Image provided by: Central Point School District #6; Central Point, OR
About Gold Hill news. (Gold Hill, Jackson County, Or.) 1897-19?? | View Entire Issue (Dec. 24, 1910)
NEWS FROM THE N‘ T !? fiJ. C *-ITA l on the part of municlpa Ills* and ether public Institutions foil bond la- sues to undertake to finance new American roads. CANNON GRILLS WILSON V.'hat Our Lawm akers Are Do ing and Other Interesting Events. W ashington—Rcprt ’cntatlve Champ d a r k ssued ■mint fully out- lining his piatfora »9 prospective 8pe*ker of tb. Pun c r a te House of Representatives in tb. ■ next Congress, He proclaims him c f In favor of the appointment of 1! ,>«ise com m ittees by n committee, rat ter t h ’n by the Speaker, a n t sta cs his belief that the tariff shoo'd be ■«vised schedule by schedule rather th m in cue single bill. The Democratic House members have sent out a call for « c caucus January 19 of the Democratic i membership of the next House cf R Representatives, The caucus will «elec ct a ways and means committee anil also a rules com m ittee somewhat larger than the present committee of seven. Direct Election of S?nators Favored. Direct i Ice ion of United States senators won in the sub-committee of the Senate Jud'ciary comm ittee by a vote of 2 to 1. Boran and Rayner voted for it and Dillingham against. This briiu-s the question nearer recog nition than it has been in many years. Congress passed the urged deficien cy appropriation bill in one hour and 40 minutes. As the measure carried (1,000,615, this was appropriating public funds at >10,000 a minute. As reported from the House the bill car ried >850,000, but when It reached the Senate it had grown to >995,672 and the Senate added the remainder. T a ft Reduces Own W o rking Force. Abolition of the office of assistant secretary to the President and a com plete reorganization of the executive office force are provided in the legis lative, executive and Judicial bill, pending In Congress and approved by the House committee on appropria tions. Instead of two assistant secre taries to the President, It is proposed that there shall be an executive clerk and a chief clerk. The staff will be reduced by at least nine employes. Action of Future Qovsrner le Called Usurpation, J r" Philadelphia - Senator Heyburn, uf Idaho, Speaker Cannon and Represen tatlvc Champ Clark were among the speakers at the anniversary bunquet of the New Jersey Society of Penn sylvania. Mr. Cannon in his address caused a sensation by his severe crlttclsm of Woodrow W ilson, Governor-elect of Seattle. New Jersey, for the attitude he has Wheat—Bluestem, 83c; Club, 80c- taken in the contest for the United red Russian, 79c. States senatorship in New Jersey. Barley >22 per tou. He deplored the undue activity of Oats >29 per ion newly-risen leaders, who, he said, A H ay—TlmzxUiy, >26 per ton: alfalfa usurp, without authority, the right ol 119 i»er ion j the legislature to choose whom they Butter— Washington creamery, 35e; . I see tit to represent the state in the i ranch, 22c. , National Congress. Eggs—Selected, local. 40c. May Pay Queen “ 1.11." SIDNEY ANOERSON. Portland. W heat—Track prices: Club, )tc ; bluestem, 83c; red Russian, 80o. Barley— Feed. >22; brewing, >2,3 Oat»—No. 1 White, >18 per ton. Hay—Timothy. Willamette Valley, ♦ l9® 30 per ton; Eastern Oregon, >21©21; alfalfa, >14. Butter—Creamery, 37c; ranch, 24c Kggs—- Ranch, candled, 42c. Hope— 1910 crop, 12(i I4e; 1909, 8e; olds, nominal. Wool Eastern Oregon I3©17c lb,; Valley, 17©19c lb. Mohair— Choice, 33©33c. This Young Mon Tokeo Tawnoy'o Place In Congrooo. ALASKA STEAMSHIP OLYMPIA GROUNDS 126 Lives, Including Officials of Alaska Court, Imperiled by Disaster. ■ a \ NEWS OF NOTED PERSONS Honolulu.— A bill to appropriate a BRIEF NEWS OF THE WEEK lump sum of >2UD,0d0 as full payment Frcderonka, the Russian Socialist, ' of all claims of ex-Quccn l.ilitiokalanl whose extradition the Russian gov The total resource« of Yale Univer ¡w ill probably be Introduced at the ernment has been seeking and whose sity, not Including equipment, art, I coming session ot the territorial legis- trial attracted much attention all over hook and other collections, are fig lature. America, was discharged from cus ured at >24,000,000. Seattle.—James J. Hill, cha’rman ot tody at Winnipeg, Cauuda. The pleasure locating the perma Bible House Damaged by Firs. the board of directcra of the Great A boom for Representative James nent capital cf Oklahoma at Qkla New York.— Bible House, the home A. Tawnay, of Minnesota, chairman o( homa City passed both Houses of the Northern Railway, in an interview paid his compliments to Theodore of the American Bible Society, the the House committee, for the govern legislature. Roosevelt, discussed -he future of the Christian Herald and several Metho orship of the Isthmian canal sone has Charles D. Drew and Charles Nnr- railroads of the country, and consid dist publications, was the scene of an has been started. Mr Tawney was dell, former "Boss” government ered the case of the professional ugly fire. The blase started on the defeated for re-election. weighers, who » ere convicted of tnk sixth floor, doing damage of nearly muckraker. Willis b. Moore, chief of the Bulled Ing bribe money for the raise weigh “Theodore Roosevelt, poor fellow— >10,000. States weather bureau, denies the ing of sugar, were sentOnced to 10 I know him well—he means well, but charges of “mismanagement, extrava months each in the New York peni Old Indian Buildings Sold. he never has had a week of continu gance and Irregularities" In his de tentiary at Dlackw«|l> Island. Pendleton.—The old agency build partment made by James Berry, a ! The Stork train from New York, ous control of him self since he first got into power. When he gets a ings which have stood for half a cen former employe. bearing 53 orphaned and foundling cheering crowd in front of him he tury or more, on the Umatilla Indian John I). Rockefeller's Standard Oil bablea, to be adopted by T essa fami simply loses all control, and that ex reservation and which have been go income is >19.32 a minute, according lies received a warm reception at ing to pieces under the hands of van to the quarterly dividend of 10 per Houston, Tezas. plains it.” Mr. Hill said the professional muck- dals, were sold at auction by Major cent, amounting to >10,000,000 on all In Roston and vicinity numerous raker is now, to all intents and pur K. L. Swartxlander, and are to be t^rn the stock which has been authorised patriotic and historical societies ob by the directors. It Is estimated that i served the 137th anniversary of the poses, out of a Job. The railroads down and moved away. Among the buildings sold was the Rockefeller, since 1881, has received cannot undertake much needed new "Boston Tea Party,” when, as a pro construction until there Is an entire first church ever erected on the reser >180,000,000 In Standard Oil dividends I test against the action of Great Brit change of public sentiment towards vation. This was used for many years In addition to >100,000,000, his equity ain In levying taxes on the colonies, a them Neither Englisn nor French by the Catholics before the present la the profits of the concern Since party of citizens disguised tnem selves bankers, he said, would advance Saint Andrews mission was estab 1(82 the company has disbursed as Indians and threw overboard a lished at Its location near the foot money for railroad bonds la America >701,(11,610 out of its profits of eargo of tea rather (ban pay the taxes of the mountains. under existing conditions. The Amer- >l,12>.442,0<4, leavlag a surplus of necessary to land It. 'can banks have too heavy demands (419,(79,444 MUCKRAKING MUST CEASE.SAYS HILL Valdez, Alaska Completely shcuth ed In Ice, with a great hole torn In her hull amidships anil with from 25 to 38 feet of water In all her com partments, tliv Ala-ika Steamship Company's liner Olympia lies like a stranded Iceberg on the reef of dreary llllgh Island, I'rlutc William Sound, and la ezppcted to become a total loss, with her c ugo. part of which' had been saved from the same coin pany's steamship Northwestern, when «he was sunk at False Bay, Puget Bound, recently. Of the till persons on hoard the Olyinplu When she «truck nil were saved and taken to Valdez and Blla- mar with the ezceptlon of throe uiviubvrs of the crew, who arc stuud- Ing by the ship. The Olympia sailed from Cordova ai it o'clock Sunday night, having ar rived front Beattie earlier In the day. Although the night was clear and a full moon shed a bright light, navlga tlon was made dangerous by a 50- m ile gale, which was blowing from the north. Between 12 and 1 o'clock Mondry morning the operator on duty at the navy wireless station picked up the distress signal of the Olympia. He answered at once. Operwtor Hayes, on the Olympia, then rent an urgent nppeal for help, saying that the Olym pia had struck on Btlgh Island and was in an exposed position Heavy seas are breaking over her. making the position of those on board all the more perilous the Ban Antonio, Texas, cowboy fac tory, which has been doing a land office business all over tbe United States. For >3, according to the ad vertisement of the “factory,” real oow- boye would be made and placed on the "Great Rincon Ranch.” See Turner for v«ur Christmas candies and nuts of all kindr. C H R IS T M A S ANNOUNCM ENT! TO OUR MANY CUSTOMERS; A MERRY CHRISTMAS A , U .u .1 Our Store i . “CHOCK” to Ihe Brim, Therefore W e Are Offering Some Greet ChriOm. Inducements b a r g a in s Our Stock is More Complete than Ever, and there is nothing nicer for Christmas Presents than . Piece of Our SOLID OAK, WHITE MAPLE, 5IFJDS-EYE MAPLE FURNITURE .«pevfrteZnT ' ' W .W S ^ ^ B ^ w te S f E ttt MAI iY HOUSES ARE MARKING THEIR GOODS UP. SPECIAL ATTENTIC IS CALLED TO OUR COMPLET LINE OF DISHES. WE ARE NOT; that can he bough, on the market. w, ExP„ t M Everything w . „ave Positively the only hoos^n To»„ whore you can get Six Diilercnt Patterns of English Good. O ur L in e oi C h r is t m a s C h in a w a r e Is More Extensive and Better Selected than Ever Before, and We Have a Reputation for Our Taste in Selecting this Line of Goods TOYS! TOYS! TOYS! SPECIAL ATTENTION IS CALLED TO OUR CHRISTMAS LINE OF TOYS, DOLLS, ETC. Hobby-Horses, Automobiles, Steam and Electric Trains for the Boys. Dolls for the Girls,’ and a complete line of Presents for both Old and Young DON’T FORGET THE NAME KNOWN ALL OVER THE GLOBE m i C A M We alone Handle His Machines and Records. Complete.Line for Christmas I L L z lO v z I N ▼ > A r p zA I C W r f i\U L | But a nice Present will be give to each cus- I 1 1 11 iT — tom er whose cash purchase amounts to $5.00 or more by old Santa Claus himself COME AND SEE US EARLY CENTRAL 05225725 J STORE T. M. J o n e s , P r o p . CENTRAL POINT’S BIG TOY ANO CROCKERY STORE