CURRENT EVENTS OF THE WEEK Hulk Buried for Centuries Uncovered MINERS DESERT ALASKA CAMP BALLOONIST8 MAY BE LOST, ILLINOIS CENTRAL IN HUGE LAWSUIT Threa Racers Have Dropped In Lakes on Canal. or In Canadian Wilds. Washington, P. C.—The hull of an SL Louis, Oct. 22. Relief expudl old vessel which has every appearance tlons to search for the pilots and;aidee of having been buried in the sand sev eral centuries has been unearthed by Houses and Lots in Nome Sell of the three missing balloons, Asurea, Düsseldorf II and_Amerlca II, which Stockholders Sue Directors for workmen on the Panama canal near started In the international race here, at $50 Each. Nombre de Dios. A report of the dis­ Many Millions will be started^froiu Toro .to tomorrow covery has been made to tho Washing­ If no news is received from the aero­ General Resume o f Important Events ton office of the canal commission. The This an P resented In Condensed Form hulk was uncovered by a steam suction Machinery Sells for Song—New Fields nauts before that time. Lure .Miners and Thousands nouncement was made tonight by offi Attorney, Holding Proxies. Gains Ac­ for Our Busy Readers. dredge working in the sand deposits. cess to Meeting and Serves Will Take Trail. d ale of the Aero club of St. Louis. The wreck was lying in the middle Subpoenas on ‘All. The situation in reference to the un- of the sand zone 300 feet from the reported balloons assumed a most ser­ Special census agents report no ir­ beach line, and at from 18 to 20 feet Nome, Alaska—Nome would be a ious aspect tonlghL regularities whatever in San Francisco below the surface of the ground. The It is believed , Chicago Stockholders of the Illinois returns. dredge unearthed the old hulk for the wonderful surprise, not only to the here that the men have landed some­ Central railroad company were given The steamer Regulus was wrecked entire length of about 60 feet, and has stranger, but to the thousands of where in the wilds of Canada, where a lively half hour at their annual meet­ now worked past i t Tho wood of miners who were here in this city’s they may be the victims of starvstlon ing through the efforts of Attorney curing a storm off the Newfoundland which the ship was built resembles coast and her crew of 19 perished. Maxwell Edgar. A few years ago Nome before succor can reach themmm. oak and is put together with wooden palmy days. Holders representing 7H4.866 shares Officials of Tacoma have been pins. During the time the dredge has was a wide awake and bustling camp. The German balloon Germania, Cap­ of stock were present. Mr. Edgar ar­ obliged to order recall petition blanks been operating in the vlcinitv of the Every one was talking of his good printed, to be used against themselves. wreck, its suction pipe has drawn in claims and what he expected to do in tain Hugo von Abercron, pilot, and rived. armed with proxies for «0 August Blankerts.^aide, landed at Coo- shares, which ensblod him to take part A red hot rivet falling onto a tem­ several hundred pounds of iron, some the near future in the way of taking He was accompanied coocash, Quebec, 179 miles north of In tho meeting. pieces weighing as much as -10 pounds porary flooring started a tire in one of out fortunes, and then going back to Quebec, Wednesday morning. This is by two deputy sheriffs, who added to The cutter of the dredge also en­ Portland’s new steel frame skyscrap­ the confusion by serving subpoenas on countered a great many pieces of hard the States. ers. approximately 1.196 J miles and may the various directors in every lull in mortar, severing, instead of breaking, A stranger on landing in Nome to­ the meeting. mean that all world’s records have Losses from recent forest fires in the pieces when it came in direct con­ The subpoenas wero In a suit for Montana and Idaho are estimated at tact with them. The mortar is practi­ day would say “ Where are all the peo­ been broken. $10,000,000 damages, which Mr. Ed­ $15.000,000. The burned areas will cally the same as thatSeen in the ruins ple and why are these hundreds of The Aero Club tonight called upon constituting himself an attorney be sold. of buildings on the isthmue.constructed houses cmptyT” Now it looks as if a General Jamea Allen, chief of the gar, for the road, started in the Circuit by the early Spanish. United States Signal corps at Wash­ great plague had struck Nome, and all A storm and tidal wave swept an is court when he filed a praecipe in the land in the Mediterranean, causing of the people had fled in terror, leav­ ington, D. C., to have the revenue case. The defendants to the suit are MILL WORKER STRONGEST. cutters patroling the Great Lakes look great property damage and the loss of ing everything behind. Four-fifths of for wreckage in Lake Huron. Steam­ directors of the road whom Edgar several lives. seeks to hold responsible for alleged Girl of 19 Smashes World's Record all the houses and business blocks are ship companies which have veasela ply financial, loaa through car repair United States Senator Shively, of for rent or for sale. Good four-room mg Lake Huron and Georgian Bay in Sport With Ease. “ graft,” general mismanagement and Indiana, will suffer the amputation of have been requested to join in the alleged rebating. Boston —Many acquaintances of Miss housea, furnished, can be bought, search. a toe to prevent infection from blood house, lot and all, for from $60;to $160 poisoning from a com. While the two deputies wore making Margaret A. Graham, employed as The Ontario government, through its reeler” in one of the mills at Ludlo Large boilers and heavy machinery, lieutenant governor, J. M. Gibson, to­ things Interesting in the meeting, half In view of the steadily decreasing believe she is the strongest woman in are for sale at scrap-iron prices. night notified the club that it would a dozen others guarded exits from the deficit in postal revenue, the postmas­ Park Row building, Mr. Edgar fear­ the country. Although but 19 years ter general predicts one-cent letter of age, she stands six feet 34« inches Wreck, ruin and poverty meet the eye assist in the search for the missing ing that some of the directors might men. postage in the near future. The Hudson Bay company also Two-thirds of the in her stockings, weighs 189 pounds, of the stranger. attempt to evade service. This pre­ has replied favorably to the request for caution proved superfluous. Surveyors are running a line prepar­ and carries no superfluous flesh. Re people here are trying to get a “ home- mma (stance tent frum here tuday. atory to building a barbed wire fence cently she threw a baseball 262 feet 6 stake” to get out on the last boats. Three resolutions were introduced by It was announced tonight that a rep­ between Texas and Mexico, to prevent inches, and ran 100 yards in lit « The cause of this is that the day of the the militant attorney. All were lost resentative of the Aero Club would be cattle from creasing into each others' seconds, wearing skirts. by overwhelming votes. He denounced pick and shovel is gone in Nome. The sent to Toronto to organize the relief territory. the present management of the road Miss Graham has smashed all world's rich placers have been worked out, but expeditions. made the charge that its directors are The estate of Stanley Ketchel, late records in skating for women from one the low-grade ground is now coming to incompetent and that its financial champion middle weight pugilist, who mile to 10, her world’s record time for tne front, whore large capital only can FIFTY MEN S TILL MISSING. statements are juggled, and that its was murder, d by a farm hand in Mis­ a half mile in this sport being 40 sec­ handle it wih dredges and hydraulic officials are dishonest and violating the souri, is valued at $18,000. He won onds, and one of her aquatic feats is a machinery on a large scale. 100-foot swim in 23 seconds. over $100,000 in the prize ring. During the summer three strikes Reports Received So Far Show To­ interstate commerce law. His first resoiutionjwas in support of All her records are officially timed tal of 13 Drowned In Shipwrecks. On the third day of the internation­ feats and the apparent ease with which were made. One is the Squirrel river, these charges and called for an inde­ a tributary to ha Kobuck river, 800 Jacksonville. Fla., Oct. 22___Only al aviation meet at New York, J. she has won different record events has pendent investigation of the braid by Armstrong Drexel set a new American caused coaches and experts to wonder miles north by sea. but from Nome the disasters at sea remain to be count­ a committee of prominent stockhold­ overland it is but 350 miles by winter ed in obtaining complete reports of the altitude mark by reaching a height of what the limit of prowess of this ers. He was voted down. A second 7,105 feet. He then landed safely in giantess may be when once put to her trail. Now there are about 70 men damage done by the great hurricane resolution demanded that all directors prospecting there. They say they have which swept this state early this week. the center of the field. utmost strength te st found coarse gold, nothing smaller Although wire and rail communication who were not residents of Illinois be Eggs retail at 5 cento apiece in Ta­ than nuggets weighing about 26 cento has not been restored to many cities ousted on the ground that the constitu­ coma. BALLOONISTS ARE LOST. each, but so far not in large J .posits, In the state, including Miami and Key tion of the state prohibits the present but just about rich enough to pay West, all points for which fears were proportion of outsiders on the board. Walter Wellman says he will again wages this winter. Winter will de­ entertained have been heard from and This resolution was voted down with­ attempt to cross the Atlantic in an Relief Parties Hurrying to Canadian velop the country, and when spring all weathered the big blow in fairly out the formality of a roll call. Wilds in Search. airship. On his third and last attempt Mr. New York, Oct. 24.—No word has comes miners and residents here will good shape. Edgar proposed a resolution asking One man was killed and two others know whether it will be a good camp, Thirteen drowned in shipwrecks is that suit be brought against’James T. injured in the first football game under yet been received by officers of the the most authentic count at hand, in Harahan, president of tho road, and Aero Club of America as to the where­ new rules at St. Louis. eluding those reported on both coasts abouts of the balloon America II, the estate of the late Ira G. Rawn, MADRIZ IS C OUNTERFEITER. of Florida. Andrew Carnegie has returned from carrying Alan R. Hawley, pilot, and who was vice president before the car Word came from SL Augustine that Europe and appeared very feeble upon Augustus Post, aide, and anxiety for Would Flood Nicaragua With Bogus three dead had been found in the wreck repair scandal came to light, on landing from the steamer. the safety of the two aeronauts, both charges of gross neglect, criminal lax­ Money to Start Revolution. of an unidentified four-masted schooner ity and culpable negigence. This res­ The New Mexico constitutional con­ of them prominent Aero club members, near Detray. is increasing. Chicago— H. Nathan Secrest, a na olution was buried under another aval­ vention refuses to support the initia­ The missing total at least 60, in­ If the men have landed safely it is tive of Indiana, owner of a Nicaragua anche of contrary votes. tive and referendum feature. believed they are cast away so far in rubber plantation and a “ revolutionist cluding the crew of nine on the oil Graham-White, in a Farman biplane, the Canadian wilderness that their re­ and a soldier of fortune” who was barge Dallas, which broke adrift from MANY SHIPS WRECKED. made over 63 miles in two hours in turn to civilization will be a matter of captured here, with George B. Wil­ her tow in 100-miie blow. drizzling rain and a 27-mile wind. great difficulty. liams and Richard J. Trumbull, print­ Gulf Coast Storm Plays Havoc With William Hawley, brother of Alan R. ers and engravers, together with $300,- A TH L E T IC FAN IS SUICIDE. Dredges on the Panama canal have Shipping, Hawley, accompanied by F. Stoddard, 000 bogus Nicaraguan money, has un­ uncovered an ancient galleon buried in 20 feet of sand 300 feet from the beach a friend of the aeronaut, left New folded a new opera bouffe plot. Boy Quits Job to See Game; When Key West, Fla., OcL 20 .-T h ree ves- York tonight for Ottawa. line. He said that when Madriz decided to sels sunk, one steamer ashore and an­ Parents Scold, Hangs Self. Charles Heitman, secretary of the abdicate in favor of Estrada, he and Federal officers in Chicago seized Aero club, said today that not even one his “ cabinet” had the foresight to Philadelphia — Excitement over the other disabled is a total of the d'sasters $300,1000 in counterfeit Nicaraguan of the bulletins with which all contes raid the treasury of $16,000,000. T h»l^°r,d’B 8erie8 between the Chicago to shipping in the tropical hurricane The ' I National, and the Philadelphia Amer which swept the West Indies and the bank bills, and also captured three of tanto of the St. Louis race were sup­ five peso notes were quickly disposed southern section of the United States the counterfeiters. plied and which were to be dropped at of along the coast by the fleeing pat­ leans, it is said, was the cause of sui reported here. Several lighthouses cide of Frank Ayers, 16 years old. intervals of two hours to furnish news riots, $2,000,000 being realized. Ma­ An attempt was made to assassinate along the coast have been reported Ayers was a delivery boy in a depart of the movements ‘of the balloon, has driz, General Toledo and 40 other gen Major General Pino Guerra, command­ dark. er of the Cuban army, by a member of been received in New York from the erals and dignitaries then hastened to ment store, and when he was refused Here and at SL Augustine the storm permission to absent himself to see the America II. Several of these bulletins Guatemala, which was safe territory, the Cuban secret police. is abating, but no word has been re­ game here, the boy gave up his poai dropped by each of the other contest and proceeded to make merry with the ceived from other places and condi­ The imperial senate of China, before anto in the race were picked up and $2,000,000. In a month or so, wine tion. When his parents learned that tions are not known. This city has not it had been in existence three weeks, mailed to the Aero club. the lad had quit work, the boy was suppers and other festivities had cut been in communication with Southern voted to memorialize the throne for the deeply into the exchequer and the de sent to bed without his supper. Later, Florida points for three days. Much establishment of a general parliament. he was found hanging to a balustrade,’ posed dignitaries began casting about daps to Spend $ 4 0 ,OOO.OOO. anxiety is felt about Miami. The having used a sheet for a noose. A dynamite bomb with lighted fuse wind was still blowing 75 miles an Tokio—Count Katsura, the premier for means of replenishing the funds attached was hurled from a suburban and minister of finance, speaking at a Secrest, during his 11 years in Ni­ hour there today, but the barometer train into a Chicago residence, but the dinner of the associated clearing caragua, had become a close friend of Airship Scares Fishermen. was rising. lady of the house seized it, pinched off housea, outlined the next budget Madriz who sent for him. They held Noank, Conn.— When the auxiliary Early this morning the sloop Frolic the fuse and threw the bomb into the briefly, and said that the government a secret conference in Guatemala and fishing schooner Ada Bell put In here was dashed to pieces against the sea street. would faithfully adhere to the policies it was decided to come to the United the crew told of a narrow escape they wall and a power launch was sunk, but States and have printed a million or had, of bell:- hit by the equilibrator of no lives were lost. A slow moving freight train on the already followed. The only new feature in the next more v “™ 5-peso 5pe8° notes nott'# and Bnd spread "Prcad them th< in the Wellman airship. Captain Chris- The Norwegian steamer F ob , from Southern Pacific near San Jose, Cal., idget will for I ,for. a t'v°-fold purpose the tophsen said that they were fishing |on Port Tampa October 12, for Europe, will be be an an appropriation appropriation for ran into a pile of boulders which had budget first being to furnish the conspirators Nantucket shoals when a large dark via Norfolk, is ashore off Doca Grande been placed on the track with the evi­ naval increase, amounting to $40,000, dent intention of wrecking a train. 000, payable in six years. This, the with funds and the second to embar­ object appeared, which they took to be island. Her crew of 18 hits arrived As the object here. 'Hie American steamer Herman Had a passenger train struck the ob­ finance minister said, has been necessi­ rass the Estrada government, which a heavy bank of fog. struction a serious wreck would have tated by the sheer requirement of would be forced to redeem the bogus approached, however, they saw some­ Frasch, from New York, for Sabine, notes or face another revolution. thing bumping along on top of the wa­ maintaining peace. resulted. " " Aih“ "" * • » ter, and the motor was started just in Senator Stephen B. Elkins, who has time to get the boat out of the way as Realty Dealer in Toils. Greek Cabinet Resigns. been ill all summer, is reported to be Seattle— With the arrest of D. M. the airship passed. Athens—The cabinet formed only a Arizonans Would Be Radical. improving. few days ago by Deputy Veniziles has Green, a real estate dealer, with offices Phoenix,, Ariz.— Making up for time Thirteen are known to have been resigned, due to the fact that on every on Madison street, and who is charged Famous Hotel Bankrupt. lost in getting ready for business, del­ killed in the recent Gulf storm, and attempt to get a vote of confidence in New York—The Hoffman House, at egates in the constitutional convention by Andrew Wold, a miner, with swind­ some localities have not yet been heard the national assembly, a majority of Broadway and Twenty-fifth street, one introduced 28 proposals. One of these from. the members absented themselves ling him of $200, the police believe of New York’s most famous hotels, would render all public offices subject Judge to recall. Two provide drastic incor­ The Swiss balloon landed at Villa King George, however, has refused to they have the ringleader of an organ­ was thrown into bankruptcy. Marie, Quebec, 1,100 miles from the accept the resignation and 20,000 citi­ ized band of real estate “ sharks” Bolt, in the Federal court, appointed a poration regulations desiglieli to curb who have been conducting illegal sales receiver with authority to continue trust combinations and stop the thriv- starting point in the international bal­ zens held a demonstration inthes.reets in Seattle for two years. in support of Veniziles. loon race. business, and it was said that the wUiti‘iad|e»i.nuAriZona charters- Others Green is said to have been arreted whole matter soon would be adjusted will limit the number of bills intro- Kaiser Honors Caruso. on a similar charge in Los Angeles by a reorganization. The National Y.*M. C. A. has raised y i,n th .e lo* i8lature and restrict one million dollars with which to ex­ Berlin — The kaiser’s customary and he may be charged with using railroad commission of the new the mails for fraudulent purposes. tend its work in foreign countries. birthday surprise to the kaiserine took state to five members, who would not Fifty Drown In Shipwreck the form of a concert at the palace at John D. Rockefeller gave $450,000. have free transportation. New Orleans — A cablegram from Potsdam, at which Geraldine Farrar Heavy Shocks Recorded, The new White Star line steamship and Enrico Caruso were the perform- San Jose, Cal.—Heavv earthnuake. Rio Janeiro to the Picayune says: Slayer o f Empress Dies. Olympia was launched at Belfast, Ire­ tod with t'he^togere 8 “i h T T * ' The steamship Wally was wrecked G eneva-L uigi Luccheni, who as- “ Vi Center8 °* Whkh were thou"«"d» land. She is the largest vessel afloat, ted with the singers. The kaiser be- miles away in the southwest were re near the lighthouse at Arrosales, off empress of Austria in measuring 882% feet in length and 94 ?tehlrd P* Car?8o. the £.itle of Koenig- corded on the seismographs’ at Sarta Para, and is a total loss. Some of the ssssinated 1898 committed suicide here in prison. feet in width. passengers were rescued, but it is be­ licher Preussischer Kammorsaenger. J Clara college. insanellyS Luccheni went violently lieved that nearly 50 were drowned. ooings of the World at Large Told in Brief.