Image provided by: Central Point School District #6; Central Point, OR
About Gold Hill news. (Gold Hill, Jackson County, Or.) 1897-19?? | View Entire Issue (Dec. 24, 1910)
Card of 1 hanks i Oregoo NureeryC*». v»G . A. Hoover. Action to recover m ooev, Jury am- W e He-ire next** "Ur 'hanks panelled and »worn. Jure taken to FuM Mted fv e ry Saturda» X GoM MtM, orchard to vlowtroe». Te.Humoy taken to 'tie m e y friend« «ho were • so Jeckscn County, Orv£J« and case subm itted. Jury returned a much «»si t a n e - 'o u- during o urj ____________ __________ ~ - "':.TT7= lat« h-ron Temetti. verdict lor the defendant. G« rge Lancs anti Son. , RfX M. IAMPMAN D. Franklin rs Rogue R iser Valley Xur-ery Co. Partlee granted tim e in ■■tvr*d M the tiohl Hill iMwtofllcv for tr*n*inlr- which to lortber plead. •ion through the Catted Si me« mail» TO ASK Fun i.n d u .i BOUNTY •• pCKoed-claM matter State of Oregon es Joseph Warren indicted lor larceny Defendant allowed H arn ey County F arm ers Suffer Heavy Subscription $1.50 Per Annum, in Advance to withdraw former plea of not gui'iy | Losses. and pie ul guilty. Seatonoed to a rve Burns.—The Burns Commercial club S aturday , D ecember 17,1010 i five month» In the county jail. has started a movement to secure an State ol Oregon va Julian A. Mock, enactm ent by the next legislature I indicted by the grand jury lo r the ram. passing a small bounty on jackrab der ol Jea»e Smith Defendant having bits. This at first glance may appear . Continued plead not guilty, the ea»e oatne on reg ridiculous, but the Jackrabbit pest la Bob Iremiiltxi arttf got a little nearer ularly for trail, jury empanelled and a serious proposition In this part of to the ruler He had a momentary sworn, testimony ol wltnerwa taken, Oregon. The sage brush plains are Idea of knocking Scrooge down with It, argument-* of onun*el, charge to jury. alive with then- and successful culti holding him aud calling to the people etc. Jury alter being cut live hour* vation of gardens, fruit trees, alfalfa io tile court for help and a strait w aist returned a verdict ol murd.-r lu the and even grain has been an Impossi coat. second degree. Sentenced to the pee* bility the past two seasons on ac “A merry Christmas. Bob.“ said i ten Gary for life. count of their ravages The club has gcro-ige. with an earnestness thst Stale ol Oregon v* John O’Conno- . could not be mistaken, as he clapped ludicled by grand jury lor the lareeov , also Inaugurated a movement to give him on the back—“a merrier Christ moral and substantial support to Sen Defendant plead not mas. Bob. my good fellow, than I have of an animal. ator Parrish and Representative given you for many a year. I’ll raise gu ilty. Case set for trial January 23,1911 i Brooke in securing legislation for es State of Oregon vs Anton« Du rev. tablishment of an agricultural experi your salary and en d es'or to assist your struggling family, and we will Indicted for disturbing a religious ment station In Harney valley, as ad discuss your affairs this very after m eeting. Def-sndaot p**>- 1 guilty noon over a Christmas bowl of smok Court impose.! the iiilniii-uiu fine of |10. vocated by President Kerr, of the Ag ricultural College. ing bishop. Bob! Charles H. Healeyjvs A. W. Thoma. “Make up the fires and buy another Action to recover money. Jury trial. Portion of Rood M ust Bo Movod. coal scuttle before you dot another I. Verdict for plaintiff in the sum of $250. Bob Cratchlt!" Salem .—According to J. P Newell, Trail Lumber Co. vs J. K Culver. • • • • • • • engineer for the state's portage road Defendant given ten days in which to 8crooge was better than bis word. around Celilo rapids, the officials of further plead. He did it all and Infinitely more, and L. L. Angle vs John W. S m ith , et al. the portage road have been notified to Tiny Tim. who did not die. be was Dismissed upon stipulation ol the by the United States government that a second father. He became as good about three miles of the state's track a friend, as good a master and as good parties. bed la laid on the government'! a man as the good old city knew or PROBATI COURT right-of-way, wnd will have to be any other good old city, town or bor Some of the present track In the matter ol the estate of J. C. moved ough In the good old world. He had no further Intercourse with Emerick, deceased. Order appointing bed will have to be moved one and one-half miles. spirits, but lived upon the total absti administrator and appraisers. nence principle ever afterward, and In the matter ol the guardianship ol It was always said o f him that he Frances W lnoilred Quigley. Bowerman Gives Tacom a Help. Order knew how to keep Christmas well. If Salem. Or.— Acting Governor Jay sppointlng guardian. any man alive possessed the knowl Estate of W illiam Owings, deceased. Bowerman has telegraphed to Major- edge May that be truly said of us. General Leonard Wood petitioning and all o f us. And so, as Tiny Tim Bond of admistrator filled. him to hold another military tourna Estate of C. W. Kahler, deceased. observed. God bless us every one! Final account approved, executor and ment at Tacoma. bondsmen discharged. Estate of Rebekah McDonough, de Get vour sweetheart a box ol ceased. Order approving final account those nice tx>xe» of candy at Turner’s and discharging the administrator. in Hie matter of the guardianship of Frieda and Milton Fisher, rninjrs. Notice Petition for sale of real estate filed. The Gold Hill News CHRISTMAS CAROL Party who took the umbrella from Petition granted and order to show Jarvis’ drug store on November 29, cause issued. please return to save pr >secution,as jruur identity is known. Wm Pxulev. Official County Scat N ew s CIRCUIT COURT State of Oregon vs E. K. Earhart Rape, grand jury returned not a true hill. State of Oregon vs Chaales Bnrkman. Iodict>-d for polygamy. Grand jury re turned a true bill. State of Oregon vs John Doe. Indict ed for indecent exposure. Grand jury returned a true mil. Bench warrant ordered for the arrest of defendant. Slate of Oregon vs John Doe and Richard Roe, charged with havmg in their possession a female deer. Grand jory returned a true bill. Bench war- rant or.ieroa lor the arrest of the de- fendants. A n ev grand jury consisting of the following nani*--! persons was drswD, eworn and charged, viz:- H. H. God dard, F. J. Ayres, F. M. Sellers, J. B. Jackson, W . B. Miller, Bert Anderson, W S. Cnapman. State oi Oregon vs Elizabeth Her- berger. Charged with trespass. Grand jury returned not a true bill. N ettie Fleming vs Robert L. Flem ing. Suit for divorce. Default order granted. Testimony offered, taken ad visem ent. Thomas Bartholemew vs Edith Bar- tholemew. Suit for divorce. Decree by default 4 ,he maUer ° ‘ lhe eil“ e an'1 B°"r- d ia n sh ip o l Mary A. K ilgore, ail insane person. Petition and order of removal to Klamath county. Estate ol Margaret D. Long, deceaseJ. Final account and report filed. Order for publication ol fiu&l notice. In the matter ol the estate of Rial Benedict, deceased. Final account of admfnistra or tiled. NEW CASES FILED George Coster vs John Mattia and J. B Evans. Suit to forclose lien. Complaint filed. Neff A Mealey, a't- orneys for plaintiff. C. W. Mathews »• J. F Shearer Action to recover money. Complaint tiled. W. I. Vawterand F. J. Newman. attorney for the p.ainllff. L. W. D. MdKeel vs James Sumner, et al; suit to quit title. Complaint file- Summons issued. H. D. N orton, st- torney lor plaintiff. V alley Auto Company vs G. Soov Action to recover money. Complaint filed. Affidavit and undertaking for attachment. W . E . Phipps, attorney (or plaintiff Gaddi A Dixon vs J . F. Mundj and w aiter Mundy. Action to recover money. Complaint filed. W. E . Pnlpps, attorney for plaintiff. MARRIAGE LICENSES John J. O senbr ugge and Ladie Fan line S tu rgis. C layton R. 8m ith and Alice Luman. W . A. Marvin and Gwendolyn Stickel Thomas R. Belcher and Sarah J Grazer, OREGON The L a s t C a ll o f the W est Big Doll Voting Christmas Hints Contest Toilet Cases Manicure Sets Shaving Sets Hand Mirrors Safety Razors Dolls Contest Closes Tonight Cut Glass Cigar Jars Box Perfume Cigars Pipes Latest Books Save your Coupons for some little Girl Burnt Wood Post Card Albums Baby Sets Hammered Brass Hand Bags Fountain Pens We wish everyone a Pictures Pocket Knives Merry Christmas Razors Hair Brushes Com bs and a Desk Sets Child's Sets Happy New Year Music Rolls Bill Books Purses Jarvis the Druggist Cigar Cases Did you see this beautiful article picturing Oregon in four colors in the November Sunset? $25,000 is being spent by Sunset Magazine on a series of articles superbly illustrat ed in four colors picturing and describing the attractions and resources of the W o n d erla n d o f the P a c ific We will send you the next three issues of Sunset com mencing with the special December issue in which be gins the best serial novel of the year, “The Spell,’ by C. N. & A.M. Williamson, and a superbly illustrated article in four colors on “San Francisco —the Exposition City;” and in addition we will include a copy of the November issue containing the beautiful illus trated article on Oregon. All for 25 cents (stamps or coin). Sunset Magazine W ells F argo B uilding P o rtla n d - Oregon -J C a lifo r n ia Il the piers to visit. Orange grove* In full bloom, iropioal (lower*, leraont hotel*. historic Old Mierione, attractive w atering place», delightful clim ate, making that lavured »octlon the nation’* ino»t popular retreat. You can *ee it at ita bei*t via the Shasta and Route “T h e R o a d o f a T h o u s a n d W o n d e r s" S o u t h e r n P a c ific C o m p a n y Up-to-date train», flret-ela«« in every respect, unexcelled dining-car service, quick time and direct connect Ions to all j>olnts nouih. S P E C IA L R O U N D T R IP F A R E O F $ 5 5 .0 0 PORTLAND TO LOS A N G ELES ANO RETURN With oorrcspoudlng io* fares from all other sections of the Northweat. Liberal stop over« in each direction and lonjf limit.. Interesting and at tractive literature on the various resorts and attractions of California can be had on application to any S . P. or O. R. A N. Agent, or from W m . M c M u rra y , G en eral P an en ger A gent Portland, Oregon Special Sale on Men’s and Ladies’ Ready-lo-Wear Garments 25,000 sq. ft. of Floor Space All Filled KENTNER’S With Everything for Everybody for Christmas Bargains MEDFORD