The Gold Hill News Published fvery Salurday •>< Gold Mill, Jacison County. Oregon =========== by - REX M. IAMPMAN K ntrm l a t «h» UoM Hlb p.wUiBlre tor ll«n«mt» •io n through Ib» l a l a r i S ta te » « a l b i a« M uoa ri-c la ftS m a tte r Subscription $ 1.50 Per Annum, in Advance S aturday , D kc ' kmbkr 10, 1910 CHRISTMAS CAROL Continued^ city. It was made plain enough by the dressing of the shops that here, too. It was Christmas time again, but It was evening, and the atreets were lighted up . The ghost stopped at a certain war»* house doot and ashed Scrooge If he knew It. •Know It!" said Scrooge. “Was 1 apprenticed here?” They went In. At sight o f an old gentleman In a Welsh w ig sitting be hind such a high desk that If he had been two Inches taller he must hare knocked his head against the celling Scrooge cried In great excitement: “Why, it’s old Feaxlwlg!” Old Feaxlwlg laid down hla pen and looked up at the clock, which point­ ed to the hour of 7. He rubbed his hands, adjusted his capacious waist- eoat, laughed all over himself from his shoes to his organ of benevolence and called out In a comfortable, oily. rich, fat. jovial voice: T o ho. there! Ebenexer! Dick!” Scrooge's former self, now grown a young man, came briskly In, accompa­ nied by his fellow 'prentice. Dick Wilkins, to be sure," said Scrooge to the ghost. “Bless me, yee. There he Is. He was very much at­ tached to me, was Dick. Poor Dick! Dear dear!" THE TRIUMPH OF HONEST POLITICS ♦ _____ Robert Marion LaFollette first went to the United W HEN States senate, four years ago this winter, a conspiracy of contempt was organized among the other senators. Old trust protectors like Aldrich and Lodge and Depew determined that they would snub the young upstart from Wisconsin who came with a strange new doctrine including the propositions that the people had rights and that corporations should be regulated.«So when LaFollette arose to make his maiden senatorial speech they coughed and shuffled their feet and talked to each other in under­ tones. Many of them got up and leisurely strolled off into the lobbies. This was their boorish way of showing the Badger orator that he was distinctly persona non grata with them. LaFollette recognized the intended snub by telling the senators as they left the room that they did not have to listen to him, but that the people outside from ocean to ocean would hear him. Tears streamed down his face as he told them that what they termed his demagoguery was the coming political gospel. He warned them of the pride that goeth before a fall, and predicted the defeat of those whose ears were deaf to the voice of the people. But LaFollette was laughed at, sneered at, all but jeered at, by the august senators who had been in the senate so many years before his coming. They felt sure that nothing could disturb them in their places of power. Throughout his senatorial career LaFollette has,voted straight for what he believes to be rig h t There has been no compromise with his conscience or with the enemy. He has been like a prophet in Lreal when th at nation was inclining to­ ward strange gods. LaFollette made a notable speech on the Payne-Aldrich tariff during the last session, when the passage of the measure was pending and the triumph of the Aldrich crowd was ap­ parently absolute. Once more he gave his errant colleagues ; JH “I warn you that if you refuse to cousider every prop­ osition advanced in behalf of the public, and carry out your determination to make this tariff legislation but an instru­ ment by which special interests may enrich themselves, the public will hold you responsible, and prove its resentment C o n tin u e d in n e x t w e e k ’s N ew s as certain as elections are held.” W heather or no LaFollette is a true prophet may be seen Coroner Kel.ogg was called to by the fact that nine of the senators who laughed at the La­ Medford Wednesday to hold an Follette “demagoguery” were retired on November 8th, and in irquent over the remains of a seven of the states so represented domocratic legislatures were witn-nw bohad been f ,und dead by the railroad track near that city . elected. It developed • that her name was LaFollette, were he the kind of a man who has time to Belle Ellie, that ehe wag a divorced smile at the discomfiture of his enemies, is entitled to a full- woman, and the verdict was that fledged smile at this juncture. But he hasn’t time. He is too j ehe was killed by a train while in busy with his work of spreading the gospel of political purity, ao intoxicated condition. A pint of common honesty in political affairs—in Lincoln s eternally whiskey flask, nearly empty, was great phrase, the gospel of a government of the people, by the found on her person. It was said people and for the people. In the meantime those who have that she had relatives at Roseburg sown the wind of political dishonesty will continue to reap the but they could not be located, so she whirlwind of defeat and disgrace. was buried at county expense. “ five Thousand in 1 9 1 5 ” IT PAYS TO ADVERTISE Rex Lampmao, publisher of The Gold Hill News, has installed a new cylinder press and last week en­ ' F V E R since “Cleopatra, wise old girl, got gay one night and larged his pap®r from a five column, L drank a pearl,” and long before that, the successful man or quarto, with patent inside, to a six woman has always been he or she who took as axiomatic the column, quarto, all home print. proposition that it pays to advertise. Throughout nature tiie phrase is vindicated. The hen announces her contribution to the Mr. Lamptnan is making a heroic high cost of living with a joyous cackle, and the farmer decides effort to give Gold Hill a high grade that she is one that he cannot afford to kill, however importu­ newspaper, which should insure for nate the holiday market. Likewise the dimpled baby, at the him the hearty support of every approach of a feeling of vacuity in its little fat tummy, sets up a c itiz e n of his town and community howl that is sufficient advertisement of its needs. The finest but it’s a two to one bet that if it commercial apple has the highest coloring. Everyone advertises. There does, Gold Hill is different from Some use word of mouth and some use printer s ink. the average small town. We hope are merchants who depend on tastily arranged windows. An­ The News’ latest venture will prove other relies on a few cut prices to sell all his goods, trusting a seven-time winner, however. Cen­ that the news of the bargains will be passed from mouth to mouth, until all the countryside knows that he is selling sugar tral Point Herald or flour cheaper than anyone else. Fame these days is merely a Look pleasent. Raise your chin m atter of judicious advertising, as it was in the time of the regal a little higher. Hold still just a enchantress of old Nile. There are advertisers and advertisers- second. That’s all. You may have j the word-of-mouth advertiser, the hot-air advertiser, and the your photos in two davs. newspaper advertiser, but the greatest of these is the newspaper C. K Norcott. Photo Tent. advertiser. He has the best of all the others. He lets printer’s ink do his talking for him and is selling goods while his compet­ * My, isn’t that a big box of itors are wasting wind at the hopeless task of trying to tell every­ candy!” is an exclamation that may body what they have to offer. Advertising is the motive power be heand in front of Turner’s win­ in modern business, and it is generated by printer’s ink. dow any dav now. C a l i f o r rr i a - - ■ > .. » ■ m m " j i.J H — 1« the plaru to v illt. Orange grove« to full bloom, tropical flower«, famons hotel«, historic Old Mi««lon», attractive watering place«, delightful clim ate, making that favored section the nation’« moat popular retreat. T ou can see it at ita beet via the S h a sta and R o u te "T he R oad o f a T h o u sa n d W on d ers” S o u t h e r n P a c i f ic C o m p a n y Up to-d»te train«, flrat-sla-« in every respect,unexcelleddiniug car serv ice, quick time and direct connections to all pointe south. S P E C IA L RO UND T R IP F A R E OF $ 5 5 .0 0 PO R T L A N D TO LOS A N G tL E S A N D RETURN U ith corresponding low fare« from hit other lection« of the Northwest. Liberal stop over« In each direction and long lim it. Interesting and at­ tractive literature on the various resort« »nd attraction« of California ean be had on application k> any S. I’, or O. R. A N. Agent, or from Wm. McMurray, P a ..? : g e err A g e « t Portland, O regon f you are looking for something for your w ife or sweetheart, don’t miss our Ladies’ Furnishings Department. See the mechanical man in our window, and decide whether he’s alive or not. KENTNER’S — Everything fo r Everybody for Christmas MEDFORD