The party who took the gold-handled umbrella from the dance hall last night is known, and prosecution will follow = = = = = = = = = unless the stolen property is returned immediately to the Bon Ton - f . w . Dodge = = = = = = = = = = = = = Local Notes M arry Chriatm aal W atch Gold H ill grow. You can’t biwp a good thing down. Gold Hill la the one be-t b«i in »outtiem Oregon. Engineer Dodge #«> nt Gold Ray and Medford Tuesday. A. N. Hulb-ri w,i* at Jackson­ ville on husinea» Monday. W . K Thompson was a buatnea« The Hunday ecl.ool will give a Chrietmaa program thia evening. Much time and work ha* tven spent in preparing it, and the young folk» and their teacher* i re eure to do theiurelvr* proud. The tree and decora' ion#— but go and see. ma RE Mra. M. R. Rice give* o u t the In­ fo rm a tio n th a t h o lid a y rate* will prevail on the Southern I’a di i from December 24 th—tod ay-u n til Jan­ uary 2d— the day you find you've broken at lea«t one ol your re*olu lion-. A fare and a thiid will la- granted for round trip*. Rev. T. M. Jones, formerly of thia place, hut now engaged in the lurniture hueinea» at Central Point, b*a an advertisement in thia i»au- of The News. Mr June» i* one ol the live bttaineaa men of Central Po|n| wh both appreciate the latter. W. I.. McClure has had his r Mrs. G. 8. Anderson strived quarts mill, which is operated by from Ashland yesterday to speti d water power from Rogue liver, put Christina« with Mr. Mrs. Frank in ahap« for operation, and experts Bowers in Sams Valley. Other» to make a run on gold-bearing rock who will partake of Chriatmas cheer in a few days. at the eaiue home are J. Q. Jarvis J. C. Kirk ami son Tom came up bm ilv and Mr(| KlUh„rif„. from Hawkinsville. California^ Mau|ww, and ,iule girl> Mr„ Monday, and have bean looking ^jaltj,PWS ¡, j j r< Jarvia' sister, who over liie old town. As The News is visiting him from Silverton. ha» frequently remarked, they all Ed Simmons came up from come back. French Gulch, California, this week, Extensive repairs and im H((d jg ,()okillg ft(ler , nUreaU hare, provemenis have been made on the JI# re||tad hu new C(lUagein Sardine creek plant of the Gold , he 1)ekum ll(1(|Umn to Wm. H. Hili Lumber company -he past late oi Pierrt, Booth Dakota, week. C. Steigers, a Grants Pass who haa accepted a position as as ex|>ert, has been in charge of the aistant cashier at the Gold Hill work. Bank. H. A. Mears was in from the S. V. McFerren advertised an Revenue mine on Kanes creek auction rale for Wednesday evening Wednesday and Thursday. It was and with Bill Hsyes as auctioneer his first visit to town since he and was successful in materially rtxfuc his associates bought tho property ing his stock of jewelry. Mr. Mc­ several months ago. Ferren is an enthusiastic collector w. W. Short was in from Foots of i„ca| curios, and perhaps has as creek Wednesday with twenty-six fine a collection of Rogue river turkeys, all hut two of which he arrowheads as can he found in sold to Frank Caldwell. Foots creek Oregon produces everything, from prime Mrs. James U. Smith made her turkeys to gold nuggets the size of | husband a handsome Christmas turkey eggs. ■ present in the form of a healthy A New A ear’s ball will lie given ma|e addition to the family. Il at the opera house Friday evening, hftIipenedTuesday, and Dr. S m ith - December 30. Music by Demaree’s ,,ver gee ft piaee where Smiths were orchestra,the same good music that g0 lbick as they are ’round here?— helped to make the Royal Neighbor reportg that an ¡« )„Vely at the ball last night such a success. It j j m g mj^, chateau, which reposes will cost one dollar to trip the light nn jbe bo8ky hanks of the classic fantastic on this occasion. Sardine. Those are the doctor’s Ed Simmons will soon begin very words, Recording to Jack another house on his lots in the Jarvis. One hundred eighty-nine eggs in Dekiim addition. The building of new houses will soon become so 1910 is the record for a single game common that unless thev are three hen belonging to Mrs.W. I). Miller, story brick blocks The News will who lives on Foots creek This not consider them of sufficient paragraph is printed not only with intent to celebrate the performance importance to mention. Wm. Rhoten, who is six feet six of Mrs. Miller’s great game hen, and who is working for Wm. Lewis, but to start a string of stories that on his Kanes creek ranch, went to will result in a definite knowledge Medford on business Thursday, of the champion egg producer ol Mr. Rhoten is not tbe longest thing southern Oregon. J. E. Crews has on Kanos creek. He killed a cou­ some Indian Runner ducks that gar not long ago that measured may crowd the leaders. Fully seventy five citizens turned fourteen feet from tip to tip. visitor nt Medford Tuesday. Kohl. Sexauer, of Grant* Paas, fralernited with local Oddfellow* et the tr Ke»*i«ii last evening. 8 . T. Hodge« was among those fiom thia embryo metropolis who visited Medford Iueeday on hua- J h RI NG a n d b e s t w is h e s fo r a HAPPY A N D PR O SPE R O U S NEW Y E A R We thank our many friends for their generous patronage during the past year, and we trust that we merit a con­ tinuance in 1911 M e r r itt Q» C o m p a n y out to the mass meeting at the opera house Tuesday night, and the greatest interest was manifest­ ed in the various things which were taken up. Every committee report indicated progress. The garden row sidewalk committee reported that work was already liegun on the new walk which i« to save them wading mud hereafter. The dis­ cussion of the proposed new bridg- abe, was long drawn out. and re­ sulted in a decision to set a “bridge day,” which will occur while the county court is in session ami on which it will lie the purpose for everyone in Gold Hill to go Jack­ sonville and help advance t b e good cause of getting a uiod-rn l-ridge in place of the antiquated and danger­ ous present structure. Charged with leaving fire at their camp on Elk creek, where they were hunting last August, W. P. Bailey and J . L. Moore were arrested by Deputy United States Marshal T. E. Hammersly last week and taken to Medford before U. 8. Com­ missioner Canon, where they pleaded not guilty. They were released on bouda of $750 each to appear before the Uuited States grand jury in March. C. F Young and L. L. Duffield went Moore's bonds, and W. H. Harvey and A.J. Olsen guaranteed Bailey’*. Both men are experienced woods­ men,and their friends here consider it impossible that they should lie guilty as charged. They helped the rangers fight fire when on Elk creek, and it is thought that they must have incurred the enmity of some of the khaki-coats, hence the tbe charges against them. Harry F. Murray, who published Ths News for three months just prior to the advent of the present publisher to Gold Hill, has come back, too. He went from here to Ashland, where he started a job shop and built up a splendid busi­ ness, but his feet got to itching for the hills and his fingers for the pan, so he suddenly sold out for a good figure, came to Gold Hill, traded his trotting horBe to John Hammersly for two burros, loaded them with grub and tools, and set out for Cresoent City. He pros­ pected in that dietriot, and has a fine copper-gold olairo that he calls the “ Monte Chrieto.” But he came back to Gold Hill, as they all do, Ed Simmons, Albert 8anders and Ed Bolt are called upon to testify on this point. However, Mr. Murray came back with the notion of lo- Locals continued oa the last page RECIPROCITY W e have been helping our Santa Claus fill his pack and he has been helping us sell our goods. We are satisfied and we think he is. He knows that we will be ready to help him up to the last minute 4 LANCE& COMPANY Gold Hill, Oregon lif t (rh? Ready for Christmas? Then See Reddy HAVH THK LARGEST STOCK OF FINE DIAMONDS, I I LOOSE AND MOt’NTED, I HAVE I— L.I my EVER HAD. SEE WATCHES, DIAMOND - MOUNTED JEW ELRY, STERLING SILVER, CLOCKS, CUT GLASS. STERLING SILVER TOILET AND MANICURE SETS. EVERYTHING OF TH E LATEST DESIGN AND PATTERN DON’T FO RG ET T o SE E MV S T O C K I F YOU OOME __________________TO MEDFORD______ MARTIN J. REDDY NliAR roswmea MEDFORD Reddy is Always Ready for Christmas - y t y Have you seen the free prize silverware at Lance & Compan’ys? A handsome 7-jewel 20-year case Waltham watch is one o f the < n ro c o n fc fp o a »tasepa