Louis Smith, road supervisor of this district, was at Medford on business Thursday. “A Christmas Carol" is perhaps the beat Christmas story eve' written. Read the opening chapters in thia issue of The News. II. H . Pettit, an experienced print er, arrived from Portland Monday only (w o » » » I o il and baa taken a position with The News. Mrs. Pettit accompanied him as far as Eugene, where she is visiting relatives. She will join him here In a few days. Dr. Smith is here from Galioe. James U. Smith was nt Medford He reports that at the reoent city on buainena Wednesday. election held in the live little min Attorney Beeman was at Jaokson' ing camo bonds were voted for a public dock along Rogue river, ville yesterday on legal business. C K Jones of Sams Valley waa near the town. He emphatically at Medford on buaineen Thursday. denies that he is the “publio dock" M. O Womack and Rex Lamp- in question, insisting that such a man were at Medford on buelneaa thing is im|toasible, as he it a "dry dock." Thia is no doubt the exact Thu red ay. truth of the matter. J. M. Alnutt transacted buainena At a special school meeting in Ashland Thursday, and visited yeoterduy the voters of the Gold bin mother the same day. Hill district decided without a F. S. Billingtun, who baa been dicsenting vote to levy a fifteen mill visiting here the pant two week», tax for school purposes. This will returned to Ashland Thursday. provide a fund of »bout $4,000 Mr. and Mra. E. V. Kellogg of annually at the present valuation. the Cove ranch near Ashland were This hiid will be sufficient to pay here visiting relatives the first of the salary of another teacher, pay the week. the interest on the new high sobool John Kelsey is home from Grants bunil«. and provide a sutlicient sum Pana, where he has a position in for the sinking fund to pay off the the First National bank, for a I balance due on the old bunds. brief vacation. W G. Myers received a number Lon Barber and family will ! of ripe cotton bslis, together with leave in a few days to spend the several unripe persimmons, from holiiUys with relatives at the old ' his sister in Arkansas thia week. home in eastern Canada. Mr. Myers is a former resident of Mr. and Mra. Fred Penningerare : that state, and the products of the down from Eugene for the holidays sunny southland come as a pleasant visiting relatives at Central Point reminder of the days in Dixie. ¡The cotton and persimmons are and other parts of the valley. L. W. Smith, treasurer of the on exhibition at Jarvis’ drug store, Gold Hill Railroad & Lumber com where Dots Eddings is kept busy pany, waa a business visitor in the explaining what they are. The southern Oregon metropolis Thurs reputation of green persimmons is so widesptesd that no one has day. yet ventured to sample them. The Centennial placer mine will he operated this winter by Rhoteu dr Read in December Sunset Maga- Jit-Gee, both of whom were employ i xine—Ban Francisco—The Exposi ed there last winter by Billington tion City—Superbly illustrated in and Blue. They are hauling lum four colors. Now on sale at all ber to build a flume and dam. news stands— 15 cents. '°*oj D E C E M B L K J PIO See. n««i. T»e. w«a. Tbe. Fri. Sdl 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 • • • • • • • • • • • • It has been reported front Port land that another motor-car will •oon he put on the Grants Pass- A«hland run. The report is denied by the 8. P. agent at Medford in that he aays he knows nothing about it. Tbs report probably had rise in the tact that the motor now in use is crowded almost every trip, and that this makes it look as though another i« needed. A band and orchestra is a possi bility for Gold Hill J. J. Houck, who was formerly leader of a fine band here, has consented to see what he can do towards a new organisation. As preliminary, it is intended to have an orchestra at the churof) services tomorrow evening, which will probably ,be composed of H. C. Parker, violin, Dora Caine, cornet, r loyd Eddings, trombone and J. J. Houck clarinet. It has been officially denied by John F. Stevens that Jim Hill has anything to do with the construc tion of the new Buruum rati road from Jacksonville into the Apple- gate. The theory that Hill was behind the new line was largely based on the fact that a Hill engine was received by the Bajrnums for use on their Medford-Jacksonvelle line. Stevens says tnis engine has been sold outright to the Barnums and that that is all there ie to it. Many will etill hold to the opinion that the Applegate extension is a Hill move. "Chavener” appears io big hold letters a sign which ha« been re ceived at tbe local depot and which will shortly be erected at the junc tion of tbe Southern Pacific with the (fold Hill Railroad A Lumber company's line. The name fir the junction was suggested to the 8. P. last spring, fo'lnwing a com mercial club meeting at which it was selected as being the most appropriate. There ate many of the opinion that Goid Hill should lie named Chavener, inasmuch as the late Thoe. Chavener, by liberal concessions made to tbe 8. P. when it was building through this coun try, was responsible for the fonnd- ing id a town at this point. Rock Point would have been the town had property owners there offered tbe necessary inducements. FOR CHRISTMAS FANCY GROCERIES O F ALL KINDS DRY GOODS F an cy handkerchiefs and neckwear for ladies and gentlemen JU ST RECEIVED A line o f gentlem en’s lin e shirts; also a shipm ent o f g e n tle m en ’s fine shoes for th e holiday trade J u st r e m e m b e r w e have a H a n d so m e lin e o f b a n d -p a in te d c b i n a fo r C h r is tm a s p r e s e n t s MERRITT <& CO., G o ld H ill Ready for Christmas? Then See Reddy I | HAVE T ill! LARGEST STOCK OF FIXE D IA MONDS. LOOSE AND MOUNTED , I HAVE EVER H AD. SEE ------' MY WATCHES, DIAMOND - MOUNTED JEWELRY, STERLING SILVER, CLOCKS. CUT GLASS, STERLING SILVER TOILET AND MANICURE SETS. EVEKVTHING OF TH E LATEST DESIGN AND PATTERN DON’T FORGET TO SE E MY STOCK IF YOÜ COME TOMEDfORD^ _________ MARTIN J. REDDY >”tÀR «’•romca MEDFORD Reddy is Always Ready for Christmas See th e fine line of candies at See Turner for your Christmas Get your sweetheart a box of Turner’s. candies and nuts of all kinde. , those nice boxes of candy at Turner’s C H R IS T M A S G IF T S FRO M V A N D E C A R ’S P L E A S E _________ A Liberal Disceunt on all Goods for Two Weeks before Christmas. Our stock in the Largest in the City, consisting of D IA M O N D S , W A T C H E S , C U F F L IN K S a n d S C A R F P IN S . In -Solid G o ld a n d G o ld F ille d »Sterling' S ilv er a n d E b o n y To«let »Sets O ver 5 0 0 P attern s in F o b s a n d EocRets R ED U C ED PRICES F O R TW O W EEKS A small deposit will hold any of these beautiful Christmas Gifts until you are ready to send for them. When you buy a Christmas present you want to know that it as represented and that it will please the recipient. We boast of the quality of our goods and take pride in making every claim good. A specialty ot Lodge Pir.s and Charms in Gold and Gold Filled Goods & 19» K lein a n d W altham W atches $ 5 and u p BOYS’ WATCHES, $1 to $5 LADIES’WATCHES, $6.50 UP a «»• of 14K Seal Rings All Engraving done by skilled workmen without extra charge while you wait We carry Libby’s, Hawk’s and Hoar’s Rich Cut Glass, the three leading American makes F.1638 Look All Over Town, Then Call and Get Our Prices Phipps Building Van De Car M edford