BRIEF REPORT OF THE DAILY WORK OF NATION’S LAWMAKERS Chemist Tells o f Injurious Effect of Doctored Article on Stomach DEVELOPMENT AND PROGRESS OF OUR HOME STATE Kansas City, Mo. — The contents Washington, June 20— On condition Washington, June 16__ A fte r re­ that the senate would separate the maining on the senate calendar for al­ of a bottle, said by attorneys for BANDON’S M ILL WORKING. DOZEN M ILLS BUSY. »30,000,000 irrigation b ill from the most three months, the bill providing the government to have contained bleached flour, exploded during the bill authorising the withdrawal of pub­ for the wlmiasion of Arisons and New I t General Superintendent Coses Great Year's Cot In Wallowa Will Total lic lands, President T a ft today gave Mexico to separate statehood was tak­ “ bleached flour" tria l here today. Task—Will Take Vacation. was while Professor 8. F. Acre, of the 2 0 ,0 0 0 ,0 0 0 Feat. assurance to four Western senators en up by the senate today and passed Marshfield.— M. F . Logan, the gen­ that ha would not sign the withdrawal after a debate lasting a little more chemistry department of Johns Hop­ Wallowa— The lumber industry of kins university, was on the stand that eral superintendent of the George W. bill until both houses had agreed upon than two huurs. Wallowa is daily becoming a more im­ the explosion occurred. Moore Lumber company at Bandon, portant factor in the growth of the and passed a bill making available at A favorable rejiort was made to the “ W hat caused it? " asked an attor­ passed through here on his way to Chi­ leant »20,000,000 for irrlgatoin. town. From a peltry shipment of 22 senate today on the house bill appro­ ney. cago. M r. Logan has ju s t' completed cars In (he last 12 months, the expor­ When this assurance was received priating »26,000 for erecting and "T h e formation of peroxide gas in his work on the company's new m ill from the W hite House, the senate re­ equipping detention hospital for the tation promises to reach nearly 29,- called the conservation bill, took off Alaska insane at Fairbanks and Nome. the flour,” answered the professor. and w ill take a yacaticn of several 000,000 feet during the coming year. “ Decomposition as well as bleaching weeks. The new plant bits just been j Twelve sawmills are running fu ll the »30,000,000 amendment and let the Representative Poindexter today in­ withdrawal b ill go back to the house troduced a resolution calling for a con­ would cause gas to form in flour," he started. The old m ill was destroyea blast within a radius of 11 miles of explained. by fire in August, 1909. for conferens*. this city and all are m arketing their gressional investigation into the al­ On cross-examination the professor Mr. Logan was superintendent at product here, the bulk of it being pur­ The house .todsy passed the Jones leged timber-land frauds in the Marble admitted that there were nitrites in that time and remained w it h the com­ b ill authorising the Northern Pacific to creek district of Northern Idaho, under chased by the Nibley-Mimnaugh Lum ­ pany, and with the aasistance of George ber company and the Bear Creek Lum­ laiild a bridge across the Columbia which a subsidiary of the Weyerhaeu­ air, rainw ater and melted snow. A lfred Steigel, professor of clinical W. Moore, of Port Huron, Mich., the ber company. The daily cut of these rive r between G rant ami K ittita s coun ser company is alleged to have ac­ medicine in the University of Pennsyl­ president of the company, he designed 12 sawmills is averaging very close to ties. quired title to very valuable white vania, testified that nitrites, when in­ the new m ill. 200,000 feet. Instead of reaching a vote on the ac pine lands. There is no likelihood troduced into a human body, lowered The new plant is second to none on The largest m ill, that of the Nibley- cepUnce of the house postal savings that the resolution w ill pass. the Coast as to modern equipment and the grade of the blood, depressed the bank bill, the senate was apparently A favorable report was made today circulation, had an injurious effect on convenience of arrangement, and the Maimnaugh Lumber company, while in further from that consummation when to the senate on Piles’ bill establish­ operation for the first time this sea­ son, is cutting about 50,000 feet every It adjourned today than when it con­ ing a subtreasury at Seattle and fixing the muscular tissues and excited in­ machinery is all first class. The equipment arrangement is a day; the Bear Creek Lumber -company juries to the stomach and intestinal vened. the salary of the assistant treasurer at tracts by im pairing indigestion. He great economy of labor and time, and is sawing in the neighborhood of 40,- Late In tho day, and following »4,600. The bill provides for a full added that In 60 years of practice he three men can operate the entire work 000 feet daily; four other mills are speeches in opposition to the house corps of officials. Thero is no lik e li­ had never seen a case o f nitrite poison­ of the resaw, handling an average of each averaging <>ver (20,0)0 feet daily, measure. Senator Bacon offered an hood whatever that the bill w ill become ing. better than 30,000 feet o f lumber a and the other mills are .awing from amendment striking out the provision a law. Miss Hanna L . Weaslyng, o f the day. 6,000 to 15,000 feet, according to crew regulating the investment of deposits The omnibus publie building bill The building is so constructed that and capacity of the m ill. The three in government bonds, and the motion w ill soon be reported to the house w ill government food laboratory, Chicago, brought into court biscuits of her own it is fireproof throughout There is largest mills expect m aterially to in­ was pending when the senate ad­ carry »100,000 for public building at baking. The biscuits had been made arranged a standard fire protection sys­ journed. Pocatello, Idaho, and »10,000 for a site by Mias Weaslyng from some of the tem, with a tank holding 60,000 gal­ crease their output w ithin the next few weeks. The principal speech in opposition to at Idaho Fails. The senate today flour seized by the government. Those lons of salt water, and there is also a In order to make the most o f their the house b ill was made by Senator passed the Borah bill appropriating which had been subjected to the Greiss sprinkling system to use fresh water. producL the Nibley-Mimnaugeh Lum­ Cummins, who contended the measure »10,000 for a site at Twin Falls. The plant started out at once manu­ re agent test were pink. Biscuits was a radical reversal of the senate The president today nominated Guy made from unbleached flour subjected facturing 80,000 feet of lumber a day. ber company w ill have in operation b ill. K. Calhoun, of Seattle, as professor to the same test retained their normal The capacity w ill be increased at once about July 1, one of the finest planing mills and box factories in Eastern Ore­ The conferees on the naval appropri­ of mathematics at the Annapolis naval color. Miss Weaslyng said the pink to 126,000 feet a day. The steamers ation bill completed their work today academy. This in in accordance with color indicated the presence of nitrites. Bandon and Fifield are engaged in car­ gon. I t w ill occupy a floor space of o0xl20, exclusive of the lumber sheds and their report was submitted to the the provisions of a special bill passed rying the output of the m ill to San and power house. I t w ill contain all house by Chairman Fuse, of the house at this session. Francisco. OPEN SHOP COUP IN VIEW. modern machinery for the surfacing o f naval affaire committee. This bill The senate today passed the bill ap­ lumber and the making of boxes. makes provision for two battleship, to propriating »40,000 for the construction LIV E STO C K FAIR IN FALL. coat, exclusive of armament, not ex­ of a residence for the governor of 4 0 0 ,0 0 0 Men Will Be Taken to Los ceeding »6,000,000 each. Plans Big Cherry Celebration. Angeles if Unions War. Alaska at Juneau. Big Guarantee Fund Has Been Raised Cove— Cove citizens are preparing Los Angeles, Cal. — Owing to Washington, June 18.— The rules of by Portland Association. for the first annual cherry show which Washington. June 16. — W ith »S0,- threats by San Francisco labor union the were defended and critics of Portland— A t a meeting held by the w ill be held when the ripening fru it is the speaker were severely scored by 000,000 provided for the completion of leaders to spend a fortune, i f neces­ officers of the Portland F a ir & Live­ at its besL The cherry crop w ill not Speaker Cannon in a brief address in irrigation projects and various other sary, to make this a union city, the stock association i t was announced that be quite as heavy as last year, when amendments, the house bill au’ horizing Merchants’ & Manufacturers’ associa­ the session of the house today. the »25,000, guarantee had been sub­ Cove was one of the few districts that M r, Cannon contended th at the rules the withdrawal of public landt. by the tion, which stands for the open shop, scribed and that a race meet and live­ boasted of bumper crops, but the grade has arranged w ith 400,000 working as amended by the F ifty -firs t congress president passed the senate today. stock show, the greatest in the city’s of fru it w ill be better and i t w ill ma­ Several other amendments were pre­ men in the East to come to Los Ang­ and as enforced by him had never in­ history, w ill be held this fa ll in Port­ ture much earlier. terfered with the w ill of the m ajority sented, but none of importance was eles to live i f a general strike is called land. About 300 pickers w ill be needed in o f the house when an actual m ajority adopted. Among the more important here. These include trained men in A few weeks ago there was talk of Cove alone this year for a period of provisions rejected were an amend­ all branches o f the metal and building had objected on any propoeltion. dissolving the association and disposing three weeks to care for the fru it. He scored newspaper and magaxine ment by Beveridge specifically w ith­ trades. of its large holdings on the east side Secretary Zeehandelaar stated today w riters who had criticised him, and drawing from entry the coal lands of known as the country club, but the Clearing River Channel. declared they had proceeded from a Alaska and one by Gore bringing the that i f all the union workers in the talk has resulted in a stronger organ­ Bandon— C. A . Dolph, the diver, is lack of knowledge and upon false fria r lands of the Philippines w ithin city were to strike their places could isation, w ith a more ambitious pur­ at work sounding the rive r and premises. The venerable speaker was the operation of the general land laws be filled in ten days. He added: pose than ever. blasting out the rocks th at stick up There was no roll “ We have a list of over 400,000 greeted by cheers from hla Republican of those islands. E. L. Thompson, who was one of in the channel and obstruct navigation. call on the final passage o f the bill. names o f non-union mechanics of every colleagues when he had concluded. the committee to raise the guaratee In some places in the river where the The bill was taken up soon afte r the character registered in Eastern cities, The speaker asked unsnimous con' fund, stated that the forthcoming race w ater is 16 to 18 feet deep, these sent to address the house for 10 min­ senate convened, and a vote was or who can and w ill be brought here if meet w ill be something that w ill draw rocks have been sticking up fa r enough utes. There was no voice of protest dered on the C arter amendment author­ ever an attempt be made to force an perhaps fu lly as many people as the to h it the bottom of a vessel when go­ Nearly every member of the house was izing the issuance of »30,000,000 worth industrial war. When they reach here Rose Festival, especially with the live­ ing out loaded. In his place and every eye was centered of certificates of indebtedness, for ir r i­ they w ill find employment and w ill be stock thrown in for good measure. gation. There was no debate, and the protected in th eir rights as American on him. Proceeding in measured “ We w ill have some of the best PORTLAND MARKETS. tones, Mr. Cannon declared that who­ amendment was accepted w ith practi­ citizens to earn an honest living. horses in the country and there w ill ever would be speaker of the house, cal unanimity. Senators Burton, Gal- W hatever may come, we are pre­ be other attractions that w ill be bound Wheat— Track prices: Blueetem, 81 whether for two or eight years, could linger and Kean casting the cnly neg­ pared." to draw and please. The stores w ill @82c; clu b,. 78c; red Rudssian, 76c; not escape criticism. He spoke of the ative votes out of a total of 60. close one week day during the life of valley, 80c. Senator Borah, who has done more 60,000 bills introduced in each con­ SWOLLEN FORTUNES BLED. the show, and that w ill give everybody Barley— Feed and brewing, »19@20 than any one man in congress to pro­ gress, all w ith their advocates demand­ a change to attend. per ton. mote the »30,000,000 irrigation bill, Minnesota Gets Fat Sum From Es­ ing consideration. Corn— Whole, »32; cracked, »33 ton. "M an y members introduced bills is delighted that the bill, by a vote of tate of John S. Kennedy. H ay— Track prices: Tim othy, W il­ Dam on Deschutes H a lf Completed that they don't want passed," said Mr. 57 to 3, was today made an amendment SL Paul, Minn. — Through a Bend — Work on the power dam lamette valley, »20@21 per ton; East­ Cannon explaining the troubles that to the conservation bill. In that form settlement effected w ith the estate across tile Deschutes has made great ern Oregon, »22@24; alfalfa , »15@16; it goes to the house for approval. face the speaker. " M y opinion is that this action of John S. Kennedy, New York m u lti­ progress during the last few weeks, grain hay, »17@18. President T a ft signed the railroad Oats— No. 1 white, »25.50 per ton. the final m illionaire, Minnesota has been en­ the final filling of rock being about bill at 10:16 o’clock tonight, shortly makes reasonably certain Green Fruits— Apples, Oregon New ­ a fte r his return from Pennsylvania. adoption of the »30,000,000 b ill,” said rich«, d to the extent of »345,325, one h alf completed.. The course of the riv ­ “ Friends of of the greatest sums ever paid in thia er has been almost entirely diverted town, »2 per box; cherries, 6@12c per The measure, as well as the statehood Senator Borah ¡tonight. from the main channel into the spill­ pound; apricots, »1.25@1.35 per box; bill, had been passed by the house to­ the withdrawal bill in the house are country as an inheritance tax. peaches, »1.25 per box; plums, »1@ way. The tax is the first paid on property those who would naturally oppose the day and sent immediately to the W hite The dam, a solid rock fill, is 250 feet 1 25; gooseberries, 6@6c pound; car- House. The president did not sign the »30,000,000 bill, and friends of the in Minnesota by a non-resident. I t »30,000,000 bill arc those who would consists of 100,000 shares of stock in in length and 18 feet high, and w ill rants, »2 per box. statehood bill. Berries— Strawberries, » 1.50@1.65 the G reat Northern Railw ay company. raise the water 14 feet when the spill­ naturally oppose the withdrawal bill. Washington, June 19.— The house of The state w ill also endeavor to col­ ways are closed. The spillway con­ per crate; blackberries, 90c@ »l; rasp­ “ I feel very certain that both meas­ representatives today furnished the re­ ures w ill be adopted by the house, for lect an inheritance tax from the estate struction consists of a rock-filled crib berries, »1.65^81.75; loganberries, »1 markable spectacle of passing, w ith in view of the overwhelming vote of of the late E. H. Harrim an, who is with 12x12 inch timbers, bolted to @1.26; blackcaps, »2 per box. only one member voting in opposition, the senate, one proposition cannot be supposed to have owned stock in the solid rock foundation, and is 250 feet Vegetables— Artichokes, 60@75c per a strongly-worded " re fo rm " rule de­ accepted without the other. Further­ Minneapolis A SL Louis and the Great long. Five gates have been installed dozen; asparagus, »12.5@2 per box; signed to correct an acknowledged '.leg­ more, President 7 a ft has the assumace Northern railroads. This w ill prob in the spillway, two o f which w ill be cabbage, 2 j£ @ 2 j(c per pound; cauli­ islative abuse— the "sm othering” ' of of house leaders that the »30,000,000 ably far exceed that of the Kennedy connected by a flume w ith a 50-inch flower, »2 per dozen; bead lettuce, 50 legislation in committee. turbine wheel with 210-horse power @60c per dozen; hothouse lettuce, 50c amendment w ill be accepted by the estate. Democrats, Republicans and "insur­ house.” capacity, which will be employed for @»1 per box; green onions, 15c per gents” joined hands in adopting the generating electricity until the ra il­ dozen; peas, 4585c pound; peppers, 20c; “ Open Shop” is Endorsed. rule. radishes, 15@20c dozen; spinach, 8@ Washington, June 14.— Senator Car­ Tacoma, Wash. — Trustees of road’s advent makes practicable the Representative Rucker, Democrat, ter, chairman of the irrigation com­ the Tacoma chamber of commerce completion of the big permanent power 10c pound;, mtabagas, »1.25@1.60 o f Missouri, was the member who mittee, this evening in accordance with seek; carrots, 85c@ »l; beets, »1.50; today adopted resolutions declaring for plant. parsnips, 7oc@l, stood out against i t He assailed the an agreement between President T a ft the “ open shop.” and it is announced Sheep Shearing In Wallowa. new rule in vigorous language and was and Western senators, offered the »30,- Potatoes— Old Oregon, 60@75c per the Commercial club w ill do likewise joined ,n his denunciation by Represen­ 000,000 irrigation bill as an amend­ Wallowa— Forty-two cars of sheep hundred; new California, l^ @ 2 c per at its next meeting. The resolutions tative Sims, Democrat, of Tennessee. ment to the conservation bill now pend­ were shipped from this county by Ox- pound. declare th at “ organized labor has no The latter, however, did not vote ing before the senate. man, of Durkee. He w ill also drive Onions-Berm uda, »1.60(181.75 per right, either by force or otherwise, to against the rule. I t was presumed it would be prompt­ interfere with the rights of any indi­ about 4,500 over the mountains, roak crate; red, $2@2.22 per sack. Representative Champ Clark, the ly adopted, as it was sappoeed all ing a total o f 17,000 sheep, fo r which B utter— City creamery, extras, 29c; vidual to work for whomsoever he may m inority leader, supported the rule Western senators favored this proceed- he w ill pay Wallowa county growers fancy outside creamery, 28@29c; per see fiL and on whatever terms may be "a s a forward step in reforming the ure, in view of the fact that the ways more than »105,000. The price paid pound; store, 20@23c. B u tter fa t arranged between the employer and rules of the house" and asserted that and means committee o f the house had was »4.50 per head for ewes and prices average l ^ c per pound under employs,” and assert the “ open shop" he himself was the author. »2.75 and »3 for young wethers. regular butter prices. refused to report the senate bill which is for the best interests o f all. Sheep shearing has been in progress Representative Dalzell, chairman of passed three months ago. Eggs— Oregon candled, 26@27c per for about a week in the upper valley, dozen. the committee onjjrules, laid the rule To the surprise of everyone, Senator Father and Son Burned. before the house The measure pro­ Heyburn objected to the adoption of and w ill continue until about July 1. Pork— Fancy, llX @ 1 2 c per pound. Coming, N . Y. — Clarence Buck vided for the discharge of committees this b ill as an amendment to the w ith ­ V eal— Fancy, 10 @ llc , per pound. and his son Bernard were burned Big Berry Dryer Ready. from the consideration of any bill and drawal bill, without stating his rea­ Lambs— Choice, 80811c per pound. to death in a fire which destroyed their Brooks— The largest dryer ever built thd placing o f the bill upon the calen­ sons. When appealed to he told the Poultry— Hens, 16c; broilers, 2 2 ^ @ factory operated by the Buck Manu­ dar upon a m ajority vote of the house senate it had better adjourn or w ith ­ to exclusively handle- loganberries has 24c; ducks, 140820c; geese, ll@ 1 4 c ; facturing company at Coudersport, been completed by Aspinwall brothers turkeys, live, 20c; dressed, 26c; membership. Denouncing the rule, draw the amendment, for i f i t re­ Pa., yesterday afternoon. The elder Sims of Tennessee, shouted to the In­ mained before the senate and action here. This dryer is a wonder of its squabs, »3 per dozen. Buck was the inventor of a so-called kind and is an indication of the profit Cattle— Beef steers, good to choice, surgents across the isle: “ Where are was demanded, it would be necessary safety” powder, which was manufac­ the fruits of your victory? Indians, to remain all the evening. that may be derived from the produc­ California, »5.76@ 5.90; good to choice. tured by a secret process. tion of this luscious berry. Aspinwall Eastern Oregon and valley, »5.6008575; show me your scalps. I want to see This threatened filibuster had the brothers have 25 acres set w ith the fa ir to medium, »4.50084.75; cows and whst you w ill get. N o th in g." effect of inducing the senate to ad­ Princeton Graduates 2 0 8 . vines and they expect to harvest the heifers, good to choice, »4.26084.80; The rule, he declared, was defective journ, leaving the Carter amendment Princeton, N. J. — The 163d com­ in that It permitted the recall of a bill to be acted upon later. largest crop this year that they ever fa ir to medium, J3.50@ 4.76; bulls, »3 There are mencement of Princeton university picked. from a committee almost immediately votes enough to pass it, unless Hey­ @4; stags, »3.50085; calves, light. today was attended by one of the larg­ afte r it was referred, without giving burn defeats it by filibuster. J5.75@ 6.76; heavy, »4086. est crowds in years. President Wood- Brick Block at Willamina. tim e for its consideration. Hogs— Top, »9.60089.76; fa ir to me­ The only possible chance of passing row Wilson conferred degrees on 208 W illam ina- -J. B. Shetterly has be­ dium, »8.40089.15; fa ir to medium Senator Jones today introduced bills the »30,000,000 bill this session is as members of the senior class, and Dean gun the erection of a brick building Sheep— Best wethers, »4.50«86; fa ir appropriating »16,000 each for public an amendment to the conservation bill, Andrew F . West conferred the higher 60x70 feet in the business center of to good wethers, »4084.26; best ewes, building sites at Wenatchee and Ellens­ and that chance Heyburn threatens to degrees on examination, as well as six W illam ina. This w ill be the first »4084.50; lambs, choice, burg, Washington. »5.50086: destroy. honorary degrees. brick structure in the town. lambs, fa ir, M .76@ 6.25.