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About Gold Hill news. (Gold Hill, Jackson County, Or.) 1897-19?? | View Entire Issue (Oct. 29, 1910)
anterMtlng rsopis. He shook his heao. "You can't do It, Zee.“ The deed hs(l been torn to pieces and thrown upon the kindling In the g r a t a -h a lf had a l Five Years o f Severe R h e u m a tis m The cure of Itsnry J. Ouldstaln, 14 ready boon destroyed. Marlon Hlrset. Iloatun, Mass., Is sm ith- “That la probnbly Just as well. We •r victory by Hood's Haraatuirllla. •hall make a new one," she said. In a T h is great m edicine hna succssilad In m atter-of-cou rse tune. "I wish you m any cases where ethers have utterly M E R E D IT H N IC H O L S O N would tell me, so that 1 may under failed. Mr, Goldstein says: “I su f stand. Just w h st It Is that has hap fered from rheum atism ffvs years, It kept tne from business and caused e x C aerH akt. 1004, b . T k * a.ha. M to.UI C*. pened.'* cruciating pain. My knees would be "It's a long story. I thought I should come ns stiff ns steel. 1 trle.l m any be able to make a great fortune for m edicines without relief, then took you. It was my greed my greed. Hood's Harsapurllla, soon felt much What I proposed about the deed was better, and now consider m yself en purely selllsh to shield myself. It Is tirely cured. I recorntnetnl Hood's." Get It today In usual liquid form or CH APTER X X — (Continued.) •d on porcelain. lie put on hit apee- a grave matte)-— I have betraygd you— She knew that Mrs. Copeland had in- utcivs «.no studied it Intently for a m o I have betrayed your m other’s trust. 1 Chocolated (ablets called S a rs a te b s . j trusted Leighton with no such m ss- m ent before handing It to Leighton. have robbed you." ' »age, for she was on telephonic term s "It was understood In the fainll) "I haven't been robbed father, and I Metter Look Outside. with Zelda, and Morris Leighton was that they wvru to be married, though don't Intend that anybody shall use If you »«nt to make the best ol I of rather heroic proportions for an er- there was never any formal announce such words Io mW. We shall make the your Ilfs, don't spend much time In : rand boy. ment. Your father m eanwhile w as ««- deed; no one need ever know that a n y looking within and wondering If you» "Mrs. Copeland would never forgive tabllahlng him self. Then Margaret thing has happened." J me If I forgot," suhl Morris, w ishing went East to visit a friend of hers. "You are kind; you are more than feelings are all rlghL Look outside When I got back, u little later, I fou id generous. Zee; but 1 was mad when I tnstvnd, and see whnt you are doing in cages o f Poor A ppetite, | to prolong his mom ent at the door. “1 shall com e If 1 «in." said Zelda, that It was all off between her and you to re-create the trust last for others, whst you are saying about H ead ach e, H eartburn, Sour : raising her voice slightly, so that ner your father. The girl had never been asked night. I am a had man; 1 m ust face other people, how you aro behaving to father m ight hear. , aw ay from home before, and the p eo n y sins; 1 have lived a lying, evil Ufa thoee around you. If you are behar R isings, B loating, Indiges "And I apologise again for distu rb ple she visited put her through llvuly I am a thief, worse than a thief." Ing kindly aud truly to your neigh ing. Ilut I feared Mrs. Copeland's My father can't be a thief," she bor you will not go far wrong. tion. D yspepsia, C ostive 1 w rath ;” and Morris grinned rather paces. It was easy to adm ire her. and the adm iration from strangers went said. ness, B iliousness and Ma j foolishly. to her head. Marlona wasn't very gav "I am a thief your uncle will see S h a k e In t o Y o u r S ho es "You are a faithful m essenger, and In those days, und Margaret had m iss that I am punished. And It will be Aden's Font-Ksee. a pow der fo r l h * feet. It cores laria, F ev er and A gu e, is I thank you very much.” said Zelda, ed a good deal of the social life that better so - I f only I did not drag you painful, sw idlsa. «m artin s , e w w itln e feeL Maks« form ally; but when the door closed on she was entitled to." >i«w skuas soar. Hold by a ll l)ru « « la te on<1 Sh.ra down, sm irch your name." H ostetter* s Stom ach Bit him Stoma. lk>n't s rc e p l any su k aU tute. g am ely and she heard hta step on the walk The old man paused, lost In thought, Her strength her readiness to meet ters. For over 5 7 years it the tears sprang to her eyes In her and Morris was glad of the silence. 11« the situation grew us she saw his H i t t . Addm ea A H. Olm sted, L * Ituy, N . V. Joy at the thought that he had rem em wras trying to construct for him self the weakness. Doing W e l l . has b een assisting sickly bered! p a st—to see his father ae Ilodney Mer "How bad la It, father; have we a n y “How's your boy getting along In W hen she went back to her father riam had painted him. and to see, too thing left? Don't be afraid to tell ni". and run dow n p eop le back he was poring over his papers at the M argaret Merriam as she had bean It's concealm ent you m ust avoid. If the big city?" asked a neighbor. to h ealth , and its friends table. "Fine," replied the farmer, "lie gets when his father knew and loved her. wo haven't a thing------ " "It was that Leighton fellow. I don't are th erefore legion. You There's no use going Into It. She Her tone reassured him; he lifted his his name In the papers almost every like him,” said Dameron, sharply. day now. He's one of them Joy stopped writing to your father w ith head with more courage. really ou gh t to try this "I'm very sorry." said Zelda. out any warning that she had changed “T his house— the place In the coun riders you read so much about." w on d erfu l rem ed y at once “I don't like him," the old man re She was com pletely carried aw ay with try— they are free. They are yours to peated; and he did not raise hla eyes, the excitem ent of her New York e x day. P e ltt's fy s Solve for Over 100 Years My Investm ents" he hesitated and be satisfed that it is but kept them upon the papers, periences. She was not ready to settle and blinked at the word "they can not has been used for congested and In th e on ly o n e you n eed to "What dreadful liars w e are, you down yet a while, she told him. 1 com e back to Injure you." flamed eyes, removes Him or scum and I, Ezra Dameron," she said, going supposed It would all come right, for 'Then this house and the farm are over the eyes. All druggists or How k eep you healthy. back to her old post my the mantel. I had faith In her. She was a tru e still ours." ard Bros., Buffalo, N. Y. "You have used language to me that hearted, gentle woman, but she was “They are yours, not mine. I hav I Is infam ous, blasphem ous, from a child proud and headstrong; and your fa th w aited so much! It was a fortune— Equality of the «axes. to a father," er had his pride, too, I don't blame nearly half a million dollars when 8and Grains T ravel Far. Traveling In the country, I observe "Very likely," she said; "but I can't him for taking it hard, lie closed his began throw ing It away." The travels of grains of sand have discuss these th in gs with you any fur with Indignation that the scarecrow In office here and went back to T ippeca “I don't believe that's very much long been a matter of scientific rec ther." every field Is represented as a man! noe. I don't believe they ever saw When you haven't a million you're- ord, Tears ago It was established Leighton's appearance had broken each other again. I'm not afraid but you're not In It!" and she laughed The flapping of a woman's skirt, the that particles picked up on the roast the spell; It had given her new cour- that you will do what Is right. You "The loss of anything else Isn't worth waving of her feathers, would assured of Pas de Calais had their origin In ) age and assurance, though It hud not are the son of your father. I don't l<e- crying over. And then, you might ly be as effective for the purpose as the rocks of Brittany, from 120 to lifted the burden from her heart. Her lleve you take things as hard us ho huve made a great d'tul more out Is the dangling of a coat? W s will 180 miles distant. Another standard ! father was loath to part w ith her; did. Don't do It. And don't rsm tm h -r It." eventually displace man In every fact Is the discovery on the coast of j there w as the exten sion of the tru stee- what I have told you to-ntght. it's a H e flinched, knowing how culpable held.— London Truth. Denmark of chalk dust which un | ship to be effect; he was about to queer story. And It hasn't any moral he was; but her generosity and kind doubtedly came from the cliffs of m ake an appeal to her, throwing him at all. Your father m issed som ething ness were lifting his spirit. Honor Trees sod Plante. se lf on her mercy, when she said, h a lf out of his Ilfs— the fin e ardor of .vis "I have given you an option on Normandy The Siamese always nff«r llbatlni.a turning to go: younger manhood, maybe. Hut he had piece of ground—you may know It— to trees before cutting (hem down. "You need not be afraid—I will sign your m other and he had you. It wasn't out by the creek, and have received Mothers w ilt find Mrs. W inslow 's Soothing The natives of Sumatra pay special Syrup tue b -st reraedr to use to t th eir oUUdran your deed. And I have not the sllgh t- he that was punished.” thousand dollars on account of It. I d u rin g the te e th in g period. honor lo certain trees supposed to eet Idea of holding you to account for He was silent a moment, and then may be binding on you. It grew out any of your acts. Only—only"—and blurted out: of my necessity. It Is not fair for me embody the wood spirits, while the la- “ Mabel, 1 don t piopuse------ “ her eyes filled and her voice broke— "What does Zelda think of Pollock?" to talk to you of these things at all hshltants of the Society Islands pay “Well, George, I've noticed that, but “only you m ust never speak my m oth I don't know!" Morris rose and You anould take advice of som e one similar reanect to some plants. else— Just as though there were no sort walked the length of the room. daddy says you'd better propose be er’s name to me a g a in !” “Yes; yes. 1 understand," he said, "What does she think of you. then?" of tie between us fore long or there will be doln’a." HOOD R IV E R O R C H A R D L A N D "We are not going to do It “When you interrupted me, Mabel, absently; though It was clear that he demanded Marrlum, looking directly at for sale by owner; choice ten acres U4 did not know what she m ea n t Morris. way," suld Zelda, decisively. "We are I was about to say that 1 do not pre She turned and looked at him m u s "I think she hates m e ,” sakl Morris. going to understand this between our miles from city, elevation about l.fiOO po.’ e to wait any longer to learn ingly, with a com posure that was com feet, almost level, rial shot soil, two He turned and left the house abruptly, selves. Now ihls strip of ground that seres six-year-old trees; balance raw ■whether you do or do not return my plete; but a barrier In her heart broke What Is state. Price »1,700, easy terms. To leaving the old man aione with his has been practically sold. love.” down suddenly. memories. there about that?" reliable party will give work clearing “Oh, George! This Is so sudden!'*— "My girlhood, the beautiful Ignor "The money should be returned, or and caring for adjoining ten acres, Hbuston Post, ance of life, has all gone now. It be offered to them. Halcomb was m anag amount to apply on purchase price. Ad- CHAPTER XXII. gan to go as soon as I cam e home to Ezra Dameron sat In the sittin g- ing It----- " dress P. O. Box 1'” I f you ran a shoe store, would yoa 131, ~ Portland, or phone live with you; but I wish—I w ish— It "Mr. Jack Halcomb?— then of course A 5374. like It If your clerks bought shoes of had not gone—so wretchedly, so cru el room as he alw ays did. w aiting for It wasn't regulur." Zelda to come to breakfast; but as she an opposition dealer? ly. Good night." "It was my fault. Zee." stood upon the threshold, whence aho She spoke with difficulty, and he saw had often called her good-m orning, he "I don't believe IL He w as contrlv that she was deeply m oved; and even did not look up from the newspaper Ing a pitfall—that Is what m ight have after the rustle of her skirts had died with his usual sm ile. Hhe was touch been expected of him. And he cam e to aw ay In the hall above he stood look ed by the pathos of hla figure. II« our house and pretended to be our REAIORADLI RATH ing after her, and listening and w on seem ed older, more shrunken; his pro friend!" Itol Se at tMk aak. «100 dering. Then he opened a bundle of file, as the early light gave It to her, "Yes; he protended that; but I pre Ik«,. waft a, T m * «S fT c O F F E E L papers containing his com putations was less hard. H is lean cheeks had tended much more. D eceit la som e wFIrtra O SO a » 0 0 and over them In deep absorption. the touch of color they alw ays wore thing that feeds on Itself." T E A S PIC E S »to Raktor Plata. aak J7.S0 "She will sign It; she will sign It." in the morning from his careful sh a v (T o be continued I 3AKIN0 POWDER toto talk« PkM rak » 0 0 he repeated, though he did not raise ing, and his long hair was brushed » EXTRACTS tag « Pat catoa Cfaaraa his head. ........... O SO a IS 00 back with som ething more thun Its u s C o ra « U r ie * H a ir E a s ily « strioht H e went In and closed the door, m u t ual uncom prom ising sm oothness. A tog a, Fatrakra F i O rc *. SI w Numerous devices for d ryin t wom M m hila«, atol S O .» I I certain prim ness and rigidity In him CLOSSET fl DEVER3 ( tering, "The corn! The corn !” PaaSaaa titradta* atof SO. which had often vexed her, struck en's hair have been designed recently, wartAwp ow e. J l FU E atoa Pla». w t atoeto the majority consisting of complicated C H APTER XXL only her pity now. electrical fans or contriv At m idnight Leighton sat In the old ’’F ath er!” O ur work G uaranteed P erfect house in Sem inary Square debating the ances, which proved pei H e rose and turned toward her with Hpevlsl s i (on t Ion lo out-of-tow n I ’rni. us « iwwlal (o r aj>[>oliitii.snt O u t-o f town situation with Rodney Merriam. a pathetic appeal In hlg eyes. fectly satisfactory In every »'»tfc MMbtiintisd In « «lay No lw tu»r worfc «ny “W hat we said to her this afternoon w. «-ZH Mo.|t*rn OGul|>nimit Kvsry <>i>«»rntnr a ’’Good mornlnK. Zee.” he »aid. H ab way but entirely Imprac 2 ti-o c iiills i Endy tiii«n<U n(. evidently failed to arouse her. She it wa» strong In him and they usually tical In the ordinary home. either doesn’t understand, or she went to breakfast a» goon as »he cam e THE NEW YORK DENTISTS Hottie simple arrangement, doesn’t care.” down. He took a step now toward the US. H A S T U K D IV A S T . H . r * similar to the one recent Haara I . a a t . a Saada.i I . a a ] . a "She understands perfectly,” said dining-room . ly devised, serves the pur X L fa. lo a f* ato kwcMa P.aloaA Oraaoa Merriam; "but It’s quite like her to ■ ’’Father, I wleh to »peak to you a by reali fo r tho^e w ho cannot attend In pose much better. wish to shield him. Her m other did m om ent,” »he said, kindly; and he pernnn. A H iu s trn /tio n , u n h id in g linai examinations. is F R E E . F o r P*arliers. It constats of a com It before her. It's a sham e for the paused. "I am' sorry for what hap students pr« paring fo r college or uni versi m oney to have gone so; but It was In pened last night. I was not quite m y bined comb and hair dryer The Real Injury. ty . women's clubs, grange», eng'oeersaod boras makers. N o p relim inary exam ina- evitable, and I'm glad it's over now." self; I said things that will alw ays which In appearance close Yon know the fa.e of the pitcher tion is required. T h is maxi course h -* q i h Morris was silent. Rodney Merriam trouble me If you— unless you can for ly resembles a pair of that goes to the well too often." "Go Opporti! m t,- fo r you. was growing old and the thought of It give me. I was wrong—about every Send for a descriptive bulletin to tbs curling Irons. The comb ing to the well never hurt a pitcher touched him deeply, for Rodney M er thing. You m ust let me help, If I cai. Is metulllc and has a hoi- yet. It's going to the corner saloon C o rresp o n d en ce S tu d y D ^ e r t r n e n t riam was his best friend, a comrado, help you— In any way.” low back, fitting into which Is the that sends him back to the bush U n iv e r sity o f O regon an elder brother, who stood to him for He said nothing, but stared at her. E ogene - • - O regon m anliness und courage, much as Carr "W hat angered me was that you heating Iron. The latter Is In two league«.”— Philadelphia Ixxlger, represented In his eyes scholarship and weren't quite frank, father. I didn't parts, forming a spring to hold It In professional attainm ent. care about the money. It wnsn’t that place when slipped within the hollow "You never saw Zelda's m other?” —but If things haven't gone well with back of the comb. In using this hair asked Merriam, presently. you, I wish to share the burden. N o— dryer the heating Iron Is held over n I m ean It—that I am sorry— let us be gas Jet nr other flame until hot and In "No." “Your father and my sister were quite good fi lends again.” W i t h those you h a r e been In th e h a b it o f p a rin g , serted Into the comb. a n d yoa w ill see t h a t ws offer yoa a s ubstantial s ar. once engaged to be married,” said Mer Hhe w ent up to him quickly and took in g o n a ll w ork and yon can n o t g e t b e tte r painleas The heat Is transmitted to the teeth w o rk anyw here, no nxattor how m uch you pay. riam'. "Your father was my Intim ate his hand. of the comb, drying the hair as the W s fin is h p la ts and friend, Morris. W e were boys togeth “Father," she said. bridge w ork fo r oat« er at college— It's your college and "Zee, my little girl—my little girl," comb Is drawn through IL W ith this o f - t o w n natrons 1» one day I f deal red. mine, too. I'm glad you w ent there. he began brokenly, touching her cheeks device the hair ran be very quickly P ainless o x tra c tlo n A y e r ’s H a ir V i j o r was good, fr e e when pi at?« o r and easily dried at the same time as Your father would have liked It so. with trem bling hands. brid g e wor« 1« order* "Yes, father," she said, w ishing to the necessary ojteration of combing Home of the fellow s who taught us, the best that was m ade. B ur Cofiiultatos frss. taught you. W hen you saw them you help him. Molar Crown« $ 5 . 0 0 the hair. A y e r's H a ir V ig o r, new Im saw gentlem en and scholars. They "I have been very wicked; I have led 22k Bridge Teeth4. 0 0 proved fo rm u la , Is b etter. It C a r r i e d T r a y 8 0 0 M l . ’e g« gave up the dliance of greater things a bad life. I m ust not harm you; I am Gold Filling« 1 .0 0 Enamel Filling« 1 ,0 3 lo stay there am ong the elm s and m a not fit------" A few days ago an engle was is the one great specific fo r fa ll "You are my father,” she said, and killed at the Ellison ranch near Edge- 8'lver Filling« .5 0 ples of the old campus. ing h a ir. A new p rep aration in Good Rubber — "Your father moved here, Ite was touched his forehead w ith her lips, wood In the upper part of Siskiyou Fl«te« 5 . CO e v e ry w a y . N e w bottle. N e w wondering at herself. an am bitious man. There w as every »••?R«dRubber. county. On one of Its feet wag at Flalst 7 .5 0 likelihood of his taking a high place at Hhe led him to the table and talked contents. Ask y o u r druggist to tached a No. 3 steel trap which had OR. W. A. W ill, FkimivT an M tauo Painlet» Extr’ tlon . 5 0 the lair; and he had, too, a taste for to him brightly on Irrelevant m atters. show It to yo u , “ the new k in d .” M TUM IFHIWH M FWllill BBST M BTM ODS politics. Then he met my sister. She The situation w as now In her own apparently been on the big bird's A J 1 w o r k f u l l y g n a r a n t n e d f o r f i f t e e n y e a rs . was the youngest member of our fa m hands and she would not fall again. talon about two weeks. /As Ao/r. I t has Just been learned that on ily—only a girl at the end of the war. Hhe usually visited the kitchen after SWramU wjlk M i b o t t i* Hhe w as a very beautiful woman, M or breakfast to make her list for the gro- November 22 an eagle got Into a No. Jul > «bOw 11 to yoa. P a in le s s D e n tis ts faRtns B tillillaf. Third mg W s iftlM to s P 0 » T U R 0 , O W . ris. Hhe and Zee are much alike; but oer; but thlL morning she wont back to 3 steel trap belonging to N. Green- Zee has marked traits of her own. I the sitting-room w ith her father. The slate of Plymouth, An.ndor county, OfUo«gow.: I A . M . to I E m . Sudor., a t * I - - : L . , t don’t quite account for them. Her autum n m orning was cool, and she and carried the trap away with It. It m other w as a quick -w itted woman, bent and lighted the Are. Is believed that the eagle killed at As we now mska our new H a ir Vigor II well educated for her day. Zee Is more "Now," she said, rising quickly and a woman of the world than her m oth sm iling at him, "there are those both Edgewood, which Is about 800 miles doea no« bare the sllgtwe»« affect upon er w as and she has more sp irit" ersom e business m atters that we were from Plymouth on an air line, Is the the oolor of the baJr. You may use II d for T a s r O kaagtfc Merriam opened a drawer In his ta talking about last n ig h t I wish to sign same that escaped with Greensl*ts*a fre«!v s a t» K j o i f r lim a with- tra p about ten days before bled and draw out a miniature paint- that paper--— ' T b a tutorestlng people do not pose. Thay do not rave. They do not atrnt and swagger. They walk normally and talk unaaoltedly. They do not becoma •oulful In a few seconds after you meet them. They do not talk ehop or parade the distinguishing labels and earmarks of their c ra ft They are more likely to dodge behind pillars than to Jump In front of camera«, nor do they contend with the other player- folk on the world'« stage for the star o r the leading lady'a share In the lim elight ■Zelda Dameron—? Knees Became Stiff A TRULY BENEFI CIAL AID RELIABLE DENTISTRY W est ¿» F or th e A m b itio n s— • a W t o e r g it p C & u ca tto n J Compare Our Prices O u r New H a ir V ig o r W ise D ental C o .,^ ^luers « m s w aw. a j« ts «a» £ w s L s . - “ /»."', * (