V Parisian Toilettes HARVARD’S BOY WONDER ASTONISHES PROFESSORS □ "Yes, It would. But who ts Ever I Landlord end Tenant. ettT" I k*«e been a property-owner tee Everett is the man who wants te dearly 4« ye an and during that period, marry me." Cynthia said, with | have lost from depreciation «33.0O0, Whether W illiam knitted browe. “ But I'd rather teach * from empty houses <10,000 and James Sldls wlU “Goodness gracious,“ cried the d e f a u lt in g t e n a n t s over <8,000 or a continue to grow other woman, "why don't you marry total lots of ever <40,000. I hiring In wisdom until B y T e m p le B a ile y hlut? Auy womau can teach, but II this 40 ye an I hare never known a ho f i n a l l y b o Isn't every one who has a man to defaulting tenant honest enough to □ cornea the great- pay a shilling off the arrears when love her." set mathematical tC oprrltbted. u»io. t r kM uolat.d L lia ra r- P ia a .> Cynthia laughed. "I believe I'm I once he removed from the neighbor* genius that Over her cakes and coffee Cynthia half In love with him. But he Isn't hood.— Letter In London Telegnph. world has ever admitted her homesickness. Paris broadminded. He's perfectly ron Leese Shoes. known, or, like was the place of her dreams. She Quite as bad as too tight shoes, the vast majority had thought her little home town tent to stay In that little town and stagnate." , against which we a n always warned. of prodigies, will dull, but It was nothing to thia 1 here are worse things.' e a ld t h e |arg ones; they cause corns d ro p Into the dreary waste of cathedrals and art ranks of the non­ galleries, wtth every oue speaking a wise companion, "than stagnating and bunions and often produce flat* Think twice before you turn Everett , . nlng of lha archaa Tha woman entities as he strange language. down." W|ih ,h„ poctillarly shaped foot who grows older, Is a problem that time Everett Batcheller had told her "I am perfectly contented as I am." eannot get shoes exactly to fit her alone can solve, says Human Life. how It would be, but Cynthia had had At present there can be no doubt a* her mind set on a year abroad, and said Cynthia. "Bnd slnoe I met you I except when made to order, should am bvglunlng to enjoy the tombs and gat th#m a u>o long rathar , han to the standing of W illie Sldls In the she had scraped and saved, and had the Tuilerlea." a little too wide; It la the lesser of realm of education, for this boy of at least attained the fulfillment of "It's the same with me; but you two evils eleven years Is not only the young­ her desire. are young, and shouldn't feel that | est, but Is already recognised as the But, In her planning, she bad for­ way, Sweden's Church Boat. most learned student that ever ma­ gotten to provide for friendships. The church boat Is a popular Insti­ In the midst of their satisfaction, triculated at Harvard. Cynthia was a friendly little soul, the elder woman fell til, and. In tution In Sweden. It brings families There have been lots of youthful and all her life she had had neigh querulous fashion demanded home to service from the farms around prodigies during the past two cen­ bors and church associates who car­ cooking. I-ake Siljan to Leksand. The watsr turies— wonderful boys who have de­ ried her off to meetings, and club Cynthia, rising to the occasion, dis­ route Is the nearest and most conve­ veloped a remarkable genius for mu­ colleagues who consulted her about missed ths French maid, and, after nient. and so the big boat goes from sic, mathetuatics. or history— but no things. At home she was a very some difficulty, found an English farm to farm along the shore plrkteg one of them has been the equal of this much occupied and rather Important girl who agreed to follow American “ P church goers, who Istsr return Brookline, Mass, lad, who, occupied person. recipes. By means of much depend- the same route.— Wide World Mag- the platform at Conant hall and lec­ But here she was nothing. The once on canned goods and dried prod »«Ina. ---------------- --------- tured to the gray-hatred professors of the Mathematical Society on •The people at the boarding house turned acts, a menu of baked beaus and The Humorous and the W itty Btery. up their noses at her, and an English clam chowder, of codfish cakes and The humorous story Is strictly a Fourth Dimension,'* a subject that has girl had openly Insulted her on the corn bread was made posalble. work of art— high and delicate art— pussled philosophers and savants since Fourth of July. Ths days were cool, and. with the and only an artist can tell It; but no the time when the science of mathe­ Cynthia had w ritten to Everett of magaxlnes from borne, and some slm art Is necessary In telling the comic matics was first established. the latter Incident. pie sewing, the two aliens spent their and the witty story; anybody can do The boy who held this audience of But Everett was not entirely sym­ days happily. It The art of telling a hvmorout H arvard’s moat learned men spell pathetic. "You know that wherever "I don't seem to cars for art gal story—-understand. I mean by word hound while he discussed the purely theoretical fourth dimension Is the you go (he eagle screams, Cynthia." leriee and things,” said Cynthia; “It of mouth, not print—was ersatsd la her told her. "You ought to stay In Is so nice here under the lamplight. America, and has remained at boms. son of Dr. Bor's Sldls. the celebrated your own country, and among your In her letters to Everett, however —Mark Twain medical psychologist From his earl­ own people. If you want to be happy." she still kept up her semblance ol iest childhood hs has been most pro­ Sown Oats. Her own people!“ That sentence sightseeing enthusiasm. ”I'm not go ficient In absorbing knowledge that or­ "TPe no good looking at me like dinary boys find It difficult to attain stayed In Cynthia's mind long after lng to let him crow over me." she ihat, father." said Augustus Frederick, decided. > When but two years of age he could twelve years old. as hls parent, hav­ But he did not crow over me. for ing punished Sebastian Claude, four- not only read and spell, but could con verse as intelligently as a boy of ten suddenly his weekly letters ceased | teen years old. for being In possession or twelve. At three he wrote letters and Cynthia began to realise, after a I of a packet of Rose of ths Prairie, month of silence, that h had been hit looked searchlngly at him. on his father's typewriter. At seven "You letters that bad kept her content. he was able to pass the Harvard Med­ know perfectly well I chucked smok­ "I can't understand," she said one ing when I was e1»kt"-rlxindon Olobeu HE costume at the left Is of old cashmere and liberty of a darker ical school examination In anatomy, n ig h t "what has become of Everett blue cashmere de sole. The skirt shade The upper part of the skirt Is and had mastered elementary mathe­ Cattle From the Sahara. "He has probably found somebody matics. He entertd high school when The eattle raised on the fringe of Is finished with a deep plaited of the cashmere encircled with a wide he was eight, and that y—.r passed the else. No man ts going to stand being the Sahara are known to be of good flounce rover which falls the tunic. band of beautiful cord embroidery to entrance examination for the Massa treated as you have treated him quality and are estimated at 3.000.000 The latter is bordered with a hem or match; It is slightly gathered at the chusetts Institute of Technology. At Under cover of darkness Cynthia head. W ith a little scientific feeding tack, and ornamented with buttons bottom and finished with a deep plain that time he could speak French, Oer wept a little. She began to under­ during the dry season their numbers and bands of velvet, rosettes of which flounce of the dark brown liberty. man. and Russian, ana could read stand what Everett had really meant The corsage and sleeves are cut In might rapidly be Increased and the finish the points of the tunic. Greek and Latin. He began to pre­ to her. She knew now that the Soudan region might become a sort The corsage and the sleeves are cut one piece, the corsage Is almost cov­ pare a comparative grammar along vision of her future had always of second Argentina. all together with seams at the shoul­ ered with the embroidery, and has novel lines and evolvet, a new theory shown her In a circle of friendly ders. They are ornamented with the odd revert of the liberty, of which of logarithms when but nine. At ten faces In her home town, with Everett Above All Others. velvet and buttons and with an em­ the girdle ts also made. by her side. The undersleeves are of the ma­ he entered Tuft's college and. at elev­ The deepest coal mine Is near le ra - broidery of soutache. The girdle Is of en. he became a stuuent at Harvard. He was so much In her thoughts hart. Belgium. 3.500 feet deep; the velvet, the eravet Is of the cashmere terial or of tulle to match, covered Doctor Sldls believes that It Is that when he walked one morning biggest dock Is at Cardiff. Wales, de sole bordered with velvet, and the with the embroidery. The collarette Is of plaited white tulle and lace, great mistake to postpone a child Into the Paris apartm ent she met | end the strongest electric light ts at little gulmpe Is of white lace. education until he has reached the the Sydney lighthouse. Australia; him without surprise. with tiny c ra m t of blue satin ribbon. The other coetuine la of brown customary school age. He began to while the largest lighthouse I t at "Oh. dear, I have wanted you so. teach bis boy to think correctly before Cape 1/enry. Virginia, being 136 feet she said. I knew It,” was his sympathetic REMOVING THE YELLOW TINT FOR GIRLS NOT YET “O U T he could walk or talk. As the result he has acquired no bad thought habits response. "You and l belong to each Very Fast. Look Here, Let's Oo Around Togeth­ other. Cynthia, and even the How Delicate Embroidery, Long Peek­ Costume and Drees Suitable for The electric ventilating fan on the er a Bit." couldn't really separate us." Young Ladles of From 14 to ed. May Be Restored to wall of the restaurant was whtsstng MRS. HARRY PAYNE WHITNEY she had tacked away the letter In her After the first raptures. Cynthia round. A gentleman who bad dined IS Years. Proper Color. Introduced him to her companion extremely well sat looking at It for BOTH WEALTHY AND CLEVER trunk for safekeeping. "I have had her In training.” (he some time. "W alter." he complained The first design shows a simple coo Jk young vPornan who waa given half I'd rather see a fam iliar face than matron stated. ”1 wish you could a dozen antique hand-embroidered tume of mulberry colored serge; the The amount of all the portraits In the Louvre." she the way we live. We sew and read at last, "that clock’s fast!"— Punch. round collars and under «leeret of skirt Is a plain five-gore shape trim ­ money w h i c h mused forlornly. exquisite •ttt/’hery found them Juat med at the foot by two rows of Rus­ Dally Thought. As If In answer to her wish, a and eat American dishes, and if It very rich people wasn't for the fact that we ran the style to use with round-neck and sia braid, which also trims the front Though we soar Into the heavens, spend for a lim it­ form darkened the doorway of the Notre Dame from our windows In­ though we should sink Into the abyss, seams of coat and edges collar and Lm ono sleeves ed amount of pastry shop, a halting voice asked In stead of the Baptist church spire, we we never go out of ourselves; It Is The drawback was the yellow tint : cuffs; a belt Is taken round back as very bad French for cakee and coffee, pleasure s e e m s wouldn't know whether we were In always our own thought that ws per­ from years of packing. An old col­ stupendous to the and with a hesitating step a very Paris or In Pike's Corners ceive.—Condi'lar ored laundress succeeded In whiten­ vast majority largeMady came and sat down at the "W hy—so we wouldn’t." Cynthia ing them without acids or weaklng who have to fig­ next tablp to Cynthia. Big Bank's Business Methods. fabrics made delicate with age. This Cynthia, eyeing her wtth some curi­ rried. ”1 don’t believe I am as broad­ ure pretty close­ Before discounting any paper tha Is the way to do It: ly as to just osity. decided that she was sn Amer­ minded as I' thought. Everett." "W ell, you are broadminded Bank of England requires at least The pieces are put Into cold water, where their dol­ ican. There was an unmistakable air which is thick with pure white soap lars go. It Is a about her clothes; there was less fin­ enough for me." Everett stated. "And two good British names, one of which and a drop of bluing. This Is allowed mistake, however, ish than In the attire of a French­ now. if you don't mind. Cynthia, we must be the acceptor. It seldom holds to come to the boll. Remove the arti­ to consider this woman, and more of style than Is will get married, and continue this over 3150.000.000 In blits discounted and securities of all ktnds. foreign tour together.’’ cles at once, rinse through several money wasted. The vast bulk goes possible for an Englishwoman. "And I ’ll go home and get things There was tragedy In the face, and lukewarm waters, finally through a to pay other people for services ren­ No Humiliation In Apology. bluing water, and put on the grass dered In some form or other and this when the coffee came and the cakes, ready for you.” said the other. "I If you make a mistake and offend wanted an excuse and this Is the a sigh made Cynthia bold. while wet to bleach. contributes to the prosperity of the "May I come over and talk to best ever, and I guess Cynthia and I a friend, don't hesitate to apologise. Do not rub or squeeze hard. Some­ masses, perhaps more than If It were It will make you bigger, broader, hap­ expended for charity. Take the one you?" she asked frankly. 'I'm aw­ will have more fun talking over our times It Is necessary to repeat the pier, and will prove you a man In­ holiday of Mr. and Mrs. Harry Payne fully homesick, and I'm pretty sure experiences on your front porch than washing and boiling If the pieces are stead of a shnm. In living them In a far country." W hitney for example: you are an American.” very yellow. The face beamed. "M y dear." she The Whitneys some years ago When bleached put the right side Lis Seldom Harmful. rented from the owners the Holwlch •aid, “you have saved my life. I down on the Ironing board, smooth No lies can hurt a man for a long grouse moors near London. They pay think I should have died If 1 had had TEACHING A CROW TO TALK time. There Is little use In spending edges into place and Iron under a Zj a rental of 310,000 a year. Besides this to string out another French sen­ linen cloth. Do not use too hot an your time trying to correct lies. The they have more than 100 beaters and tence. My tongue aches with twist­ If H it Tongue Is Split S traig ht Down lie Itself Will drop like a feeble shaft Iron, as old materials scorch easily. many other attendants and servants. ing It." I f the grass is dusty put pieces on a tha M iddle Lengthwise He Can against the armor of truth. The total expenditure Is estimated at Cynthia lajghed. “Going abroad 8peak Batter. clean towel. They bleach better when 150,000 a year. But Mr. and Mrs. Isn't all It Is cracked up to be, Is It?” fiat on the grass, though sometimes Harry Payne W hitney are very busy •he asked. "I have been homesick they need an after rinsing. ’You know, of course." said the SCHUMACHER EUR CO. people and this year they found time ever since I landed.” Never permit old embroidery to be man In the mackintosh, "that you can I Manufacturers of Fur*. H*w Furs hnuvht and •okt. Furs rnnn deM a .parlait». 109 Madlaan for only one day on the moors. Con. "Have you really?” the stranger teach a mow to talk.” casually done up. If you cannot do I 41.. bet firs t and fro n t Sta . Portland. Oresoe sequently it may be stated that for sonflded. "W ell, i t ’s the same with them yourself find an expert. Silence gave negation to this propo­ the pleasure of one day's grouse me. I ’m used to having my friends sition. B E A V E R E N G R A V IN G C O . shooting on their part and the part •bout me— but after my husband died " It’s so. anyhow.” be persisted; "but Uses of Foulard. of their Invited guests the cost was and his mines turned out so well, If you slit hls tongue straight down Foulard Is becoming one of the 350,000.. everybody said I ought to travel—to the middle, lengthwise, he can talk a -JJfirst an d A h k e n y Sts. P o rtla n d , Or most popular silks for fall wear. It Mrs. Whitney Is an accurate shot broaden my mind. But I wasn't made good deal better. Why, I ’ve seen that Is used not only for entire dresses and far as front seams, a button keek and has been a hunting enthusiast to broaden my mind; I was made to thing tested. A neighbor of mine, a for trimmings, but also for lining tnls In position each end. M aterlA for years. She and her husband are •It on my front porch and fan on hot college professor, had a crow that loose coats, being especially favored faces the collar and cuffs. typical of the many Americans who days, and to go In my kitchen and could speak several words. He had Far Red, Weak, Weary, Watery Cyst ta d H at of soft straw trimmed w ith rib- hare with those of shantung and like ma­ manifested a fondness for bake better buns than these on the Its tongue silt, and when the tongue terials. I t Is an excellent material to ron. grouse shooting and who have leased cool ones.” G R A N U L A T E D E Y E L ID S got well the bird could say almost choose for a frock for week-end visits, Materials required: 5 yards serge English hunting grounds, though none Cynthia laughed. “I feel that way anything the professor wanted It to j j y f o T f e S*" t ^ m*rt73ooth es Eye Pain Orw.M. le t M a r la . I » . gaaw dr. L I« . 11. IS«. SSc, II.M as it packs well, and Is easily shaken, 46 Inches wide, 7 buttons, 4 yards silk has paid so much as the Whitneys for myself. I Juat long to bake a pot of ■a y ’ . . . Murtoa Eva Salvo. In Aaaptie Tubes, IS e . 31.00 the sport. after unfolding. Into smoothness and for lining coat. beans or a clam chowder, and some­ Did It perch upon the bust Of Pal- KYK BOOKS A N D ADV1CB FREE BY MAIL H arry Payne Whitney Is put down times when I ’ve been visiting tombs las. Just above thi freshness. The second would be suitable for M u r i n e E y e R e m a d y O x , C h ic a g o Plain foulard Is supplemented for delaine; the skirt fits plainly round In Who's Who as a capitalist He ts and things I ’d give anything for a "Cut that out! I ’m telling you these purposes with the dotted and waist and has a deep hem above which 38 years old and the eldest son of cup of my own tea.” something that actually took place.” the late Hon. W illiam C. Whitney. He striped weaves and those printed In are two one-inch tucks. "Now that's Just the way I feel," "Did the bird talk Itself to death?" Is a Yale graduate, member of maDy •aid the other. "Look here, let’s go tiny flowers or In oriental designs. The Magyar blouse Is finished by "Did It talk the professor to death?" clubs and on the directorate of a around together a bit. Maybe things Altogether It Is a wise choice for the lace frills at the neck and elbow. "Could It sing two parts?” number of great enterprises. Mrs. woman who must be economical in “Did It use words that had a dou­ A belt of velvet or satin to match Whitney Is a daughter of the late would be better If we had somebody dress. to talk It over with.” ble------ ” spot on materia) gives a smart effect Cornelius Vanderbilt. She Is a very Things went so well that, on the ‘‘Gentlemen,” Interrupted the man to the w aist clever woman, being an artist and a second day, the two took a small In the mackintosh, "you make me In­ Materials required: 6 yards delaine, skilled sculptor. Ruffles on Skirts. She maintains a apartment together, with a tidy serv­ tensely weary. The professor. It Is studio In New York and another at The prevalence of the tunic and the 30 inches wide. ant In charge; and together they true, gave the bird away. A barten­ overskirt has given rise to a modifies- New port She and Mr. Whitney went the rounds of sightseeing, find­ der has It now.” have been married 14 years. This, tlon of these In the shape of circular ing a certain satisfaction In their "W hat was the trouble?” Inquired Hats for Juniors. come to think of It, ts a long time for ruffles, extending from waist to ankles. Simplicity In the millinery world a couple In the ultra-social set to live common complaint against this very the man wtth the green goggles. This Is quite In the old style of sev­ foreign town, and In their common "H e couldn't make It talk gram­ eral years back, but somehow com­ should be adhered to emphatically together without a thought of divorce. Is not a "fcod” —It Is a medicine, and ths enthusiasm over the home country. matically. I t split Its Infinitives.” bines flufflness with simplicity, and when the young girls are fitted out for I only medicine In the world for cows only, But I wouldn’t tell Everett for I M ade far t h . eow and, It« nam e Indicates, maintains the tight and narrow skirt the autumn. anything,’’ Cynthia confessed to her The Wherefore. a eow care. Barranncaa, retained a fterbirth , announced for this fall and winter. The most attractive models are abortion, aeoure,eakedudder, and all s im ilar friend. "He told me how it would be. "W hy are you so sore on your con­ Sometimes Happens. Usually five ruffles are used on a those that reflect the colors of the au­ aff.otlone poeltlvely and quickly e-'.od. No and I wouldn’t believe him. I gressman 7” •’H e’s been around the world anu I ona who keeps eowa, w hethar skirt; sometimes these are plain, tumn. Brown with touches of red or "When we called on him In Wash­ thought It would be like fairyland, yet you never hear him tell about hls | | can afford to ba w ithou t "J again they are edged or veiled with yellow Is always good. The dull moss ington last session he made a speech but I didn’t understand that fairy­ experiences.” chiffon or tulle. This style is becom- ___ __ greens or stone grays touched up with would be lonely without to us Instead of taking us out to land “Maybe he was chased around ths | lng to every one but the short, stout I purples that hint of autumn skies are friends. lunch world by detectives. I Dairy AaeeeleMew Ca^ LywetenvMe, Vt, woman, who should beware of I t I usually beoomlng to girlish faces. IN A F A R C O U N TRY □ Kt T 0» QUALITY CUTS KBS’.!,.. ry murine eye remed v T K ow -K ure W I