Image provided by: Central Point School District #6; Central Point, OR
About Gold Hill news. (Gold Hill, Jackson County, Or.) 1897-19?? | View Entire Issue (Dec. 17, 1910)
\ « >L. 13 NO. 32 GOLD HILL. JACKSON COUNTY, OREGON, SATURDAY, DECEMBER 17, 1910 CIRCUIT COURT PROCEEDINGS F. L. Tou Veil«, vs. John tt. Alien. Action to recover money. Diautlssed. Oregon Nursery company va. George A. Hoover. Time In which to plead extended io Dec. 12. F. W. Week» va. John R. Allen. Action to .recover money. Dismissed. F. W. Caln and J. W. Key« va Jno. It. Allen. Dismissed * Fanner» and Fruitgrower» Rank va. John. It. Allen. Action to recover money. Dismissed. 8. J. Mapes va. Joseph M. Gagnon. Demurrer auatalned. Fred Rupp va. Artie Rapp. Suit for divorce. Deere by default. State of Oregon va. Thomaa Col lin». Indictm ent for larceny. Grand Jury returned a true bill. Defend an t plead guilty. Julaa Cole va. Inca Cole. Suit for divorce. Motion to file amended com plaint denied by the court. A. J. Daley va. I). II. Karri«. Ac tion to recover money. Judgm ent for plaintiff on pleading«. Medford Builder»' Supply Co. va. 11. U. Stockman, et al. Demurrer ov erruled. I. A. Merriman va. It. L. Hill. Or der confirming »ale of property un der execution. State of Oregon va, Joaeph. R Wat- »on. Grand Ju-y returned not a true hill. Defendant ordered discharged from cuatody. George W. Daley vx. Hoile Daley. Suit for divorce, Testimony of wit- neaae» taken. Caae continued. William T. Kame va. Mary Karne. Hull for divorce. Decree for plain tiff by d efault William W. Fordney va. Katie K. Fordney. Suit for divorce. Decree by default. Mr». E. T. Briggs va. Alice M. Ha ker. Motion denied. Berenice Dahack va, Irvin Dahack. Suit for divorce. Evidence taken and Case continued. James Ringer va Emma Poole et al. Order of court appointing guardian ad Utom. - ................. .. .......... .......... Peter Vacbon va. Robert 1’rlchard. Order granting defendant leave to amend complaint. State of Oregon va. John Edward Cole. Grand Jury returned a true bill. Indicted for uaauult. Prisoner plead guilty. Sentenced to serve three months In Jail. State of Oregon va. Joaeph W ar ren. Indictment: larceny In a build ing. Grand Jury returned a true bill. Defendant plead not guilty. New C ases State of Oregon va. Frank Parahal and J. C. Parshall. Criminal com- plaint. T ranscript from Justice'» docket, Medford district. Marian I. White vs. Southern P a cific Rullwuy Co. Action for damag es. Complaint filed. Summons Is- sued. Oln How va. W. M. Colvlg. Action to recover money. Complaint filed. PROBATE CO URT In the m atter of the estate of C. II. Kingsbury, deceased. Inventory and appraisem ent filed E state of John T. Layton, deceased. Petition lor order to correct Invento ry filed. In the m atter of hte estate and guardianship of Albert 8. Vance, a mnor. Order of co u rt dlrectlug sale 'if certain real property. E state of Martha J. Minnick, de ceased. Order discharging adminis trator and bondsmen. < E state of W. W. Norman, deceased. Proof of publication of notice filed. In the m atter o ' the estate of Hul- dah Ann Culver, deceased. Order confirming sale of real estate. In the m atter of the guardianship of Joseph Welch, an Incompetent. Or der allowing the ju ard lan to receive a certain note. In th e m a tte r of the estate of Mar tha Welsh, deceased. Order confirm ing filial accouut. In the m atter of the guardianship of Nellie M. Alden. Petition for the appointment of a guardian never encounter deliberate Intent to S IX T E E N IN D IC T M E N T S commit crim es against the election i laws. We do find a large exercise o f, The fra u d jury returned Sixteen o f the conduct o f the la te J a c h to n c o u n ty e lectio n gross carelessness, practiced more by , t-u - bill« end iwa act -,u e bills Sat well educated leading citizens than j urday. The recent grand Jury overlooked knowledge of Identity of applicant by persons of meagre educaUon and , Julien A. Mock wan indicted for the perfunctory part of the usual re such as to enable them to Identify limited experience, a carelessness murder in the first degree for the port and hauded out the followlug re such at a bank In the ordinary course more frequently relatively in the city , killing of Jesse. A. Smith a t Medford garding election methods in the coun of business. In September. He plead not guilty than In the country. We find where registering magis ty: We recommend that as the next and will have his trial this week. We have paid good attention to al trates registered naturallzeed citizens general election approaches the pros True bills were found: against leged violations cif election laws of without requiring or even suggesting ecuting attorney of our county and the following: Oregon at the last general election th at naturalization papers be produc city attorneys of our cities be asked H. J. Everett, obtaining money un held In Jackson county. While we ed. rt.j.-n re a and they are hereby asked, to write it-r have not been able to ascertain from The registering office In some In Io each Judge and clerk of election In Ch-irlus B urkeian, Of in lan d , big the means a t our ooriiniand, whether atanes days before the closing of the the county and to each registration am y. or ' pnlvgam y fraudulent votes were actually cast, registration has certified th a t two wit officer prior to the opening of the Jo e W arren, larcen y in a building; we are free to state th at many such nesses appeared and testified to qual books tor registration Milton C arter, larceny; two Indict commending may have been cast through evident IflcallotiB of applicant, when as a mat them to a careful study of tho law s, m ents; on first Indictment plea of misapplication or m isinterpretation ter of fact Just one witness had signed J covering their functions and a rigid guilty entered with sentence of from of the election laws now governing though such witness bad signed twice, j iidlierance tin «eto. one to ten years assessed; other in In this state. dictment pending. In one instance a voter was sworn I We find that many men signed in and proceeded to the polls and L. J. Bardet, obtaining money un C O N T E S T IN N G HO M ESTEADS election blanks on election day, there cast bis vote without resistance.w he n der false p retenses; case comes from upon taking an oath that they were the blank *'a" shows th a t two wit- ! Ashland. Bardet has disappeared and The U. 8. land office Is continuing freeholders In the county, when such nesses and not six had verified the court orders bond forfeited and bench are found by oral and record testi applicant, a fault th at seem s to in- j Its policy of allowing homesteader«! w arrant issued. to prove up and then proceeding to mony to be not freeholders. The remaining Indictments wet* volve registration officers, voters and knock them out of th eir oatents if We find th at In several registra election Judges. against various John Does and Rich It can. The following contests have i tion blanks, where the nam es of six ard Roes and Included two for dis Nothing appears in the regiatra-j fre e h o ld e rs are roqulred as witnesses tlon blanks to Indicate a challenge, been filed with U. 8. Commissioner turbing religious worship. W. H. Canon of Medford. one man has signed more than once where such was had, so far In the case of E. K. E arhart, charg as the Archie Kincaid on allegation of'non- ed with a statutory offense in which as such witness. fact may appear from the examlnaton We find where prominent citizens of 200 registration blanks filled out residing, set for Feb. 4. 1911;, Hi a young, woman was the complain ram Doubleday, non-residence, Feb.. ant, the grand jury failed to retu rn have thus signed twice, varying the November 8 in Jackson county. form of the signature that th eir act Im portant Instances are made 4; Daniel E. Watson,, did not culti a true bill and the defendant was re might seem to be the act of different known by testimony In the grand Ju -' vate or live on land, Feb. 9; Marga leased. men. in the case of Alfred Funke, charg ry room where the registration offi ret Lindsay, non-residence, Feb. 6; We find great laxity on the p art of cer on election day kept a supply of Chas. E Terrill, nonresidence, Feb. ed with larceny, a Medford justice registration officers and witnesses In literature to hand out to new made 8 ;R. H. Bradford, non cultivation. court case, no true bill was found and falling to specify the exact residence voters, concurrently with the com plet defendant was ordered released and Christmas Photos of parties registering on election day. ed blauks, thus taking advantage of exonerated. In some Instances the recldeoce Is his position and opportunity to in Photos taker, before Christmas Christmas Candies and Cigars left entirely blank. In others a house stru ct the careless or transient elev number given was entirely flctlcloua. enth hour citizen, in violation o f the will be finished promptly, reg.rd- Put up in tasty boxes especially lees of the weather. Come in a« In another Instance no city was giv corrupt practice act. designed for gift presentation. The en, while In another the affiant slip earlv as possible. Don’t wait for These and many less im portant lr- ped a cog, It appears, and gave no regularttlea have been brought to the sun t » ?hine. Clouds are just, prices are such »« to make them county or state as h!s residence, which our attention. Each and every one of as good as sunshine. It's all the inexpensive as well as m ost ap was concurred In by six freeholders. these tend to neutralize tb. for « of sam e to me. The pictures are the propriate holiday remembrances. Testimony a t hand shows that our election laws and r e n J .r less What could be nicer for anythin»" some whu act as affiants in swoarlng safe and sacred the Lel'.tP, the c h a r beet ever,. ..nd the price is the than one of th ese handsome boxes la voters while swearing to the Iden acter of which ueutrm ines our Insti r g h te st you ever saw. $5.00 cab ol H avana-, or for ««iy ‘'her” than inets for $3.50. C K. Norcott, tity of the applicant adm it they never tutions, a de luxe package of delicious saw the Individual before, and had no fn .o ’’r Investigations we rarely o r ' Photo Tent. bonbon»? f«. B. THE GRAND JURY’S ROAST is m o r e c o m p le te th a n c a n b e fo u n d in a n y o th e r m e n ’s s to re in s o u t h e r n O r e g o n A Present for “Him” If you c a n ’t th in k of som ething th a t w ould he useful and th a t he is su re to ap p reciate, ju s t call at this p o p u lar m en ’s shop and see the la rg e st and classiest a rra y of clo th in g an d fu rn ish in g s ever show n in so u th ern O regon and th è question will he quickly answ ered. W e will he pleased to lay aw ay a n y th in g you wish and hold u n til you can conveniently call. If you like, wc gladly tie up y o u r parcels fo r you ready to send out an d save you th e trouble. U se u s for an y of th ese d u ties— the pleasure is all O lli's . Plenty of Courteous Salesmen will give all time required to make your selections SUSPENDERS— . V-v- ^ r i l L L I E l g fr •H e r’ A h a u tifu l fine of fine H oliday Suspenders put up in b eau tifu l H oliday boxes —ju s t Hie item for one of his presents. 50c and along to $2.00 a box UMBRELLAS NECKW EAR— We are show ing a fine line of rain p ro o f U m brellas fo r m en an d women an d in th e best gloria, union and silk covers— tap e edges, etc., anti the prices are v ery low— A swell line of P e rs ia n ef fects—th e uew bengaliues an d o th e r late novelties; w ill p u t in individual boxes if you like—also full d ress ties. $1.00 and to $10.00 LOUNGING AND BATH ROBES— HOUSE COATS AND SMOKING JA CKETS— The sw cllcst line you ever saw — fo r solid comfort, and the g re a te s t blessing in cold w eath er commend us to one of these robes— See th e handsom e new effects—ao m th in g th a t hub- hv (p re se n t o r fu tu re ) will ap p ereiate m ore th a n an y th in g lie ev er owned. $5.00 and up to $12.50 Prices from $5.00 and along to $12.50 DRESS SHIRTS AND VESTS— Como here anil let us «how you the finest line of drags Bhlrtg, vests, also the swellest line of golf and nog- llgao styles. COLLAR HAGS AND GLOVES— Here Is the place to come for your collar bags and the finest line of m en’s dress gloves th a t you could wish to find. These will be put In Individual boxes If you wish. Where to Purchase? •Him” Prices to Suit. SEE (H It C1AITH1NG, HAIN COATS, ETC.— You should call and see the line of fine clothing, all from the w orld’s best m akers, and sure to please you in style, fit and wear. The rain- coats are the sw ellest th at you could possibly find. Prices reasonable. $10 ALONG TO »4« M UFFLERS, R E E FE R S AND FU LL DRESS SCARFS— T his is the place to g et a selection an d th e n e ate st effects th a t you could ev er w ish for. Come h ere and select them a t from 50c an d u p to $3.50. HKADLEV MUFFLERS— They a re Just th e trick to keep the neck and chest warm, and once you wear one you will never be w ithout one again. We show a very fine as- sortm ent— alm ost all shades— BOo EACH THE TOGGERY SUIT CASES AND HAND BAGS— If you w ant a Suitcase or H and Bag th a t Is sure to give satisfac tory service and som ething th a t will be appreciated, come and select from , our big asso rtm en t a t from ALL PRICES U P TO $20 Of Course