WILLAMETTE POTATOES Best quality, just in, per cwt. FOR M EN $1.50 FLOUR Suits in latest styles and patterns just received—sizes and prices to fit Come and see We arc here to show you. Measure­ ments for tailor-made clothing taken and sat isfact ion gunrnnteed. Let us We have in stock eight brands, ranging in ....price, per sack, from $1.75 down to $1.20. SALT R ew ashed................................... 45c Mt. Edey ..................................... 60c Royal Crowii ............................................ 75 COFFEE Our Coffee Department is complete. W e carry in stock the following standard brands: Royal Club, 2 and 3-lb cans.. 75c and $1.00 Special Blend, 3-lb cans....................... $1.00 Palace Car, 3-lb. cans.......... ...............$1.00 M. J. B., 3 pounds for............................ $1.00 Peaberry C, Liberty Blend, Amber Blend Lance & Co.’s Special ........................ 25c TEA We call special attention to our Tea De partment. You can find in stock tea of the best varieties known to the tea connoisseur. Orliff, half pound c a n .............................. 35c Kohinoor, half-pound c a n ......................... 35c Orange Pekoe, half-pound c a n ................. 35c Bonita Gunpowder, one p o u n d ................. 75c Lipton’s Ceylon, half pound................... 45c English Breakfast, half pound............... 50c Schilling’s Japan, half p o u n d ................. 50c M. J. B. Tree Tea, half pound.............. 50c We are headquarters for Schilling’s Best Extracts, spices and Baking Powder. CEREALS Rye Flour, Graham Flour, Corn Meal, Farina Rolled Oats. Whole W heat Pancake Flour, Cream of W heat, Kellogg’s Corn H akes and Post Toasties. These goods are strictly fresh and we sell them at the lowest prices possible. help SHOES The most complete line of light atid heavy Shoes ever offered to the Gold Hill public. On our bargain counter you will always find Shoes at less than cost. you • UNDERWEAR Our entire stock of Men's Woolen Under­ wear tit make 10 per cent Discount. BEDDING Woolen Blankets, Comforts and Pillows sold cheaper than elsewhere. a TRUNKS Also Suit Cases and Telescopes, all sizes. They will suit you, both in quality and price. Merry OUTDOOR CLOTHING Christmas Overalls, Corduroys, Khaki Pants and E xtra Pants in all regular sizes, $4.50 down to ............................................................ 85c FULL STOCK OF RUBBER CLOTHING AND BOOTS LADIES GOOD THINGS FOR CHRI8TMAS. Mince Meat, per pail ............................ ,75c P ig s’ Feet, each ..................... 5c Cranberries, per q u a rt............................ «..15c Raisins, the best, 2 pounds for............... 25c Dried Apples and Peaches, per pound....10c Fresh Fruits — Canned Fruits Sweets Oranges—Pineapples—Candies. Lemons—Apricots—.Tellies. Bananas—Peaches—Jams. Apples—Pea rs—Preserves. P eais—Tomatoes, etc.—Nuts. also. See our line of new styles and colors in M en’s Neckties—right from New York— just the thing for Christmas. Also see our new stock of Men’s Dress Shirts, Mufflers, Scarfs and Suspenders. Before sewing or going elsewhere exam­ ine our line of House Dresses, Kimonas, Dress Skirts, We also call your attention to our Shoe Department, where you will find the best line of shoes for women th at money can secure. / , * HATS Make your head look swell with one of those new Hats we are showing. We have some nice ones—just what the well dressed man wants. Don’t fail to «"*** them- they’ll make very acceptable presents. We are always pleased to show our goods, and if you purchase you will also be pleased. Try us and be convinced. We are get­ ting new customers every day—be one of them. On examination you will find our Grocery stock to be strictly first class, and tue same with our Dry Goods. ..Both departments—really two big stores under one roof—are complete and up-to-date in every parlticu- lar. Our business has increased thirty par cent in the year now closing. We attribute a good part of the cause for this increase to the quality of the goods which we handle. Our highest aim is, and has always been, to extend to our patrons the best of treat­ ment and the highest values for their money. We extend to you all our best wishes for a Merry Christmas and a Happy New LANCE & COMPANY’S BIG STORE GOLD HILL OREGON