THANKSGIVING PROCLAMATION Snow, Slaet and High Winds Tie Up Atlantic Coast. NATIONAL GOVERNMENT NEWS GENERAL INTEREST Police Arrest Alleged Rioters, But Make Bad Mistake. New York — Rushing in from the ocean, one of the heaviest fall b liz Chicago— W ell known club and soci LARGER WARSHIPS NEEDED. UNION READY TO 8EIZE HIM . zard» of years struck the A tlantic sea ety women dumbfounded the police de board, piling snow and sleet upon New partment through interference in the York, Philadelphia, Baltimore, Wash Question of Heavier Armor or Heav Honduras Under Martial Law. United strike of the garment workers. ier Guns is Not Settled. ington and intermediate pointa, tear Mounted police had charged threaten States to Act. ing down telegraph and telephone wires Washington— Plans for bigger bat Washington— M artial law has been ing mobs of strikers and made numer and delaying trains. tleships with heavier armor w ill be declared in Honduras as a direct result ous arrests in three sections of the The entire coast north of Baltimore presented to congress during the forth of the revolt of General Jose V alla city, only to be completely nonplussed Last Year'« Great Progrès. In Amer' Is covered with a thick blanket of coming session by Secretary of the dares, the deposed commandant of when met by obdurate groups of the Ica la Notable, and Causes for •°lfiry« wet snow. Telegraph wires Navy Meyer when the question of the Amapala, against the government, ac elite of Chicago's women who produced • Thankfulneaa are Many. were broken down so badly by the building program is taken up for con cording to cable advices to the State engraved calling cards at police its - alect that the telegraph companies re sideration. department from Minister McCreery, tiona in lieu of bailbonds. ported that they were getting commer I t was a new experience for the po Naval experts have practically at Tegucigalpa. The port of Amapala A W aahington —- The progreas of the cial messages through only at a great agreed that the new type of ship, of has been closed and the island is in a lice and plainly confused them. score of these women champions of country aa reflected by the recorda of effort and at a coat of considerable which congress w ill be asked to au state of seige. delay. thorize the building of two, w ill be (Nipulation and harvuata and the general The United States gunboat Princeton the garment workers, who faced the The storm was the most severe about larger and heavier than the 27,000-ton is in the harbor at Amapala ready to rioting, were taken into custody. condition» of international peace, are Tlje take a hand in the revolution at the They were immediately released, how thing» for which thankagiving ia eape- Baltimore and Washington, all wires ships now under construction. became clally due for the year 1910, according being reported down between these tonnage lim it w ill be increased to at first sign of hostility towards foreign ever, when their identity In Eastern Pennsylvania least 28,000 and probably 29,000 when known to the poliee. to the annual Thankagivlng proclama two cities. ers or their interests. President Da One of them was injured when struck tion iaaued by President T aft. The communciatlon with Chicago could be the plans are matured. vila is preparing to send an armed obtained, only by way of Boston. The naval general board has not yet force against Valladares, and in the by a policeman’s club, but her name proclamation ia aa follow»: "T hia year of 1910 ia drawing to a Trains were delayed everywhere and absolutely decided whether the in event of the government's failure to did not become known, as she was hur cloae The recorda of population and some of the trolley lines had to give crease in weight shall be devoted to restore order on the island the United riedly placed in an automobile and tak harvests which are the index of pro- up all attempts at maintaining regular more guna or heavier armor, but the States probably w ill be asked to in en to her home. schedules. Most of the women of prominence prevailing opinion seems to favor terfere. greaa ahow vigoroua national growth Washington communicated only in heavier armor. and the health and proaperoua well I t would not be surprising i f Com involved in the demonstrations were In rase of the latter the new ships mander Hayes, of the Princeton, acting garbed as working girls, and for this being of our communities throughout term ittently with the rest of the world. thia land and in our possessions beyond Wires were blown in all directions by w ill have only 10 guns, but these w ill under instructions from the State de reason the police could not distinguish the aeaa, These blessings have not a whirling mixture of snow and rain, be 14-inch type, which has but recent partment, should send an armed force them from strikers until afte r arrests deacended upon ua in restricted meas which swept over the city all night. ly been developed by the ordnance de ashore at any time to take Valladares had been made. " I w ill take oath that we were doing W ith the into custody. However, department ure, but overflow and abound. They There is no communication whatever partment of the navy. between the national capital and points heavier armor the ships w ill be able to are the blessings and bounty of God. officials refuse io discuss the proba absolutely nothing beyond the law ,” " W e continue to be at peace with to the north, and in other directions come into closer battle range, thereby b ility of this beyond asserting that increasing their effectiveness. the rest o f the world. In all essential wire service is almost us bad. American interests w ill be safeguard The building program w ill probably ed. matter» our relations with other peo CHINESE C U TS H IS QUEUE. include torpedo destroyers, and one ad ples are harmonious w ith an evergrow NAVY TO TRIM EXPENSE. ditional ship, either an ammunition, ing reali ty of friendliness and depth of An recognition of mutual dependence. It Walla Walla Orientals Obeying Order repair, supply or hospital ship. Taft and Meyer' Plan Concentration important change in the building plans ia especially to be noted that during of F a r-O ff Emperor. at Large Yards on Coast. as outlined in the tentative program the last year great progress has been W alla Walla -Obeying the command w ill be enlargement of the destroyers Washington—Sweeping reforms in achieved in the cause o f arbitration, of his emperor, miles away across the to 1,000 tons. The largest now afloat the Navy department looking toward and the peaceful settlement of inter seas. Shoo Fly. the best known China in the United States navy are 750 tons. an economy of several million dollars national disputes. man in the Walla W alla valley, has This means that the larger grey are said to be included in a plan which "N o w , therefore, I, W illiam Howard cut off his queue. For 40 years he has hounds of the navy, the scout destroy Secretary Meyer is reported to be pre T aft, president of the United States of worn his glossy braid, sometime swing paring for presentation to President America, in accordance with the wiae ing behind him as ho walked, but more ers, w ill become an obsolete c I sbs . T a ft on the secretary’s return from custom of the civil magistrate since often coiled tightly about his head. the inspection trip upon which he is the first aettlemenU in thia land, and The example set by Shoo F ly is being W ILSON SEN T TO TOMBS. now engaged. with the rule established from the followed by others of the Chinese here, The abolition of construction corps foundation of thia government, do ap and it ia said that only a few o f the President of United Wireless Refuses and the pay corps and later, perhaps, point Thursday, November 24, 1910, as picturesque head dressings remain in to Give Up Letter Press. the abandonment of some of the navy a day of national thanksgiving and the city. A ll are to go, say those yards on the A tlantic Coast, are pre New York — Colonel “ Christopher prayer, enjoining the people upon that who can talk English, and while not Wilson, president of the United W ire dicted i f the plan is carried out. day to meet in their churches for the all have complied with the order, The concentration of the work of the praise of Alm ighty God and to return which permits the cutting of the hair, less Telegraph company, ¡was sent to the Tombs by Judge Lacombe, of the navy at a few of the largest navy heartfelt thank» to him for all his all are expected to do so as soon as United States D istrict court, on a pre yards— those at Boston, New York, goodness and loving kindness. they become a little more used to the sentation of the Federal grand jury, Philadelphia, Norfolk and San Fran In witness whereof I have hereunto custom. W alla W alla has a large cisco— with a view toward suspending MIPS M 4RY IDELL IDE set my hand and caused the seal of the Chinese quarter, owing to the many for contempt of court in refusing to Col' lie, Washington, who will be Queen of the surrender to the'eourt a letter press operations at Portsmouth, N . H ., and Of National United State» to be affixed. Apple Show at Spokane, Nov. 14 to 1». gardens near here, and meetings dis book, which the board of directors had Charleston, S. C., is causing much Hone at the City of Washington, cussing the newest edict have been been subpoenaed to produce. speculation, though i t is believed noth thia, the 5th day of November, in the frequently held of late. By popular Certain officers of the company are ing definite has been decided in the said Miss Ellen Varer, one of the club year of our Lord one thousand nine decision, the Chinamen, most of whom charged with fraudulently using tne m atter beyond the plan to merge some women who has become a strike picket. hundred and y-n, and of the independ are becoming quite modernized, have mails in furtherance of an alleged of them for the sake of economy. " The only persons who were violating ence of the United States the one hun decided to drop the ancient custom. the law were the policemen, who treat scheme to defraud investors. dred and th irty-fifth . (Signed) ed us roughly and hurt dreadfully w ith Cost o f Feeding Canal Army. Wilson’s counsel applied to Judge “ W IL L IA M H O W A R D T a FT. Washington— Feeding the army of their clubs some of the poor boys who Coxe, in the United States Circuit PARLIAMENT IS CALLED. “ By the President, Alvee A. Adee, court, for a w rit of habeas corpus. Panama canal builders is a m atter of were w alking peacefully past the acting secretary of state. shops. I f there had been a real rio t Chinese Empe-or Issues Decree For Judge Coxe granted the w rit and fixed tremendous expense, and to keep tab it would have been Incited altogether on the money the government makes a the bail at $100. STRIKERS O U ST PRESIDENT. 1813 Meeting. Later Wilson was brought to the record of wonderful detail that shows by the police.” Pekin— An official decree was issued Federal building, where his bail bond the cost per meal per man. I t is Garment Workers Repudiate Agrea- announcing that an imperial parlia shown by the annual report o f the Isth SEVEN SHANGHAI BANKS FAIL. was signed and he was released. ment Proposed- Settlement Off. ment. the first in the history of China, mian canal commissiun that there are in operation 19 hotels, 19 European Change o f Taotais Causes Panic, Par Chicago.— The outlook for an early would be convened in 1918. PEARY RETURNS TO DUTY. This is a concession to the demands laborers’ messes and 20 common labor alyzing Industry, settlement of the garment workers' ers’ kitchens. strike went glimmering when the of the recently constituted senate and Victoria, B. C .— Seven banks in Polar Explorer Assigned, But Not to The total number of meals served at Shanghai, including several large ones, strikers declined the proposed agree delegations of the provincial assem blies. The program fixed by the late Work He Preferred. commission hotels was 2,176,451. The ment offered by T. A. Rickert, presi have failed, and a financial panic has dent o f the United Garment Workers, empress dowager provided for the as Washington— Captain R. E. Peary cost of supplies was 24.87 cents, and resulted. The steamship Titan, which sembling of an imperial parliament in the Arctic explorer, returns to active the expense 6.23 cents a meal, a total brought this news, le ft Yokohama Oc repudiated him as leader, and sought the aid of the Chicago Federation of 1915, but until recently the throne had duty in the Navy department on No of a little over 31 cents. tober 15. Following the failure of the refused to entertain petitions praying The meals served in the European Labor. vember 9, as engineer expert for the The de department s i justice in cases before laborers’ meases made a total of 1,- banks, the Chinese chamber of com The Federation instructed ita ex that the date be advanced. merce telegraphed to the prince regent ecutive board to issue a call ¡fo r funds cree sets forth that the parliament the Court of Claims involving construc 092,487, which coat 36.84 cents each that unless aid was given at once many w ill be convened in three years. for supplies and expenses. The meals tion work for the naval bureau of to assist the strikers and ordered Pres manufactures would cease operations The poliee went from house to house yards and docks. in the common laborers’ kitchen total and over 300,000 men would be made ident Fitzpatrick to prepare a memor informing the occupants of the edict. ial on the strike to present to the con This work was the explorer’s choice ed 781,746, and coat 27.09 cents each. idle. The prince regent telegraphed vention of the American .'Federation of Presently the dragon banner and paper among several positions offered. Peary The average daily attendance during 700,000 taels, and is being urged to Labor, which w ill meet in St. Louis lanterns appeared above every door. would have preferred, it is ssid, to June in the line hotels was 1,915, in send $5,000,000 more. Beyond this there was no public mani have been assigned to duty at the messes 3,178, and in kitchens 1,496. this week. One of the closed banka has lia b ili festation over the momentous news. The average weight of the ration ties of 20,000,000 taels and has 22 naval library to w rite o f his travels in supplied each person daily in the labor branches throughout the empire. I t the frozen North. Mathewson Gets S I6,000. The explorer has been on leave of ers kitchens was found to be approxi has on deposit $4,000,000 of customs New York— Christy Mathewson has Women On Strike March. just signed a contract with the New ( hicago -Led by a throng of women absence from the department about ten mately 4.41 pounds, with a value of revenue and $3,000,000 of Shanghai York baseball club for next season at singing the “ M arseillaise," several years, during which tim e he has been 22.26 cents. I t is a coincidence that funds, none of which is secured. Jap the highest salary ever paid in the his thousand striking garment workers engaged in Arctic exploration. Re the net weight of the ration furnished anese bankers state that among the tory of the game. I t is undersbxd paraded through the North Side fac cently he was promoted to the rank o f the European laborer is exactly equal failed banks are three of China’s la r to the gross weight of the United gest. that M atty w ill receive for hia ser tory district. The marchers visited captain as the result of the death of a States army garrison, and the net vices next season $15,000, each of the "open shops” in this sec senior officer. A bill is now pending Finest Apple Shaw Opens. The "b ig s ix " had a long conference tion and shouted derisively at non in congress to make Peary a rear ad weight of the ration furnished the w ith John T. Brush, and while the union workers and strikebreakers. miral aa a mark of recognition for his negro laborer is exactly equal to the Vancouver, B. C----- W ithout doubt gross weight of the United States polar exploits. financial dealings of the club with its Several attempts at disorder were the first Canadian Apple show, opened army field ration. players are never made public, it is quelled by the police, who made here Nov. 1, is the best in point TO LL IN HUMAN LIFE HEAVY. said on good authority that Mr. Brush number of arrests. of arrangement, size and amount of Peso Maker to Be Freed. volunteered Mathewson the advance in premiums offered, of any ever held Mrs. Raymond Robins, president of Managua. N ic.— Provisional Presi anywhere. Lieutenant Governor Pat salary, the Women’s Trade Union league, said Railroads Killed 3,804, Injured 82, dent Estrada has sent a telegraphic 3 7 4 During 12 Months, erson made the formal opening ad that the striking women are anxious message to Señor Arrellano, represen Nicaragua Wants Loan. to submit their grievances to arbtra- Washington— Killed, 8,804; injured, tative of the provisional government dress, while Attorney General Bowser and Prem ier McBride, of British Co Managua— In the convention signed tion and that she believed the strike 82.374. at Washington, instructing him to re by the United States Commissioner would be settled w ithin a few days This is the casualty record of the quest the release by the American gov lumbia, and Mayor Taylor, of Vancou Dawson, on the one hand, and General railroads in the United States during ernment of H. N. Secreest, who was ver, gave the ceremonies added dig Estrada and his ministers on the other, the year ended June 80 last, according arrested a short time ago in Chicago in nity. The show has 3,424 exhibits, Tetanus Patient Saved. including 194 varieties of apples and for the continuance of Estrada in the San Francisco — According to the to the Interstate Commerce commis connection with printing of counter representing 287 exhibitors. presidencey for two years, Mr. Dawson latest reports from Lane hospital. Ma sion. I t is an increase of 1,013 in the fe it Nicaraguan five-peso notes. promises to use his best efforts to ob Sing, a Chinese who was taken to the number killed and 18,454 in the num I t is explained that Secreest acted Indians Offered Bribes. tain a loan for Nicaragua from the hospital suffering from tetanus, has a her injured over the previous year’s under orders of the revolutinoary lead Guthrie, O kla.— A. J. Johnson and United States. T h is . loan is to be good chance to recover, owing to the figures. er. The orders were issued prior to guaranteed by 50 per cent of the cus heroic treatment given him at the There were 5,861 collisions, killing the retirem ent of Madriz and were George Kispketon, two Indian inter preters, who are important witnesses tom duties, and w ill be used for the Emergency hospital. The case is one 433 persons and injuring 7,765 and subequently cancelled. Information purpose of funding the internal and of the most difficult ever handled at an damaging railroad property $4,629, of the cancellation probably was re for the government in the hearing to extradite to Mexico five men wanted foreign debt, building railroads and es emergency hospital, and the man’s re 279. In the year there were 5,910 ceived by Secreest too late to prevent there for alleged Kickapoo land frauds tablishing a gold standard. derailments, 340 persons were killed covery is largely due to the labors of his coming into conflict with the au testified that they had been offered During the last thorities. the surgeons and stewards of that in and 4,814 injured. $500 each to “ stay by” the defend Straits Will Be Flown, stitution. Over $30 worth of tetanus three months of the year the total in ants. They said they had already been Torpedo-Boat Destroyer Fast Havana — Arrangements are being serum was used on the patient, and the jured was 20,650. paid small amounts by two of the de actual treatment took over four hours. Rockland, Me.— A knot slower than made for an aeroplane flight across the Commission Controls Private Cars. the record of her sister ship, the D ray fendants and that they had turned over Florida straits from Havana to Key the money to the prosecutor. Washington — Asserting that any West, probably in December. The dis ton, but faster than either of the o il Yellow Fever Found at Honolulu, other construction would nullify the burning torpedo boat destroyers, the tance is over 90 miles, but conditions France Births Gaining. Honolulu— The first' case of yellow for flying, it is claimed, are favorable fever ever known In this port has been law, the Interstate Commerce commis S tarrett obtained a top speed of 32.333 PBr,lS~ D urin« the firBt h alf o f the sion reaffirmed its rig ht to exercise knots an hour in a standardization test. at this season. The Havana Post has discovered aboard the Japanese liner re Rr \ ” offlci8l>y announced, offered a prize of $5,000. I t is said Hongkong Maru, which arrived here jurisdiction over private cars when The S tarre tt’s turbines generated V”* h1*0 ” ,n France exceeded the that Glenn H. Curtiss, Mars, Ely and October 30 from Manzanillo, Mexico. used for the conveyance of amusement about 15,000 horse power. H er aver Durin* the outfits, theatrical companii s and the age speed for the five runs made was 1909 t’ h y? \ ’k189> Baldwin w ill compete. The steamer is held in quarantine. 28°20She death* exceeded births by like. 31.653 knots an hour. President Taft Names Thurs day, November 24.