DEVELOPMENT _ PROGRESS OF OÜR HOME STATE HURRICANE 8WEEP8 FLORIDA Sea Rushes Over Walls and Many Buildings Crumble. GOVERNMENT NEWS OTES OF GENERAL INTEREST Jacksonville, F la., Oct. 19.—-Storms last night and tonight swept the entire OUTBREAK NOT FEARED. IRRIGATION LAW8 IN EFFECT Florida peninsula, doing damage esti­ Thirty-five Mile» of Canal in Lake Eastsrn Oregon Lime and Gypsum mated at several million dollars. Forty thousand square miles of ter­ Good Will Towards America Prevails Interior Department Makes Regula­ County Practically Finished. Deposits to Be W orked. In China. ritory south of Jacksonville has been tions Under Acts of Congress, I.akcview —During the year the Ore- Portland — The Western Lim e A without «.ommunication with the out­ Victoria, B. C .— C. W . Webster, a ashington— The Interior depart­ gun Valley Land company haa has ex­ Plaster company, having a paid-up side world for more than 24 hours. Spokane retired lewyer, and Mr. pended 1300,000 on Irrigation works In capital of $350,000, has been organised Last reports told of hurricane winds Moorehead, of the Chinese customs, ment has just completed regulations by Portland capitalists for the purpose the Guoee Lake valley during the last of engaging in the extensive manufac­ and rapidly falling barometers. The who arrived by the Awa Maru from carrying into active operation various year. Aside from the flume work ture of lime and all kinds of hard and orange crop in that territory and vast North China, say that there is no deep laws passed at the last session of con­ trucking industries probably are anxiety in China with regard to the gress affecting settlement and settlers practically the whole 36 miles of canal finishing plaster. Charles F. Beebe is ruined. prevailing unrest and they are of the from the Drews creek dam to Thomas president of the company; Charles E. Along the Eastern coast many lives opinion that an outbreak such as was on government irrigation projects, Ladd, vice president and treasurer; M. there being four such acts, all signed creek is completed. The Hanson Con­ B. Wakeman secretary, and W. C. Hay are believed to have been lost and the recently predicted in Washington dis­ by the president on various dates in property damage is believed to be patches is unlikely. struction company haa a few hundred general manager. June, 1910. Section 5 of the $20,000,- g re a t Mr. Webster found in Pekin and The company has extensive deposits yards of canal to complete and sev­ 000 irrigation bill contained provision The maximum wind velocity, 70 other centers the utmost good w ill of eral other small sections are still un­ of lime rock near Huntington, In Bak­ miles an hour, was recorded here at 7 that no entryman may hereafter go up­ Chinese officials toward the United finished, but all told there remains er county, and gypsum deposits cover­ o’clock tonight, when the center of the States, and when in Shanghai he at­ on public lands reserved for irrigation ing about 1,000 acres in Northern Bak­ probably less than a quarter of a mile er county on the line of the Oregon disturbance appeared to have passed tended splendid receptions given to the until the secretary of the interior haa established the farm unit and fixed the of canal to finish. As to the flume Short Line's Lewiston branch. Lime up the Atlantic coast toward Savan­ American business delegation now water charges and the date when water nah. Maycock, a t the mouth of the touring China. Mr. Webster traveled kilns with a capacity of several hun­ considerable of the piling is In place, St. Johns river, experienced a wind of across Siberia and found great armies can be applied) Local land officers are instructed, in and In Drews canyon the lumber is on dred barrels « day are being erected on 80.or 90 miles sn hour and half the of workmen engaged in double-track­ the company’s property near Hunting- The ing the trans-Siberian railroad and ex­ regard to tbia law, not to recognize the ground for a considerable distance ton. A t Gypsmu, in the northern part houses there have been wrecked. tending the Am ur branch, which work any settlement on such lands made af­ and a force of men is engaged building of Baker '•ounty, the company to pre­ population of Mayceck is 700. There has been no communication he considers necessary, owing to the ter June 26, 1910, or to allow any en­ IL i t Is 12 feet wide and 6 feet In paring to begin the erection of a plas­ with any point south of Jacksonville, great volume of busineas offered in ex­ try thereof during the period of their ter mill w ith a daily capacity of 400 depth in the clear. withdrawal until the conditions fixed except St. Augustine, since late today, cess of the facilities. tons of hard and finishing plaster. by the law have been complied with. In excavating for the flume a vast and all wires north but one were sev­ M r. Webster said that he did not General Beebe said that the company Existing entries are not affected by amount of heavy rock work was en­ ered shortly before dark. think Russia entertained any desire to would be shipping lime from its new this act, and where settlement was countered and in one place It was nec­ A heavy downpour accompanied by renew war with Japan. Rather it was kilns within 30 days, but that it would essary to drive a tunnel through solid high winds is reported At St. evident that both Russia and Japan made in good faith prior to June 25 on be probably six months before the lands embraced in second-form w ith- rock for a distance of 400 feet. A ll Augustine houses in the business sec­ had mutually agreed to divide Man­ plaster mill begins operations. the way up Drews creek canyon one tion were flooded at low tide with churia, which must sooner or later be drawala, such entrymen may perfect In addition to manufacturing lime their entries. is impressed with the magnitude of the and plaster, the company w ill handis promise of immense damage to busi­ "gobbled up” by those countries. Another act, signed June 25, grants work, but it is not until the dam is ness property when the high tide came building materiala of all kinds. leave of absence to homesteaders on reached that one fully realises the vast in. The city is in darkness, a gale OMAHA GAINS 21 PER CENT. government projects. The instruc­ work that is being done. The esti­ still blowing, and at 6 o’clock the seas tions relative to this low provide that Figures Show Bulge. mated cost o f the dam is $150,000. were over the sea wall. Salem— Reports af county assessors In the first place a trench is sunk Not a word has come from Tampa Nashville Census Shows Bulge of when an entryman on a project files in the local land office application for down to solid rock. Then a cut is are being received by the state tax since 4 ;20 a. m., and the telegraph 29,499 Over I9OO. leave of absence, the application, with made into the rock which in some in­ commission and the three so far filed companies do not expect to restore Washington— Popuation statistics of recommendations of the local officers, stances reached to a depth of 12 feet ---Columbia, Lincoln and Polk— show communication before tomorrow. The and in no place is less than four. The substantial Increases. In the reports damage w ill be the greatest in the in­ the 13th census were issued for the fol­ shall be forwarded at once to t> ° gen­ eral land office. These applications cut is then filled in with concrete and now received an apparent difference terior, where the storm came upon the lowing cities: Omaha, Neb, 124,096, an increase of for leave must be in the form of affi­ on top of It is built a solid wall of con­ in shown, which causes a decrease on people with little warning. 21,641, or 21 per cent over 102,655 in davit corroborated by two witnesses crete and masonry some 30 feet in the face of the reports, as county as­ and must establish the good faith of 1900. width at its base, and to a height of 25 sessors are not assessing telephone, South Omaha, Neb., 26,259, an in­ the entryman and set forth in detail W ith feet. This wall is reinforced in front telegraph and railroad lines. crease of 268, or 1 per cent over 26,001 the character, extent and approximate by loose rock and sand and in the rear this fact taken into consideration, the value of the improvements on the land, in 1900. by a hand-built rock wall as well as totals as shown indicates large in­ Zanesville, 0 ., 28,026, an increase which must satisfy the requirement of loose rock fill, the base of which is creases. of 4,488, or 19.1 per cent over 23,538 the law that the entryman has made about 126 feet. New York— The New York Times in 1900. substantial improvements, and must Registration Under Three-Fourths received a wireless saying that W alter Nashville, Tenn.,110,364, an increase show also that water is not available ZONE IS RICH IN COPPER Burns— The registration books have Wellman and his companions aboard closed with only 781 registration out of the airship that started to fly from of 29,499, or 3C.5 per cent over 80,865 for the irrigation of the entryman’s land. in 1900. New Developments in Eastern Oregon a possible 1,200 voters in Harney coun­ America to Europe were rescued by When sufficient showing is made Colmubus, Ind., 8,813, compared ty. O f these 429 are Republicans, Mining Indicated. the Royal Mail steamer T re n t leave of absence w ill be granted until with 8,130 in 1900. 299 Democrats, and 63 miscellaneous. News of the rescue came by wireless Sumpter— That mining activity in such tim e as water is available for Oak Park, 111., 9,444. from Captain Downs, of the Trent, in Eastern Oregon is being actively re­ Shenandoah, Pa., 25,774, an increase irrigation is turned into the main ir r i­ PORTLAND MARKETS. a message which read: vived was declared by Em il Melzer in of 5,443, or 26.8 per cent over 20,321 gation canals from which the land is " A t 6 o’clock this morning we his address before the mining congress to be irrigated, or in the event that Wheat— Track prices: Bluestem, sighted W ellm an’s airship America in 1900. here. Nerristown, Pa., 27,875, an increase the project is abandoned by the govern­ 86c; club, 82e; red Russian, 80c; val­ in distress. They signalled by the ef 5,610, or 25.2 per cent over 22,265 ment, until the date of notice of such "T h e extension of the Sumpter V al­ ley, 86c; 40-fold, 84c. Morse code that help was required. ley railroad beyond A u stin ," he said, abandonment and the restoration to the in 1900. Barley — Feed, $21.60 per ton; A fte r three hours of maneuvering "has mads the Greenhorn district more brewing, $23. public domain of the lands embraced in with fresh winds blowing we picked accessible, with many good prospects, M ASSACHUSETTS IS GROWINC the entry. Millstuffs— Bran, $26 per ton; mid­ which in time w ill not fail to make dlings. $33; shorts, $27; rolled barley. up Wellman and the entire crew and The effect of granting leave of ab­ the c a t A ll are now safe aboard the their mark. In the north end of the $24.50(