Lnticrman Lot 3, block 2 F ruitd ale addition, Med ford ........................................ 400 R e a l E«t«U> T ransfer». B H. H arris, trustee, to II. J, D udley- Land In See. 10, IT. II. H arris to Oswego A Rose- Tp. 35. R. 2 K ................... to Imvg K. R-. land in See. 1. Tp. A. M Helms to Floyd Helms 37, I I . 4 W ................................. $ 27.SS7 acres in Tp. 38, 1' Il H arris to Oswego A Rose R. 1 W ................................... burg U. K-, nw qr. See. 6, T. 10 37, It 3 W .................................... Helms Land Co. to Floyd Noll e Roberts Gall to K ather- Helms—Land in Tp. 38, R. Is here to stay, and is very much alive to the ino E. Bernst, land in T. 30 1 W .......................................... , needs of this growing city, and will design I K . ................................................ 300 Floyd Helms to J. X. Hocker- and execute anything in the Building line. I . W. l ’alm to F. 1’. 11. Hendrix, suiith Land in Tp. 38. R. lot 3, blk 2, P alm 's 2d add. Brick, Stone and Cem ent Plain or artistic 1 W ......................................... 1 M edford; agreement. Henry G. Enders to A. M. < W. Palm to Thos. B artholo Beaver— Property' in Ash mew, lots 10 and 11, blk 2, land ....................................... 5,600 Palm 's 2d add. M edford: con H. B. Reynolds to lsatah M tract. Welch— Property In Ash A S p e c ia lty ( lias. M. English to J. \V. Wood, land ........................................ 10 laud in T. 37, 1W .................... 3300 C, A. Hamlin to M artha A. Win. Ulrich to A lbert H. F ra n B randon— Lot 11, block 74, c i s e s , 0.76 acres in T 37, W 1700 Medford ................................. 11 II Corsen to J . W. Bierley, 10 10 Joseph Casuey to Frank R. land in Sec. 5, T. 36, 3 W .. . . Bellinger— Lots 13 and 14, T. C. G arrett to P o rte r J. Neff, block 2, Kendall addition, 10 property in blk 55. M edford. . Medford ................................ Eliuer E. Bagley t oRogue Riv 10 Blanche E. Hicks to Edward e r Electric Co., 120 acres in M. S tannard— Lot 8, block T. 36. 4W ................................. 10 58, Pennsylvania addition, Jam es F. Meikle to C. M. Row Ashland ................................ land, property in A shland. . 210 10 Blanche E. Hicks to F rank H. Milton C. Lininger to Ashland W alker— Lots 6 and 7, F ru it & Produce Assn., prop block 58, Pennsylvania ad e rty in Chitwood tra c t, A sh dition. A s h la n d ................... land............................................... 10 10 W. E. Goode to Wm. S. Ham \V. A. Cowley to M artha F. P e r mond Property In Cottage kins, lots 3 an d 4. blk 30. addition, M e d fo rd .............. Central Point ......................... 1 10 S. C. God love to F rank R. G 'acie Hogue to Welborn Bee Bellinger—Lot 8, block 58. son, 160 acres in Sec. 34, T. Medford ................................. 3!», 1 W ........................................ 10 10 Is one of the most useful among the electric family, anil Wm. S. Hammond to Marie J . A. W alker to Wm. Angle. 160 ironing day has no more terrors since the advent of this E. B ennett— Lots 1. 2 and acres in See. 8, T. 36 4W . . . . useful member. 3. block 3, Central sub C. R. Heimroth to K. M agayama Hot in a jiffy, clean and economical to operate, and a division. Cottage addition. property in C ottage Home ad. a more practical or convenient article would be hard to Medford ............................ M edford....................................... 10 hnd. Gl ARAN I LEI) f \\ 0 \ EARS, and the price is only H in. W right to Von der Hellen F rank I). Swingle to L. F. Bean, lot 20, blk 7, Central add. lot 1, Sec. 15, T. 38, 1W ___ $ 10 Eagle Point ........................... 1 Joseph W. Morris to Isaac T. H annah W Ritchie to John F. Galliger. lots 11 and 12. blk Roelio. land in T. 39 IE . . . . 61S 22. Dekuin’s amended add. < . R. J a rre tt to H arry L. Neall Gold H i l l ................................... 111 bind in T. 39. 3 W .................... 100 F rank W. Moore to Ida M. Neil, Albert Anderson to Rogue Riv lot 9. blk 46, Summit add, er Irrigated O rchards, land in A s h la n d ........................................... 2,000 T. 36, 1 W .................................... 10 W. C. Green, trustee, to Carroll T. E I’ottenger to J. N. Hoeker- McMillen, 22.54 acres in T. siuith, lot 8, Bissell's add.. 38. 2 W ...................................... 111 M edford....................................... 1 J. C. B ares to G ertrude A. L. S. to John I. C harlton, 323.43 Minn, roperty in M e d fo rd .. 10 acres in T. 33, I E ; patent. Catherine Chapman to Benj. F. ' l l i o s . Bartholomew to Albert Chapman, property in J a c k is fam ous th e w o r ld over '! !• adore B row n; bond fo r sonville........................................ 10 For its splendid hostelries, its varied attractions, its fine ? I. Joseph B. Hackman to Fred E. <*• V Helms et al to Bell Pellett, Jordan, propertv in Ashlnnd beaches, hot springs’and pleasure reso rts-A ll these ca n M argaret Funk to W. L. Frcres, s 17 and 18, blk “L,” T al be reached with ease by the i'. ¡1............................................. 168 acres in T. 36, 4 W ......... i ’1 ■ .it of Talent to T. J. Bell, Lucy E. Brown to W. L. F rt res, 160 acres in T. 36, 4 W ........... I > •pertv in T alent ................ 1 F -• McCloud to town of T al 0. & C. Div. Co. to Herbert E. Fisher. 5 acres in T. 38. IE . . 300 i' •. property in T alen t........... O. & C. Dev. Co. to Conrad ’•’*v Clark to M artha F. P er- Alban, land in Tp. 38, IE . t 548 SUNSET l.: i property in Central Point 1000 [ 0G DEN ä SHASTA | A. E. Ream es to Benj. M. Col " ’ v C. Stoddard to H attie K. ROUTES lins, lots 7 and 8, blk. 2. ■•' ’ rJ’» lot 20, Eagle Heights Jacksonville ............................ r it F a r m s .................. 10 500 o. & C. Dev. Co. to Richard ?■ i'-iel Hildreth to Leta L. Pic- Day, land in Tp. 38, I E . . . 942.60 i property in Butte Falls. 700 Samuel Jolly to A. E. Reames, >• •mres E. Metz to W. A. Point- 106 acres In Sec. 6, Tp. 37, lots 35, H ightland add. 2W ............................................. j “ R o a d o f a T h ou san d W o n d e rs” M -lford....................................... .500 G. H. C arner to Carlos Megerle H m. W right von der Hellen, lots R o u te o f S h a sta L im ite d property in W o o d v ille .......... 350 I and 2, blk 3, Central add. Excursion Tickets Costing Eagle P o i n t ............................... 275 E. D. Colby to J. M. W inter, land in Tp. 36, I E .............. 10 E. I). Briggs to G. W. Pellett, property in A s h la n d ........... 800 M artha M. Brown to E. D. J. P. Burns to M artha J. Colby, land in Tp. 36, I E . . 5000 Portland to Los Angeles and Return i now— Land in A shland. J 10 M. C. D anforth to K ent H. O. W. Wilcox to Buddie Oden Dynge, land in Tp. 37, 2W . 2800 -)n sale daily, good six months with stop-overs going or — Land in Tp. 34, R. 4 W 10 J. W. Richardson to Ira C. .•eturning. Corresponding low fares from other Oregon W. X. Campbell to Leonard Childers, lot 3 blk. 7 Impe points. Call on our Agents for C arpenter— Land in D. L. rial add. Medford ................ 450 Handsomely Illustrated Literature <’. 61, Tp. 37, R. 1 W . . . 15,500 Ira C. Childers to W. A. Poin John R. Robison to H annah Describing San Francisco, Oakland, Stanford University ter, lot 3 blk 7, Im perial 11. Robison— Land in Sec. add. Medford ......................... io Lick Observatory, Santa Cruz, Del Monte, Paso Roble Hot 33, Tp. 38, R. 1 W ............ 10 O. & C. Dev. Co. to Fannie Springs Santa Barbara Los Angeles, Long Beach, San V.. It. Bullock to John Arnell Sullivan, land in Tp. 38 IE 426.60 ’ Diego, The Old Spanish Missions, Yosemite National Park — Land in Tp. 37, R. 1 W O. & C. Dev. Co. to R. S. Stin and Big Trees, and other places of interest in the Goldin E dna E. Bowers et al. to Ren nett, 5 acres in Tp. 38 I E . . 300 i State; or write to ton Bowers— Land in Tp. O. & C. Dev. Co. to Louis H. 59, R. 1 E .............................. G allatin, land in Tp. 38, 10 IE ............................................ 892.80 ! 3 X. H ockersm ith to W. X. Campbell— Land in Tp. 37, O. & C. Dev. Co. to Gottlieb G en era l P a ssen g er A g e n t, P o r tla n d It. 1 W ................................ Mueller, land In Tp. 38 I E . 625.40 I 1 I-. M. Goodwin to Mary E. O. & C. Dev. Co. to Ida M. •low— Land in Tp. 39, R. 1 G arner, 10 acres in Tp. 38 M arriage IJcenges. The Itcc. Irl If. IliekN 1912 Alnmnur 13............................................... IE .............................................. 258 600 I Guy Cobleigh M idford Realty & Imp. Co. 1 Bertha Dits- Geo. H. W est to Rogue River Before the great drouth of 1901 the worth. Io Ed G. Brown— Lot 7, Tim ber Co., 127.74 acres in Hick« Almanac gave timely warning. Albert C. Lichens and Georgia block 2, Amended Plat, Tp. 36, 3E ............................ 10 For over two year» prior to 1911 the Medina. Queen Anne addition, Med August Puhi to Frederick Puhi, Hicks Almanac again sounded J. L. Stevens and Mrs. Maggie ford ........................................ 10 acres In Tp. 32, 2W. . . . 600 10 warning of drouth danger. And so Adams. <’. Vroman to Eva Caldwell— Wm. H. S tew art to Roe & An C. Carl Clark and Bessie R. Her- for years this same friend of Two acres in Tp. 36, R. 3 derson Plano Co., property In W............................................... al1 the people has steadfustly refuseu Mary Place add. M edford.. 1 b ert' 1) R. Solfss to D. McDonald— Fred J. Fick and Xelle V. Williams. the cffer8 of Hpecultttorif und J. L. H ooker to W. A. Pointer One acre In Tp. 37, R. 2 W. property in Kendall add. to 10 A B. Salmg and Pearl Reynolds. to warn the pub„ c of tho com (1 E. T hrasher to F. L. Tou- Medford ................................... John kredcrick Bergeach, Jr., and dangers of storm and weatuer. A» 10 velle— Mining property in Joanna M. Jones to W. W Carol,ne H. Smith. they Blloul(, have „one fhe peop)e Tp. 33, R. 4 W ................... Morrison, land In Tp. 35 2W 10 10 H arry Conroy and L nunndu Beck. have nobIy 8too(1 by ProfeH, or „ lckg, ( 1 as. W Sllllman to Jan ette Annie D. Hall to Oliver B, --------------— their faithful public servant, who lias M. Sillim an— Land in Sec. Brown, 40 acres In Sec. 32, Probate. grown old in their service. Send only 36, Tp. 36, R. 2 W ............ Tp. 35, IE .............................. 1 10 'o n e dollar to Word and Works Pub- Al. Melhase to Eva M. Edson E, A. H ildreth to Edw ard A. Estate David Finamore; ordered llshln« Company, 3401 Franklin i Em m a E. Thornton to R. C. Ashman, lots 5 and 6, blk. th a t John A. Penrl be appointed ad- nue- 8 t' Lou,*> Missouri, and get his •--Twenty acres in Tp. 38, 21 N orth Bluff add Butte m inistrator. Magazine and Almanac both for one It. 2 W ................................... 10 Falls .......................................... 550 E state K inder B. Bonz; order dis- ye a r- The Almanac alone, a fine book Dlerdorff— Lot 10, block 1, W. W right Von der H ellen to charging executrix. of Pages. Is only 35c by mall.’ Let W agner B utte addition, Clara Stew art, lot 7, blk. 8, E state America E. Thom pson; or- everybody respond and receive the Talent ............................ Agreement Central add. Eagle P o i n t . ,. 1 der approving und allowing final ac- w“ rninKS of our National Seer for the w. X. H ockersm ith to John Paul W. Pnulson to W. A. Free- count. coming year. County Scat Official News S T E IN H O F F T h e A r c h ite c t a n d B u ild e r Cem ent and Iron Grill Fences The G ood HEN rn.idc in good faith, arc commendable, but W strength to tarry them out is essential. R o g u e R i v e r E le c tr ic C o . C A L IF O R N IA 0 $55.00 If you resolve to save part of your earnings, let us take care ol it for you. E le c tr ic I r o n $4.50 R e s o lu tio n s f et us help you make the start. W ILL W ELCOM E THE SMALL ACCOUNT THE GOLD HILL BANK M O R A tr P H IO N Previde nt K O R I. H. MtMIRf Vice Previdenl IVNN W. SMITH I sthier f ' S DENTAL WORK AT HONEST PRICES Consult Me Before Going Elsewhere Examination and advice costs you nothing, and mar save you many dollars. My office, the most up-to-date in southern Oregon, is fit ted with all modern electrical appliances, and thus enables tniwe living out of town to have their work done promptly and get home the same day. Compare my prices with others and see if there is any reason why you should pay more. ALL MY WORK ABSOLUTELY GUARANTEED. Lady Attendant, Ihose living out of town will not be kept waiting. ¿2-Kdral Gold Crown» - . $ 5 .0 0 I’o n rla in Crown» . . . 5 .0 0 Bridge Work per tooth . 5 .0 0 Gold Filling» . . $ 1 .5 0 and up Silver Filling« . . 1.00 and up Full Set of Teeth, on Rubber W * « « ....................................... $ 7 .5 0 Beit Set of Teeth, on Rubber Plate . . . . 1 0 .0 0 Pnlnlevv extraction - - 5O< Other work in proportion. REMEMBER, THE MATERIAL AND WORKMANSHIP ARE GUARANTEED TO BE THE VERY BEST D r. B a rb e r, The Dentist Office Hours: 8 a. m. to 8 p. m.; Sundays, 9 a. m. to 1 p. m. '•*07-1» F a r m . r a * a n d F r u l< < r o w .v a * H a n k l l u l l d t n p Cor. W. Main and Grape Sts. H o tK M e d fo r d , O re. Phon«« My Lady’s Stationery John M. Scott Must be “classy” nowadays or she will not have it. For that reason we are most particular in selecting stocks of the better grades of papers, in tinted shades, with and without initials and monograms. You get here the most refined looking stationery that you can buy in the stores, and yet our prices are most reasonable. SZ>c B O N - T O N MARKET DAY, Jan. 1 ; Come to Gold Hill for Bargains a