ur — 1 * j S H T IC K »'OK f V IIL IU A T IO N . [i,'punuicnt of the Interior, F 8. Land O ffice at Roseburg, Ore., r 1», 1910. Notice Is hereby given that George F. ClnusliiK, of Medford, Oregon, who, on May St. 1910, mad« Tlm bet Application, No. 5071, for S '« S W '* . N W '. S W li and SW 14 N W 14, Sec­ tion 4, Tot.'nnhlp 37 8., ltaugo 3 W„ W illam ette Meridian, has filed no­ tice of Intention to make Final T im ­ ber t’roof, to establish claim to th< land above described, before W . II Canon. C. 8. Commissioner, at Mcd- (urd, Oregon, on the l?t dav <•< l.‘ < < i.m H r , DUO Claitnunt name« as wltnesses- Oeorge McClellan, of Gold H ill, Or. son: Thomas Dung«:', of Gold lllll. Oregon; Fredrick 11. Clausing, oi Medford. Oregon; J hn Graham, o'. Gold H ill, Oregon. B E N JA M IN F. JONES. Register -------------------------------- j u t WHENJjN G R A N TS PASS Drop in and see our select stock of F u rn itu re 5 of all kinds, which includes Bed Room Suites, Par! >r Suites, Carpets, Rued, Linoleums, etc., in fact every­ thing necessary to completely (urnish your home. O ’N E I L L N O T IC E O F V. n ss ea H tt-r g r a w n r C 2V 9A E v e r y P r e c a u tio n is t a k e n t o s e n d o u r m e a ts t o t h e c o n s u m e r in t h e b e s t o f c o n d itio n G o l d H i l l M a r k e t F- DO Iron in Comfort TH AT K E A N S— GET AN E le c tric I r o n 1 We will send you an iron on 30 DAYS FREE TRIAL ROGUE RIVER ELECTRIC CO M A I N O F F I C E —M E D F O R D , O R . G O L D H IL U LIVERY STABLE Poor Luck P erh ap s sem e n ew ta c H le w o u ld h e lp F is h in g G o o d s o f a l l k i n d s w y i fce f o u n d a* D a r lin g ' H o d g 'e s P R O P R IE T O R S First Class Turnouts R e e d ’s Bon Ton S. Land Office at Roseburg, Ore. N. . mil. i 22 mil IU A sufflylent affidavit hating brer a led m mix office ny o . n . t (•■ler.e.r lemani, again-t H .'in .-t ad Entry No 13394, S erial Nn. 08970, made March 8 ¡WM, for N i NW I-» a d o h, NE l 4 1 Sert'on 22, Township .17 S . Ranged W i W iliam tie Meridian, bi Hobart t\ | G h rls lia n , C o n trrire , m winch it i alleged that »aid Rid ..-rt \ \ C h ris ti, never tired u |»o said land, o r compile w ith the noniu.leao lam in anv way th a t en 'ry n n in bad n i taken up b residence on said l a id , and bad no made any I < prov un l i t . whnli-v thereon, anil th a t raid entry had le abandoned ; anil that rani land is upO I '.he side ol a sleep lo ll or tnountai and is u n fit for c u ll ra tio n , and covered w ith a heavy u r n .in „1 tim liei »aid p a rlie . are hereh, notified to <|.- | pea», m-pord. andoilei i v denee touch­ ing said nllegali ns nt 10 o‘cluck a. n i on Novem ber 12, 1910. before the lt - g - ! ¡«ter nod Receiver a t tne Uuited State Land Office In Ro»eb"rg, Oregon T he said cunM etant having, in ■ i oroner utfadnvit, Ql.»l H pternher 22 191(1, set forth facte which show the i a fte r due diligence personal service • i ibIs notice can not lie uimlu, I l is hen hr ordered a d d ir, ct u th a t *uch no •ice lie given by duo and proper publl cul'on N e u rilg ia of the I.cn, shoulder I band«, or lent requires a powerfi ¡remedy that w ill pe< etrate tie I flesh. B A L L A R D ’S SNOW L IN J IM E N T |io-8r«ge« th a t power. Huh bed in «here the pain i» felt is nl a il that is neceesary *o relieve eui fering a "d rcB’ore n -rmal conditm ii Price 25c, 50c and $1 Oil per b o il's Sold by Jarvis the D 'liggiat. Coughs and cold« p rom ptly re­ lieved by N y a l’«. Jarvis the Dru - OREGON PLANT PEARS BUY HIG H-G RAD E STOCK from the Oregon Nursery Company Shrubs, Roses, Vines A. J. Messner “The Little Tailor” Bakery Bread, Pies, C ookies, Cakes. W e bake everyth in g that’s good . L a B e lle Tire Setting & Done promptly and satis­ factorily; the same with all other work in my line C. F. Carter Blacksmith Cleaning, Pressing and Repairing Done on Short Notice Gold Hill OPERA HOUSE Biograph Moving Pictures THURSDAY. SATURDAY and SUNDAY e LWÂÏK* Complete Change of Program every Performance Admission 10c KELLOGG & REED, Managers $h o w S P O K A N E , W A S H IN G T O N W I L L HE H E L I) N ovem ber 14 to 19, 1910 $20,000 in Premiums Prise« lur .ingle upplus, hose« and everything up to full carloads will bo awarded $ 1 ,0 0 0 Champion­ ship Carload Prize Foe the best carload of 6:«) boxes or bushel« A floor space of three and one-lialf acres Is requited to hou»e this g n a t show. sides the Be­ xh lblt ol apples, growers, packer« and cnoaers will |r«ro aad gain valuable Information Southern Pacific Company (Lines in Oregon) W ill have in effect low round trip fai from all point« on its ih.es For further Particulars, appi, o any S. P. Agent, or to Wm. McMurray General Passenger Agent Portland, Oregon ‘A Square M eal and a Square Deal’ The Gold Hill Hotel Steve Jones, Proprietor E ltc tric Light in E n try Room Tht B ttt th t M arhtt A tto rd t gist. Fruit and Ornamental Trees G O L D H IL L . /^pple B E N JA M IN F. JONES. Rnglstei It c. rd adilre-s of c n lrjm a n — it r ! Point, Oregon. w h e r e t H « ic e c r e a m sodas ¿ ro w Corner Opposite Depot Rational The gnaie.t variety nl pilau», cup« and trophies ever oflared. Department of the Interior. T h e C o m p le te H o u s e F u r n is h e r am & aB B SsnQ l*t U L If A T IO N . THIRD A N N U A L Small Fruits 4s? N O T IC E FO R P U B L IC A T IO N . j W hen the . he«t feel« on fire and Department of the Interior, the th reat burn«, von h ve inflige«- B. Land Office nt Roseburg, Ore , lio n , and you toed IIE R H IN E to -trot ni'> * 19,2*110 | get rid of iltn dD .gr> eahle iecling. Notice la hereby given that Fred II. drives nut budly digested food, Ink II. Clansing, of Medford, Oregon, • ho, on May 24, 1910, made Tim ber strengthens the a'omach and p uri- Price 50c. Sold pplicatlon, No, (0G 070), for EH ; find I h»' h« R el«. • W14 and NB14 SW >4 and NW >4 by Jarvis tiie Druggist. E14. SecUon 4, Township 37 8., tange 3 W . W illam ette Meridian, aa filed notice of Intention to make 'Inal Tim ber Proof, to establish latm to the land above described, lefore W . H. Canon, U. 8. C'ommls- ioner, at Medford. Oregon, on the st. d«v o’ Decern'«” 1010 Claim ant names ns witnesses- ieorge McClellan, of Gold H ill, Ore-; ton; Thomas Dnngey, of Gold HUI, tregon; John Oraharn, of Gold H ill, I I am p r e p a r e d d o a ll 'regon; George F. Clansing, of Med­ h in d s o f ford, Oregon. B E N JA M IN F. JONES, Register. W m . P a u le y J e w e le r J e w e l r y a n d W a tc h R e p a ir in g J. E. Day Agent Wood ille, Oregon N O T IC E O F P U B L IC A T IO N . Department of the Interior, y. 9. Land Office at Roseburg, Ore., 06439. Contest 3109. September 22. 1910 Whereas, letter " N " of June 16, 1898, A t J a r v is * D r u g S t o r e bv the honorable CommLelnner of the venera1 land nfll e, canceled the I I. E. v e. 6021 of Jem*« A Slover as to the ■4*4 SX N W 'i MW U, NW N H 8 W t,- 4 W *,8 W N W 1-4 NW 1-4 RW 1-4. NW 8W1 4 N W 1-4 SW 1-4 RW 1-4 NE I 4 WW1-4 8W I-4 N W 1-4 8E1-4 NW1 4 a office on November 16, 1010, at 10 o'clock a. m. and submit, testimony in support of th eir resoeotlve claims to the said land, and to show the present character of same. The said homestead applicat having, in a proper affidavit, filed September Gold Hill 22, 1910, set forth facts which show Phone 4 6 that after due diligence personal ser­ vice of thia notice can not he made or. said W alter S. Morgan, it is herehy ordered nod directed that such notice be given by due and proper publication, Office at Keeidence. to said Morgan. 10-8 B E N J A M IN F. JONES, Reflater. G oltfU IU , O re< a a G o ld H ill, O r e g o n 10 PCT. DISCOUNT FOR 3 0 DAYS... On all goods; also free silver­ ware with cash sales; get your furniture made Io order in the mission style; repair work and upholstering neatly done. ♦ t t t If it needs fixing take it to C h a s . K e ll G e n e r a l B la c k s m ith FRANK BURNETT “The Mission Man” .. READ . . . “ Oregon, the Last Call o f the West” by Walter V. Woehlhe Beautifully illustrated in four colors in NO VEM B ER Sunset Magazine On sale a t the Bon Ton R em em ber IS c A . E. K E L L O G G UNDERTAKER and EMBALMER D r. W . P. C H IS H O L M P H Y S IC IA N