1 * V ww olö Mill s G O L D M IL L n ig M a r k e « D a r J a n u a r y IA VOL 14 GOLD H ILL JACKSON COUNTY, OREGON, SATURDAY, JANUARY 6, 1911 Sixteen Held Up and Mail Looted Robbers Escape ♦ ♦ ♦ ♦ ♦ ♦ ♦ ♦ ♦ ♦ ♦ ♦ ♦ ♦ ♦ ♦ ♦ ♦ Mrs. Sarah P. Decker ♦ ♦ ♦ ♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦ REDDING, Cut., Jun. ft. Entering the mail c a r o f I he fa»t northliound Oregon Express »liorllv a fte r (I a. ru. todnv two unmasked bandit» bound anil gagged three mail elera tu charge of the mail car, anil a fte r rifling tin1 content» of six registered mail sack», juui|>ed from the train at Redding and e»caed. The exact amount o f loot obtained by the b an ­ dits ha» not been accurately demon stia le d , but it i» believed that it will total »«verul thousand dollur». The clerk» in charge of the mail car were ( ‘baric» J. Ryan, Robert It W arner and P eter llem riek of Him Francisco. The bandit» boarded tin train at Red Bluff. The engine had hardly sta rte d before they leaped into the mail car. Drawing revolver», the t w o bandit» commanded t h e clerk - to throw up their hand». While on< covered the clerk» with a gun, the other pniceeded to the clerk- bv stuffing hankerchiei into th n ; mouth». Then the clerk» were seeut. Mr«. Sarah P la tt Decker, the prom ­ ly bound. Thin ttnislted, the band proceeded to rifle the mail sack*. inent club woman, mentioned a« ■ D iscarding ordinary mail, they candidate fo r a Colorado United »luffed the valuable registered pnei: State« «enatorship. age» into their overcoat pocket». Governor Visits Convicts Today Governor Oswald W e t will arrive in Medford thi» morning on train No I ”) and leave at once for “ We»! villc” Honor Camp No. 1, where In will spend Sunday viaiting the men and looking over their work, lie will be accompanied by Engi..... . H annon, Charles (lay, (J. Putnam and cither Commissioner Owau» or Davi |H-X hap» both, _______ Missing Girl Located N ora Darling, 17, who di»ap|ieiircd from her mother'» home in Medford some three month» ago and for whom a search has been carried on nee bv the m other and the authorities him been located, according to in form ation received bv ('oii»tubh Hiugler from O akland, Cal. The voting girl is »aid to be in that city under surveillunee. It is said that »lie ha been there fo r four week». Mr. Hiugler a t oiiec took step», upon re ceipt o f thv inform ation, to com munieutc with Mrs. Darling, who i» .it her fath e r’s home in Idaho. Mrs Darling is expected to go to Oiiklalid soon. WEATHER RECORD FOR DE­ CEMBER, MEDFORD STATION Date. Max. Min. Rang" Dec. 1 ............. 51 39 21 Dec. 2 ............. 51 5 23 28 .5 Dee. 3 ............. 57 30 27 Dec. 4 20 28 Dee. ft ................ 51 37.5 13.5 Dee. 8 ............. 51 41 10 I lee. 7 .............. 4« 25 21 1 lee. 8 ............. 48 27 .5 20 .5 1 >ee. 0 .............. 45 34 .5 10.5 Dee. 10 ............. 39 29 10 Dee. 11 ............. 30 33 3 Dee. 12 ............. 37 31 5 2 5 Dee. 13 . ............. 32 ft 32 1 .5 Dee. 14 . ......... 35 30 .5 4 .5 Dee. 15 ............. 42 39. fl 2 .5 Dee. Ill . ............. 40 31 9 1 lee. 17 . ............. 38 5 32 0 .5 ,11 Dee. 18 . 3 2 .5 tl. 5 Dee. 19 . ............. 47. ft 28 .5 19 Dee. 20 . ............. 43 28 .5 14.5 Dee. 21 ............. 40 5 23 17.5 Dee. 22 . ............. 47 23 24 Dee. 23 . ............. 39 32 I Dee. 24 . 30 9 Dee. 25 . ............. 38 20.5 11,8 Dee. 20 ............. 32 27 5 4 5 Dee. 27 . ............. 42 30 12 Dee. 28 . ............. 30 29.5 6 Dee. 29 . ............. 31. 5 23.5 8 Dee. 30 . ............. 38 28 10 Dee. 31 ............. 30 28 8 Mean o f maximum, 42.09 e r e e s . menu of minimum, 29.50