Image provided by: Central Point School District #6; Central Point, OR
About Gold Hill news. (Gold Hill, Jackson County, Or.) 1897-19?? | View Entire Issue (Jan. 6, 1911)
«41444 breaking the doubletree*, freeing) HI’MMONB, NOTICE FOR PUBLICATION. and Htlja ./armila Roseli and to r . eh Departm ent of the Interior, them*elves from the wagon, and they of them. In a securely closed postpaid soon came in contact with a jack pine In the ( Irrult Court of Ibe Mtute of I' S. iaind Office at Roseburg, Ore., envelope, addressed to each of ttum October 2«, IU1I. at their last known place of resi Oregon, for the County of which stop|M-d their mad career. No Notice Is hereby given th at Mrs dence. No t ie West Fifty-third street. DEBENGER GAP. hllnilie** visitor D ll W c iIllC h illiy . one wa* hurt. Jackson. Nelli* Davis, whose port -ffi"e address New York City, New York. . 8> Nonniiti (lug,'.) Mri. (lay and Ml»» H arper were 1 luirle* St inchin g (if fluid Hill wo» is 410 6th fitr. et. Portland, Oregon, Dated December 11. 1911. M arket d a y ! did on May 20th, 1911, file in office IruiiHHctiiiK bubiuMM in Kuuex Creek gueata at the home of Mr». Haymond Josephine Edmonds, plaintiff, J. R. NEIL, Sworn Statement and Application, Hutiirilay, llii' l.'lth! Friday. and dau g h ter Glady». Friday. ___________ Judge. vs. W«.O728O to i.tircb»** the NK NEl, SB« llii**ell T lhinibrur ii|' lirnglc limk Mr» Win. H lttle and little »on, of K a t ie » Creek basine** viaitnra !ii E. L. Edmonds liefe ridant, N E ^ .a n d NEW sE l^. ol .ecu n 26, PETITION. a .ru le of lurkeyi In fluid Hill luxl fluid Hill mi Katurduy were Mr the »outh aide, were gueata a t the Hult io Equity for Divorce,p32 S., Ra> ge 2 East Willamette In the County Court of the State of Tii.'silitV mill *lll|>|»(| tltctti to Hull Ilyrley mid mid . Mr. Blue mid Mr. home of Mr». It. I,. Cook Saturday , t o , Edmonds Defendant above- Meridian, and the tim ber thereon, Oregon, for the County of Jackson. under the provisions nt the act ol June (•'i iiiiriki ii in r tliq I iu I h I hv market». Miir.Mitylien, Mr, mid Mr*. Elmer •»•Bing. (named: In the m atter of the application of 3. 1876, and acts amendatory, known »» Mr. mid Mr*. E. II. Tlinrnbrue if lliginhothain, Mr. mm Mr*. Mahloit, II. A. E iih I kii , of Sleepy H ollow ' , n the name of the State of Oreyon. (lie “ Timber and Stone Law,” at rucb Peter 8. Steenstrup and Ardsley llmifle were taken Willi 11 severe nt- Mr. Lewi* mid family, Al Boggi* mid farm, waa In Rock Point Tuesday you are hereby required to appear and value a« might be fixed by appraisemen Steenstrup for leave to adopt Frsn. ee li n k nf rbeiiiiinli*iii la*t Son,lay, lint Mne llo g g i* . ml th a t, pursuant t . such application Kosell, an infant. evening. , answer the plaintiff's complaint tb laud «i.d tin.tier thereon bav* been To tbe County Court of the Ctate of nre rapidly leenyeriiig under Hr. George T avlor i* building fu r hitti- MI hh Blanch Harvey, of Gold Hill, against you now on file In the above- »PP'sired, |I26O, tli* lim ber eatimateo Oregon, for the County of Jackson; Kirelige»*iier’» treatm ent. eelf a neat little bungalow mi Kanee visited relative» I ii Rock Point entitled court and cause, on or before 2,420,000 hoard feet at 60 cents per M, The petition of Peter 8. Steenstrup Hr. E. Kuelige .»uer imide n pro- mid entertainer. May we all meet I hursday and Friday, retu rn in g home the last day of the time prescribed In and tne land «40 00; that said applicant and Ardsley Steenstrup respectfully • (■»«ioonl trip In Medford T hursday, again llii* hleaaed New Year, • Id offer fin a l proof to soppo-t nl I’ rlday, the order for publication of summons tier application and sworn statement on shows to this court: going by way ol the Opal Point The Mis*e* Katie and Maggie your petitioners are hus It B. Adam« came down from his herein, to-wtt: On or before the 12th the 12ih day ol January, 1W12, before band That bridge Io Engle Point mid from there Foley, who are a t l ling Central and wife, and reside in the city Beg ster A Receiver United Htatee mountain homestead Tuesday. day of February A. D. 1912, being more of Medford, county of Jackson, state mi the P. A |„ | Point high achool, apent Christina* Land Office, at Roseburg, Oregon. Mr, and Mrs. Wui. Morris took than six weeks from and after the M r». I) W. Stacy and daughter, and New Y ear's with their parent*, Any person is s i liberty to p r o te s t of Oregon, where the petitioner, Peter 8. Steenstrup. Is now. and for some A lberta, of Beagle were over Io visit Mr. and Mrs. Foley, They have re- New Year’s dinner a t the homo of time of the first publication of this this purchase belore entry, or inltisto » time last past bas been, engaged ia th e ir daughter, Mrs. Hose Haymond. summons, as provided by law, and it cooie-t at any time before patent irsuet, nod lend n few word» of com fort hik I turned to resume their studies, business as a merchant. Mr. and Mrs. Richard Hwacker, you fail to appear and answer for hy filing ro-robr.teil *ffidsvlt In ih.- cheer I,, Ml. and Mr». E. II. Thorn | Quite a lew Kane* Creekers at- 2. That your petitioners have in offire, ll eging facts which would del st their care and custody a female child 1,1 • ' l‘ '. before me itim n.l, have tended the New Y ear's ball in fluid infant daughter und A. I’. Cooper of want thereof, the plaintiff will apply Ibis entry. of age of sixteen months. That 1,1 1,1 o .leiio g from an attae k of Hill Monday night mid r ijs ir t a fine Foots ( reek, and Mr und Mrs. Leslie | 0 the court for the relief prayed for BENJAMIN F JONES, Register your the petitioners were given the care Cook of G rants Pass took New tb iitnntisin. time. In said complaint succinctly stated and custody of said child by Its legal NOTICE FOB PUBLICATION. Ill tin .I ( oi|h.rnl Jesse It Plymire Hr. Smith of fluid Hill made a pro- Y ear's dinner a t the home of Mr. as follows: guardian in the state of New York. D epartm ent of the Interior, 1,1 *b ' "B i low 'Hindi, eir t o| Med- fes*imial call here one day recently, und Mrs. Wnt. H lttle of the south That the bonds of matrimony exist U. 3. Land Office at Roseburg, Ore.. That the parents of said child are Frank Roseil and H llja Jarm lla Ro- lord, visited i.ln tiv i' at the In In u Mrs. H itter is enjoying u visit with side ing between plaintiff and defendant August 25, 1911. sell. and that the child waa born of M r s . J. A. Harvey, of Gold Hill, be forever dissolved, abrogated and ger flap i nn'll Suiouiv (•.cuing mid her daughter from near Portland, Notice is hereby given lh at Andrew such parents In the city and state of ill» ., altended the.leap year dance al Fred |(ee*e, u form er resident of visited relatives in Itock Point on I Ket aside, and th at the plaintiff have Boyer, whose postofflee address it Wood New York on the 29th day of July, • luirlie t . l i t e r ’ s place in Sam s Vnl- this place, but for the past three Wednesday, such other and further relief as to ville, Oregon, did, on the 1st day ol 1910. That the last-known place of arch, 1911, file in this office Sworn residence of said parents was No. 51« ',v- years a resident of Mouthern Culifor- J. I Smith of Sardine creek had the court may appear Just and equit- Settlement and Application No 07013, West Fifty-third street. In the city, '!'■ b.'.a M. Hall ol Table Hock uia, has returned. He say s Oregon qulte a serious runaw ay last Tues-1 able. to purchase the SEV. NW K, Section county and state of New York. That returned to her -chnnl at the C e n t r a l is good enough for him. day evening. C L. Duaenberry and This Hummons Is published in the 20, Township35 S , Range 4 W. Willam diligent Inquiry has been made In said .1 i i i .' Monday, aflet having apetil • - —■ —~ ~ ■ 1 — Mr». M J. McAdams were riding Gold Hill News by order of the Hon- ette Meridian, and the timber thereon, city of New York for the purpose of under the provisions of the set of June h’-r holidnv vacation at home. MEADOWS. wlth him and Mrs. Dusenberry orable F. M. Calkins, Judge of the 3, 1878, and acts amendatory, known as ascertaining the present whereabouts of said parents, or of either of them, I he »hiireli.Jilers of the Trail Mu (Bv Al F alfa.) dropped a saw out or the wagon and above-entitled Court, which said order the 'lim iter and Stoi.e I,aw,” at such but the same cannot be ascertained tual Telephone emnp.iuy (Line Ittl M arket d ay! value as might be fixed by appraisement, frightened the horses so bad they was made and entered of record on and is unknown to your petitioners. li. ld their auuiial meeting at the C en that, perruant to such application, That for this reason your petitioners S atu rd ay , the l.'lth! I broke tb« doubletree and ran into the 23rd day of December. 1911. Date and the land and timber tbereoo have been are unable to present to this court t r a l s< lin 'd o n Long Brniieh. They I lie Meadow* Hehiad reo|teticd Jail- the brush Mr Smith stopped them of first publication hereof Is the 30th apprai-ed, «140, the timber estimated the consent in writing of said parents, eleel. d |lr. ( Kil'eligessin r president. { I nary 2, u fte r two weeks’ vacation. und no one was badly hurt. ,iay of December, 1911. Date of last 160,000 board leet at 75 cents per M, or of either of them, to the adoption Jack Houston a» vice president and | H. \\ St urge** made a business Mr. und Mrs. Schnavely were publication Is the 10th day of Febru- and the laid «20; th at said applicant of said child, and said parents not Mr. i i»iek a» secretary mid tre a s 'tr ip tu Jacksonville Sunday mid Mon- will offer final proof in supDoit ol his having so consented, your petitioners down from th eir mine Tum day eve- ary, 1912. application and sworn statem ent on the request that they be notified of this urer. ' day. nlng CARKIN. & TAYLOR. 26th day of January, 1912, before W application under the term s of the IEAMFV r o - F i z ' ,r "- Firestone uud children Mrs. M J. McAdams left for Sar-1 Attorneys for Plaintiff, H. Canon, United Stales commissioner statute in such case made and pro RAINCN L K tr K returned Friduv from T alent, where illno creek Tuesday to visit rela- Jackson County Bank B ld g , Medford, at Medford, Oregon. vided Any person is at liberty to protest Happy New Year Io all. • they b a te been visiting friends. fives. 3. That your petitioners are the Oregon. this purchase before entry, o- in tiate John Miiribui mid family S|M*ut j I here were only a lew nt Siiuibiy Mr and Mrs. Win. H lttle of th e ' ---------------------- ----------------------------- a contest at any time before patent owners of real property within the t'liii»(mn in fl.ibl Hill with Mr. mid Sunday on neeouut o f the south stile were Monday evening I XOTJCE O F CONTEST. issues, bv filing a corroborated nffidavil said county of Jackson and are of sufficient ability and means to suit in lit is office, alleging (acts which would Mr*. Stiiiebnrg, mid attended the ) guests at the home of Mr. and Mrs ' D epartm ent of the Interior. United defeat ably maintain and educate said child. tbe entry. lUAstpie ball. | \ \ . \ \ . t ottrell caught a large wild Richard Swaeker. on Foots creek. States Land Office, Roseburg, Ore Wherefore, your petitioners pray Benjamin F. Jones, that a decree be made granting them Hip -enbi i r y Hr,.«. of Sardine with In» young bound* a lew day» gon, November 22, 1911. C. A. Strow liridge left Thursday Register. leave to adopt said child, and direct I ivi I, have jii»t finished lliihr wood W illiam E. W ren, contestée: m orning on the motor for a visit ing that from the date of the decree saw ing eoutract lor Mr. Ilyrley. lh Firestone ha* g o u e 'ti Lu with Ashland friends. NOTICE FOR PUBLICATION. You are hereby notified th a t said child shall be. to all legal intents John Brown mid wife ate <'liri»l- ‘Wgelc», Cal.. on n biisiue»* tri) D epartm ent o f the Interior, ! W alter Messenger, who gives Cen and purposes, the child of your peti FOOTS CREEK. Inns dinner with their daughter mid -------— — —— tioners, and th at the child’s name be U. S. Lund Office at Roseburg, tral Point, Oregon, aa his postoiflce M arket ,|n.v! changed to M argaret Virginia Steen fumily. Mr. mid Mr«. Benrl Benn ¡address, did on November 21st, l S l l , ROCK POINT Oregon strup. S atu rd ay , the P ith! I lie Mi»-.'« Foley, who nre ntlcinl- ; file in this office his duly corrobo November 20, 1911 PETER a. STEENSTRUP, Mr. 1 omlinsoii returned from V an iug t ent ml Point bigji school, nre Ilimiian W alter and Mr. Chox from rated application to aontest and se- Notice is hereby given th a t Euge.te ARDSLEY STEENSTRUP. couver, II. ('., Friduy. Humbug Creek stopped here last cure the caacellation of your home 8. Jenks, whose postoffice add ress is *|HMiiliug the holidays with home Petitioners. Mr. mid Mrs. Klix of Medford, for lolks here. L incoln . M c C ormack , week on their wny rounding up their stead, en try No.................. serial No. Medford, Oregon, did, on the 28th merly of “Stringtow n,” leave for Attorney for Petitioners, Med enttle. Mr. Chox i» from New York 05291, m ade for SEVi. NW % . S W K . day of February, 1911, file in this Ibe Cliri»tuiu» tree nt Mr. Lewi»' Sun Hiego, Friduv. They will tour ford, Oregon. Sunilnv night, for the ehi itren, wns ( 'ulifornia. City mnl is well pleased with South N E K , N E K . S tt'K and N W k SEH . office Sworn Statem ent and Appli State of Oregon, County of Jackson, ern Oregon. n plensant nl'fnir. Those present lie ss.: Section 12. Township 35 South, cation, No. 05945, to purchase the II. B. Mye of Hiverdnle i* doing Oeorge K nster, wit,, was shot neei- Range 3 W est W illam ette Meridian, sien the fmiiily were Elmer lUgin- We. Peter S. Steenstrup and Ards Va, Section 14, Township 35 S .»nine nice enbinet work during the dentallv through ibe a r m . is g e t t in g anil as grounds for his contest he Range 3 west, W illamette M eridian ley Steenstrup. being severally duly botliuiii und fmiiily, mid u good time weather. sworn, say. th at we are the petition wn* had. Much credit is due Mr*- J. V. Smith o f S antina Creek was il l,n t g pi<-ely. alleges th at W illiam E. W ren has and the tim ber thereon, under the ers named in the foregoing petition; Thy miner* on Foots ereek are Lcvvih us uu entertainer. principal in a very lively runaw ay abandoned his said homestead for provisions o f the act of June 3, 1878 that we have read the petition and The Hiirtlunelle* acbool hai one T uesday afternoon, while returning to praying fo r ruin. All p lacer work is more t\a n one year last past; th a t and acts amenAatory, known as the know the contents thereof, and that the same is true, as we verily believe. shut down waiting fo r water. week's m ention, much nee,led rest from Koek Point said W illiam E. W ren has never at “Timber and Stone Law,” a t such Mr*. Me- PETER S. STEENSTRUP. J. W. Lawrence, who is team ster l o r th e p „ p , | * a n d t e n , h e r . w h o is Adam* uud Cal Hu*........try were ,ms- any tijie made settlem ent or resided value as might be fixed by appraise ARDSLEY STEENSTRUP. fo r the Champlin dredge and has been *pendi,,g (lie week will, I ii * family nt sengera. Mr. Duaenberry bud a er..»s- Subscribed and sworn to before me ment, and th at, pu rsu an t to such ap hauling their cord wood front the A n upon said hom estead nor has he ever plication, the laud and tim ber thereon this 8th day of December, 1911. p , <’ t ll saw', which lie dropped. The built any kind of house or cabin McCORMACK, r , l ’1" f ' " " H ............... i home* took fright at the noise und derson ranch, Ini* had to stop on a c have been appraised, $650.00, the /Seal.) LINCOLN thereon. Notary Public for Oregon. Helal to the placer m ilie u , before Mr. Smith could get control count of snow. Yc.t are. therefore, fu rth e r noti tim ber estim ated, 640,000 board feet M. Blonera wii* a C entral Point if them they run into the brush, fied th a t th e raid a i’egatlons will be at 75 cents per M, and the land taken by this office as hsvlng been $200.00; th a t »aid applicant will o f U N - C L A S S I F I E D COMPTON COLONY confessed l.y you, r.nd your said en fer final proof in support of his a p W A N T E D i L O S T i F O R » A L E h c T h a t o u r sw eet s o n a -b lrd o f S c o ttis h A. E. KELLOGG n .. b ir th try will be canceled th ereu n d er with plication and sworn statem ent on the Tile following poem was w ritten b y w , | l re a p tho shekels, fo r a ll th e y a re Dry oak stove wood, «2.00 per tier. Embalmer and Funeral w o rth : out your fu rth e r rig h t to be heard 9th day o f F ebruary, 1912, before Mr*. W. S. Coe mid rend nt u Christ T h e In v a lid m o th e r, w h o lo ves to c h a t Lance & Co. W. H. Canon, United S tates Coramis therein, eith er before th is office or Director D ro p In and see I n r ; you k n o w o h eT I ma* p ally given to member* of the Ilk a th a t; on appeal, If you fall to file in thia sioner, at M edford, Oregon. Complete line ol burial robes, e f a it h f u l (la u g h te r, w it h g e n tle We have a car of special extra Compton colony by Mr. and Mr*. II. A n d th band Any person is a t liberty to pro test caskets, etc. office w ithin tw enty days after the B. nt their Hiverside runeli home: '* ,l" n,o,hcr'" '"•'i«i(ic ta ke s h e r s tan d . U ndetataking rooms opposite I. O. O. F fourth publication of th is notice, as this purchase before entry, or initi Star-A -Star red cedar shingles, «2.50 but ding; phone 36 Main f o l lo w in. as I w end m y w a y . And n o w c o m e * a lo n g th e o rc h a rd m a n ; shown below, your answer, under ate a contest at any time before p a t per M. Lance & Co. On lids III,' I'Ve o r ( 'h r ls Iin u a das , l " ' •‘ » l * r t . I f you can; GOLD HILL. OKFGON oath, specifically meeting and re ent issues, by filing a corroborated I I.I1..W III, , an d you w i ll see. A n .l woo to 'h e m u le w h o ta k e » a a la n d I I I . Iiie iiilte rs n r C o m p to n 's C o lo n y A g a in s t th e s tre n g th o f Ills m a s te r h a n d For Sale— Full-blooded Scotch col sponding to these allegations of con affid av .t in this office, alleging fa c ts t h e old l i e , c a ll. In n o u r ho m e Is h e r e ' . . . ,, , , , lie puppies, three m onths old, a t re a CLEMENT H. SMITH. M. D. test, o r If you fall w ithin th a t tim e which would defeat the entry A n d u u r h . , m s n i, f ille d w l lh C h r is t,n s s 1 « ''C la re ! l u r e s a f a m i ly m a n ; c heer. 7., ‘ v re m |K h 'y s ca rc e In th is h e re e la n . sonable prices. A ddress Robt. Pe- BENJAMIN F. JONES. to file In th is office due proof th a t GENERAL PRACTITIONER W e b a n h a n is lie d a ll s o rro w a n d b a il- ,,n Bl l°L,y little wife louze, Eagle Point, Oregon. I k I h m I a ll cart W h o helps th ro u g h th e s o rro w s a nd Joys Register. you have served a copy of your an ___ ________ NEWS OF NEAR NEIGHBORS Professrctiai Cards l'’o r im < liiln lm u « m i . I i I hav e » ,» . n ib 'i.‘.I l t d , 'c t i r l M a i a s And w *■- r > .' I o r a Jo lly, K..O.I U rn... y „ u «|| p e rc e iv e i o f lif e ; T . 11 ,,h i " » « n ly l i t t l e lad. W h o lo o k , I'X iir t ly lik e I d , J 1'«' w in s o m e m a t,1 Hint th e « « « tn e k in d H in t m ak e s u n ite rs ,a n d . I ! ’11 , h *' h,‘" ' h n h y In Office in Wells Building Hours 10 12—2-4 swer on th e said contestant eith er in ORDER FIXING DATE OF HEARING W anted—W oodcutters to cu t about person or by registered mail. If this In the County Court of the State service is made by th e delivery of & of Oregon, for the County of Jackson. 2000 tiers on n rifit-sh arin g basis. DR. R. C. KELSEY In the m atter of the application of Sleepy Hollow Farm , Rock P o in t; copy of your answer to th e contest A nd no w f a r an In tro d u c tio n Io o u r h o * ,. «11 th e la n d . O X r iC K IN Peter S. Steenstrup and Ardsley Home phone. A m (food h m a n h r (h a v a lle y can boim t, ant in person, proof of such service #u.<4 tiiM good lo o k in g w ife , a M o h I crr A n d I b e g e n e r o u s m a n o f b u ild in g fa m e G O L D H I L L H O S P IT A L Steenstrup for leave to adopt Frances m ust be eith er the said contestant's < 1 . ' ou . 11 ** cnn . KU«- hr I i I r n a m e C O R . T H IR D A C 8Tt). Roseil. an In fan t D o th , k ti.ti anti g .’ii.TouH t«i n il d o w n th e i An<l l , “ ‘ . ,<,’> w ry . b r ig h t w o m a n , w h o W anted— A wife, eighteen to th irty - w ritten acknow ledgm ent of his re Upon reading the petition of Peter lin e . w a lk R b y I i I r r M o GOLD H ILL, OREGON W e c o u ld n ’t fln«l f a u lt w ith h e r. not I f S. Steenstrup and Ardsley Steenstrup, eig h t: good housekeeper; no d iffe r ceipt of th e copy, showing the date A n d now wo coin«» to tin» fo u m b r o f u ll L » . ??“ ’ r,e < l filed herein on the 8th day of Decem ence w hether p roperty or not. I am r w a n t liid iig ii hiM voi«c I h i, i w.v h e a rd n •’»‘ «••rlalnlni? l i t t l e dauffht«*r, JOHN I t . C A K K 1N G L E N N O. T A Y L 0 Î of its receipt, or th e affidavit of the ber, 1911, and the affidavit of Peter S middle-aged m an of good ch a racter, t h o « .«II. “ II to h« r. u h a «luck ta k e n to person by whom th e delivery was Steenstrup. duly verified and filed w a te r. „ " H a c k to tb, M oll” ; an d tl»«» uioun tultiM CARKIN & TAYLOR work every day and can give right g ra n d , made statin g when and where the herein on the 11th day of December, ivomnu good home; can go any place A n d tb, f a h f « < v a lle y In ( I i I r b ro a d la n d , A n d h e re 's n y o u n g m an . w h o keeps LAWYERS copy was delivered: if m ade by reg 1911. b a c h e lo r's h a ll: ' ' b c r . . Ilk« J a c k ’« b«*anetalk. a ll th in g it > OOMS 1 7 -1 9 OVKR JACKSON COUNTY BANk IT IS ORDERED th at the 5th day to work o r live; beloug to and insured «lo « ro w , I L u c k y th e g ir l w h o ta k e s heed to Ills istered mail, proof of sxch service c a ll \r n l wo’ 11 rats«» a ll w e can of February. 1912. at 10:30 o’clock in in M. \ \ . A. A ddress X Y Z, care MEDFORD, OREGON • "i w • I . ., Il, | III, , | , I And licre la h w o m a n o f no b le v o c a tio n . m ust consist of the affidavit of the the forenoon of that day, at the court Gold Hill News, Gold Hill, Or. H e l p i n g ( b e e h l b t to an e d u c a tio n . person by whom the copy was mailed room of the County Court, in the lids III Bi .• w ife I ’d liilVo you l l l « , «, t , A nd a fin e y o u n g w o m a n o f q u ie t w a y « . \ \ « ’ hope Hbe’ll be w ith u r a ll o f h e r I «»r h o s p i t a l i t y Hilt« c a n ’ t be b e a t; DR. ARTEMAS W. DEANE statin g when r.nd the postoffice to county eourthouse In Jacksonville. Any little wound or abrasion of the days. K i n d In art« d, c a p a b le a nd tr u e be, and the same hereby ; A m i bint but not le a n t. I r th e p a tie n t which it was mailed, and this affl- Oregon, T h e b«*at n f fr le tid a to m e an d you. appointed as the time and place' fo? f' e8h occurrin* ln cold ‘hat DENTIST m an , d; It m ust be accompanied by the • is not promptly treated becomes a Win» p la n a a m i w o rk * , iin f a * t an he can. the hearing upon said petition. T ile d u iiK h te r a l an e a r ly d a te GAS A tlM lN IS T R H R D I lo d d ln g and (fillin g . («» m ak e a hom e W i ll He a Nweot g i r l g ra d u a te . tm aster's receipt for the letter. And it appearing to my satisfaction bad sore and is difficult to heal. Ap A n d th e tw o l l t l l o klddloM, a w e ll be I «»r lb«« w o u ld *b e po e(, w h o w ro te th ia RIALTO BUILHINO, MEDFORHM You should state in your answer said petition and affidavit that ply BALLARD'S SNOW LINIMENT poem. h a v e d p a ir. A h good iin y o u ’ll f lm l llio rn a n y w h e re . L ¡the name of t h e ’postofflee to which an,d Jarm lla Roseil at once when such accidents happen. A m i w , ” i w in o u t. le t m e te ll you. A. E. KELLOGG , . . . A . are not residents of the state of Or- A n d no w « ’<nn«‘R on«» «if N e w K n g ln n d I'm wo a re people w h o d are arid do; you desire fu tu re notices to be sent egon. but that their last known resi- The wound heals promptly and soon Dm m ur«- «’ « » n ra g o m iH a n d n tro n g <»f NOTARY PUBLIC nam e a rm . ! to you. dence was No. 516 West Fifty-thiTd does away with the annoyance of a H u t u n llk « * I b e on«» o f L o n g f e llo w fa m e , A n d th e y ’re r ig h t up to «late, Phone 81 Main on r u n - l l , R p o k c f o r h lrn a e lf a nd w on I i I r b rid e, street, in the city and state of New bandage. Price 25c, 50c and $1.00 per BENJ. F. JONES, Register. n ln g a fa rm . W in » I h l i t r i ’ a m o n g u h , bln Joy and A m i o u r w o. '« n GOLD H ILL, OREGON w e re rib s , h u t n o w Date of first publication December York; that after due diligence neither bottle. Sold by Jarvis, the druggist. p rid e, th e y ’re backbone of them can be personally served with ll , i n \ , ,i |>y a ll, f o r h e r w in n in g w a y a , O f Ib e m en th e y ’re a ll ro p rou d to ow n . I #, 1911. A S S A Y EB AND CHEMIST. notice of the application in this pro I »ospi v ln g o f o u r love an d pralRe. A n « l tin« m a n w h o w i t h t h e m d o e a a b id e U n i Ita r k ! h e a r ih o b e lls r in g o u t tliP lr I E A R L V INGLES, B Sc.—Genet al as- Date of second publication De- ceeding within tho state of Oregon; P R A C T IC A L c le a r » tra in , W o a r o c i a t i b e In h e r« ’, ( I i I r C b r la tin a a - phv ttiid nnalvtlcal wont. Cement cemher 16, 1911. and that this court has jurisdiction t|<1e. I ’m m ire ’tls K r is K rln g l« ’ In b in n e w flu«) iiRplmlt testing. Bet-t equip of the subject m atter of this proceed a e ro p la n e ; S H O E M A K IN G Date of th ird publication Decera- ing; I b e a r tntiMlc: D o n 't yo u h e a r It too? I w la h th a t you n il w i ll h a v e h e a r t * f u ll ped a*r>ay office ami tutting lut>or- o f cheer. ’T l * lb»’ M lngluK « ju a rte tte t h a t c o m e* story in Oregon. All work guar- ,)pr 23, IT IS FURTHER ORDERED that Boots and Shoes Mace to Order A M e rr y . M e r r y C h rin tm a n an d a g la d In to v ie w , anteed. Calve it« Pad dock block. Date of fourth publication Decem- service of this order be made upon N e w Y e a r. Tb«’ f a t h e r w h o w o rk e d w it h a ll bln R E P A IR IN G m ig h t j Phone 370-J, G rants Pans, Oregon, her 30, 1911. Frank Roseil and H ilja Jarm ila Ro O n t h e p r e t t y , s n u g hom e; h l* w lfe ’a seil by publishing said order and the Done in firs t f less Sho*e .... . ,l!'llgh‘f.. . . . . . A <lry- hacking cough is hard on the Pioneer A ssayin g & Refining petition herein once a week for three To Whom It May Concern: «loubt, lungs, often causing them to bleed. successive weeks ln the Gold Hill Com pany All persons having claims against News, a newspaper printed and pub-1 H A R N E SS R E P A IR E D 1 ° F ’’aboii't'" Wl’rk,‘‘’ ,o°' *” brln* u BALLARD'S HOREHOUND SYRUP ISI-SlkSt .ntarU . S. Mint me or my estate of any description lished In Jackson County, the last 1 SATISfACTION GUARANTEED Tli. giiiii.ii Hon mi.I l it * fiiit- y o u n g Is A healing balnt that quickly repairs San F rancisco will present them to me a t once for publication to be at least four week* 1 At'., vvoil n’ked l.y n il d o w n th e R iv e r - dam“Ke ln l'1'« Bings nttd air passages. Wn bay on-.amaltam nnJ nUmin payment or ever hold their peace. before the time appointed for the said A. McNAIR HARRISON. ,, "ldr' Price 2fic, 50c and «1.00 per bottle. ina prodncti. Wa pay cath anti film a roanrn hearing; and further, th at copies of J. E . M A R T I N G ^*al Aracyim S0a. EatabKabad 20 yanra. Dated at Gold Hill, Oregon, Novem- said petition and of this order shall '«ext to Barber Shop T h e n you an d 1 w in h a v e to c o n fe a * So,d by Jarvis, the druggist. Safaranaa, Firat Nat'i Banb of San Emnciaan. ber ll, 1971. be forthwith mailed to F rank Resell .la d - b a b y g ra n d , m u s ic , vou