, one the commission of this crime." a score o f stone lanterns In the orien W ill y o u tak e the a ta r i tu d a y t ' 5», i* No. . of the largest banking Institutions in tal shops of New York, but bis par nese moved noiselessly to ami fro, the Impassive mask o f his face now and New York City, with deposits of near ticular stone lantern must be found Would Curb Shipping Trust. • C • ui • « » • * * • • • ♦ •< then breaking Into queer distortions Washington.—Representative Hum ly >9,000,000, closed Its doors by order by him self tn some pla<«e where It lnjd that might lie construed as expressing F.W. Smith, Representative, Medford, 3 2 S. Central, Box 8 4 3 phrey of Washington Introduced a bill of the state superintendent of banka stood In the gnrden o f some home or Joy or sorrow or h mingling of both. among the rains of a temple. These that provides for the exclusion from Before they adjourned to the studio An explosion and fire almost de United States ports of every foreign stroyed the plant of the Oenersl Elec things have associations or they could for coffee and while they lingered nt find no place In his collection. the tnble the Japanese glided from the vessel In combinations controlling tric Company of Minneapolis injuring He remembered the day. gray with a pates. The postmaster general Is three men and enualng an estimated fine mist o f rain. He had bowled out room. When they entered the studio he wns standing beside the lantern directed to cancel any existing mail loss of >750,000. of the -lty with Ids favorite rickshaw rubbing his hand ou the stone In a carrying contract with a steamship Announcement has been made that man between the shafts, and when the manner which In any other person T H A T M E A N S ----G E T A N acmpany or vessel owner connected a contract for 109 engines has been first light shower came the runner bad might have tieen construed ns a ges turned Into a tiny tangled garden with a combination or pool. awarded the Baldwin Locomotive where a »nihil house stoo<,4iesA'ti«rt ture «if tenderness. to" E rnie* I" h«» tnld diffidently an he Works by the Harriman railroad sys among the plum trees. • passixl from the room. Stanley saw tem. TURN IMMIGRANTS WEST As St uley found shelter In the ve his face and followed him Into the The first annual meeting of the randa he a, -J the stone lantern near dlulng room. Omaha Boosters Start Movement for Tri-State Osteopathic Association of ly overgro^h with some clinging vine "What Is the matter, Nasogl?” he We will send you an iron on 30 DAYS FREE TRIAL “Who owns this house?1 he asked asked qnlckly. “Have confidence. II«»- Western Development Association. Oregon, W ashington and Idaho, will quickly. Omaha.— In response to a demand be held in Portland, January 13. member I am your friend. Are you In The runner named a man in the trouble?" from western governors, immigration neighborhood. "It was bis daughter A look o f proud reserve froze the officials and commercial organizations M A IN O rF lC E -M E D F O R D , O R . EWS OF NOTED PERSONS who lived in the house with her hus emotion from the man's face; theu, for an association which shall devote band. They were newly married, and with Stanley's encouraging smile, tears Its energies to turning the tide of Oscar Solomofl Straus, of New they called It «the abode o f peace and came into the onyx eyes, und his head inj nigratlon into the western states, York, ex-caoinet member and for more Joy.' But tlie husband went away to bowed humbly. * call is being sent out from Omaha than a year and a half American am war, and he never came back. The “Muster, the story of the nlside of Bench daughter lives with her parents, nn In peace and Joy! A soldier returned for a meeting to be held here between bassador to Turkey, baa resigned. consolable widow, and tlie little house M ade January 18 and 28, for the purpose of from the wars to d a I in Ills lielove«l William O. Meyers, past grand ex wife. Ere lie reached home he was oroganizing the Western Development alted ruler of the Order of Elks, and Is a place of sorrowJf Stanley thought over the little trag confronted with the story that she lie- Association. said to be the original “Hello Bill,” or edy tliut had tieen briefly played out Nebraska, Colorado, Wyoming that organization, le dead In Philadel here, und tlg'U when the rain had stop lleved him dead and had married an N o . 7 0 5 5 . A eturdy comfortable» too other. and rather than disturb his hap room Bhoo fo r b « « r r m en. T w o fu ll Utah, Idaho. Montana, Washington, phia. ped he sought the house o f the owner piness and because lie waaJealona that doublo «ole« o f th « old m eth o d b a rk tan- Oregon, Nevada, California and Ari- 2 a«*' • » •« tu ro o f a ll “ Sonate** shoos, Charles Sedgwick Aiken, editor of and found It easy to purchase the she had cared so little for his memory h ro n d h«el: w ido. round to«. Upper ■cna are the states which will take Sunset Magazine and widely known as stone lantern. lo ath o r ia acloctad A u s tra lia » kid. the soldier turned back ami w«:«, (o "My daughter will be glad. It the new country that In another land the lead in attem pting to see that the a writer, died after a protracted ill grieves her to see even a distant he might become wise and great and new settlers are turned from the ness. glimpse of her former abode. I shall learn to live without the love of wom south and from the Canadian north- With simple ceremony the funeral tear down the house one day aud turn an. And the place lie camp to wns w est into the most fertile and promis- of the late Senator 3tephen B E, the place Into a playground,” said the a great city, and after n few years log parts of the United States . kins was he](1 at B jgin, w Va., gat. dignified old gentleman. had passed he served a new master, It was dark now. and his pipe had one who brought Into his studio the urday. Mrs. Elkins was prostrated at Boy Bandits Are Captured. gone out. Stanley switched on the very alone lantern that had once sto«xl Duiuth.—W illiam Muznnrd and Al- her borne is Washington and did not electrics and then extinguished them, In the soldier’s garden In foraway Ja attend. got Johnson, the boy bandits, who lighting In their place several softly pan. The soldier rei'ngn lz««d It Imme Former City Treasurer Phil Good shaded lamps. held up the clerk and night porter of diately, but he did not understand un a local hope1, and then killed Police win, one of the most prominent Demo As he dressed for dinner he won til he heard his master's story.” man Cleamore, who arrested them, cratic politicians In Montana, is short dered Idly who the girl was that the "You will want to go home at once,” ware captured in a lumber camp, >2 in his accounts about >1,500 in the Claytons were bringing with them. said Stanley heartily. “Get your is t o k e n t o s e n d o u r m e a ts tax roll department, according to a Bob had said It was a friend of his things together, Nasogl.-and start to m iles north of the city. report filed with Mayor Nevins by wife's, aud Mrs. Clayton bad so many night. Come to me for money before t o t k e c o n s u m e r in t h e friends It was useless to puzzle his you go.” an auditing firm. Six Women Caught in Raid. head over that. The other couple were b e s t o f c o n d itio n "When my work Is done,” said the San Franc see.—Under the direction the Lesters. The Claytons Had the man gratefully as he began to clear of Mrs. Madeline D’Arcy, of the police Lesters were his most intimate friends the table. FOREIGN NEWS BITS doteetlve Bepartment, a women s pool and hud been Celia's, too, before she “And tlie lantern, Nasogl—you will room wag Hided. Slz women and an Thanks largely to American sup and Stanley had quarreled and sep want to restore that to the abode of eqeal nnUber of men were placed un port, the gross receipts of this year’s arated. Celia had returned to her par peace and Joy?" ents, and Stanley had gone to Jnpan "Excuse," said the Japanese softly. der arrest and the paraphernalia of Pasalon Play at Oberammergau and lately had returned to occupy the "If my honorable master will keep It 'he place seized. reached the big figure of >456,150. studio alone. Under the circumstances ns n recollection of much happiness King Alfonso of Spain Issued an he rather wondered at the Claytons he conferred upon a foolish s««rvant It ' The Chicago dominie who has been will cauge me gratitude. My garden writing a song or hymn about “fa official denial of the report that an bringing along a strange girl. “ A S q u a re M e a l a n d a S q u a re D e a l* Years of travel and hard work had will have Joy und peace even If It ther" may have done a good Job, bnt attempt to assassinate him waa made. Japan Is hopeful of removing the not softened tlie blow of Celia's de lacks the lantern," he said happily. he mustn't piumc him self on being sertion after the bitter, foolish little "Mine will have the lantern, while original. How about that sw eetly pa obstacles in the way of the admission disagreement. li e had written once, It lacks Joy and peace," said Stanley thetic ditty, "Tlie Blow Almost Killed of Japanese laborers to the United but she had never replied to It. He rather bitterly. Father," and that exquisite chanson, States by the revision of the treat tried not to think of her. In that way Rut Celia’s hand wns throat through Steve Jones, Proprietor beloved o f connoisseurs, "Everybody between the tw e countries n"xt sum alone there was peace of mind. his arm. and her soft eheek nibb««d mer. Ex i.ctly at 8:30 the elevutor stopped ngainst his shoulder. W orle hot Father?" Nearly half * million dollars in at his floor, and Nasogl threw open “Cannot we have Joy and peace and fc-Mniil only 704 In population prizes for aviators has alr<'«-«iy been the studio door to announce the guests. the lantern, too, dear?” she whispered. E ltd r ic L ight in Every The Beet th e M arket during the lust decade and reports a announced for 1911, accoi « lo an Maud Clayton and Bessie Lester came "I am so sorry, Ethan. I wonder If I Room 'o fl,«t. ami close behind them was a may not stay with you. I have never A florde total of 04,366. It Hum 1880 and 1900 official list made public b ae Aero 'MiF figure, nt the sight of which had a word from you all the long the increase w as 31 MO The question club of France. ■tai ,v's heart Jumped Info his throat. years, and”— o f What to the inntter with Alaska Is Quarrels as to the parts to be i'Od stayed there for awhile. Bob and Nasogl had vanished. From the MiTICE FOR PUBLICATION. now In eod« Probably she needs an placed by various memte ; o: ti e no Ton- brought up the rear, covering the studio came the first dreamy chords to make final comminution proo', to Department of the Interior, valahlish claim to the land above de- other gold n sh . bility in the corona* ,nn of Kin" aw kvard situation with frivolous talk from Clayton's violin and a low mur scrlhed, heforo W, H. Canon, U. 8 . 8. Land Office nt Roseburg, Ore., mur of voices as the others talked. George V next June h a te c a i <■«• and laughter. , . , Com miseloner, Medford, Oregon, on the “Shall we take off our things In here, na tena ttonn sixty day* Chinn In to much hltlernt “Not another word, sweetheart," November 23, 1910 17th «lav of January, 1911. in England, be under constitutional government and Ireland. Notice is hereby given that Florence 1 Claim ant names as witnesses- Ethan?” caned Mrs. Clayton over her murmured Ethan to his wife. "We P t Petoralw: . piense take n often. sb older, one htud mi his bedroom have both been to blame. We have ^ vvaiRcrui neurit*, who , on i «lohn Val.lfe-r ? L .P eBf ,?> Oregon, who, John (J. C. Walker, of Asbestos, O regon. door. both suffered for our folly. Together April tt, 1909, mnd« horn«'Btp«(l » n trv , | Jo h n B. Walkor, *• «• W ill tin? school o a lt" instruction ‘‘Certainly! You all know the way. w will start anew, with the stone No. 04838, for N W ’4 NWJ/4, Section 2, Hugo Gnnthcr, of f i t flB asd words Dr. Cook's are pos of Ri'ngle, Otegoti. show ing how to eat a Jam «nndwich < > li: . ’ la- found tim e to m urm ur ns lantern to light our abode of peace TowliMhip 36 8 . H hiiro 2 W WilJaniHttn 1 Thomats Godfrey itively the most depressing. Meridian, h a-flle.l notice of Intention) IIWNJAMI n ’ f . JONES, B et'star i Without unduly smearing the features? her bund rested In his for a brief iu- und Joy." TIMES EXPLOSION The Stone Lantern A Sbert Story «« DO Iron in Comfort E le c tr ic I r o n ROGUE R.IVER ELECTRIC CO ^>2 Lance & Co. Every Precaution s» G o l d H ill M a r k e t r- The Gold Hill Hotel