Image provided by: Central Point School District #6; Central Point, OR
About Gold Hill news. (Gold Hill, Jackson County, Or.) 1897-19?? | View Entire Issue (Dec. 3, 1910)
Six Æo lö a « í Wetow VOL U CRESCENT q m NEW HARBOR HAND O f M ill IS APPARENT GOLD H IL L JACKSON COUNTY, < J m A mwi C m * Lan« CwMrtÿ Okw , <«<f< an JtaanrSarróa rad ru p to rrira la ahaa* data», pinked fro « Oregon buehee oo "November 28 and ae luscious ae the midsummer product, la just one of tbe many tributes to Oregon climate that make this etate famous tba world over. And this happen ed in Lane county, eloae to Eugene. — Eugene Ouard. ¿afe Count ToUtofi Scene Showing Hi ITU B O A Y, DECEMBER 3,1910 W «, and Loading Simpta, Ripe red raapberriaa, green raap* berries and cyan bloeeome may be found in J. W . Haya* garden in Gold Hill right now. Mr. H , who came here when Rogue river if a» a lot swifter than it ia now, aaya that he wiahaa he had covered hia berries so that tbe recent raina would not have knocked ao many of them off. Afin« oZ DUrfy-n«« Of tbe 32 meaeuree submit ted to tbe poopl« at tbe recent elec tion but nine carried, end iu nearly •very ineeence the meaeuree de feated were moet decisively eno wed under. The nine approved were eastern Oregon asylum, tbe home rule bill, tbe Monmouth normal school, tba employer's liability law, th« R<>guw river fieh bill, tbe good roadk amendment, the preeidentia) primary law, tba tbr a fourths jury •mmdment, and tba measure em powering the people of each county u, regulate taxation witbin the county and » h li-h i»oll tax. NO. S» GOLD HILL MAN TOP SOCIALIST M m Koujb Lf de State TidMt Wife 1 9 3 7 5 Votes SOCIALIST GAINS A M A 2 M C PI» cigli« at Kart Mera FsU Oses a amor Vetae k» ISIS eel« 1900 That Croroant.City a lll.b e tha Gold Hill baa the distinction of largeat ooaat city between Eureka having furnished tbe sociali-t state and Aatoria aod that it will be a nominee who received tbe highest rival for those two cltiea inaide of number of votes polled for any can ton yeara there la not tba ahadow didate of bis party at tbe iate elec of a doubt if prevent plana are tion. John Koob, wbo has a mine worked out to u finiah, eaya the in ibe Galls creek district about Better tuke The Newa. Cresoeut City Newa. H. 8. Wooley three miles west of this city, receiv formerly of New York, and asso ed 19,475 vote« for the office oi MILLION AND A HALF TREES •iate engineer. Hi» only opponent ciates, have plana i’ll foot to dredge SHOOTING IN JOSEPHINE a channel from the ocean, from h v«« Lewi«, the republican nominee. Will Be Planted in Rogue River point a abort diatance south of Refused Job, Lige Boyatt Shoots Socialist candidates, state and Valley This Season Point 8t. George, to Dead Lake, a * county, pulled an average cf nearly Ed. Cardwell; Escapes diatance of about one mile which Approximately 1,500,000 frui' a tbou-and vote« in Jackaon county will form an abaolute landlocked Angered becauee Ed Cardwell Tei-a will be received and planted at the late election. Toia is do harber into which ships may enter ' d|d not offer him a job on the gang in tbe Rogue river valley, accord i-olated instance, (or all over the at any time, mid alter taking cargo whieh building a road to tbe mg to an estim ate made by Pro < ouniry socialism is growing like a may aail at any season of the y e a r.; Alameda mines from Le'and, Lige fessor O’Gara. This number <», luaty young giant. D ad Lake (sometimes called Jtnyatt, constable-elect, Sunday tree* will le sufficient for 20.000 In outlining their p ro g n m i for Lake 8t. George) whieh ia about afternoon, at about five o'clock, acre«, wlrch will malt» the tntai legislation, it will be wed for our two mile; nortbwe-d from Greece t »hot Cardwell at the road camp planted area in the Rogue river val o gi« ators, both national and state, City, ia a body of water alwut on« about seveu miles from Leland. 1-v 85,900 acr»-«. o keep in mind the remarkable in- fourth of a mile wide by one h 'If One »hot waa hied by Boyatt, The jo ity of trees to be plant- ce ase m the socialist vote which long aud has a depth of Several which.»truck Cardwell in- the arm c|l thia se .son will lie pears, a l was shown by the recent election, fath ro tt Between it and the Paclic and panned through thè Ile»by part though many appL« wi l he plant -ays the Indianapolis News. Vast *r ocean ia nothing hut sand, except »! it into tbe hack and lodged ju-t • d A considerable acreage of font- Berger, one of the must prominent on tbe very ocean ahore, where 1» below tbe «boulder blade. hill land will he plan'ed to peach E'-ciaiiats in the country, has h» t f i Unless found a roll »andstone dipping back blood poii-otting ret» in Cardwell i es, while many Tokay grapes win el»ct-d to congress from the Mil ward from the sea, to th at the iix *111 recover. he »et out. waukee district by a plurality of . ,L pensive wurlr.(>(rX£a.v^thiK- the -c • Pmfeasor O'Gara, having f -und it 300, and tor tbs.first tioKp the party Cardwell waa seut to Leland 4t>| * . • ‘ I T h e !><»»•'»(fice «lepa im a it i» dii k -ill, M t Au P« or «ticker« shouid lo nel will be only through a lew rode engage ioipopsihle for iuspeutois in the val is rep.e»ented at W nlifligl-ni %y an men for the road gung one of thia sandstone formation, which 'lay la-^ week, Hoyati waa a can ng it - am im i tfT rt to minituixt|.«te-d. • O b»»i!*;»,f.ack*ve« wrong- l»v to have time io t tk- a c e n -u s . I av .wed advocate of its principle«. 't • e h C ’h b'i _ [ly upiV y l will t ■«$>»>■ M at the pe«t tr>es he» ui dertaken_the tugtlex. io All ci.nw yya. suxpeiaia^iy. — will protect the outer eno of the ca didate for (or a job but was not asjud '" 'l till'«» tm mail congestion, «•wwgeatinn.^^Jk-u|gT s a l wU«w 'irt ht‘ oo»rt^t«4etT— -•6’ Hr» V,, • jjjf, - (j,,. * c uw f,y P ard w rl,; •' di-p ttdi from Washington jfflTre where tb<-y originate, and person, and is »ending out circular« large »ocialist vole was polled, as is ocean beach drop« nfl- abruptly into J n r,KKi,pg over ibi» fact, hia Iriand-' -a ' H ys: y : 1’ I’* '" " 'e a «ho s nd Ch istmae csrds will be sent to the addressee an I b la n k -to every owner of » »hown in the following table, where ' s'so several fathoms of water, and out a»«ert, he visited the road camp a iif r tti o iig u ih - m a ils e a rly io in advising them the packages are be fruit tre- in the valley, with tbe re 'be estimates of 191Û’ total; ar« side la a reef of rocks on either side Sunday. About 4:30 the crew, to- «ore th e ir d e liv e r on C h ris tm a s ing held for postage. quest th at a report he made to him compared with vote cast in 1903: with deep water for an entrance uether with Boyatt, had supper. d iv , i r before, a r - a Im oniabed by L««t year a sim ilar notice wa-> m tbe number, age and variety of State I91u l«0b th at has uo bar or sunken rocks to When he had finished his meal, o ffic ia is o f th e p os'o fB ee d e p a rt rent out an J many pe >ple wrote trees grown. In this way a com California 03,008 28.144 menace navigation. Short jettie» Cardwell and two other men ad- in 'n t not to w r i'e on ih e o u '- id e ! • he message, ‘‘Don't open until plete count will lie made. Connecticut 12,000 5.153 can he extended to these reefs, giv j urned to a sleeping tent. Boyatt 'he w ords: ‘ Do n o t open u n til Christm as,’’ on the ou'side of tbe "1 he truit inspectors have ju st Indiana 20,(XX) 13.476 ing protection to the harbor mouth. followed and engaged Cardwell in C h ristin a « d a v ." <>• a n v th in g a lm i package, unexpectedly put ¡ng completed a tree-to tree inspection Kentucky 4,500 4,037 A « 'n ie m e n i was issued from m any of the packages into the firs' ni «very orchard in the valley and Michigan Careful »urvey ha« been made a quarrel, according to the testi la r. 11,588 10,000 and tbe ocean and lake have been mony of those present, which i the po toffi e depa-im ent last year 'clas« a id subjecting them to letter report they everything in splendid Minnesota 15,000 10,000 sounded, showing that tbe canal, somewhat confured and contradic advising the early mailing of rates. The d. partm is anxious shape. Nevada 2,000 1.900 ‘« te n completed to a depth tha' tory. The argument soon reached Chiisten is presents. All persona to have Christmas mail in as P,,OI, “ Never before,” states Professor New York 68,000 33,994 will allow big ships to come in, wil ihe point where Cardwell, so it i» weie t Id t . mark ihe packages, as poa-ible so as to avoid the rush, O’Gara, “ were the orchards of the Ohio 50,000 33,759 no* drain tbe lake, hut will leave «aid, called Boyatt a liar, where “ Not to lie op-n-d until Christ- hut cannot carrv me-sages at thiru Rogue in better condition.” Oklahoma 30,000 21,089 plenty of water for a harbor. I t is upon Boyatt began to unbutton hi- raa«.” Unfortunately, the slat - and fourth class rates. South Dakota 2,500 2,846 Oregon Grows most Perfect Apples estimated th at the canal and nece- overcoat. Cardwell then left the raent did not instruct patrons bow : The postoffice otheia a point that Tennessee 2,200 1,878 Oregonians have reason to feel Utah sar» dredging for the h a rb .r will tent and Bo>att followed, exposing to d-> the m arking. m-tiling package« early is just a» 7,000 4,327 Po»tma-ter G en'ral Hi’chcock i m p ''r i a i i t »« shoppi. g early, for by proud because of the tribute to Washington coat $1,000,000. The canal will be hi« revolver in the meantime. 4,000 4,706 three hundred feet wide and deep When Cardwell had gone five or slates i hut it is n viol ,tion of the mailing packages now, patrons of Oregon apples paid by Prof. H E. This shows a gain ot over 69.55 enough to allow «hips of ordinary six feet ha turned and Boyatt filed. law to write such messages on the the postoffice will assist in m ini VmiDemsn, judge at the 8posane per cent in two years, aud thus so size to enter. The bulle J entered his upraise«] arm oi' side of pack -gea th it go through m iz in g the ru-h and sparing cle»ks apple show, who declared the car of cialism becomes a factor with which The corporation hacking tbe en and passed through it and entered he mails nt the third or fourth and cm tiers who are overworked Spitzenhergs w:nning the s w e p - practical politicians must reckon. -tak- « prize, which were grown at terprise is incorporated ae the Luke the back. Boyatt took to the bru»h clu-s rmca In such insiancea r u b - ' Christmas time. Hood River, were the most perfect George Land Company, under the immedi itely and made hia eacap- New Justices and Constables •>pple» he had ever seen. Prof. Van la « s o f the state of Oregon. This and has not yet been captured. The following justices and consta Deman is a noted judge of fruit, company has bonded about lf),OtX) bles are those elected in the various having awarded th e prizes at the acers of land hurdering the the The Stayer of Old Reelfoot districts throughout the county at Columbian exposition at Chicago above named lakes i nd extending I t is not generally known that the late election: and he has also acted in a similar to the ocean »bore. The duration of Pearl Bean, who lives on Kane- Medford district, G. 0 . Taylor, capacity at the leading fruit shows the bonds is sixty days, which By M n . OLIVER HERFORD. A u th o r . ereek aliout seven miles from Gold justice, August Singler, constable. of the country . means "hat tn« company is going Hill ia one of the two men who OMEN ARE LACKING IN A SENSE OF HONOR BECAUSE Eagle Point, Johu Watkins, ju s to vet down to work in a abort THEY PREFER COMMON SENSE. were “ in at the death," of “ Obi tice; John Smith, constable. Snow on Thanksgiving lime Applegate, A. D Beardsly, ju s If this bo treason, make the most of i t ! For the first tiuie is more than Engineers have expressed the R-elfoot,” a famous grizzly tha langed southern Oregon about tice; John Matnep, constable. op nion that the undertaken ia fea Why, I always agree when a man tells me that women twenty years a snowstorm raged in i« enty years ago. The big hear Big Butte, E. II. Watson, justice; sible, and John F Stevens Hill's are less honorable, less truthful, less trustworthy than the members R.-gue river valley Thanksgiving was killed by Mr. Bean and W. A Ed Cowden, constable. right hand m. n, has endorsed th of his own sex. I think we are all these things, and I think it’s a great day- The storm was general over W right, now a K lam ath counts Trail, M. H. Cusick, justice; Dave southern Oregon a n d northern project as the best that has been During a recent visit mercy for the men. California, and in the Siskiyous the Pence, constable. • h- wo them on the coast for a har- eal'leinan. It is man’s W ONDERFUL SENSE OF HONOR THAT Talent, C. W. Sherman, justice; -nowf.,11 was very heavy. Probably hm whereat to make a railway to Jackson county Mr. W right told GETS HIM INTO HALE HIS TROUBLES. I t is our common he story. The carcass wa» mount three inches of snow fell here, J. N. Manning, constable. terminus. ed and exhibited in towns through senso that pulls him out. Gold Hill, J. B. R. Morelock, but much of it melted as fast as it K St St While in justice; H. T, Pankey, constable. Does This Mean Line to Crescent City the Pacific northwest. fell. WOMEN ARE NATURALLY TACTFUL. TACT AND TR U TH FU L Washington a traveling man saw Woodville, G. F. Wertz, justice; G. A Kyh-, the w ell-known engi A Po«t’» Poor Pay. the dead grizzly and conceived tilt NESS ARE FREQUENTLY COMPELLED TO SEEK A DIVORCE FOR William Beck, constable. neer of the H ill "lines, is surveying a It is amusing tovknow how small idea of taking him to the Chicag. MUTUAL INCOMPATIBILITY. AND WOMEN ARE ALWAYS ON THE Sams Valley, C. W. Cooper, jus were the pecuniary rewards of Bry lin ■ o f railroad from Jacksonville, SIDE OF TACT. world’s fair. He bought "Old Reel tice; George McDonough, constable. ant’s literary labors. Two dollars a w. »t over >he m ountains in to A n - We want, to make things easy and comfortable and pleasant for poem was the price that he named, f >ot" and made mnnev h / showin« Ashland, M. F. Eggleston, jus plegate valley. He is ostansihlv in him nt the big fair. Allogelher Mr the people we love. That is our strongest instinct. We don’t idly and he seemed to be abundantly tice; A. L. Irwiu, constable. the employ of W. S. 1’ n rn iiin , ot A’right realized about $800 on hia drift, but we CONSCIOUSLY AND DELIBERATELY FOL satisfied with the terms. A gentle Central Point, W. Gardin, jus tbe Rogue R i v r Valley Roni, hut man met him in New York many exploitation and sale of the remains LOW THE LINE OF LEAST RESISTANCE. Why not? tice; Lee Ingram , constable. years after and said to him, “I have i t is believed t in t H ill ia feeling of the old terror of the Siskiyou«. Jacksonville, H. G. Box, justice; just bought the earliest edition of for an outlet to the coast for the $5.00 photos for $3 50 at the | The News goes out this week as your poems and gave $20 for it.” Joe Weiterer, constable. O egon T ru ’ k. Norcott will make faces if you Photo Tent. First class snd up-to- J an eight page, all home print paper. “Mow, by a long shot,” replied the poet, “than I received for writing Better take The News. Better lake Trie News, will call on him at the Photo Tent. date. Better take it. Hitchcock Instructs Christmas Givers W om en Lacking In Sense o f H o n o r Because T h e y P r e fe r C om m on Sense. the whole work.”