Image provided by: Central Point School District #6; Central Point, OR
About Gold Hill news. (Gold Hill, Jackson County, Or.) 1897-19?? | View Entire Issue (Dec. 17, 1910)
Have you seen the free prize silverware * Lance & Company's? A handsome 7-Jewel 20 year case Waltham watch Is one of the Christmas presents for their patrons <? ... Col E W. Cooper, th« Cicero of H a rry Mraaler waa up from Med ' *4am Va ,y . in 'own th - flrxt ford on huaineee W ntneeday. He of li « l< m king a hti«ky Hav ha« recently taken hack hia K«gu« ana with on ha d and ahaklng River Eiah company from W a lle r ii n '► ih il « g«i arai public with ila y te r, to whom it waa Hold acver- al month« ago. Dr. Chiaholm ban sold bia prao- the nth* r . 1' a I who have anv doubt of the tic« here to l>r. C. H. Smith of Mr». H a rry P e ttit arrived from Galioa, «ml will »hortly r«in<»v«i fu tu re "I il U l K ill onuid have Portlai d the that of the week to io Woodville with bia fam ily. Tfi atten i d 'lie meeting n fth e C itisM i’a j„ in her husband, who last week The New«. They doctor has hteti piaeticiug in Gold le-Hgu« Monday evening, i hn«e lo,4 „ H ill for th« part twelve year», and iliini l « m il I now lw in the ««rap- |„IVB ,e„ted room« in the Beeman : E verything « »Icula'ed for j „„ Main Street which they w ill he and bia «aoellenl family are an he p idnuiithd with th« community that • h» i-iv.i 1 emei 1 of Gold M ill waa | geeupy aa m oil aa their gooda Local Notes arrive. their remotrai, <even to >o ik x « taken up and ra rifu llv (liarua-ed. M r, ' point aa W . im I v III«, « ill l«av« a C mm, 1 « report, were h« rd And „ WUB rBCBrlt, 1 vi cancy which of o-urae w ill never in«» . « n m n ta made hy C hair j g f„ (or b e fllle d — I^nieae th e v re iu rn The ma- H n«.« T h e m «♦ me ting w ill |ni, Ilfe r #t „„„ reason for Dr Chlaholm’e Iravu g he hi t e era hr t i e I oe-day e v e n -, llu|,ce. wive|| lh „ o N - l -, Ml M ed. »the town w ith a fu tu re ’ la th at m «11 who fawns advance- fnr(j K,,H w i„ <, 1I)1|„.lB for believe, he haa a mine w ill, a future no - t . m l . . . ||,.r « prepared Io join , the gr#,)(, |>r)gM w j„ ( , h„ w il,n„ r, , other dance, in the aerie. l t ia a copper mine, ■ arryinv a i. ■ i th e Io W a rd -m a rc h m o ve m e n t fo r in «1er (¡old H ill. good valm a in gold, and it . aituatinn a , M r. and Mra. L . A. liam m eraly lit tiie Meadow, diatrict m ake, it A d a y lig h tfc u ;g h .rjr com- , l(| fro„ , ,,f Cb> p- v tiam - easier 1 f aci<e»a from Woodville m ilte d 1 t ' « G o ld H i d H n el Mou I piin dredge, where M r I I . waa em than from Gold H ili. A good r an, d V E (te. n d o lla r., a ring and a ployed for several innntha, and are w ith no h ill, to clim b or unolmili, hog o dv were taken from a are now <o«ily sell led in tio M ra goes rigid paet it from the fo rm -r drawer m Mia. E m ily («lover*, room lei «on re-idence. city. T iie dootor couaidera t'.e I* i o r.'inge*. « ho occupied the Ered It rher, a brother of Mrs. mine h i. main chance, and like tic next room were all-neclgd, aa they balance ol hum auitv he iain ten t u W »r- t'.e only people on the »«comi W . R. Oxley and H a rry Barber, following that chance. Hence f oor a' * e lim e 't la thought the left with Lon Barber and fam ily W oodville’, gain ami Gold P i l l ’ , theft «a- com m itted. Tn»r« waa for hia home in ea»tern Canada last loaa of a splendid <n<ix»n, a d« p not auificeni evidence, however, to week, after a brief visit here. George Lym an haa iieen at student of ecooomic- and a keen « a rr.iii their arrest, rid t h - y left observe, of current events. o l i e al e noon motor for («ranta .lark«otivll|e thi« week on ju ry duty. 11« aerv«<l hi« country last year in Dr. C H . S m ith ami mother a r l'a-». Ihn au-picion waa d iv e rt'd (he same capacity. a .mewhal wb«o i' waa rived yesterday from Gallo«. D . fiom tu A B. Cornell, the Grant« Paas S m ith has purchared the practice found Tn ail v morning that C lid e of D r. Chisholm, and with Id- t o n e ’ i. yclc h 'd been amlen, a« inaur« nee man, waa here Wednea- mother w ill henceforth be a r ai the Io (I I’i ik -r'o r,« argue th at a dav distributing Oregon Life cal- ! dent of Gold H ili. He ia already tell, w who w old tie b"Id enough endara. Mra. Mae G ra n t waa here from itiiereated in this d i.trio t to tiie to atei m ney ami jewelerv at main which waa ah u the tim e t h . finn 1 Medford Tuesday. She cam« after , extent that he ia the owner of C<> poral G mine on Sai dm» creek, and 'heft occ urad, ai d take tim e to her liltl« taiy, who had Iieen visiting in fact haa always been onnaidcred then b tnrelf lo candy, would b« friends here for a week. aa (.«longing as much to Gold H II t«>l ' em ugh to wait till ev. ning R. E . Sm ith, horticulturist at the | aa Galio«. 11« w ill have h i. o H ie ah ado «. had fallen t > «teal a bicycle Kivereide orchard, w»f at Medford in th« building occupied hy E - ou which to make away on business Monday. giocer E. W . Dodge on M ain alrart H If L .m p m a ti was down from Mra. H. Pelton and little Mrs F. Zana o f Bams V alley Aaheaina W ednerday, and reported daughter were the guest, of M ed paid a visit to thia city the fore p t ¡he r.-o i- a i.amg far from an App ford Irienda several days this week. of th« week, and was accompaine I •’’ v 7 cond turn. If vou believe in greater Gold H ill, hy iter sister and gu««t, Mra. K a B H Ha ria returned Monday ti« at th« booster mei ting at the therine Ingraham . Mra. Ingraham from Niskivou c >unly, C alifornia, opera hou»e Tuesday evening. w ill be remembered by many aa *h a re b -w « « looking aftar lim ber Mias E m ilv G lover was a G rants having form erly been Mrs. J. C . inter sta. Paas visitor Tuesday. Kurth, of thia city. Hhe I« now I’ . II H arvey was at Medf rd D. H . Cheney was one of the Gold located in Oakland. Cal.- -Grants .1' e-dav 01 tiuain-ss. H ill contingent in Medford Thurs Paas Outlook. day. Tit« Gold t i il i Cafe serve« Hun The News family lost rorne good Mr. and Mrs • W . If . Oxley were m l fib i n y y cents. w ih h , tieighliora thia week when .Mr. and dav chicken dinner r at Mrs. Tom Wes', who lived just ea-t «!«<• u -u a l dinner order at u ,ir|y j Grants 1 asaVailora yester, ay. . .. — W||| <^rVe a nice C h ri» t- John Kelsev visi'ed Central o f — The -- News building in the — I)r . .. K ai — <*nts residence, removed lo the south mas d liner «t fifty cents, r i e . h Point friends Wednesday. Marion Lance was up from M ed «ide. They are now nicelv in W. •’• t «« to «»II you now hy th» can. A . Cook’s house, just across the Leave y ur order« with us for fi»h ford on business Thursday. sheet from Judge Morelock’s. clams (»old H ill Cafe. Mra. L . Jennings was a visitor in Res the fi' e In e of candies Ree Turner for your Christmas T u n er'» candies and nuts of all kinds. at FOR CHRISTMAS FANCY GROCERIES OF ALL KINDS DRY GOODS Fancy handkerchiefs and neckwear for ladies and gentlemen JUST RECEIVED A line of gentlemen’s fine shirts; also a shipment of gentlem en’s fine shoes for the holiday trade J u st r e m e m b e r w e have a H a n d so m e lin e o f b a n d -p a in te d c h i n a fo r C h r is tm a s p r e s e n t s MERRITT CO., G o ld H ill Ready for Christmas? TTten See Reddy I ------- HAVK TUR I.AKOEST STOCK OF FINE DIAMONUS. LOOSE AND MOLNTED, I HAVE MV EVER HAD. SEE W ATC H M , DIAMOND - MOCNTBD JEWELRY, STERLING SILVER, CLOCKS. CUT OLASS. STERLING SILVER TOILET AND MANICURE SETTS. EVERYTHING OP T llR LATEST DESIGN AND PATTERN tX>N’T FORGET TO SEE MY STOCK IP YOP COME ___________________ Ti 1 M BI if ORD________________ MARTIN J. REDDY "« a * rotTorwca MEDFORD Reddy is Always Ready for Christmas Medford Thursday. E ig h t days more. C H R IS T M A S G IF T S FRO M V A N D E C A R ’S P L E A S E A Liberal Disceunt on all Goods for Two Weeks before Christmas. Our stock in the Largest in the City, consisting of D IA M O N D S, W A T C H E S , C U F F LINKS a n d S C A R F P IN S In (Solid G o ld a n d G o ld F ille d S te r lin g S ilv er a n d E b o n y T o ilet (Sets O ver 5 0 0 P attern s in F o b s a n d LocR ets R ED U C ED PRIC ES F O R TW O W EEKS A small deposit will hold any of these beautiful Christmas Gifts until you are ready to send for them. When you buy a Christmas present you want to know that it as represented and th at it will please the recipient. We boast of the quality of our goods and take pride in making every claim good. A specialty of Lodge Pins and Charms in Gold and Gold Filled Goods F l g i n a n d W a lth a m W atches $ 5 an d u p A large line of BOYS’ WATCHES, $1 to $5 LADIES’WATCHES, $0.50 UP 14K Seal All Engraving done by skilled workmen without extra charge while you wait Rings T tí z X ; kA We carry Libby’s, Hawk’s and Hoar’s Rich Cut Glass, the three leading American makes v F.163S Look AH Over Town, Then Call and Get Our Prices Phipps Building Van De Car Medford *